Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Does not look like they. I will remove the links and ask Syberia for new ones/what happened to those. Thanks for the heads up.
I did the coin trick(RNGing wild pokemon) and it said I was wrong, so then I captured a pokemon and my seconds and delay where right, why?

(ignore my last edit, it really didn't work)
I'm probably going to go out and buy Platinum tonight. Is an AR required to find my SID without catching a random shiny or can I just use Pokesav and put in the pokemon's info? I don't own an AR and most likely never will and I've never used Pokesav before so I don't know how it works, but does it tell you what your SID if I put the info of the pokemon into Pokesav?

Does my question make sense?

@ above- Eggs get their IVs from the parents. Three from each. You can't get an IV in a stat that is greater than what the parents have in that stat. You can influence what stat IVs come from each parent, but you can't get 31 IVs in a stat if at least one parent doesn't have it.
@Wulf: Did you go past app 6 before doing the flips? If so, then it was that you had already advanced the IRNG, so the taps wouldn't match up at all.

@4Game: No. You need to also have frame correct. But if you hit the right seed, and are on
the right frame, then yes, you will get the desired pokemon.

@King: Yeah, there's some way to, but I don't use Pokesav to find mine. If you want, PM me when you get it, and i can check it using my AR. Also, only 3 IV's MAXIMUM are taken from the parents, not 3 from each. If so, then double flawless parents would always give flawless, which isn't neccesarily true.
King: Yeah, there's some way to, but I don't use Pokesav to find mine. If you want, PM me when you get it, and i can check it using my AR. Also, only 3 IV's MAXIMUM are taken from the parents, not 3 from each. If so, then double flawless parents would always give flawless, which isn't neccesarily true.
@4Game: No. You need to also have frame correct. But if you hit the right seed, and are on the right frame, then yes, you will get the desired pokemon.

Thanks man! I'll add you as a friend on here, so I remember who you are.

Also I've never bred or tried to get good IVs, so sorry for giving the wrong info. I thought it took three from each parent. My bad.:P

Also I figured out that if one finds a shiny on a low frame like 8, which says don't open up app 6 then passing over it, but not letting it open doesn't advance the IRNG. I did this once and the egg turned out to be shiny. I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm just putting it out there.

One quick question: If I KO a pokemon when I am trying to catch one to find my initial seed do I need to SR or can I just find another pokemon?
I did the coin trick(RNGing wild pokemon) and it said I was wrong, so then I captured a pokemon and my seconds and delay where right, why?

(ignore my last edit, it really didn't work)

Not sure, and you would need to give a LOT more information before anyone could even think of helping you with this.

@ above- Eggs get their IVs from the parents. Three from each. You can't get an IV in a stat that is greater than what the parents have in that stat. You can influence what stat IVs come from each parent, but you can't get 31 IVs in a stat if at least one parent doesn't have it.

This is completely not true.

As, at most, three stats are inherited from parents the ones that are not certainly can be 31.
Verifying your Target Time/Delay

Using the Poketch Coin Flip application, flip 10 times, noting the results. Then, using RNG Reporter, select "DPP Egg PID (Normal)" and click "Generate" after entering the initial seed you are targeting.

Where do you enter you initial seed on the rng reporter?
Verifying your Target Time/Delay

Using the Poketch Coin Flip application, flip 10 times, noting the results. Then, using RNG Reporter, select "DPP Egg PID (Normal)" and click "Generate" after entering the initial seed you are targeting.

Where do you enter you initial seed on the rng reporter?

When you right click on the spread you want in the time finder choose generate times. At the top copy the seed(hex). Paste it into the seed(hex) on the main RNG page.

Dang loedoc beat me to it.:P
Ok I see where I made my mistake, I need to be more careful, I put in the "PID" instead of the "Seed" code, on the RNG reporters main page..

Let me see if I can hit the flawless shuckle now.
@anyone trying this; tripple check everything! I keep making little mistakes that cost me time T_T

*another question*
When searching for the frame that came before your target frame, do you search with it as the maximum in method 1? because when I don't put it as the maximum... I come up with a different result for the last 4 digits of the PID
Ok I see where I made my mistake, I need to be more careful, I put in the "PID" instead of the "Seed" code, on the RNG reporters main page..

