CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 2 (Primary Typing Poll 2)

Which should be our Pokemon's primary type?

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Jagged_Angel, I'd recommend you stop spamming this topic with your nonsense. Eric has every right to ask people to vote what he did, and he has every right to spam that in capitals until asked to stop.
This is outrageous! eric the espeon is broadcasting in CAPITALS on the CAP server that everyone should vote electric, plus PMing everyone he knows to get them to vote electric too.

Maybe I'm just disgruntled cos I'm a lowly noob in comparison but surely this should be about what type people Want to choose rather than people who have nothing to do with the CAP project voting to support their friends?

If electric wins you better realise - it's already poisoned!

Yeah, I'm sure glad we don't allow that in our presidential campaigns.

And how many electric voters are going to vote for it as a secondary type if Poison wins? Every one of them, I hope.
I believe there is no real way to define "cheating" here. The anti-Electric folks are going to say that Doug, eric, and Aldaron are using their influence to bring in voters. The anti-Poison folks will say that a bunch of newbies are coming in to vote for Poison. It would seem we have reached an impasse. Perhaps we should just let the vote turn out the way it will, hmmm?

Besides, regardless of which type wins, the other one is going to become a dual-typing.

Vote Electric

I think it would be cool to have a useful Electric other than Zapdos.

Why would you say this. Zapdos is a utility pokemon. You're merely proving that we already have an Electric utility pokemon, so why would we need another one?
Since when is the CaP project in anyway associated with the American Presidential campaigns?

Again, stop with the off topic nonsense guys.

I'd like to emphasize how poor a choice Poison is for this Pokemon's typing.

People who are experienced with the CaP metagame will note that Psychic from individuals such as Bronzong and Jirachi has become much more common place, along with the Pokemon themselves. The Psychic weakness hinder this Pokemon.

Additionally, if you want to break out of the Utility mold, Poison offers essentially no non gimmick offensive potential, while Electric certainly does with a useful STAB and Charge Beam.

Also, since it's pretty much guaranteed that this thing will get a 50% recovery move, should Toxic Spikes actually be a decent way to deal with it?

Let's keep Toxic Spikes viable on this server, thank you very much.
I love it! A close vote, accusations of cheating, lines being drawn between camps, and disputed results even prior to the poll close. This is Florida all over again. How do we count hanging chads Sunday?

But seriously, I think Electric is a better choice for the CAP server. Aldaron and Bass have done a great job of explaining the reasons. Psychic is not uncommon on the CAP server. It's not as prevalent as Flying, but you can expect a fair number of Metagross, Cressy, Celebi, and Bronzong to carry it in an effort to thwart Revenankh.

Since when was Toxic Spikes not viable? If giving this Pokemon a Poison type is going to get it Psychicked (haha that's actually the word) to death, and give it almost no offense, then you shouldn't need Toxic Spikes to kill it. It's not going to be some mega-tank like Revenankh (at least I hope not). A little like Cresselia maybe.
I'll be severely disappointed if electric loses, after all the effort we've put in for the cause, it'd be such a shame to lose by a miniscule margin of just 3 votes.

Hour and a half to go.

i also think that people like eric, spanky, and plus are doing this unfairly. if you go onto the CaP server they will be spamming to vote for electric. ive seen spanky and plus telling anyone who comes on, in capitals, to vote for electric and today i was kicked by plus for saying i voted for poison, just to show how they are trying to use their driver ability to persuade everyone else. like jagged angle said, eric has been PM people saying to vote for electric and then giving the link. if he would have just said something like " remember to vote on the primary typing poll" and then give the link i wouldn't have a problem with it at all. they are even going over into other servers to try and get vote which i believe is totally unacceptable. this was supposed to be where everyone had an opinion and they're trying to manipulate people who have not yet decided to get what they want, which ruins the community aspect of the CaP server. this has gotten so ridiculous it really making me want to stop going to the server. i mean, is it going to be like this every time we are having a poll? because it really makes me not enjoy playing there like i used to.
voted poison just to piss off aldaron (i luv u)

Hahahaha no. I just want something else to absorb tspikes! (right..)
Since when is the CaP project in anyway associated with the American Presidential campaigns?

Again, stop with the off topic nonsense guys.

Off topic nonsense? I made an insightful parallel, that's all. It backed up the main point of my post, which was listing reasons as to why a Poison/Electric Pokemon would be a good type combination.
You are entitled to your opinion as to why this Pokemon should be Electric, and I'm entitled to voice my opinion that it should be both. Poison does have its "utility gimmicks" one namely being the ability to absorb toxic spikes rather than suffer from it. You've already posted why you think Electric should be this Pokemon's primary type, and you need not restate those reasons and treat them as though they bring something new to this thread.
Cooper said:

Why would you say this. Zapdos is a utility pokemon. You're merely proving that we already have an Electric utility pokemon, so why would we need another one?

