CAP 6 CAP 6 - Concept Submissions

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Confusion Abuser
Description: A pokemon that specifically uses confusion to defeat opponents.

Explanation: Currently, WoW, T-Wave, and Toxic are used on virtually every wall. However, Confusion is seldom seen on any pokemon not named No Guard Machamp. Confusion is generally seen as inferior due to the fact that the opponent can get rid of it by swiching out. An OU viable Confusion user could psuedo-phaze with Confusion, or even deny the opponent the opportunity to switch out a confused pokemon at all.

Pokemon such as Heatran and Scizor are so powerful, and are not hurt by Toxic (and in the case of Heatran, WoW.) With the downgrading of hypnosis' accuracy and the lack of any good freeze move, Confusion is and option to slow these two down. Confusion could also be paired with T-Wave/Toxic so you could counter Salamence and Zapdos as well. Confusion will also force DDMence and SDScizor to retreat, so not to get hit with boosted confusehax. Parafusion, while being somewhat unreliable, effectivly cripples the most commonly used pokemon.
Name : Mixed Wall Pokemon that works really good!

Description : This is something that stall teams would find to be a great addition to their stalling theme. A mixed wall that performs really well at stalling heavy sweepers such as Tyranitar, and friends. There aren't too many mixed walls who can perform a stalling job too well, just to name a few: Bronzong, if set up on he's usually gone in like two hits, Umbreon, he can usually wreak havoc with the moves that were given to him but for some reason his useage isn't too high. Other mixed walls to an extent, Tyranitar, Walrein (for hail teams), and there are others that I've might have missed but those are the main ones that are seen nowadays in stall teams.
Name: Master bait.
Description: A Pokemon that has a great movepool/ability/typing to act as a lure to counters for an extremely threatening sweeper. This Pokemon will draw in the counters of such Pokemon and kill them in some way, paving the way for a sweep.

This a good idea, except change the freaking name please, it sounds like masturbate! Also if you have a Pokemon with great *everything* how does it lure counters won't they be afraid and not even switch in or they will switch out?
Name: Sacrificial Pokemon

Description: The Pokemon attempts to help its fellow team-members through sacrificing itself.


There isn't ONE good Pokemon in the whole game that makes use of Memento, Healing Wish etc. or at least uses it in a standard moveset. This concept I thought would be different and would add variety to the game.

Edit: I'm not 100% sure would become of the metagame if this Pokemon was added, seeing as there's nothing else that has ever been similar to it.
One small note: It's great that everyone is coming up with "unique concepts", but can you all explain what your concept does for the metagame? Because with a bunch of them, I'm not seeing it.
For the love of god, stop suggesting tier based concepts. The CAP pokemon are designed to complement DPP OU and nothing else.
'Break the Mold' was a pretty open-ended idea that the community found a niche in the metagame for only after they decided to defy a conception.

Also, did someone say 'tier based concepts'??

Looks like NU

A Pokemon through either moves, ability, typing, or any combination of the three makes up for its subpar stats.

So this is, again, pretty open. Focusing more on the creation of a Pokemon, allowing its niche to develop more naturally as the process unfolds. There's nothing stopping it from being the 'ultimate top 3 ou list counter' or the 'greatest wall yet', but I believe the community has matured to the point of being able to take on those challenges from an angle that allows for a thorough examination of the individual qualities that make a Pokemon standard OU or not.

edit: hmm, it's true, this really is just a recommendation for a glorified Smeargle isn't it? I'd still like to see this sort of experimentation tacked on to whatever concept wins though. We stand to learn a lot more by taking the hard route and not giving it the perfect stats to accomplish its goals and it would almost probably be a prime way to test the mettle of the CAP revision crew.
'Break the Mold' was a pretty open-ended idea that the community found a niche in the metagame for only after they decided to defy a conception.

Also, did someone say 'tier based concepts'??

Looks like NU

A Pokemon through either moves, ability, typing, or any combination of the three makes up for its subpar stats.

