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  • Hey Ninja, did you want to pick up an EV'd version of that Gliscor? You'll have to clone me back a copy though sorry D:
    i was wondering if i could cash in 2 more credits. I noticed 2 pokes in the "etc" question that work beautifully with what i need.

    Jolly Beldum
    Jolly Larvitar

    Thanks =)
    Thanks for Magnezone. I'll wait online for you to come back with a copy of Ho-oh.
    Cool. I'll go online with my SS then. I do need a copy of Ho-oh cloned back to me though.
    The non-shiny level 32 Magnezone looks fine then. I can trade whenever, just let me know when you want to.
    Ho-oh for Magnezone sounds good. Do you have an EV'd version at level 50 or higher? Also, can you clone? I might only have one Ho-oh so I might need to have it cloned back to me.
    Thank you so much for being honest.
    Yeah I kind of disliked the blue myself. I was going to do some awesome colors with it, but idk what happened.
    Yeah, I know. I'm still getting used to the tools more than I am with the whole "I'm trying to make something insanely awesomesauce!" So it's more testing than it is for overall design. But feedback is always good ^_^
    Here is something else I'm working on and would love your opinion on;
    Same pic just updated a bit;

    And okie dokie. I'll update my post with them.
    Hey Ninja!
    I was wondering if you'd be do a critique for me? :P
    I'm still new to the whole graphic design. So be as tough as you can be, and hold back :P
    I just recently did this, and kind of am still getting used to the tools and this is what I came out with (I know it's small, I forgot to set it bigger xD!):
    Hellllooo friend.

    I havent heard from you in a while, but I have a nice 8 hour car/train trip coming up!

    Would you like for me to train another 6 pokes ?! =D, give me somethin to do!
    Hello :) sorry I haven't been on, I've had crazy amounts of work, I can trade whenever :) VM me if you see me on or PM for a specific time :)
    Np :] Just so you know, even though the Ampharos is shiny, it's completely useless xD
    Sorry D: I should've registered 2 different names so I could tell your SS from your Pt :/ If you want, I can stay on, then you can get on your Pt to trade me back the Tran and Mewtwo, then get back on SS and I'll give you back the Tran and Mewtwo. If you want. :]
    Wait, am I trading with your SS now?

    Edit: Nvm, I'm pretty sure this is your Pt, since I see no Altaria. But I was stupid and forgot that you wanted them on your SS D:
    Ok, I got it, I'll be right on :] So, I trade 2 pokemon to your Pt and 1 to your SS, or do I trade all 3 to one game?
    I see you as well! :]

    You wanted Suicune, Heatran, and Mewtwo, correct? The Heatran is NFT for you, and sadly, its NN is unchangeable. I should register your FC in your sig, right?
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