Yugioh! TCG Thread

Ah yes. Yugioh was my first competitive game, actually. Played it from a very early age. The looks on the netdeckers' faces when they realized they lost to a ten-year-old kid who didn't have any Monarchs just never got old.

I don't remember my exact deck, but I do remember it having ~10 Spells/Traps combined and ~30 monsters. The strategy was fairly simple: Giant Rat, Giant Rat, Giant Rat, Howling Insect, Howling Insect, Howling Insect, Gokipon, Gokipon, Gokipon, Pinch Hopper, Pinch Hopper, Pinch Hopper, Brain Crusher/Saber Beetle, Chaos Necromancer/Doom Dozer. They destroy either, Monster Reincarnation. Yes, I'm aware this sounds scrubbish as hell, but in practice it was utterly brutal. Very few opponents are prepared for monsters that just do not die. Think "Zerg Rush" that is immediately followed with monsters whose power is based on the number of monsters the opponent has destroyed, and who just keep coming back even though half of them are supposedly unrevivable.

I quit playing ages ago though. Don't even recognize half of the cards you guys are mentioning...
Just wait for Arms Hole, we are supposedly getting it in the new Warrior Structure deck. There really isn't any good decks to run with Power Tool that I can think of tbh, most of the good Equips are banned or at one.

heres a link to a list of most if not all tcg equips if that may help or not.


I know pretty long.. not too sure how to get it cut down to size.

Autonomous Action Unit is probably one of the better ones overall that can fit into most decks.
I used to play back when it was really popular. I went to a couple of tourneys. I never made it past the 1st round. I played against all the rich kids who had every card I and everyone around them wanted. I went to local ones at my neighborhood card shop and another one at the mall. I lost 1st round at the mall to exodia. It really sucked. After I finally made an awesome deck and was ready to go to more tourneys, it had kind of died out. I got bored with the lack of people to play with, so I quit. I still have all the cards though.
one of my favorite decks was actually E-Hero themed.. called Big City. Uses Sky Scraper 2/Elemental Hero Ocean to reuse Stratos and was a pretty great antimeta deck back when Trap Dust was at three and Pulling the Rug hit every big deck hard (Demise, Monarch, Gadget) and even Stratos and Breaker.

I know not all of you guys are familiar with those decks.. but Demise was a OTK based abound the Ritual Monster Demise, King of Armageddon. There were a few people that always played that deck at a local I went to, so I brought this deck with me to that local and smacked around these duelist that I happened to face in the tournament. Ended up catching on and nobody else ran Demise for quite some time, which was the result I wanted.
one of my favorite decks was actually E-Hero themed.. called Big City. Uses Sky Scraper 2/Elemental Hero Ocean to reuse Stratos and was a pretty great antimeta deck back when Trap Dust was at three and Pulling the Rug hit every big deck hard (Demise, Monarch, Gadget) and even Stratos and Breaker.

I know not all of you guys are familiar with those decks.. but Demise was a OTK based abound the Ritual Monster Demise, King of Armageddon. There were a few people that always played that deck at a local I went to, so I brought this deck with me to that local and smacked around these duelist that I happened to face in the tournament. Ended up catching on and nobody else ran Demise for quite some time, which was the result I wanted.
Ha I used to run a Big City deck too. It's pretty fun to pull off. I stopped playing recently when the whole Konami/Upper Deck thing was going on and they stopped organized play, but I used to run a pretty good Stun deck. I still have the deck, but I'm too lazy to check out the exact build. I remember running 3 Raiohs/Wanghu/Kycoo with Fossil Dyna/Royal Oppression and some other stuff like Shrink. Worked pretty well at Locals against the loads of Lightsworn I saw :P
Incidentally, I also ran Big City; a couple months ago, in fact. It was a deck I had wanted to build for quite some time. Mine was an especially interesting build since it teched the likes of Evil Hero Malicious Edge (retreivable through Stratos and Ocean) and Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind.

If anyone is interested, I can try finding the decklist for it.

Ah yes. Yugioh was my first competitive game, actually. Played it from a very early age. The looks on the netdeckers' faces when they realized they lost to a ten-year-old kid who didn't have any Monarchs just never got old.

I don't remember my exact deck, but I do remember it having ~10 Spells/Traps combined and ~30 monsters. The strategy was fairly simple: Giant Rat, Giant Rat, Giant Rat, Howling Insect, Howling Insect, Howling Insect, Gokipon, Gokipon, Gokipon, Pinch Hopper, Pinch Hopper, Pinch Hopper, Brain Crusher/Saber Beetle, Chaos Necromancer/Doom Dozer. They destroy either, Monster Reincarnation. Yes, I'm aware this sounds scrubbish as hell, but in practice it was utterly brutal. Very few opponents are prepared for monsters that just do not die. Think "Zerg Rush" that is immediately followed with monsters whose power is based on the number of monsters the opponent has destroyed, and who just keep coming back even though half of them are supposedly unrevivable.

