CAP 4 CAP 4 - Support Moves Discussion

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Would heal order be more "correct" then slack off if this got a 50% healing move

Heal Order-Bug-The user calls out its underlings to heal it. The user regains up to half of its max HP
^ Also, I don't think it would be in keeping to take away one of Vespiquen's signature moves. We can make more sense easily with Recover or something.

As for tailwind, if people have to stretch this much to come up with any semblence of a plausible reason... isn't that telling you how badly it fits?

Did you miss my previous post? I agree that everything else is stretching a loooot, but the baby-spiders-ballooning thing seems to fit in very nicely to me ( the current users --- bar Suicune --- have it alluding to tailwind aiding in their flight, ballooning requires tailwind for flight ).
A pre-evo and some dex entries is all you need.
The problem with U-Turn for me is that it's Japanese name was something like Somersault, correct?

I don't see this doing a Somersault. In fact, all the pokemon that learn it that aren't air borne or sea borne all actually look like they can.

And the pokemon that levitate/have wings/swim can all just do a somersault-y/U-turn in the air/water.

EDIT-X-Presumptious, I'm even more picky about flavor than you it seems. That still seems like a stretch (I'm talking about your Charlotte's Web reference), as then why doesn't Drifloon/Drifblim get it?

And if we were supposed to mention it in a Dex Entry.... well, I can see a lot of people not picking that one or tw othat mention it, and then the project goes south. The project manages to be very fickle and hypocritical like that.
^ Also, the French name means "half-turn" and the Spanish name means "Departure and return". Just thought that might help, maybe my multilingualism could have some sort of use here :S

EDIT: Apparently Ninjask/Vespiquen/the Jumpluff line can learn it; I'd say the learning rules are pretty loose here.

EDIT2: I suppose you have a point there. It's a suggestion I want to put out there, though. There are Pokemon that don't learn things they should learn and which other slightly more obscurely explained Pokemon do learn in games for most likely competetive reasons, so it doesn't seem like as much of a stretch to me.
We really can't let this thing have Tailwind. Whirlwind is fine, but if this thing has Tailwind then we might as well be giving it to Hariyama and Starmie, too. Sheesh.

I also really don't think it makes sense at all for this thing to have U-Turn. While I can picture it doing many things, but making a 180-degree turn perfectly swiftly is not one of them. It'd just fall over its hands!

We could have voted for the Smog Imp, and then Tailwind would have a shot, but we didn't, and now it can't get it. We could have voted for Zantimonius's Texas Horned Devil, and then U-Turn would be a shoe-in, but we didn't. We voted for the Daddy Long Legs. It was the most awesome design, but that doesn't mean that it can get every move. You can't just vote for whatever art you want and then just expect it to be able to get all of the moves you wanted it to. This goes back to what I was saying when I first got to that I really don't think it's fair to force flavor to stretch itself thin to breaking just to meet up with all the mechanics you want to stuff into this thing! Let's keep it real, folks.

\ Just that, there's no magical design that's going to make sense with every single move you want to give it, and that has to be accepted. If this Pokémon gets every utility move in the book, (because really, if you draw the line at Tailwind, then there's not much it can't get,) then it'll get just as much bad press as Syclant does.

What I'm saying is, if there's a voice in the back of your head telling you, "Yeah, I really think this is a stretch," then please don't support it. That's really all I can say.
Thank you. Hopefully people will be considering the movepool they want more the next time around when they're deciding what type and design they vote for.

What matters is "Is giving this Pokemon this move going to
a) Prove to be "broken" (for lack of a less subjective term)
I don't think any of the moves seriously discussed would make this Pokemon broken.

b) Open us to ridicule due to being extremely stupid (Aqua Ring, etc)
Tailwind. Definitely, absolutely. We're talking about a Spider that hides underground.

