Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

im going to RNG abuse the darkrai that was released today, and I have a question:
do I have to worry about slots on it? since there are no other pokemon there, or is it slot zero or something?

No, slots are only for wild pokemon in grass, water,..., not for stationary legends.
Anyone wanting me to guess their game start time by their SID/TID? ;)

I didn't expect to find a collision so soon. I just took some random combination - to surprise a friend - and I got two Seeds for it:

Init: ee1058f0 gives dd9073ca
Init: 650a7a57 gives dd9073ca

Considering that Seed->SIDTID is an operator from 32bit to 32bit, this already should be proof enough that there are unreachable SIDTIDs.

I'm confused. I hit my delay, my target frame was 1, so I figured I didn't have to do anything, so I encountered darkrai, but it wasn't shiny. Does it advance the rng when the npc in the canalave inn takes you to your bed?
looks like there's someone else aiming for a darkrai, I recommend you save right in front of darkrai shika511, that way you can't mess up
I believe it advances it by eleven or so, and you might end up with the wrong pokemon with the ivs and nature you wanted

Edit: to keep you guys posted, my darkrai project is a success, apparently slot doesn't matter (although no one told me)
I believe it advances it by eleven or so, and you might end up with the wrong pokemon with the ivs and nature you wanted

Edit: to keep you guys posted, my darkrai project is a success, apparently slot doesn't matter (although no one told me)
For method J? No I don't think it really matters..
I'm trying to get the perfect cresselia, but it doesn't work... I have many problems with cresselia! is there any one who can tell me how can I do it?
Anyone know what the easiest way is to discover whether your SID can produce a flawless IV shiny in RNG Reporter? I'm trying to capture a ditto. I realize it's almost impossible, but I thought I'd ask how best to go about it, just for kicks - someone suggested searching delays of 595-700 in 2000.

Any ideas?
Is this the HP Ground Cresselia that people have been using for the VGC?
seed 9c100264, Bold, 31/26/31/30/30/31, HP Ground 70

No, as far as I know people are using my cresselia because I was the first one with it and gave it / had it as a prize for SLSAT tournys and many people have it. mine has 0 in attack, which makes the hp only 68. If you can get hp ground 70, even better. I just got that once because I didn't want to go for a high delay.

waterfiend33 - if you just want to check for the modest, timid, and calm spreads, just go to the IVs to pid part of RNG reporter, type in that stats and nature, with your ID in and it will tell you what the SID needs to be to make it shiny. Remember, you can add like 8 to the last number I believe and it will still be shiny.
Thanks LightningFusion for the help, I'll go and see if it works.

Also am I calculating this correctly:

Journal Flips = 80 - 1 (Wild Pokemon Start Frame) - Sweet Scent (I'm guessing 2 since it's a wild grass pokemon) - 3 (I have 3 birds roaming around) = 74 Journal Flips/2 = 37 Journal Flips to be made? Is this correct? I'm on route 210 south, right above solaceon town in the grass where you can find scythers, chansey, ponyta, and geodude. The only bothersome NPC on this particular route is the jogger right on the slope above me who paces back and forth, do you recommend I battle him so he stops moving and then save in the grass, reset, then do journal flips?
No, as far as I know people are using my cresselia because I was the first one with it and gave it / had it as a prize for SLSAT tournys and many people have it. mine has 0 in attack, which makes the hp only 68. If you can get hp ground 70, even better. I just got that once because I didn't want to go for a high delay.
Ah, so this must be yours:
seed 671502b5, Bold, 31/0/31/30/30/31, HP Ground 68

I got the spread I first listed from mingot's spreadsheet on the first page. I can get it with my usual delay of 609 by setting the year to 2003. Unfortunately, the frame is 5177, so it looks like I won't be getting that one... your frame was 1718? That's still pretty high... 856 journal flips and 1 step/turn.
no, I'm looking for cresselia timid all 31... you must research year 2048, delay 601 and all 31 IVs...
I have problems with advancing frame.... when I match delay and seconds, must i talk to cresselia after rng avancing (journal pages and 128 steps if I need them) or must I advance later, after I talk her?
If you have already mastered abusing eggs in DPPT, then where do I start with capture abusing? Are my frames and delays going to be different? I can hit 595 perfect and 14 seconds, but I'm not sure where to start and if they change in capturing as opposed to breeding.
Wait, the jogger isn't a battler and continues to pace back and forth so does he affect the RNG advancement since I'm guessing he moves in a "fixed" pattern, much like the buneary in the daycare center?
I just hit my delay perfect again. I entered the seed and my target frame was 1, just like was trying for, so why wasn't the darkrai shiny? Is it because it was the first pokemon I fought?
@Shika:That shouldn't have anything to do with it, you only need to battle the first pokemon you encounter to find the initial seed.

Edit: LightningFusion cracked the pokeradar so you can RNG abuse with it as well now.
I tried to hit 114 frame method 1, thinking that I had to advance the frame before talking to cresselia, but after that I caught a lax cresselia, I checked the hitted frame in the list and it was 399.... I haven't others roaming pokemon!