I quit playing ages ago though. Don't even recognize half of the cards you guys are mentioning...

I have to admit, it does sound fun. I think a revamp may actually do quite well. ^_^
Just wait for Arms Hole, we are supposedly getting it in the new Warrior Structure deck. There really isn't any good decks to run with Power Tool that I can think of tbh, most of the good Equips are banned or at one.

heres a link to a list of most if not all tcg equips if that may help or not.


I know pretty long.. not too sure how to get it cut down to size.

Autonomous Action Unit is probably one of the better ones overall that can fit into most decks.

supervis plant otk
Supervis is pretty badass, forgot about that card. So yeah there's a deck to run with Power Tool Dragon. Mark, Heritage, Supervis.
i'm not even sure how i feel about heritage and mark to be honest. mark gives the deck a mid-game, but i really enjoy playing a crazy speed version with reckless/upstarts and going for dark strike/mass driver while looping gigaplants with raptinus. only equip other than supervis that i play is d.d.r. just for combos after dragon's mirror.
A close friend of mine runs the same sort of deck, except he goes the Polymerization route instead. It is terribly efficient.

Care to explain what "Supervis" is?

Equip only to a Gemini Monster. The equipped monster is treated as an Effect Monster, and gains its effect. When this face-up card is sent to the Graveyard, select 1 Normal Monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it.

Glen - I'm not a real fan of those type of decks that require loops. Sorta how I never touched BP based teams. I see that it will probably work well considering we (maybe) have Arms Hole and Power Tool Dragon to search the important Equips. I would personally go down the route of beating my opponent to a pulp, rather than OTK. One logical reason is consistency issues and the fact I probably would bore myself to death going with a loop route.

Personally I would play at least 2/3 Supervis and 1 of each Mark/Heritage.

I love the fact you can actually use Copy Plant in this deck too. It has a lot of options in Synchros to give us if things stay unbanned.
Thanks, pal.

Supervis certainly is great, much-needed support for Gemini Monsters in general. So essentially, if the monster equipped with it is destroyed, it can be brought back immediately.
I was bored one day so I downloaded YGO 5D's World Championship 2009 onto my flash card and played it. Does that count? I made numerous decks in it since I cheated, and I have a deck that has never lost so far. If anyone bothers reading this, I could post it here.
I'm interested
Well, I've only played a few matches with this deck, but I think it did pretty good (although the AI in YGO 2009 can suck at times). But here goes (it's a final countdown deck):


-Blowback Dragon x3
-Dandylion x1
-Dark Resonator x3
-Gellenduo x3
-Guardian Sphinx x3
-Marshmallon x1
-Neo Spacian Grand Mole x1
-Pengiun Soldier x3
-Plaguespreader Zombie x3
-Shield Wing x3
-Spirit Reaper x1


-Clock Tower Prison x3
-Final Countdown x3
-Level Limit - Area B x1
-Messenger of Pease x3
-Mystical Space Typhoon x1


-Gravity Bind x1
-Magic Jammer x2
-Negate Attack x1
-Royal Decree x2
-Seven Tools of the Bandit x1

Total: 43 cards

Extra Deck

Stardust Dragon x3

The logic of the deck is fairly obvious; use Final Countdown early and stall. I think this deck could use some improvement, especially when its biggest enemies are burn decks. Thus I think I should replace Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (since I like never see the use of it) and other things for Des Wombats to remedy this.

Blowback Dragon and Guardian Sphinx is there to clear the field of any threats. BD provides a solution of getting rid of Spells/Traps that are face-up on the field that seem to give me problems, or to destroy face-down Spell/Trap cards to help ensure my safety. Guardian Sphinx can clear the opponent's field of monsters and can really annoy them if they have anything Fusion/Ritual/Synchro/Special effect summoned on the field.

You may be asking why I have Stardust Dragons in there. they're there to prevent my opponent from destroying my side of the field. This could be a problem to summon, but since I have Dark Resonator and Plaguespreader Zombies to help shield my life points as well as being Synchro fodders, this should not be a problem. My whole deck revolves around preventing my opponent from touching me or my monsters, so Stardust Dragon helps fortify my defences if they try to kill my Messenger of Peace, Gravity Bind, etc. Guardian Sphinx is used with Dark Resonator and Blowback Dragon is used with Plaguespreader Zombie for the Synchro Summoning of Stardust Dragon.

Clocktower Prison is there to prevent battle damage, and can really hassle opponents who doesn't use field Spell Cards! If I have Clocktower Prison with at least 4 counters, Des Wombat (which I will add soon), a card that prevents attacking, and Stardust Dragon after Final Countdown is activated, I am good to go.