And people are honestly discussing giving it the ability to control the wind. Not create wind, like a Gust or Whirlind attack. Those work differently. They originate at the Pokemon and move towards what the Pokemon aims for. Tailwind is different. It comes from behind the Pokemon. Thus controlling the wind, essentially the opposite element of this guy's type, is needed.

Frankly, to me, its like giving a grass Pokemon Flamethrower.

c) Cause a current OU Pokemon to become completly obselete"
We've been dancing around Forretress's move pool, but as long as we avoid Explosion, I think we're ok.

Moves that need more discussion:
Toxic Spikes
Heal Block
Counter/Mirror Coat
Based on in-game patterns:

Spikes and Toxic Spikes - Yes. All you need for those are spiking protrusions on the body, and a Poison type for Toxic Spikes. We've got the elbow spikes and the typing.

Wish - No. It's not a Fairy/Elemental type cute thing that's necessary.

U-Turn - Yes. The Pokemon that get U-Turn are either fliers, or extremely nimble. I know a lot of people perceive the DLL as clumsy, but with all that speed we gave him, I've been seeing it move more as a weird Hitmontop/gymnastic/breakdancing type of battle movement; spinning, handstands, jumping around, that kind of thing (at least when he's above ground) and I think U-Turn works in that.

Taunt - Yes. Definitely. It has the hands. And in battle, I'm sure it'll come down to taunt or be taunted often enough. It'll be neccessary for it to do what it does.

Heal Block - No. This is reserved for extremely supernatural Pokemon.

Counter - Yes. Like I said, I've been kinda seeing him as a Hitmontop type guy, so this works for me.

Mirror Coat - No. He's neither shiny nor does he has fur, so I don't see this working.
I think Tailwind is perfectly viable on our creature. It does have that drill like feature beneath him. I think Disable is a must. This move gets absolutely no use in today's metagame- and it's not a bad move. We never used it in game because everyone used Charizard (example) with Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, and Fire Spin. Disabling one of those doesn't do much, but unfortunately, we've carried that over into the metagame.
@ Dane: Cartoon's design looks nothing like a cellar spider and almost exactly like a harvastman, which don't have silk, venom, or fangs and aren't spiders. You can read this for yourself on the same Wikipedia page.

And also, since when was any language perfect? The German word for airplane is Flugzeug which litterally translates to wing thing, iirc. This would mean that birds and winged insects would be airplanes.

Edit: As for U-Turn, harvastmen can shed their legs to escape from predators.
@Nasty Pass: Spinning the drill thing like a turbine? (Sandstorm/Sand Tomb anyone....?)

For me, I don't think DLL should get Spider Web. Does it even shoot web? (like Spiderman) =\

Acupressure should get a mention in this. (but what do I know; I have no clue on how it affects the metagame, lol)

And how about Recycle?
I think Acupressure would be cool, but I'm against Baton Pass on this thing. I don't think that something like this should be able to continue in a BP chain. Same with Spider Web, I think that Encore+Spider Web is a bad combination (remind anyone of something?).

On the other hand, I'm pro-Tailwind, that move seriously needs a good user, and with Persistent, I think it'd work great. And U-Turn and Trick Room are a good combination, especially with this thing's ok defenses. I'm on the fence about a healing move though, I mean for one thing, I think the most threatening thing about DLL is its versatility, I mean, if it can set up both Trick Room and Tailwind, it's hard to predict it.

A Healing Move would only be useful after it has already set up once and taken damage, which is easy enough to try to predict a counter for, and it would take up one of this thing's precious moveslots, so I guess I'm not against it. Something like Slack Off. Slack Off makes sense, I'd get tired if I had a Vital Spirit all the time.
instead of spider web it could get sand tomb
spikes definitly(both)
wish would be possible using the dot on his forehead
taunt definitly with his hands
block/ spider web only with out BP
u-turn yes
counter yes but try to make it incompatible with block/taunt
mirror coat not
not many have mentioned these but mirror move, acupressure, nasty plot, me-first, guard swap, power swap, lucky chant, and detect.
Acupressure (This is a must-have. Almost all Pokemon with a bunch of prehensile limbs can learn this.)
Counter (only if there's a tutor in Platinum)
Encore (It can definitely clap.)
Helping Hand
Knock Off
Sand Tomb
Tickle (It's gotta have this.)
Toxic (Obviously it can learn this via TM, but I'm thinking maybe by level-up.)
Toxic Spikes