So this is, again, pretty open. Focusing more on the creation of a Pokemon, allowing its niche to develop more naturally as the process unfolds. There's nothing stopping it from being the 'ultimate top 3 ou list counter' or the 'greatest wall yet', but I believe the community has matured to the point of being able to take on those challenges from an angle that allows for a thorough examination of the individual qualities that make a Pokemon standard OU or not.

Break the Mold was finalized to create a role which the metagame lacked - a Rock Special sweeper, or a bulky defensive Electric/Dragon, or whatever. Many of the concepts which have been suggesting here does not imply creating a new niche in the metagame. Yours, for example, does would not necessary lead to something really new. We could, for example, create a clone of Dugtrio (405BST) and we would have basically answered your concept. Ok, there is space for discussion in future threads, but it is better to start already with a truly new concept instead of just a cool-looking one
Concept: Anti-Trick
Desc: Besides complaints about Scizor, Heatran, Skymin and Stealth Rock, the most common whining right now consists of "Trick is gay". With the current Pokemon with anti-Trick traits (Sticky Hold, Klutz, etc) all being UU (or in Arceus' case, banned even from ubers), I think it would be good to get a Pokemon that can switch into common Trick threats (Celebi, Starmie, Rotoms, Alakazam) without risking its life out there. Preferably it should be able to ward them off, while not caring about being Tricked.
This is what I was going to post, but looks like Mekkah beat me :P. If EVO 1 turns out as predicted, we'll have a pokemon that counters some of the top threats already, so I'm probably going to be supporting this.
I see where your coming from, but Taunt+Encore is only one example. My suggestion, again, include SEVERAL different options, which could be geared toward specific threats. If I'm allowed, I'd like to pose the following set-up as an example:

A common set of Lucario is the Crunch/Extremespeed/SD/Close Combat. So, CAP6 tailored to this could look like:

Close Combat

Now it has no options to attack, while you can proceed to punish it.

To clarify, I really want something that can run an effective Imprison, with lots of movepool options but stats that don't let it abuse the moves it gains. The other moves "support" this by locking down escape, weakening attack stats, ect. Hope that makes it move clear, and less like Fidget.

The problem with Imprison is that unless you're facing a Pokemon that is a mirror of yourself, they're not going to have Imprison, too, so even in a best case scenario, you're only getting rid of three of their moves, and you'll never be able to lock them down 100%.

Imprison in Pokemon is kind of like Hint of Insanity in Magic: the Gathering; costs too much (a moveslot and a turn; 2B mana and a card,) when more often then not, it does nothing at all.

Therefore, the true power of Imprison would only really come out in the form of an automatic trait, just like how noone ever really uses the move Sandstorm, and yet Tyranitar and Hippowdon run rampant. Imagine an auto-Imprison Steel/Rock type with Close Combat and Earthquake! The un-Close-Combatable, un-Earthquakeable Steel/Rock. That's what I call shaking up the metagame. Suddenly, Cross Chop Hariyama doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
Concept: Anti-Trick
Desc: Besides complaints about Scizor, Heatran, Skymin and Stealth Rock, the most common whining right now consists of "Trick is gay". With the current Pokemon with anti-Trick traits (Sticky Hold, Klutz, etc) all being UU (or in Arceus' case, banned even from ubers), I think it would be good to get a Pokemon that can switch into common Trick threats (Celebi, Starmie, Rotoms, Alakazam) without risking its life out there. Preferably it should be able to ward them off, while not caring about being Tricked.

Mmh, it seems to me that, when you can simply carry a choice pokemon to ward off trickers, a new CAP just to deal with this move is a bit too much and not so productive
Name: Icy Cold

Description: A Pokemon that uses the Freeze status well.

You can literately go any route you want to with this Pokemon; however, if done right this Pokemon will change the metagame.