Let me see if I can hit the flawless shuckle now.
@anyone trying this; tripple check everything! I keep making little mistakes that cost me time T_T

That is true. Even the smallest mistake can go unrealized for a while.
I have a question about Minusone's ShinyFinder. Does it work with both normal and international parents? Does it effect it at all if I use a japanese ditto with an american X pokemon?

Also it says to have six pokemon in my party. Can two be the parents?
I have a question about Minusone's ShinyFinder. Does it work with both normal and international parents? Does it effect it at all if I use a japanese ditto with an american X pokemon?

Also it says to have six pokemon in my party. Can two be the parents?

This was integrated into the newest version of RNG reporter. Also, since it finds early shiny frames, there is no point for international parent. I think minusones is for non international but RNG reporter may have a setting for both. Yes they can be two parents.
It actually only searches for non-international for the reasons LF stated, but it also works with international parents because all spreads that work for non-international also work when there are international parents.

Also, I found something very interesting -- Let me preface, that I had considered how to get a SID with chained shinies and came to the conclusion that it was not possible. SVC and X-Act were of the same mind. Looks like someone figured out a way to do it:


Download ID behind Sid determine determine tool Behind the main character using a different color is produced POKETORE ID to identify the program. I need a few different color-producing animal POKETORE.
I will be giving some more thought as to how this could be possible, since obviously it is. I do know it takes more than one chained shiny and one of you who has done a bit of chaining might even be able to figure out how to use the program in the meantime.

This definitely gives me something fun to figure out, though.
@Mingot: I am an accomplished chainer, with shinies chaned under many different ID's. Is there any way I can help? (Barring trading, as that seems to be beyond me right now, as I have no WiFi).
Well, at this point you can mess with the program. I'm going to work on figuring out how it does what it does.

Imperfect luck has helped with some translations:

HP / Attack / Def / Speed / SAtk / SDef

Natures in natural order (refer to IVs to PID applet in RNG Reporter)

Button says: Check these conditions / Find

male 1/2,
female 1/2,
male 7/8,
female 1/8,
male 3/4,
female 1/4,
male 1/4,
female 3/4,

Ability Next:

Ability 0
Ability 1

Pokemon Needed, or that at least shows how many SID possibilities there are.

EDIT: I am seriously not in the mood for pointless posts this evening. If you notice your posts here getting deleted take that as a warning.
Hi. I just recently studied RNG and currently attempting to catch a flawless Pokemon. I'm hitting my target time correctly, but I think I'm having some problem with the RNG advancement. I'll give my clear situation:

My target seed-19120275
My target frame-41
My required RNG advancement-39. I subtracted 2(the monster frame of sweet scented Pokemon in the grass) from my target frame(41)
My target date-2009/08/03
My target time-18:00:01
My synchronized time-18:00:00
My Reset time-18:00:46

So here's the situation. I fixed the date and time of my DS at my target date and time. I started the game and resetted at my reset time. I checked if I hit my target time correctly using the coin flip trick, and it worked out correctly. So I advanced my RNG based on the required advancement, which is 39. Here's how I did it:

I flipped my journal in the page which has caught/defeated Pokemon in it 19 times, which is equal to 38 RNG advancement. So there's one left. I just walked one step in a grass which gives 1 RNG advancement.

So I already have my target frame. It's time to catch the Pokemon, so I used Sweet Scent, and the wild Starly appeared. I caught it, but I can't get the spread that I wanted.

So my questions are:
1.Where did I go wrong with the RNG advancement?
2.Suppose I only have one page in my journal which has caught/defeated Pokemon, can I use that page over and over again to advance the RNG?

Hope anyone can help me with this.
1. You did the advancement part correctly. You may have a runner out though, which will add one to the advancement. Use the poke you caught to find what seed you got and frame.

2. Yes using the same one is fine.
Okay, so, I've got all of the calibrating and resetting stuff down, now I need help understanding how to target a specific Pokemon.

I understand what you mean by finding your Method J frame, then taking the last 4 digits off of the Method 1 frame before it. Example:

Method J: Frame 303 (PID: 09C1F73F)
Method 1: Frame 302 (PID: 7BABE8A5)

E8A5 = 59557

59557 / 656 = 90.79 = 90 = Slot 8

I get this much, but now... mingot starts writing in code and I have no clue what I do from now on. :P

I guess I want to know how I take this number and figure out how to find a specific Pokemon.