Baton Pass (Probably won't have much to pass, though.)
Light Screen
Me First
Metronome (only it there's a tutor in Platinum)
Mud Sport
Poison Gas (Presumably the gas would be released when drilling underground. It's a bit of a stretch.)
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock (I could go either way on this. It certainly isn't necessary.)
Teeter Dance (Fits, but might be too powerful in Doubles.)
Whirlwind (A lot of crazy Pokemon learn Whirlwind, so I can't think of a good flavor reason that this one shouldn't. Is it overpowered? Probably not, but time will tell.)

Aqua Ring (It's not even a Water-type.)
Aromatherapy/Heal Bell (Makes no sense and doesn't need them.)
Assist (This is more of a 'probably not'. It just doesn't seem to fit.)
Block/Spiderweb/Mean Look (Game balance.)
Fake Out (Game balance in Doubles.)
Follow Me (Game balance in Doubles.)
Gastro Acid (This thing can't have a very large stomach or the equivalent.)
Guard Swap (This is more of a Psychic-type move.)
Haze (How would it use this move? It has nothing to do with water, wind, mist, or gas.)
Heal Block (This move is mostly for non-gendered Pokemon [Latios being the exception].)
Leech Seed (Grass-types only.)
Imprison (Mostly for Ghost-related Pokemon.)
Ingrain (Grass-types and other things with roots only. Hands don't count.)
Mirror Coat (I can't see this thing using this move.)
PoisonPowder (No scales or other powder-producing body part.)
Power Swap (See Guard Swap.)
Psycho Shift (Doesn't seem to fit.)
Safeguard (Doesn't fit flavor-wise. Safeguard users are usually One-with-nature sort of Pokemon.)
Tailwind (This is a no-brainer. This thing has no wings, nor is it wind-related.)
Thunder Wave (Doesn't seem to fit.)
Trick Room (No Psychic-type or other psychic tendencies. It makes no sense for this to learn Trick Room. Also, Trick Room should never, NEVER last more than five turns in Doubles.)
U-turn (Come on. This thing can neither fly nor glide. It's nothing like any Pokemon that learns U-turn.)
Will-O-Wisp (Mostly for Ghost-related Pokemon and Fire-types.)
Wish (Again, makes no sense flavor-wise.)
Yawn (It has a tiny, tiny mouth.)
Any recovery move other than Rest.
Any sleep-inducing move.
Any other stat-boosting move.
Acupressure (This is a must-have. Almost all Pokemon with a bunch of prehensile limbs can learn this.)
Counter (only if there's a tutor in Platinum)
Encore (It can definitely clap.)
Helping Hand
Knock Off
Poison Powder
Sand Tomb
Stealth Rock
Tickle (It's gotta have this.)
Toxic (Obviously it can learn this via TM, but I'm thinking maybe by level-up.)
Toxic Spikes

Baton Pass (Probably won't have much to pass, though.)
Light Screen
Me First
Metronome (only it there's a tutor in Platinum)
Mud Sport
Poison Gas
Rapid Spin
Teeter Dance (Fits, but might be too powerful in Doubles.)

