Pokémon Showdown
The Smog
Issue 30
The Smog community web-zine
Smogon's Web-zine
Released September 26, 2013
This issue of The Smog is brought to you by
these contributors
Note From the Editor
Sun and Sandz: A Farewell Interview
What is Smogon Mentorship?
What's going on in RMT?
Battling Strategy
NU Teambuilding 101
A Beginner's Guide to Trick Room
The Outrageous Dragons of RU
Powerful Plants: The Grass-types of RU
NU's Top Threats: How do they fare in RU?
Metagame Comparison: DPP UU vs BW RU
Differences Between Smogon Doubles and VGC
When Babies Escape Daycare: LC Pokemon That Wreck Outside of LC
Anything Goes! Balanced Hackmons Threats Revealed
Arts & Recreation
The Arterview: elcheeso
Movie Critics - The Panel: Blue Times Two
Smogon Noir - The Underside of Smogburbia
The Five Stages of Hax
Plus drops some bars
RODANNING it, how to survive on smogon whilst badgeless
The Societea: The Aftermath
Other Features
Best New Moves of Each Generation
Mega Speculation: Mega Evolutions and Their Potential Impact
Generation Five: The reasons why we wish we didn't have to say goodbye
Similarities & Differences: Mantine & Skarmory
Pokémon Origins
Streaming: Next Generation YouTubers
RU Sure About That? Advising Opponents on the RU Ladder
A Cyclic Psychic: The Ups and Downs of Alakazam