Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

Sangan to forbidden isn't that odd if you think about it. It hits the consistency of both Rescue Rabbit and Tour Guide without actually completely destroying their usability.

Only thing on that list that I really find odd is Zenmaity to forbidden, it really wasn't the problem with the deck at one, and hitting Magician would have probably been enough to lower some of the stupidity of the deck without crippling it.
Not sure if the list is real or not. But eh its okay. Wind Ups are/were the only meta deck i hated using. Its so dull to me. Dino Rabbit, Waterdek, fire Fists, DWs are all fun to use. Wind ups never interested me. So good riddence. Tier 3 andnever to be heard from again.

I HATE the Thunder King Rai-oh semi limit. HATE IT. I main 3 Rai Oh in all the decks i use. Its that good. Imo its the single best monster in the game. So the hit is justified. Card is too damn good. As long as its face up and remains face up it means your winning. Still, March formats are always terrible so a semi'd will promote a terrible format ala march 2012.
This list was made to make Konami cash. Why not hit Fire Fists? They're still selling. Same with Mermail Atlantians. Dino Rabbits were hit (through Sangan) but Rabbit can still be used to help the soon to be released Verz archtype. TKRO stops prophecies? Lets hit it. Man, I know Konami's a company but the least they could do is hit GAM and Fire Fists a little bit. Now we're headed to towards the fastest format in a while.
Tsukuyomi is pretty bad imo. Too slow and you lose field presence. Also i would never run 1 Tsukuyomi and Royal Tribute in the same deck. You are running two! If you like your monster line up, side the two Royal Tribute(there is some merit to siding it, you won't auto lose to Dark World, plus its only good against decks with 20+ monsters). I've never liked it. Terrible top deck and isn't worth the chance of opening it first hand. Add another trap and make it 40.

Or you could take out the two Tsukuyomi. Or at least 1 to make it 40. Stick to Forbidden Lance. Side 3 Space Typhoons.
i haven't played this game in like 7 years

i bought 3 shadow specter packs today and got ghostrick alucard, liked his art a lot, what can i do with him
Alucard is actually a really good card. Being a good generic rank 3 with a really solid effect.
edit: wait a second, there's a second ygo thread somewhere now isn't it?
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The first and original Yugioh era was the best..... Yugi, Joey and Tristin with Seto Kaiba. Blue Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician are my favorite cards tht I owned . I was sad when I saw the motorcycle one smh... I like the GX saga tho.
So I have recently been playing the DS3 game, Yu-gi-oh Dual Carnival-- and while the game itself kinda pales in features and playability compared to the old DS World Championship series (not to mention the game's only available in Japanese...); I've been enjoying myself.

One thing cool I've found about the game are the game-only/anime only cards available in it.

Specifically, I've been playing around a lot recently with Tribulldog card series.

Level 4
1200 ATK / 1000 DEF
Effect: Once per turn, Special Summon a "Tribulldog" from your hand.

Equip Spell
Effect: The equipped monster gains 500 ATK for each Beast-Type monster you control. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 "Tribulldog" from your Deck to your hand.

Normal Spell
Effect: If you control a Beast-Type monster: Special Summon 1 "Tribulldog" from your Deck or Graveyard.

Seems pretty underwhelming at first, but I've been playing the game with no monster bans (I know, whatever-- I'm playing on a DS how I wanna play, so whatever). Actually even if you play with no ban list, it's hard to make a deck that's truly broken since the game doesn't even have data on a lot of cards like Pot of Greed / Graceful Charity / CED / Yatagarasu / etc. etc.

I got to say, these cards have f'ing amazing synergy with the old Synchro Cat.

Deck: Raining Cats & Dogs

Monsters (20):
3x Giant Rat
3x X-Saber Airbellum
3x Summoner Monk
3x Rescue Cat
3x Tribulldog
2x The Fabled Ceruburrel
2x The Fabled Ganashia
1x Chaos Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

1x Heavy Storm
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
3x Forbidden Lance
1x Card Destruction
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Magical Mallet
3x DogKing
3x Doubulldog
1x Mind Control
(Cold Wave and Giant Trunade are not in this game :( )

2x Imperial Decree
1x Treacherous Trap Hole

(Will leave it up to your imagination-- so much potential here)

So it's Synchro Cat, just WAY more consistent than the original deck ever was after adding the bulldogs and Fabled monsters.

Let's talk about the synergy here.

-DogKing lowers the cost to use Summoner Monk-- because if DogKing is dropped for summoner monk's effect, then you get a TriBulldog added to your hand.

-Card destruction is really fun with DogKing + Fabled Monsters.

-Doubulldog and TriBulldog give you big potential to go for a OHKO even without Summoner Monks. Consider this situation: First turn set rat, rat => Tribulldog. Use Doubulldog or Tribulldog's effect to get your second level 4 to the field, summon Rescue Cat, go for the OHKO.

-You can normal summon a Synchro Cat, activate Doubulldog, special summon a Tribulldog from hand with the first's effect, and go for game right there too.