Aqua Ring (It's not even a Water-type.)
Aromatherapy/Heal Bell (Makes no sense and doesn't need them.)
Assist (This is more of a 'probably not'. It just doesn't seem to fit.)
Block/Spiderweb/Mean Look (Game balance.)
Fake Out (Game balance in Doubles.)
Follow Me (Game balance in Doubles.)
Gastro Acid (This thing can't have a very large stomach or the equivalent.)
Guard Swap (This is more of a Psychic-type move.)
Haze (How would it use this move? It has nothing to do with water, wind, mist, or gas.)
Heal Block (This move is mostly for non-gendered Pokemon [Latios being the exception].)
Leech Seed (Grass-types only.)
Imprison (Mostly for Ghost-related Pokemon.)
Ingrain (Grass-types and other things with roots only. Hands don't count.)
Mirror Coat (I can't see this thing using this move.)
Power Swap (See Guard Swap.)
Psycho Shift (Doesn't seem to fit.)
Safeguard (Doesn't fit flavor-wise. Safeguard users are usually One-with-nature sort of Pokemon.)
Tailwind (This is a no-brainer. This thing has no wings, nor is it wind-related.)
Thunder Wave (Doesn't seem to fit.)
Trick Room (No Psychic-type or other psychic tendencies. It makes no sense for this to learn Trick Room. Also, Trick Room should never, NEVER last more than five turns in Doubles.)
U-turn (Come on. This thing can neither fly nor glide. It's nothing like any Pokemon that learns U-turn.)
Will-O-Wisp (Mostly for Ghost-related Pokemon and Fire-types.)
Wish (Again, makes no sense flavor-wise.)
Yawn (It has a tiny, tiny mouth.)
Any recovery move other than Rest.
Any sleep-inducing move.
Any other stat-boosting move.
I only see a couple of things wrong with this.

Agility- I don't see this thing using Agility or being capable. Besides, its speed is already incredible. I don't see the point.

Poison Powder- How would it send out powder. And from where?

Stealth Rocks: I don't think it should have Stealth Rocks. I mean why not take it off to set the Stealth Rocks are unfair at partcial ease.

Metronome: Not like anyone is going to use it, but it's not mystical enough.

Poison Gas: It doesn't have pores. It could fart, but...why?
@ Nasty Pass- The spinning drill can whip up some wind. By this reasoning, how can Suicune get Tailwind (apart from the fact that it's the Wind summoner or w/e)

@ Nitpicker- Considering this thing was made to bring out lesser used strategies in the Metagame and considering it's ability, you think this should not get Trick Room?
I'm just going to say Tailwind seems the opposite of a digging Pokemon. Whirlwind I can live with but Tailwind takes too much explanation.

I also believe U-Turn is perfectly fine because it has to have precision control to borrow through the Ground with the limbs. It can also just rotate its center to turn around. Or it can jump with all legs at once. Spiders are very nimble and agile, have you ever tried to catch one?

Also, Block vs. Spider Web is purely flavor. I think a more important question is how Wobbuffet like is Block+Encore? Can any other Pokemon do this? If yes, we know its not very effective. If no, we might have a problem.

*looking up Umbreon for last point*
No other pokemon up until this point has had Block/Spider Web/Mean Look and Encore.

EDIT- Except Smeargle, but w/e.

...I would actually go test that out... except Smeargle has better things to do and isn't as fast OR defensive as this guy.
I only see a couple of things wrong with this.

Agility- I don't see this thing using Agility or being capable. Besides, its speed is already incredible. I don't see the point.

Poison Powder- How would it send out powder. And from where?

Stealth Rocks: I don't think it should have Stealth Rocks. I mean why not take it off to set the Stealth Rocks are unfair at partcial ease.

Metronome: Not like anyone is going to use it, but it's not mystical enough.

@ Nitpicker- Considering this thing was made to bring out lesser used strategies in the Metagame and considering it's ability, you think this should not get Trick Room?

Yeah, that's exactly what I think. I have to take Doubles into account, and Trick Room is not a 'lesser-used' strategy. 7-round Trick Room crosses the line into 'broken' territory, even if the Pokemon that uses it isn't slow. Just because we're creating a Pokemon to make use of some lesser-used strategies doesn't mean we have to shove all those strategies into the same Pokemon. Trick Room doesn't fit with the design or typing of the Pokemon and it's overpowered with the Pokemon's ability. I'd say that's much more than enough reason not to include it in the movepool.