Freeze is a very seldom seen status in Pokemon, and it is time to change that.
Think about Pokemon like Heatran who are uneffected by Toxic and Will-O-Wisp. The Freeze condition stops any sweeper cold. and stops walls from healing. Also, it provides you with a free turn of setup as they try to switch or they decide to wait for the thaw. Freeze clause makes sure it isn't abused so you have to be able to utilize Freeze at a strategic time.
We could finally introduce Freeze as one of the more potent status effects.

It would literately Freeze the metagame! :D
Mmh, it seems to me that, when you can simply carry a choice pokemon to ward off trickers, a new CAP just to deal with this move is a bit too much and not so productive
Well it's not just meant to ward them off, but to be able to come in on a majority of them without much risk of harm. Trick really is potent and hard to predict, and not every team calls for a choice user (stall), and remember there are 3 choice items. Having something that can essentially counter trick could help some strategies out I think.
Break the Mold was finalized to create a role which the metagame lacked - a Rock Special sweeper, or a bulky defensive Electric/Dragon, or whatever. Many of the concepts which have been suggesting here does not imply creating a new niche in the metagame. Yours, for example, does would not necessary lead to something really new. We could, for example, create a clone of Dugtrio (405BST) and we would have basically answered your concept. Ok, there is space for discussion in future threads, but it is better to start already with a truly new concept instead of just a cool-looking one

It is not against the rules to create an unoriginal concept, but I agree with you 100% that better concepts are completely original ones. Far too many concepts that have been posted are based off of another pokemon, such as "OU <UU Pokemon>" or "Physical/Special <Pokemon>". However, a lot of you guys who have posted "original" concepts haven't put much thought into it, either. Mentioning what niche yur concept fills in the metagame is a good way to start. Take Mekkah's "Anti-Trick" or SoT's "Great Wall" for example. Both were created from a competitive standpoint, not because they were "cool" or "clever". Some of these overly "original" concepts don't make any sense at all! So please put some more thought into it guys!
Mmh, it seems to me that, when you can simply carry a choice pokemon to ward off trickers, a new CAP just to deal with this move is a bit too much and not so productive

Something that can reliably utilise Sticky Hold would be nice, none of us want to resort to using Muk or Gulpin in the OU Metagame.
when you can simply carry a choice pokemon to ward off trickers


If only Trick worked on Shoddy like it did in the game. Sadly, if a Pokemon Tricks a Choice item onto itself, it can still switch moves.

Name: Icy Cold

Description: A Pokemon that uses the Freeze status well.

Ugh. I really don't want to think about how, at any given time, two of my Pokemon could essentially be out of the game. ._.; I think Sleep is enough.
I'm almost sure I posted this in this thread earlier today, but it either got removed, or I simply didn't post it. If it got removed, I would be happy if someone told me why, cause I don't think this concept is similar to any other concept posted. Anyway, here goes:

Weak strategist
Description: A pokémon that despite being very weak can stand up well and cause some serious trouble in the standard metagame, likely because of a good ability, awesome typing, useful moves or a combination of those.

I've changed the description to make it look less stat-dependent. Although, the main point of my concept is that the pokemon should be very weak.

I'd like to see a pokémon that relies purely on strategy instead of power. Of course it will need good typing and/or good moves to be viable, and perhaps high speed. I think the description is pretty self-explanatory.
I'm almost sure I posted this in this thread earlier today, but it either got removed, or I simply didn't post it. If it got removed, I would be happy if someone told me why, cause I don't think this concept is similar to any other concept posted. Anyway, here goes:

Weak strategist
Description: A pokémon that despite having incredibly low stats (possibly with the exception of speed) can stand up well and cause some serious trouble in the standard metagame, likely because of a good ability, awesome typing, useful moves or a combination of those.