Zapdos isn't pure utility. Tentacruel however, is or is much closer to pure utility thanks to toxic spike absorption, rapid spin, and having toxic spikes itself. Zapdos however, usually only carries one utility move.
Uhh, omgthatkid95...I wasn't even directing that towards you. Don't be so self-absorbed next time.

And moi's reasoning shows exactly why I am going to push for more a more stringent guideline for posting in the future. I don't want people not involved in this project making such significant votes.

I have absolutely no problem with campaigning for a side, but I do with voting for no particular reason.
Ok Aldaron, I will only post sensible posts from now on, as long as you don't class me asking people to VOTE POISON as nonsense?

Here's why Poison should be chosen over electric:

1. The toxic spikes sucking up, and toxic immunity is very handy for a utility pokemon to have.

2. The typing provides a resistance to Fighting which is an extremely common attack type. Psychic is probably the 3rd least used STAB other than Poison and Steel.

3. Poison is the least common type in the OU tier, and the few BL poisons are Not pure utility.

4. Electric pokemon in OU already have many utility options suggested by Smogon.

5. Poison is the worst STAB in the game. This is a positive because our mandate in creating this is Pure Utility. It is the time when STAB would be least needed as an offense.
I'm voting Electric, the biggest reason being what's been stated a few times in this thread. A weakness to Psychic in the CAP Metagame is absolutely killer these days.

I actually ran into a Celebi running Psychic over Grass Knot. Crazy.

Aside from that, Electric resists Flying, which, to date, every single CAP Pokemon is weak to.
Whew, this is a great discussion.
And Aldaron, you specifically stated the American Presidential Campaigns, which I brought up. Then you started talking about being off topic.
So I clarified why that was on topic.
i also think that people like eric, spanky, and plus are doing this unfairly. if you go onto the CaP server they will be spamming to vote for electric. ive seen spanky and plus telling anyone who comes on, in capitals, to vote for electric and today i was kicked by plus for saying i voted for poison, just to show how they are trying to use their driver ability to persuade everyone else. like jagged angle said, eric has been PM people saying to vote for electric and then giving the link. if he would have just said something like " remember to vote on the primary typing poll" and then give the link i wouldn't have a problem with it at all. they are even going over into other servers to try and get vote which i believe is totally unacceptable. this was supposed to be where everyone had an opinion and they're trying to manipulate people who have not yet decided to get what they want, which ruins the community aspect of the CaP server. this has gotten so ridiculous it really making me want to stop going to the server. i mean, is it going to be like this every time we are having a poll? because it really makes me not enjoy playing there like i used to.

You were basically rubbing it in our faces when you said you voted for poison. You voted poison just to piss us off, alive. Honestly, you were being an ass about it, and I'm sure SoT (Spanky) would surely agree.
I have absolutely no problem with campaigning for a side, but I do with voting for no particular reason.

And I think it's perfectly legitimate to say that I have a problem with people telling others to vote for an option without them having access to both sides of the argument.
And since Electric has Light Screen and Thunder Wave, and can have Charge Beam as an attacking option, you wouldn't be opposed to Poison/Electric, would you?

I have a problem with idiots coming in and voting at all. On anything. Especially Poison as most are just doing it for 'LOL ABSORBS TOXIC SPIKES' which we have Tentacruel for already.
Aldaron, you obviously don't understand the joke that I was trying to make in the post, I understand that this is serious, but I have been on the server enough to understand what it is like.

For one, I feel that poison typing allows my team on the server to absorb the Bug attacks delt to me by Syclant, one of the main threats. It also absorbs Focus Blast, Super Power, and Brick Break which allows it to do decently with most of them that they face. It takes neutral damage from Ice Beam, but I feel as if this can be absorbed by Bulky Stats, which are common on utility.

Toxic Spikes absortion is a rather large issue for me. I know for one that the two most viable for this case are Roserade and Tentacruel. Adding more to the mix would be a good thing in my opinion, as it does hinder the ability to lay them down. However, we have no idea as to if thing will be even able to absorb them, as Levitate is a possibility.

But this typing also allows for a wide variety of support moves, as stated by other posters here. Toxic Spikes could possibly be given. Toxic is on every single Poison type. Depending on its second typing, we could build on the utility movepool given. However, this isn't to say that Electrics won't have a good support movepool. Thunder Wave and the Screens are common on a lot of electrics, which is also good for a support movepool.

The one thing that made me slightly want to vote Electric is the one weakness, however, I feel as if there are more useful resistances on Poison, which sways my vote that way.
I'm gone for a day and look what happens.

Aldaron, the way people have been "campaigning" for a side basically IS having people vote for no reason. That being said, you yourself (as well as Bass) did outline very good reasoning for why Electric is clearly the superior choice. While I have no clue what is being done on the CAP server (I went on this morning, then I was gone all day), from what it sounds like it doesn't seem to be very fair. This is coming from someone who voted Electric by the way (although you may have already known that). And this isn't an attack on you, but just pointing out a flaw in your comment.