Poison Gas: It doesn't have pores. It could fart, but...why?

I actually don't know how PoisonPowder ended up in the 'yes' portion. It was supposed to be in 'no'. I'll fix that. Poison Gas would have to come from underground, released by drilling. I'll admit that that's a stretch, though. It's a very low maybe. I also agree that Metronome is a very low maybe.

The only reason that I'm giving it Stealth Rock is that every Ground-type has it. As for Agility, I don't have a strong opinion about it. I could go either way on it, honestly.

@ Nitpicker- Considering this thing was made to bring out lesser used strategies in the Metagame and considering it's ability, you think this should not get Trick Room?

Yes, that's exactly what I think. I have to take Doubles into account here. Trick Room is definitely not a 'lesser-used strategy' and 7 rounds of Trick Room steps over the line into 'broken' territory, even if the user has high Speed. The Pokemon's design and typing suggest it shouldn't learn Trick Room. It would be overpowered with Trick Room. So, why should it learn it?

Also, just because we're designing a Pokemon that can make good use of 'lesser-used' strategies doesn't mean we have to cram all those strategies into one Pokemon. This one already has a bunch of moves that do fit and aren't overpowered. Why slap Trick Room on it when it doesn't make any sense?
Not every Ground type gets Stealth Rock. Wooper, Quagsire, Nincada, Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon, Whiscash, Barboach, Wormadam (Though the Steel type does. >_>), and Gastrodon don't get it.

Meaning 39 out of the 49 Ground types get it. That's only about 80 percent (a tiny bit under it).

And the only Poison types that get it are Nidoking and Nidoqueen.
Does Shoddy even allow double battles? Personally, I believe in the old saying "Don't knock it until you try it" and thus would want to try using an increased Trick Room/Gravity/Tailwind team. Probably would be fun. Also, just give it the damn stealth rock so with can be done with that area of talk >_>
[No need to reply to this]Is it me or are the recent posts making me think they we fucked up with this Pokemon somewhere along the line. Debunking Tailwind, Trick Room, and partially Gravity because unimportant reasons. Literally switching side in the discussion just after the abilities have been chosen thus stating that we voted for Persistent for nothing. It's seem like the community isn't good at making up their mind.[/No need to reply to this]
Shoddy doesn't allow double battles. And my personal issue isn't that I don't want Stealth Rock, it's that I don't want all three Spikes-Esque moves and a Phazing move.

But I think we should start organizing things like the following. You know how we used to do the other ones all at the same time in bold vote fashion? Like:

Should this pokemon get [move]?

The more controversial moves I can think of would be Roar/Whirlwind, a healing move (including Wish), Tailwind, Stealth Rock, Trick Room, Block/Spider Web/Mean Look, U-Turn, and a lot of other things I'm forgetting.
[secret convo]I'm replying anyways. I agree that something needs to be done about this. Really, It's kind of a problem seeing as now we really are forced to put moves that don't fit on this pokemon. Why is this community so fucking retarded sometimes? I really don't like going against flavor because we feel obliged to, but certain people will be pissed off if we don't.[/secret convo]

10 pokemon BL and up learn Disable. Out of those ten, Darkrai and Mewtwo should not touch it, they should be sweeping (and they won't be in the metagame anyway). Gallade, Gardevoir and Alakazam are too fragile to use it. Kingdra has 4-slots syndrome worse than any other Pokemon I know of, and it'd be UU if it didn't use the rain-sweeping set. Finally, Slowbro, Slowking, Lickilicky and Dusknoir are all slow enough that they get hit HARD before the disable takes place, and really, none can afford it to miss. Dusknoir's likely the only one who could survive if it misses.This thing has the speed and defenses to pull off Disable in OU the same way Hypno does it in UU. Imagine switching in after a CBer Earthquaked you and killed one of your Pokemon, and then Disabling them. Not only are you not hurt, but you get a free turn too.
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