I'd like to see a pokémon that relies purely on strategy instead of power. Of course it will need good typing and/or good moves to be viable, and perhaps high speed. I think the description is pretty self-explanatory.
Yes, I deleted it. Read the OP more carefully:
Specific stat bias, base stats, or base stat ratings are not allowed. It is acceptable to use descriptive phrases like "fast", "bulky", "strong attacker", etc -- since there are a variety of ways a pokemon can fit those descriptions without specifically requiring certain stats. But, do not use overly-specific descriptions that would narrowly constrain the pokemon's base stat spread.
Also, please refer to the latest announcement that I just posted, "Want to Contribute to the CAP Project? Read this first!". In it, I specifically mention that any posts (In this case, concepts) that do not follow the rules of the OP will be deleted. Next time, if you find your post deleted, don't ask about it and then make a duplicate of the deleted post, it's incredibly annoying.
Confusion Abuser
Description: A pokemon that specifically uses confusion to defeat opponents.

Explanation: Currently, WoW, T-Wave, and Toxic are used on virtually every wall. However, Confusion is seldom seen on any pokemon not named No Guard Machamp. Confusion is generally seen as inferior due to the fact that the opponent can get rid of it by swiching out. An OU viable Confusion user could psuedo-phaze with Confusion, or even deny the opponent the opportunity to switch out a confused pokemon at all.

Pokemon such as Heatran and Scizor are so powerful, and are not hurt by Toxic (and in the case of Heatran, WoW.) With the downgrading of hypnosis' accuracy and the lack of any good freeze move, Confusion is and option to slow these two down. Confusion could also be paired with T-Wave/Toxic so you could counter Salamence and Zapdos as well. Confusion will also force DDMence and SDScizor to retreat, so not to get hit with boosted confusehax. Parafusion, while being somewhat unreliable, effectivly cripples the most commonly used pokemon.

'Was going to write something like this. I'm supporting this entry or something related to status/annoying.
Name: OU Ditto
Description: A pokemon that changes based on the opponent.

I've always liked ditto, but it just can't pull off what it was meant to do: Use the opponent's pokemon to it's advantage. A pokemon that could pull this off would be awesome. (I know that there is a fancy way to reason this besides "It would be awesome", but my brain is absolutely dead. My apologies.)

I was going to submit something similar (would have called it Kecleon rather than Ditto, but still) so I very much support this idea. ^
It's a rhetorical question, really. If you realize that you can't find your post anywhere in this thread, it was probably deleted for a reason. So I would like to make this clear to everyone. If your concept submission was deleted, then it probably means your concept was not legitimate according to the rules of the OP. Just reword your concept so it does follow the rules or come up with a newer and better concept. We do not appreciate you guys posting the same things over and over again after we delete them, so please take the time to make sure your concept is valid.

Well, this is excessively annoying. My concept gets deleted, and I have no idea why. I'd improve it to meet the criteria, but since it's simply gone with no explanation, I'm not really sure how. Also, there was content in that post commenting on another's concept submission, which is now also gone.

Considering that I'm fairly certain mods can edit posts, why not just edit a message into every offending post of why it's unacceptable?
Well, my concept was deleted, probably because I mentioned various moves that could potentially be used, wasn't trying to make a moveset, let's try again:

Trap Passer

Description: A pokemon that effectively uses trapping moves alongside baton pass.

This role isn't effectively filled by any OU pokemon. Trap passing in its current form mainly exists in the form of Smeargle and is almost exclusively used in baton passing teams, however a trap passer with decent stats could lead to a great many interesting outcomes, trapping enemies and passing to specific counters who would no longer need to worry about a switch out.
Well, my concept was deleted, probably because I mentioned various moves that could potentially be used, wasn't trying to make a moveset, let's try again:

Trap Passer

Description: A pokemon that effectively uses trapping moves alongside baton pass.

This role isn't effectively filled by any OU pokemon. Trap passing in its current form mainly exists in the form of Smeargle and is almost exclusively used in baton passing teams, however a trap passer with decent stats could lead to a great many interesting outcomes, trapping enemies and passing to specific counters who would no longer need to worry about a switch out.

There isn't supposed to be a really good trap passer. That'd be waaaaaaay too cheap.
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