CAP 3 CAP 3 - Part 9 (Main Ability Discussion)

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Battle Armour
It fits his theme, and immunity to Critical Hits is always a good thing.

Having another Critical Hit-related Trait would be interesting, and, again, it fits his theme.
ANY pokemon with 524 attack is a threat. Even with only the basic moves given to every pokemon, it'll still pack a punch with Return/Frustration, and Giga Impact may finally have a reason to exist.
Well being able to give Giga Impact a viable uses would be cool. Personally Huge Power make a great deal of sense when placed on him, but since everyone hates the idea I'll just drop it.

A possibility I'd like to bring to the table is Dry Skin. I mean, come on: it's a lizard, not to mention a lizard that is part fire. Now, I know this wouldn't do wonders for the Woodman's defenses, but I figure that with the bulky stats, it wouldn't be a problem. Also Dry Skin would be a very flavorful ability, matching the flavorosity of Battle Armor.
Erh...isn't Dry Skin given onto thing with naturally moist skin like frogs? I don't understand the logic behind giving it Dry Skin when it's a reptile.
Erh...isn't Dry Skin given onto this with naturally moist skin like frogs? I don't understand the logic behind giving it Dry Skin when it's a reptile.

*pst* Frogs aren't reptiles, they're amphibians.

Dictionary said:
reptile |ˈreptəl; ˈrepˌtīl|
1. a cold-blooded vertebrate of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. They are distinguished by having a dry scaly skin, and typically laying soft-shelled eggs on land.

amphibian |amˈfibēən|
noun Zoology
a cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. They are distinguished by having an aquatic gill-breathing larval stage followed (typically) by a terrestrial lung-breathing adult stage.
I would like to throw DROUGHT into the discussion. An auto-weather poke would be nice, especially one to stop the Sandstorms, and it would give our guy a cool niche.
Yes I know and that's frightening to say the least, but with a limited offensive movepool, it's not going to be a fucking huge threat. I'm having a hunch it wouldn't have Earthquake, Head Smash, Stone Edge, and other useful physical move to use Huge Power much. Despite suiciding against alot of stuff with two recoil moves isn't cool.

BTW, Huge Power Japanese's name when translated was "Power Charge". That sounds somewhat cannon relating.

Huge Power would really be obscenely powerful. The only thing that could remotely think of switching safely into Woodman @ Choice Band with Seed Bomb/Flare Blitz/Return/filler would be Heatran (which is still 3HKO'd without a lot of defensive investment); everything else is neutral to at least one attack and thusly ripped to shreds by a 102 bp move off 786 attack. I want this to be a workable physical attacker but Huge Power isn't the way to go. I still think Rock Head is the best option for giving this some physical power.
I'm all for Battle Armor, but I can totally see Flame Body, especially with the rockets coming out of his back.

EDIT: Actually I think I would prefer Clorophyll or Leaf Guard.
Battle Armor
For the defensive woodman, fits theme and negates crits

Solar Power
For the offensive woodman, puts some power behind his special attacks

Normally I'd be all for chlorophyll, but the sprite looks less lightning fast, more slow and powerful. Dunno if that makes sense.

This pokemon has two excellent special STABS if sunlight is in effect: A powerful boosted Fire Blast and a no charge STAB Solarbeam. The only thing holding it back is a weak speed stat, which is helped by Chlorophyll

Or even better as an ability: Drought

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but an auto-sun inducer would be highly beneficial towards the metagame. Sunlight is a rarely used weather effect, and it needs a boost so that it is on par with the others. If this pokemon gets Drought, then it would diversify the metagame for sure, since many previously unusable pokemon would suddenly become viable.
Defensive Abilities:
Battle Armor - His power level is OVER 9000 Trunks!
Leaf Guard - Sunny Day becomes Safeguard, Synthesis booster, and fire attack booster all in once. A very solid choice on a pokemon who can take the most advantage of it. Toxic this Bloss? I think not.
Solid Wood (I jest)
Sturdy - LOL at Sheer Cold and Fissure?

Offensive Abilities:
Solar Power - Obscene power on fire and grass attacks? Yes plox.
Rough Skin - It is made of barky wood.

Personally I'd go for Battle Armor and Leaf Guard, but that's just me.

Also n00blets, no Drought or Drizzle. Sorry folks, Auto-Sun just makes too many pokemon too powerful. Cool as a resurgence of Exeggutor would be, I really don't want a whole slew of pokemon with Sleep Powder outspeeding everything, not to mention boning every single water type not named Rain Dance Kingdra or RD Ludicolo.
I really want Rock Head. The Physical side will be all for naught if it can't get a hold of those awesome STAB 120 BPs.

I've also thought about Battle Armor, so I guess those would be my two picks.

Agreeing, entirely.

Mostly for artistic reasons. But also because they help, but not a lot. Like Keen Eye/Sturdy on Skarmory.
I would like to throw DROUGHT into the discussion. An auto-weather poke would be nice, especially one to stop the Sandstorms, and it would give our guy a cool niche.

