Look At What I Chained - Mark II

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I try my best. ^_^ Any other questions?

If you decide to, good luck with chaining!

Thanks. I have decided that I'll try it out, but probably only a few times for now... but I can see myself in the future becoming some kind of chaining freak :P...
Well, my current swarm is Voltorb again, so I guess I could chain them again to get better IVs...

EDIT: Yeah, I'll do that. Time to chain Hasty 'Orbs.
Caterpie is really hard to chain, only got one shiny from my chain after several tries of getting it up to 40 without breaking the chain. But after I accidently broke it.. typical. Anyways, the only suggestion I can give you is never to reset your radar without having at least four-away patches on at least one direction from you character,

I hope you catch more shiny caterpies than I did xD

Thanks. I hope I can complete this chain since Butterfree is one of my favorite shinies. I've gotten the chain to 25-27 a few times, but my chains always end on seemingly safe patches. =( I'll keep trying though. Shiny bug pokemon are sweet!
I haven't seen any shiny descent shinx so i decided to go for one! Is this the place to post this? I already got one ^o^

In my signature :P
So I'm new to chaining, I just started yesterday, and since my swarm was cubone, I started with those. I got up to a chain of 27 easily, and when I went into the next patch, it was also a cubone...but my chain broke. It was the same kind of patch I'd been using, it was 4-away, AND it was the pokemon I'd been chaining. I don't understand why that would break the chain, but there must have been some reason. Can anyone explain why this happened so I can avoid doing it again?
So I'm new to chaining, I just started yesterday, and since my swarm was cubone, I started with those. I got up to a chain of 27 easily, and when I went into the next patch, it was also a cubone...but my chain broke. It was the same kind of patch I'd been using, it was 4-away, AND it was the pokemon I'd been chaining. I don't understand why that would break the chain, but there must have been some reason. Can anyone explain why this happened so I can avoid doing it again?
It's because the next part of the chain had generated four random patches which did not lay on the patch of grass you were in. Were you, perhaps, on the edge of the grass patch when it broke?
So I'm new to chaining, I just started yesterday, and since my swarm was cubone, I started with those. I got up to a chain of 27 easily, and when I went into the next patch, it was also a cubone...but my chain broke. It was the same kind of patch I'd been using, it was 4-away, AND it was the pokemon I'd been chaining. I don't understand why that would break the chain, but there must have been some reason. Can anyone explain why this happened so I can avoid doing it again?

You probably went on a patch that was on the edge of the entire grasses put together. So pretty much the entire patch of grass, if a clump is on the egde and you go in it, there is a chance that the chain will break. Why?

This is because before you enter a patch, the patches are preset before you go into any of the current ones. Even if there is no grass, they will be 4 away and the such... So, if you go in an edge patch, and all of the preset patches like outside the patches of grass, your chain breaks. Sorry if this didn't make sense, I typed in a hurry...
Ah. I don't remember if I was on the edge, but I must have been. That makes sense though, thanks. I'll try again and see if I can do better.
How is it a broken chain if he/you (Xthaipe) did indeed find a Cubone on his 28th chain [link]?

Still new to this and confused.
Here are the results of my recent chaining projects:


Ariados x2 (accidentally walked after repel faded T_T )

Hoppip x17

And during the failed attempts to chain Hoppip, I happened upon a legit wild shiny! Shellos (west)! It sucks, but wild shinies are very exciting to find.

Here were the 3 best Jolly Hoppip:

Jolly (F) Chlorophyll
16 / 5-6 / 27 / x / 20 / 30

Jolly (M) Leaf Guard
31 / 24-29 / 30-31 / x / 4 / 31 (again, WHHYY? spD and HP should switch)

Jolly (M) Chlorophyll
8 / 20 / 20-25 / x / 29 / 25-26

I'm definitely leaning towards #2, but does that horrid spD hurt me? Jumpluff shouldn't be taking any hits at all, so maybe it's okay.. The pokemon gods must hate me.

How is it a broken chain if he/you (Xthaipe) did indeed find a Cubone on his 28th chain [link]?

Actually, a similar thing happened to me during one of my failed Hoppip chains. It was a safe spot with a full ring of grass around it and the Hoppip inside the patch broke my chain for no reason. I heard there is a glitch with chaining Smeargle that resembles this strange case, so maybe it happens with other species too?
Those are some nice results Ryouu, a nearly triple flawless Jumpluff is nothing to scoff at. Pink Sprite > SpD! What ball is it in?
Thanks Diesel. I decided to catch the girls in heal balls and the males in my favorite pokeballs, the premier ball. The heal ball matches better, but I wanted my pink male Jumpluff to come out of the badass white pokeball!
Thanks. I really wish I didn't break that Ariados chain so early since I really like catching bug pokemon for some reason lol. They were both adamant and the male was crap, but the female had decent IVs in atk and something else, but an awful defenses. I can't remember exactly at the moment and I'm currently chaining Voltorb, so I can't check right now.
Well, I am starting my first chaining project tonight/tomorrow morning.
I have my naughty synch. pokemon, and I am going for a Seviper in a Nest ball.
We will see how it goes. I'll keep posted my progress if there is any! (Status: had a 7 chain, probably broke my chain by not going to the fourth spot away.)
Has anyone tested having Flame Body at the front of your party attracting fire pokes?

I wanted to do ponyta but I'm not the best so I was wondering if maybe that helped like static. :)
I tried chaining Ariados but they keep breaking, highest was only 28:( Currently chaining Aron and am at 42 with 2 shinies so far, one appeared early at 31 and another at 41:)
How is it a broken chain if he/you (Xthaipe) did indeed find a Cubone on his 28th chain [link]?

Still new to this and confused.

I have had the same thing happen with a full set of grass around me while chaining Budew just south of the mansion...I know not to go into edge patches but this was not on the edge, and it was still a budew, and the chain still broke.
Ugh, my Farfetch'd chain breaks after 19 :( I really hate this swarm. This is my first time chaining so should I choose something easier to start with?
Ugh, my Farfetch'd chain breaks after 19 :( I really hate this swarm. This is my first time chaining so should I choose something easier to start with?

My first was Flaaffy (note you have to walk into white patches)

route 222 the very very large grass patch next to the rich boy.

feint something with STATIC at the front of your party and then you should be golden, it takes time and determination but after a while you will get the hang of it.
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