
If I had to guess at my grades right now, I would say this:

A+,A+,A, A, B+, A/B, A

A+ - World History, pretty much the easiest class ever. Social Studies is a joke for me.
A+ - English 9, really, really easy. Although I hate English, which is sort of ironic
A - Geometry ES, I guess this is considered an honors course? I don't really know. The homework is pretty hard, but I can keep my grade up with the tests because they are super easy, if you pay attention. This is actually a sophomore class I am taking in Freshman year.
B+ - Spanish 2 ES. Our teacher is the worst communicator ever. Half the people in my class have already dropped out. I don't really want to blame it on the teacher, but it really is frustrating. I suppose another "honors" course. BTW, ES stands for extended study.
A / B+ - Biology ES, same deal as Geometry ES. Not sure if I have an A or a B+ because our teacher is the most disorganized person on the Earth. It could be either because I have recently taken a test I thought I did well on. I was at an 89.3 last time I checked.
A - Orchestra. Not hard, just tedious.
A - PE, who doesn't get an A? Seriously.

My GPA is still high regardless because I took some High School courses in Middle School and started my career in the High School with a GPA of 4.0.

I am shooting for a local Ivy-League equivalent college which recommends a GPA of 3.8 or higher. Not too bad, and I am doing a year-round sport and model UN club.

Want to be a Psychiatrist or an Architect. Both suit different parts of me, so still trying to decide. I am also a decent actor but I doubt I will pursue a career in acting, seems too fake for me.


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Wait since when is Geometry a sophomore year course? Not to belittle your maths skills, but has the country really fallen that far behind in maths standards? I, and many others in my class, took geometry in middle school, and that school was almost turned into a charter school via No Child Left Behind since its test scores were so low....
Wait since when is Geometry a sophomore year course? Not to belittle your maths skills, but has the country really fallen that far behind in maths standards? I, and many others in my class, took geometry in middle school, and that school was almost turned into a charter school via No Child Left Behind since its test scores were so low....
I'm taking it as a Junior.


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TAY in some schools (mine included) the order is a little off. I'm in the most advanced math route and it went Algebra 2 -> Geometry -> Trig / Analysis -> Calc. My school is fucked though :/
Got 13 A*s at GCSE and sitting on 4 As (Maths, Further Maths, Economics, Physics) and a B (medieval history) from this half term apparently.

Can I boast now?
straight A's last year. all last year. then I got depressed and bipolar and generally acted like a twat and fucked up my exams, which were the things that counted, and got ABC.
My school also went Algebra 2 -> Geometry -> Trig/Pre-Calc -> Calc.
That's an odd order most go Alg1> Geometry>Alg 2>Pre-Calc/Trig> Calc
i would of preffered that though seeing as getting as an 'A' in Gemometry in High School which i love; is better than a B in Pre-Calc which i hate.

BTW i had Geo in 8th grade so it was kinda pointless to work so hard as it doenst effect college crap.

@ Tay i agree, many sophmores where i live take Geomtery as Sophmores kinda slowful if you ask me. Hopefully we can get rid of Bush's stinken 'All Children left Behind Policy', I've got teacher who hate it I know what im talking about.


You and I Know
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TAY in some schools (mine included) the order is a little off. I'm in the most advanced math route and it went Algebra 2 -> Geometry -> Trig / Analysis -> Calc. My school is fucked though :/
Oh that's weird...My High School (and all the others in the area, that I know of) did not have an explicit trig class. Instead, it was offered in a combined Algebra II / Trig class, or as part of a pre-calculus class (which was a total waste of time according to my friends who took it). Anyway, having Trig paired with Algebra II pretty much mandated that we take geometry first, and I assumed that this was the method in other states as well.

