CAP 8 CAP 8 - Part 2 - Main Type Poll

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armogohma said:
And why is electric so popular?

Electric's popularity might be attributed to two things:

1. General popularity. As has been said, Electric's been a "Should have been done by now," thing for a while. So it's in the position to ride a popularity wave.

2. Versatility. Since we're not aiming to model a typing for any particular ability, Electric allows us a lot of flexibility in how we can shape this CAP - which is great when we'll be looking at plenty of abilities to choose from when the time comes.
I'd like to see a really great poison type, personally. There are some good ones, but nothing TOO outstanding... Though I think I'm also tied with Electric as well. Or maybe something Grass, or something else... Hm...

Eh, going to go with Electric.
For the bandwagon.

Edit: Actually, I think I'm going to change to Grass. Yeah, definitely Grass.
It has a single weakness, which allows us to be creative with the secondary type. In OU for electric, we have Zapdos, Jolteon, Magnezone and Electivire. All save Zapdos are sweepers. We could be very creative with this CAP and take it a different direction. Electric can also be used with a lot of different abilities well. And it's associated with yellow, my favorite colour. I actually thought of Electric before I even saw it's basically already won.
Electric, too bad we can't give it Levitate, that's not neglected.
It has a single weakness, which allows us to be creative with the secondary type. In OU for electric, we have Zapdos, Jolteon, Magnezone and Electivire. All save Zapdos are sweepers. We could be very creative with this CAP and take it a different direction. Electric can also be used with a lot of different abilities well. And it's associated with yellow, my favorite colour. I actually thought of Electric before I even saw it's basically already won.

You forgot Rotom, which is defensive. Magnezone is a revenge killer. Everyone will tell you "Electivire sucks," and that leaves Jolteon.
All of the Rotom formes are OU, and upper OU at that. The differences between them is a whole one move and therefore they are considered the same pokemon.
All of the Rotom formes are OU, and upper OU at that. The differences between them is a whole one move and therefore they are considered the same pokemon.
And the massive stat increase.
...Although we're getting off topic...

*Waits for Electric to win*
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