-^If you do something like the above and equip one of your summoned beasts with Dogking, you can smack the opponent for massive damage, THEN synch to Strikefighter in main phase 2 and sac for more damage.

-Equipping Dogking to something that will synch into Strikefighter or be sacked to Strikefighter will give you another tribulldog in hand, which you can special summon via another tribulldog's effect and sac for 800 more damage or attack with it.

-Sumo Dog is stupid good with Synchro Cat, whose main fear is the back row. If you get to summon Sumo dog to the field using your tribulldog cards before going for Summoner Monk, you probably have game right there.

Right now, I'm finding this deck incredibly fun to play... though it usually doesn't go pas 6-7 turns against any given computer opponent in the game.
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Wow, this shit is so complicated... and seems broke as fuck.
Complicated, when you aren't used to it. Broken, probably. The main issue with Pendulum summoning is consistency. As of this point in time, it isn't the most consistent way to play a deck and can still be outdone by the current top meta stuff. Of course, this is Yugioh so that will change soon enough.
Bringing this thread back to life...

Anyone going to YCS Charleston in Jan/Feb? :) Would be happy to say hello to anyone!

Also what are people's ideas on the right choice for the event? Obviously all related to the banlist, but could Burning Abyss still reign supreme or will something like Heroes or Qliphort take over top deck spot?
and i thought dragon rulers were a fucked enough archetype. this game is so hard to keep up with lol

True but this is one of the reasons why certain players are able to keep a leg up every event. Keeping up with the trends and new mechanics and decks of the game rewards the players who have tested a lot more :)
does anyone still play this game :D

basically over summer my friend caught a bit of worlds and got back into ygo so in the time from summer to winter he amassed like 2k cards and when we hung out we played a bunch. For some reason I really like being able to have a physical copy of the card, though for actual playing we just go on devpro (cuz school and stuff). I barely know what any archetypes do but ye I've messed around with melodious bc my friend had a TON of extra that he gave me and qliphort which from what I have played is op o.o
I'm not sure if this thread is pretty much dead but I have a Q:

Are (relatively old) Yugioh cards worth anything? I have a shit ton of really rare cards from back in the day, but I'm not sure if their values decreased by a lot. Random ultra/secret rares I would think would be worth a lot (original Exodia? Mirror Force? etc), but maybe Yugioh cards went the way of Beanie Babies. Is there anyway to gauge worth? please help broke medical student needs money
I'm not sure if this thread is pretty much dead but I have a Q:

Are (relatively old) Yugioh cards worth anything? I have a shit ton of really rare cards from back in the day, but I'm not sure if their values decreased by a lot. Random ultra/secret rares I would think would be worth a lot (original Exodia? Mirror Force? etc), but maybe Yugioh cards went the way of Beanie Babies. Is there anyway to gauge worth? please help broke medical student needs money

You probably have junk. You're not a vendor so you can forget getting 10 cents per crappy card because there is no market. So anything non valuable is instantly trash. The shiny cards are the only ones worth the trouble. If you have them in 1st edition near mint expect 40-50, otherwise 2-10 for something like Mirror Force and Exodia. Though for some reason you chose two cards that have stayed somewhat relevant even today. Other cards even if shiny won't be worth near as much(expect most of your shinies to be worth anything from .50 to 2 if not near mint 1st ed). You can use tcgplayer to see how much your card is worth. It's the best website because theres different sellers and different card quality. it really doesn't take long because there is absolutely no common card from the early sets worth anything at all.

And after you do that the problem will be finding people to sell it to. Stick to ebay or you can sell them to websites like trollandtoad for like half of what they're worth. I normally just barter. I got an xbox 360, blu rays, 2 3ds, dsi, several games, playstation 3, ipods bartering on pojo. You could try bartering face to face with the players in your local comic book store but they'll just want to trade for more yugioh cards and the only cards they buy are the ones that have use in todays game(everybody already has your cards because if they're any good they've been reprinted several times).
So I am a former player, DN Admin, and judge, but I quit playing the game over a year ago (right after Shadow Specters came out) because I was frustrated with how the metagame would be acceptable for 2 months of the year and then be shit for the other 10. A few friends have actually been talking to me about the game recently, and it's really been tempting to me.

Should I bother to get back into it? Is it worth my time? I still enjoy old Yugioh to some extent, but is modern Yugioh worth touching?
Sure buddy!

It is what you make of it. It's a malleable game. I play strictly DN, so I choose how the game comes to me, and so should you.

Currently rocking the shit out of Yosenju stun, and man is it beautiful. However! Boy is nekroz a bitch, but you just have to learn how to play over them, and as long as you play a semi-competitive deck, you will! It just takes practice, and that is what makes it fun. The game post the next booster, is Ruled by nekroz, but the lead isn't Dragon Ruler like. Qliphort, Shaddoll, Tellarknights, and Yosenju can hang when piloted right. If you love the game, you will get through all of it for better or worse. For fucks sake I dominated dragon ruler/spellbook format with a Hunder Eradicator virus turbo deck. It's all about your level of creativity and time. If you don't have both, don't bother.