And it would make our guy the next abused OU, with a team consisting of him/heatran/jumpluff/shifty/sunflora/etc. Drought should stay in Ubers.

I think he should have Solar Power or Clorophyl, for obvious reasons. His speed isnt too great, so Clorophyl will help out there. Battle Armor seems pointless, since crits rarely occour unless its Night Slash or something. No, a clorophyl with good stats won't be broken. I mean, there are pokemon that have similar abilities with good stats.

*pst* Frogs aren't reptiles, they're amphibians.
I already know that all I’m saying is that just because it has dry scaly skin doesn't mean it enough justifiable evidence this ability. If having dry scaly skin was a justifiable reason behind Dry Skin then why Pokémon like Seviper, Ekans, and a few other reptilian looking creatures don’t have it. Why is it that Dry Skin has been given to only two Pokémon, both not considered reptiles in any shape or form? The idea behind Dry Skin's effect is it's based on the fact that you're skin has lost all it's moisture, thus causing your skin to crack and probably bleed. Reptile skin are covered in scales, while dry are designed to keep moisture in. If we're assuming that Dry Skin reasoning behind its effect is on the idea of moisten skin being dried out and causing, then a reptilian creature really can't get this ability as it's skin is protected from that.
I would love to see Drought, I think the huge volcanos on his back would give enough heat to start one. Not to mention it would work perfectly for my new sunny day team >.>
I like Rock Headfor an offensive ability, and Battle Armor for Defensive, because it's wearing armor. Personally, I think "Rock Head" is a metaphor, because my friend's nickname became Rock Head when we found out that when he was 5, a TV fell on him and nothing happened.

Also, just to be the Grammar Police, I noticed that people are spelling Chlorophyll with only one L. Not that it really matters, of course.
Battle Armor is the best option, despite boring, it really fits. Helps him be a reliable tank and I'm assuming he's not getting Bulk Up/Calm Mind so, not broken.

Solar Power I prefer over Chlorophyll considering we choose it to have low speed on purpose... Why would it be a good idea to boost it now? Anyway, Solar Power helps him go offensive and all offensive. Will be the lesser used ability, but I think it should lose out to Battle Armor usually considering the art.

No drought.
but I think it should lose out to Battle Armor usually considering the art.
This guy has so many options, he really does need to have two abilities. I think that's what you were saying at least, but I'm tired and my eyes have already betrayed me about 4 times in the last hour.
I still don't see why everyone is ignoring Leaf Guard when it fits so perfectly and aides this pokemon in so many ways. Seriously, it can't statused if it uses Sunny Day first. GL Bloss, Shuckle.
I do somewhat like Leaf Guard. Being able to Fire Blast for like, 270BP while being immune to status is quite nice.
I already know that all I’m saying is that just because it has dry scaly skin doesn't mean it enough justifiable evidence this ability. If having dry scaly skin was a justifiable reason behind Dry Skin then why Pokémon like Seviper, Ekans, and a few other reptilian looking creatures don’t have it. Why is it that Dry Skin has been given to only two Pokémon, both not considered reptiles in any shape or form? The idea behind Dry Skin's effect is it's based on the fact that you're skin has lost all it's moisture, thus causing your skin to crack and probably bleed. Reptile skin are covered in scales, while dry are designed to keep moisture in. If we're assuming that Dry Skin reasoning behind its effect is on the idea that Pokémon with the ability have moist skin, then a reptilian creature really can get this ability.

Where is that logic when people suggests Rock head in this thread? Don't take as this personal attack on you this just me venting a little again about Rock Head.You logically took apart Dry Skin(Lizard especially desert lizard have dry skin) if people did with that Rock Head they would not even be suggesting it but this is going be last time saying something about it we each have our own opinion.

I even don't think rock head would be broken trait or a bad trait just don't think it is the be the perfect fit like people make sound.Also i would much rather see Reckless for Flare blitz,Wood Hammer,Head Smash,Double Edge recoil move abuse,the glass cannon approach .
Having this pokemon with Leaf Guard would be interesting. I personally like it to have Rock Head and either Intimidate or Solar Power myself. I just wished giving it Head Smash was an option for it.
Battle Armor
For the defensive woodman, fits theme and negates crits

Solar Power
For the offensive woodman, puts some power behind his special attacks

Chlorophyll would be wayyy OP
If it gets an ability that involves the sun, it should get another one, because I don't like the idea of it having to give up a slot to Sunny Day in every set to even make use of it. I had a couple of ideas.

Splinters - Damages enemies using contact moves 12.5%. (Rough Skin clone, made up) Seems plausible, and it's really wasted on Sharpedo. This guy can actually take hits.

Hustle - Assuming that this isn't the main ability, it could be used to make a physical set more viable. It's not completely out of the question.
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