Rock, Paper, Scissors, INFINITY! - Round 2

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Here is the second round of the most insane game to be ever made-up by a french-canadian. If you somehow forgot the rules in between the two rounds...

This tournament is forum-based. Weapons should be pmed to me with the title "Round 1 - Vs. [user]" (obviously you type in the user you are competing against). It's really no big deal if you forget about that, but it just makes things easier for me. After the deadline, all the weapons will be posted and they will be awaiting judging.

Here be the pairings.


Hipmonlee vs. WER
matamato vs. GTS
CaptKirby vs. Batpig
zerowing vs. jackal


The deadline is in 48 hours (ie. tuesday 4th November)
Have fun and duke it out.
I hear you SD.

Hipmonlee vs. WER - Hopminlee is gonna beat wer like a foster child
matamato vs. GTS - GTS is wittier, hands down
CaptKirby vs. Batpig -CK is one of my favorites, gotta go with him
zerowing vs. jackal - Backin up my boy once again!!
Well, I've already beaten my personal Smogon tournament record by making it to the second round, so I'm happy no matter what the result is.

That being said, Hip, you'd better watch out. My business is kicking asses.

And business is booming.
i'm just posting to say how disappointed i am in the judges how a trenchantly lurid lucid translucent tl;dr heart could beat the girth of gary oak

Same. After all you CANNOT ignore his girth. Anyway predictions:

Hipmonlee vs. WER
matamato vs. GTS
CaptKirby vs. Batpig - Match of the round, CK will pull something out of his ass though.
zerowing vs. jackal
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