Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

Allure of Darkness would like to have a word with you. Limited in Japan before they even got it. Check and mate.

I don't care if the list is fake or not. If it's real all it does is massively cripple my friends deck.
That was a TCG list though. Allure was never on the OCG list until it came out in EP1.

What I'm saying is Japan can't hit Tengu because it doesn't even exist over there (Sixth Sense is not on the TCG banlist if you haven't noticed). However, it can be hit on the TCG list (which comes out like a week after the OCG list).

Also, I'm seriously hoping Konami of America gets their heads out of their asses and remove the goddamn ignition priority.

Super Mario Bro

All we ever look for
I have some breaking news for everyone. The ban list Shriek posted (but proceeded to take down) has been confirmed to be legitimate:

Shriek confirms:

My thoughts on each individual card:


Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier -- This is fine, but I don't feel strongly about it. BLS is certainly more broken and it's limited.
Glow-Up Bulb -- It enables some crazy plays, but I would have preferred a ban on Dandylion.
Spore -- Incredibly overkill. Spore is situational and only works in the specific plant engine.
Trap Dustshoot -- Good


T.G. Striker -- Not broken
The Agent Of Mystery - Earth -- Expected. It was either this or Venus.


Marshmallon -- Fine
Level Limit - Area B -- Fine
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner -- Fine
Emergency Teleport -- Fine
Shien's Smoke Signal -- I don't like Sams, but this won't break them
Torrential Tribute -- In normal circumstances, I wouldn't want this to be any higher than 1. But decks that would be viable in this format (Wind-ups, Inzektors, and Rabbit) all swarm the field, and this card is a very good check to them. Expect this to be an instant staple in every deck at 2.
Reborn Tengu -- Good
Ultimate Offering -- Fine


Call of Haunted -- Don't really have an opinion on this one. It's ok, I guess

At a glance, this list may not seem bad, but it did not hit any of the major decks that have been dominating in the TCG lately (Wind-ups, Inzektors, and Rescue Rabbit). Most people at least wanted the Wind-up loop to be hit, and the fact that it hasn't will probably disappoint many people (including myself). You will probably have to maindeck a significant amount of hand traps to even have a chance against Wind-ups this format.

I also do not like how Konami completely slaughtered plant synchro. It seems like they just want their playerbase to be prepared for a new XYZ age, and ruining the best synchro deck was apparently the best method in doing so.

I'm really not looking forward to this format, since it just seems like more of the same of the end of the September 2011 format (lord knows it's awful).

Thoughts, anyone?
i dont get why people are mad about plants getting destroyed, theyve been a tier one deck for longer than any other deck i can think of
I just started playing Yu-Gi-Oh again two to three weeks ago thanks to Duel Network. I hadn't played in about seven to eight years and had stopped for the reason of 01. booster packs + starter decks really add up in price. 02. Some kid stole my Kaiba deck I made back in middle school in 2004. I've been doing pretty decent I would say.

About the ban list, I really have nothing to say since I'm still trying to get used to everything. I was like "What the fuck" is that when I first saw a Synchro and XYZ monster.

Super Mario Bro

All we ever look for
i dont get why people are mad about plants getting destroyed, theyve been a tier one deck for longer than any other deck i can think of

I think people are angrier at the fact that Wind-ups/Rabbits/Inzektors were not addressed. Hitting plants was expected, but I think they totally went overkill; banning One-for-one and Dandy would have hindered the deck enough, but making the deck completely unplayable by killing both of the plant tuners just seems kinda stupid to me.
As far as things that are on the list go, there is nothing wrong with it.
Things that are not on the list however, there's a lot to be said about those.

Not hitting any of the new herp derp decks is Konami again not giving a fuck about the competitive scene.
rofl, I don't get why everyone is so surprised at wind-ups, inzekts and rabbit not getting hit. ORCS just came out, and they still want to make a good amount of money before hitting the decks. this banlist is just hitting decks that topped in OCG before ORCS was released. come next banlist, everything will be getting hit.
rofl, I don't get why everyone is so surprised at wind-ups, inzekts and rabbit not getting hit. ORCS just came out, and they still want to make a good amount of money before hitting the decks. this banlist is just hitting decks that topped in OCG before ORCS was released. come next banlist, everything will be getting hit.
Wind up don't need hunter to top , i mean the deck isn't crippled if they banned hunter , i expected that at least .
Wind-Up's don't need Hunter to do well. If you open up with Magician and Shark and you play smartly your field will be full by the end of the turn.

Hunter needs to go NOT because it makes Wind-Ups Tier 1 (they already are), but because it is broken.

EDIT: Also Hitting Glow-Up/Spore was retarted just ban Dandylion jesus.


is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnuswon the 10th Official Smogon Tournamentdefeated the Smogon Frontieris a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
windups can keep hunter if they hit rat/zenmaity/factory.

hunter is only good because of all the stupid ass loops that come from zenmaity and rat

Super Mario Bro

All we ever look for
T.G. Stun wins YCS Atlanta!

I guess this shows how effective Skill Drain is against Tier 1 decks at the moment (especially since the kid didn't main a single Maxx "C"!). I'm not sure that the deck will see any play next format, though, as it was effectively nerfed with the semi-limit of Tengu and the limit of T.G. Striker.

The fact that almost all other decks in the top 16 were Dino Rabbit and Wind-ups is a bit unsettling, albeit not suprising. Next format will be a very stale one methinks.
I like how Empty Jar of all things made the top 32.

Bleh, this next format is gonna look pretty bleak. Konami did almost nothing to address the derp.
My deck x_x

It was good having you debrishime LADD synchro; you've served me well over the years but now you suck. No spore trish or glowup, lonefire debris and dandy at 1, tengu at 2... honestly just what it's like konami are actually trying to make me stop playing. It wasn't even broken lol it was just one of the most fun and skill-based decks out there. I could write a huge love letter to my amazing deck I liked it that much, but I can't be bothered lol. Played differently every game but always consistently won even at tournaments (I never failed to top 4 locals with it). Anyway, looks like I'm done with yugioh eheh.
What shoulda happened is that they should have Limited Rat, Zenmaighty and Dragonfly and banned Dandy. That would of solved some problems at least. Possibly limited Rabbit but I would have liked to see it at 2 first.

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