No, not really. First of all, Zoroark does rely on Flamethrower to KO Bug-types (most of which aren't as fast as Zoroark0, and with +2 in Special Attack, it also KOes most Fighting-types. Extrasensory is also an option to KO Fighting-types, with +2 Dark Pulse KOing the Bug-types. Overall, Hidden Power Flying is just plain less usable than the followed options.Okay, this is merely theorymon, but wouldn't Hidden Power Flying be a good option over flamethrower for most sets. While that would make you rely on Focus blast for steel types, that would take out the fighting and bug types that give Zoroark trouble.
Hidden Power Psychic is good to, just in case your opponent switches in a fighting type. I would much rather have that over HP Ice.
Zoroark, in both body type and stat spread, makes me think that he's like Lucario "only more so" in that he hits harder and faster at the cost of even lower defenses, but what mainly holds him back is his inferior defensive typing. As such, depending on who else is on your team, you'll want to plan your switches so that Zoroark isn't on the receiving end of any entry hazards, sandstorm or hail that might give away his typing. Another tell-tale sign is his pathetic 60/60/60 defenses, meaning that if he tries to pose as a bulky Pokemon switching into a powerful attack, you will often end up not only losing him, but revealing another team member. Thus, pretty much the only time to send him in is after a KO.
Speaking of which, Team Preview will alert your opponent to the fact that you have a Zoroark, and as much as forewarned is forearmed, he still won't know when you plan to reveal it.
Overall, this Pokemon is one you can't just throw onto any team and expect him to work: This guy requires a good deal of team support and the ability to play mind games with the foe to truly shine. Still, I think he's fast enough to consider running a Specs set with Dark Pulse as the main STAB, though he'll play like an inferior Darkrai.
Well, to be quite honest, I'm finding this hard to execute due to the reliance of the opponent's actions rather than your own, and the fact that leads outside of Deoxys-S and weather starters don't exist. Whereas Nasty Plot Zoroark can set up on unsuspecting Pokemon and actually keep its boosts, "SwaggerRoark" is too reliant on the opponent's chance of confusion AND its Attack boosts. It may even get KO'd in the process due to Swagger's side effect (hence Swagger never being used competitively).Could I suggest adding a somewhat gimmick mixed Zoroark set?
Timid, Life Orb, max sp atk, max spe
Swagger, Foul Play, Flamethrower, Extrasensory
Foul Play takes the attack stat of the opponent so when you use Swagger you're giving them confusion and a swords dance which although could negatively affect you, the Foul Play with the Life Orb will generally ensure an OHKO after confusion hax... Ghost types such as Chandelure are great partners for Illusion because a flamethrower coming off a Chandelure is expected but the opponent won't know... This is my lead Zoroark set... :)
PKG, hello, how are you. (you know what I'm wondering right now, don't you). Let's do that please. ;)