Look At What I Chained - Mark II

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Yea, once I make a new thread in a few(ish) weeks. I've been posting my shinies here but not in my current thread, I'll probably have almost 15 species to update with if I keep chaining like I am right now.

Timid - Static
4 | 11 | 14 | 30 | 31 | 25 (HP Grass 64!!!)
Very, very nice! Congratulations.
Forgot to post here after I posted in Look At My Pokemon :P
My Snubbul chain ended and my best was:

Shiny Snubbul-Adamant-Intimidate

What do you think?
I just broke Ponyta chain and was only able to get 4 shinies once again. (I haven't encountered more than 4 on any of my chains yet.. =/) I guess I really need to work on being more patient. Again, bad IVs, but the interesting bit was the fact that the patch that broke my chain contained a Chansey that held a lucky egg.. lol
Oh no!
112 Pinsir and then the chain broke. The patch even wasn't at a corner... it seemed to be perfect... ;___;
And all I got was a Bold+Impish one. lolz

And now my chains always break at 27... and his birthday is coming nearer... =(
I spent about three days give or take of chaining for long hours each day and I have only two freaking shiny mime jr.'s to show for it and their obviously not competitive and you know what... I GOT MY FIRST CAUGHT SHINY! XD!
Oh no!
112 Pinsir and then the chain broke. The patch even wasn't at a corner... it seemed to be perfect... ;___;
And all I got was a Bold+Impish one. lolz

And now my chains always break at 27... and his birthday is coming nearer... =(
Whose birthday? And I wish you better luck. :|
I spent about three days give or take of chaining for long hours each day and I have only two freaking shiny mime jr.'s to show for it and their obviously not competitive and you know what... I GOT MY FIRST CAUGHT SHINY! XD!
I know how you feel I spent two days trying to chain a Delibird and I only got one shiny with a quirky nature and crap IVs, then a gay ass Noctowl had to show up :( But its still in my trophy case box :D
Zephyros' birthday...and I'm chaining to give it to him... but I think he has to wait a bit

20+/31/10+/31/10+/31 Hp Ice 70

So it would be perfect^^

Good luck with that O_O

Naughty #403 Shinx: 28 / 29 / 18 / 23 / 31 / 11
Hidden Power Type is 'Ice'. Hidden Power Power is 68.

Final result of my shinx. Still need an EVspread for it though...
omg... that's nearly impossible^^

28+Atk , 25+Satk , 30+Speed (HP Ice 65+)
~1/500 ?

Anyone who is able to get my chain over 40? X___x
I have to take a break... =(
omg... that's nearly impossible^^

28+Atk , 25+Satk , 30+Speed (HP Ice 65+)
~1/500 ?

Anyone who is able to get my chain over 40? X___x
I have to take a break... =(
Well, that set of IV restrictions brings it to only 1/585. ^_^ And that's without nature synch. I don't know how many of those combinations yield HP Ice 65, but that'll make it a tad more restricted as well.
I attempted a second chain yesterday after my Ponyta mission. I decided to go after Nincada since I'm going to be starting a shiny bug pokemon collection and Ninjask/Shedinja have 2 main stats to aim for. Out of the 14 shinies only a depressing 4 were synched correctly... =( Does anyone know if the sychs apply when you enter a shiny patch or before you reset the radar? Out of the 4 (2 adamant + 2 jolly) correctly syched these 2 were the best:

15 / 20 / 27 / 23 / 30 / 26 HP Bug 68

19 / 29 / 28 / 14 / 29 / 28 HP Fire 40

If only the attack IV of the adamant one switched with either def/spD.
That Jolly one is very very good, congrats ^^ The Adamant one is ok, but I think Shedinja needs all the speed it can get.

Thanks! It was very refreshing to have an actual successful shiny hunt. Also, there's just something very wrong about boxes filled with sucky shinies. Hopefully, future shiny hunting projects will work out like this one did.
Also, there's just something very wrong about boxes filled with sucky shinies.
Nidoran M concurs.

EDIT: Once I get back into chaining, after catching SF Pokemon, I have two Pokemon targeted:

Pineco (Relaxed, Luxury Ball)
Buneary (???, Heal/Luxury Ball)
Currently trying to hatch a female larvitar with flawless attack and speed to pair with EE's triple flawless Charmander to hatch a DDtar. The only thing that angers me is the hatching steps. Otherwise, I would have my egg already.
I think you're looking for here... This isn't about breeding chains.
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