Fair enough, but all those damage calcs that you have listed Dragonite can do it too, since both Dragonite and Mence can run outrage and draco meteor. Anyways, Choice Scarf Jirachi can come in on Mence while DDing (assuming Mence is adamant) and finish it off with Ice Punch or switch in on Mixmence's Outrages or Earthquake (Earthquake will not OHKO Jirachi on a Mixmence), and finish it off with ice punch/iron head. It's not a 100% counter, but it's a good check for Mence.@Misa, Suicune/Milotic can't safely switch into a Draco Meteor then take an Outrage
Also there is no proper SpD Wall set for Milotic zZz
Bold Milotic 248 HP / 252 Def
Naive 240 SpA Draco Meteor vs Bold Milotic 248 HP / 0 SpD
Naive 16 Atk Outrage vs Bold Milotic 248 HP / 252 Def
=High chance for 2HKO, and thats not including leftovers.
Suicune 252 HP / 252 Def
Naive 240 SpA Draco Meteor vs Bold Suicune 252 HP / 0 SpD
Naive 16 Atk Outrage vs Bold Suicune 252 HP / 252 Def
Which is something like a 50/50 chance to 2HKO when you factor in Stealth Rock and one turn of Leftovers. It can't switch in on either of its STAB moves, Draco Meteor being the most likely one to be spammed first.
Choice Scarf Jirachi is defnitely NOT a counter, it can revenge kill, then again almost anything can revenge kill anything, so >.>, not to mention it takes SE from 2 of its 4 attacks.
edit: Choice Scarf Heatran and Metagross can come in on an Outrage (or fire blast in Heatran's case) and can KO with HP Ice or Ice Punch. Fun fact.