CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 11 (Attacking Moves Poll)

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Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No
A supposedly-support Pokemon should NOT get Elemental-Beams. It will end up having more people using this thing as a SWEEPER than a Supporter.
You need a special sweeper! Do you want Azelf or this guy?

You need a Toxic Spiker! Do you want Forretress or this guy?

The first decision is obvious, but the second one isn't so clear-cut. Trust me, people are going to be using this thing for what it was built for. There are simply better options for sweeping.

Speaking of This vs. Forretress, why didn't Explosion make it to the poll? I would have liked to have voted against it, just so that this thing doesn't become too similar to our spikey little friend.
Speaking of This vs. Forretress, why didn't Explosion make it to the poll? I would have liked to have voted against it, just so that this thing doesn't become too similar to our spikey little friend.

It's not going to be in it's movepool, I can almost assure you that.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

Pure Utility so I didn't see the need for it to have most of those moves.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

I don't like any of them, just just don't fit it.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

None of the big attacks in this list are really needed. They don't fit in any builds I can envision. I want to see Force Palm as the fighting move for this guy, not that it will use it. So, I voted against both CC's. Pursuit is there only as an option. BlindingMire seems well within reason, and is likely the only chance this will have a usable Poison attack. We need a better name though.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No
Thunderbolt - No
Flamethrower - Yes
Ice Beam - Yes
Icy Wind - No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - No/Yes
Pursuit - No
"BlindingMire" - Yes

I think Close Combat is too much, however Cross Chop should be fine.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No <-- only if it gets Ice Punch...otherwise it won't make sense
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No <--I'm voting yes for Cross Chop...not Close Combat
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No <-- agreeing with work on the about Sludge Spray?

Scrolling down this, I can see Doug mentioning Force Palm. Now that's something I would definitely vote for.
Thunderbolt - No
Flamethrower - No
Ice Beam - No
Icy Wind - Yes
Close Combat/Cross Chop - No
Pursuit - Yes
"BlindingMire" - No

I think most of the moves listed detract from the whole "utility" aspect of this Pokémon, and even if BlindingMire has a nice side effect I'm against custom...things in general, they just seem fanboyish. I don't see the big deal with Icy Wind/Pursuit though, even if Icy Wind doesn't fit this thing flavorwise at all.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

Basically for what DJD just said.
That and a Jirachi/Metagross set. Its really not. Nonetheless, there isn't enough room for it.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No
That and a Jirachi/Metagross set. Its really not. Nonetheless, there isn't enough room for it.
Okay and you're right. I just found X-Act thread on creating a movepool and all I can say is "Fuck...we have a huge problems". Considering people want Wish/Gravity/Tailwind/Rapid Spin/Encore/Earth Power/Gunk Shot/Elemental Punches/Force Palm/etc...there's not enough room for all of them. I also want to point out something here about the movepool thing

X-Act said:
From the 13 to 16 different moves that you're going to write (including the Heart Scale moves), make sure that only one, two, or three of them are competitive moves worth using that are not already learned by the TM list.

X-Act said:
A Pokemon may have as little as 4 egg moves and as much as 12. Usually this number is between 8 and 10. Make sure that, from your egg move list, you don't have more than four that are competitive moves worth using.
Uh huh *nod*

X-Act said:
Also, the number of viable competitive moves from the Level-up list and the egg moves list (not repeated in the TM list) combined must be between two and six.
Huh???....wouldn't that be two through seven moves? I just said you could have up to three competitive move worth using on a Pokemon in your Level-up statement.
I've got a movepool ready to roll that conforms with the demands. I can add TMs I guess, but Icy Wind doesn't fit anywhere. I mean, I had to use the Ground Group just to get all the egg moves. So, even if Icy Wind wins, I highly doubt that it will fit because everyone was pimping it as a competitively viable move.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/NoSame reasons as Doug, more or less. The new move is fine to me, though a better name would be preferable.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

In case there is any confusion, Close Combat no, Cross CHop yes.
Thunderbolt - No
Flamethrower - No
Ice Beam - No
Icy Wind - Yes
Close Combat - No
Cross Chop - Yes
Pursuit - No
"BlindingMire" - No
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

While he certainly could do a chopping cross, he most likely will fail because he's not got enough attack... (as in flavor-wise it's not strong enough to learn how to do it, could be something like a special move giveaway shit or I dunno LOL). No to "BlindingMire" because I can 99% guarantee you if everyone does decide on adding custom signature moves, it's only going to be one, and personally I'd hold out more for a Poison or Ground version of Tailwind vs. an attacking move. (with those big hands it could get ww easily already...)
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