Anyway, to get into the spirit of the thread, I'm actually doing very well this quarter. It's looking like will have all A's, except maybe in my Physics Lab because the grading in that class makes no sense >_>

But four A's in my other classes is pretty good!
why do all of you make excuses for <A grades? who are you trying to impress?

in college, i have a 3.0 flat. something that needs to be worked on but most certainly not "trash" like some of you seem to think.
agreeing 100%, im very content with a 3.07, i dont understand why excuses for 3.5s and 3.8s are being made :/
8.3/10 - we have a different grading scale, which goes from 4 to 10. That average includes also the subjects I don't give a fuck about/won't need in the future, namely physics, music, arts and chemistry, which all bring the score down. So, the average, which actually doesn't matter here at all, would probably be higher than 8.5 easily.

The average doesn't matter at all here - only the final exams matter as they are what will or won't get you into university, which is what I'm aiming for. The grading for the final exams is:

L = Laudatur
E = Eximia Cum Laude Approbatur
M = Magna Cum Laude Approbatur
C = Cum Laude Approbatur
B = Lubenter Approbatur
A = Approbatur
I = Improbatur

With Laudatur being the equivalent for a 10 and Improbatur the same as a failure.

So far, I have two of the highest grades from my two first final exams (total of seven for me). So, I have an L, from English, and an E, from Geography. I still have Mathematics, Finnish, Swedish, Economic/Social Studies and French left. Aiming for grades of M or higher from every single one.


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I say this every time, but fuck you guys I didn't get shit for being in honours.

Anyway, in university my cumulative GPA is about 3.200 iirc. I started out at about 3.4 or something but have been steadily dropping every semester. I figure if I graduate as soon as possible, then I should graduate before I drop below 3.0! Sounds like a plan?

20th Century European History and Animation both dropped me like a rock. It's amazing how a C can destroy your grade in a way an A+ boost can never hope to match.

This semester I see myself dropping further. Predicted Grades:
CMNS 235: Introduction to Journalism in Canada - C- or C (wtf at teacher christ he seems so nice and then I get my paper back)
CMNS 253: Information Technology: The New Media - B or B+
CMNS 262: something something Qualitative Research - C (10 weeks in without knowing the course is about is a bad sign)
IAT 312: Foundations of Game Design - A or A+
IAT 313: Narrative in New Media - B+ or A-

I'm being pretty conservative with my estimates though.
My school also went Algebra 2 -> Geometry -> Trig/Pre-Calc -> Calc.
That is a bit similar to my school, except Calc (for us) is an AP course

Geometry --> Algebra 2 --> Pre-Calc --> Calc / Stat / Something else I forgot (your choice for the AP)

Also, my high school is in the top 100 schools in the country, I believe we are around 65, but I seriously can't remember.
For my grades from last quarter, I got a
A Chemistry Honors: It's pretty easy right now. Then again, science/math is my forte
A AP World History: This is history. How hard is it to fail history?
B English II Honors: Well, English isn't my strongest point ever, but I guess I'm doing better in this quarter than the last.
A TV Productions: This class is uber easy. You can sleep and get an A.
A Spanish I: The class is pretty easy so far. We're learning the basics and I'm starting to get a semi-good grasp at the language.
A Algebra II Honors: That quarter was mostly review from Algebra I and Geometry. So of course it will be easy.
A AP Biology: I'm taking a course online, so the grade is being recorded differently than from school.
A Computer Programming: Same as above.

So far, my unweighted GPA is a 3.8 and weighted is 4.3. Too bad that my GPA can't get higher since only 2 AP classes are available as a sophomore. Anyways, I wonder why so many smart people are into competitive Pokemon battling?

Alright, here's another low standard in this thread, made by me :/ (Yeah, I felt the same way like Asma did)
*All grades below are globally

French : 70% (C)
Math : 70% (C)
Science : 63% (C-)
English : 94% (A+)
Geography : 77 (B-)
ISPAJE (It's an option course, the name is a French code for introduction of engineering) : 82% (B+)
Gym : N/A
Dance : 65% (C) Yes, I take dance lessons.