I do think something should be done about this though. It may or may not be fair for server authorities to "spam" to vote for Electric or [type] (or for that matter [movepool] or [ability/abilities] or [stats] or [artwork] or [anything]) on the CAP server. But they should not be breaking any of the rules while doing it (if doing it is even allowed in the rules!). We should not be kicking for people voting the other [anything] while we remain unpunished for using all caps or spam PMing the users. That is not right to me, and something should be done about it (and yes, I jokingly did it last night with Bass and Captain [I think], but not anywhere close to the extent that is being talked about). This is of course assuming that what is being said about what is going on the server is in fact true (which sadly, I do not doubt).

Since many people have predicted it already, should I start typing up my post on why I think Electric/Poison would be a horrible idea for this CAP? Or should I wait until the next poll even though it's not polljumping?
Wow, things have gotten really heated.

Due to recent arguments being brought to my attention, I am starting to wish I had voted for electric...

I have actually learned alot about the influence and characteristics of these two types (which is kind of the point of this CAP project).

This is definately CAP at its best right here...
i also think that people like eric, spanky, and plus are doing this unfairly. if you go onto the CaP server they will be spamming to vote for electric. ive seen spanky and plus telling anyone who comes on, in capitals, to vote for electric and today i was kicked by plus for saying i voted for poison, just to show how they are trying to use their driver ability to persuade everyone else. like jagged angle said, eric has been PM people saying to vote for electric and then giving the link. if he would have just said something like " remember to vote on the primary typing poll" and then give the link i wouldn't have a problem with it at all. they are even going over into other servers to try and get vote which i believe is totally unacceptable. this was supposed to be where everyone had an opinion and they're trying to manipulate people who have not yet decided to get what they want, which ruins the community aspect of the CaP server. this has gotten so ridiculous it really making me want to stop going to the server. i mean, is it going to be like this every time we are having a poll? because it really makes me not enjoy playing there like i used to.

I just checked the server log to see what really happened. You were kicked for calling everyone on the server "fuckers". In fact, you explicitly corrected your spelling on the post to make sure you called everyone "fuckers". That's why you were kicked. And Plus didn't kick you.

Yes, people are drumming up support for their votes on the server. But, the CAP server is very much a part of the CAP project. Advocating a position there is just fine. As long as mods are not "buying votes" or punishing opposition, I have no problem with people using the servers as a forum for discussing CAP polls. We regularly discuss CAP projects on the server in real time.
i also think that people like eric, spanky, and plus are doing this unfairly. if you go onto the CaP server they will be spamming to vote for electric. ive seen spanky and plus telling anyone who comes on, in capitals, to vote for electric and today i was kicked by plus for saying i voted for poison, just to show how they are trying to use their driver ability to persuade everyone else. like jagged angle said, eric has been PM people saying to vote for electric and then giving the link. if he would have just said something like " remember to vote on the primary typing poll" and then give the link i wouldn't have a problem with it at all. they are even going over into other servers to try and get vote which i believe is totally unacceptable. this was supposed to be where everyone had an opinion and they're trying to manipulate people who have not yet decided to get what they want, which ruins the community aspect of the CaP server. this has gotten so ridiculous it really making me want to stop going to the server. i mean, is it going to be like this every time we are having a poll? because it really makes me not enjoy playing there like i used to.

Okay we were using Caps to tell people to post, yeah. We were linking to good posts explaining how electric would be the better type, yeah. We kicked you unfairly, no. We kicked you cause you called us Fuckers...and I was the one who kicked you, not Plus. So please, before you go around blaming people for thing, get your facts straight, and tell it how it is. And people where doing the vote for poison thing to. But I'm guessing since you want poison, you left that out purposely.

Good day.
These posts are good :D

Btw, I did a quick little run through this topic, just noting what users registered on the smogon in the past month or so or have less than 20 posts...

Said users voting for Electric: flounder, plus, Jhonny, Absolution, Metallic Fire...That's five that we know of.

Said users voting for Poison: LoZdestroyer, X Presumptuous, Lusantian, DDRMaster, IceBug, Kizo, IamtheWalrus, Iraff, ParadOxymoron, SexyAlejandro, Mario310, KamenRider, ixfalia, Zonik, T__T, Pedochu, Beav232, Majesano, Megalolz, severedarkness...That's 20 we know of.

Man, this is just the votes we know of too lol. A majority of these guys only had 6 or 7 posts because they posted in this topic.

Seems to be a HUGE correlation for newer members (and less experienced with the CaP project) voting for Poison. Also, 2 of the Electric crowd, Flounder and Plus, are both very involved with the CaP project on the server, so I can't even begin to call them new to the project.

Could this mean something? Who knows :P (sarcasm)
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