I know this deck could use improvements, especially since YGO 2009 does not have all the cards currently released, so my resources were somewhat limited. Any comments? Oh, and this deck also hates mill decks, so any solutions to this?

I also have a fairy deck that I'm somewhat proud of. Here it is:

-Airknight Parshath x3
-Gellenduo x2
-Honest x2
-Marshmallon x1
-Mask of Darkness x2
-Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin x2
-Nimble Momonga x3
-Nova Summoner x3
-Radiant Jeral x3
-Shining Angel x3
-Spirit Reaper x1
-The Agent of Force - Mars x3
-The Agent of Jugment - Saturn x2
-Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x3

-Field Barrier x2
-Fissure x1
-Heavy Storm x1
-Monster Reborn x1
-Mystical Space Typhoon x1
-The Sanctuary in the Sky x3

-Magic Cylinder x1
-Magic Jammer x2
-Royal Decree x2
-Sakuretsu Armor x3
-Seven Tools of the Bandit x1
-Torrential Tribute x1

Total cards: 52

The main idea of this deck is to gain a large life point lead and finish the opponent off with Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin, The Agent of Force - Mars, or Agent of Judgment - Saturn. How you can potentially to this is like this: play The Sanctuary in the Sky, then suicide Shining Angel/Nova Summoner to summon Airknight Parshath to deal piercing damage. I was thinking of replacing Sakuretsu Armor with Draining Shields to help widen the life point difference (totally forgot about them as I was remaking a deck from a long, long time ago). Field Barrier ensures that my Santuary in the Sky lasts a while before going down.

This deck may seem large, but there are several cards to remedy this. I have 6 monsters that can search for lower-levelled fairies in my deck, which of course provides a shield and more importantly, thins my deck. If The Sanctuary in the Sky is present on the field, then you should have no problem with Shining Angel summoning things in attack position. I also have Nimble Momongas to help thin my deck, and net me life points at the same time. Furthermore, Zeradias, Herald of Heaven searches my deck for my key field spell card, and on a minor side note, Airknight Parshath and the Neo-Parshath lets me draw a card whenever it deals damage (note that they have piercing effects), so that also helps me get what I want.

Oh, and Honest provides a good shield when special summoned by Nova Summoner when The Sanctuary in the Sky is absent, and its effect lets me return it to my hand. Furthermore, it lets me take down stronger monsters by adding their attack to my Light-type monster (which is the majority in my deck), so it's basically my monster directly attacking my opponent after calculating (assuming that no other cards that modify attack points are activated at this time).

A minor thing to note is that when The Sanctuary in the Sky is present, I can use Radiant Jeral as tribute/discard cost fodders to net me life points.

Comments are very much appreciated.
If Neo Spacian Grand Mole is doing nothing for you, you're doing it wrong.
Well, I think it's because I drew it at the wrong time. Not saying that it's useless, in fact, it's one of the best cards out there. I may have said that it didn't do much for me from a biased point of view because I often draw it when I have complete control over the field anyway...

Yeah, for my Final Countdown deck, Des Wombat would be good additions, or at least in a Side Deck.
Dark Dust Spirit x3
Yamata Dragon
Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi x2
Level Stealer x3
Armageddon Knight x2
Cyber Dragon
Izanami x2
Mystic Tomato x2
Jester Confit x2
Plaguespreader Zombie

Foolish Burial x2
Heavy Storm
Brain Control
Lightning Vortex x2
My Body as a Shield
Giant Trunade
Creature Swap x2
Monster Reborn
Book of Moon x2
Mystic Box
Card of Safe Return

Threatening Roar x2
Torrential Tribute
Ultimate Offering

Basically, summon high-level Spirit, main phase 2 steal levels, next turn repeat.

EDIT: Done.
I quit the game after a while, I didn't want anyone to know I played it because it was "unpopular" at my school. Anyways, I have this Lightsworn Deck with one Judgement Dragon, played really well.
I quit the game after a while, I didn't want anyone to know I played it because it was "unpopular" at my school. Anyways, I have this Lightsworn Deck with one Judgement Dragon, played really well.
As I am too lazy to go grab the deck itself, I know that I have one JD, 3 Luminas, 2 Lylas, 1 Ehren.
LS is pretty good, only problem I have with it is consistency. I dont usually have a problem beating the deck after side boarding, another reason I never was really into it.

yeah I made the wrong choice in playing ygo at school. Wish I didn't tbh now that I look back but damn I still had a blast at times.
Hahahah, I always used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! after school with my best pal. Had no effect on how people viewed us.

In any case, Lightsworn is a very good archetype, but I find that it is best used to suppliment other strategies.
agreed, I was real into teching 2x Ryko and a Lyla in Zombies last format and teching a copy or two in Cat Synchro.

it was more of me caring too much about the game to really socialize. Plus being a bit of a social phob doesn't really help haha.