Yeah, I'm really average. Math and science are my biggest concern, they're really hard if you don't keep track with them (I swear, if I go day dreaming for 5 minutes, I'm completely lost). Thankfully my school offers after class lesson.

And I agree with aamto, I get the feeling a lot of people here are just showing off.
I'm a freshman in high school. I don't know my grades (too lazy to calculate them), but I have a good idea of what they are. The marking period ends on Wednesday. All classes are at the Honors level (except for gym, lol).

Geometry/Algebra 2-91
World History-~95
Intro to Engineering Design- no idea (probably about a 90-94)
Physical Education- probably an A+
Computer Apps-91, but should be up a point or two after my teacher grades the last test.
Latin 1-~96
Originally Posted by Fabbles

I don't think "bullshit" is the right word for people who are taking obviously harder classes and do well in them. Why should a A in a non honors class that took only 1/4 of the work of an AP class count the same GPA wise? In the end, GPA is really only good for class rank which does not vary in different schools!

As for colleges I am thinking of, Boston College and Villanova would have to be my top picks depending on how well the economy is doing. Loyola Maryland and University of Delaware are also up there on my list. Right now I am really interested by European/more specifically History of England. That could change in a year or so though.
I go to the University of Delaware. Fantastic school, it is the "hidden jewel" of the east coast.

Also, GPA weights in my high school were bullshit. You get a 5% increase for AP class, 3% for honors class, yet you did 200% more work. In the end, I dropped all my honors classes because they weren't worth it. The only AP I took was Calculus AB. Other than that, colleges don't make as big a deal out of grades as you would think. I had a 3.5, which is shit compared to people in this thread, yet I had extra-curriculars off the chart including captain of the soccer team, a wonderful recommendation letter from my school's principal (he never does that for students but we had a close relationship), and a somewhat decent score of 1240 / 1600 on the SAT. I still managed to get into all the schools that I applied to which included Ohio State, University of Virgina, Villanova, University of Delaware, and the University of Pittsburgh. Not only that, but some of them gave up a good 50% of their tuition. So yeah, moral of the story... don't stress too much over not having a 4.0.. make yourself more than just a GPA and re-evaluate the 15 AP classes you guys are taking because it isn't really worth it.
Well the AP credits can be very useful if you perform well enough on the tests and can get the credits to transfer. I got credit for Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, and Calc AB and now I don't have to overload on credits for my college semesters. I also get to skip College Calc and get to move straight onto Microbiology in the spring rather than taking General Bio.
For all you people taking it, AP Calculus is a joke. Its just Calculus with an "AP" stamped in front of it. It is nowhere near college pace. I'm doing Calc at a college pace (my mom is a math professor) and its AT LEAST twice as fast as the high school course, plus we have to learn how to make proofs look nice and shit like that, plus going twice as fast. We go through a chapter a week, compared to high school going through half a problem set a day (a chapter about every 2 or 3 weeks).

As far as grades are concerned:
Teacher's Assistant - PreCalculus: Pass
Japanese 2nd Year: A
AP Language and Composition (aka AP Junior English): 89.448% B (aaaaaagggghhh!!!)
Latin 2nd Year: A
Chemistry: A (weird teacher adjusts his grades so 94%+ is an A, less than that a B, but I have a 97%)
AP European History: A

I'm a sophomore in high school. This year we're starting to weight AP classes. So GPA=4.2 weighted, 3.8 not.

My classes are really fun because of the teachers, so after this year I expect my grades to plummet from shitty teachers. We have 9 interesting teachers in my school, and 4 of them are in art or drama, which is there is no way I'm taking. The other 5 I either had last year or have this year, so the next two years could suck.


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I'm passing all my classes and well on my way to getting my degree. Beyond that I don't really care what my GPA is because, in the end, I still get the same little piece of paper saying I sat through four years of bullshit.

Ash Borer

I've heard they're short of room in hell
if I get anything less than b's my parents kill me! i have all b's so far now...

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