F.E.A.R: Not just a game.

Stumbleupon.com: It's a pretty fun website that I use when boredom or the urge strikes me. It can find unique things on the internet that I (being lazy) may not have found otherwise.

So, as I was looking at these pictures it made me recall that I did indeed have some childhood fears myself. Being the dark, the basement, and heights.

I've lived in a few different houses in my time, each one having a creepy basement. You know the drill. Wooden, creaky stairs. Pitch black. Damp air with the plip plop in the background. Only one bulb with concrete flooring. It always occured to my brilliant family to place the washer and dryer down there as well. Spooky basement wasn't enough for you? You want to sit down there just to make clean clothes?

The dark was less substantial, mainly being that of the fear of the unknown. I'm not scared of the dark so much as I am of the fact that I can't tell what's in the dark.

Heights I can't really explain. I've just always been uncomfortable in really tall places. I've managed to tame most of my childhood fears, however. I can easily walk down the hallway of my apartment in the middle of the night. I can stand on relatively high areas without freezing. Still freaked out by creepy basements though. Who isn't?

So, to the meat of this topic. What are some of your childhood fears? Are they still around later in your life? Are you still a child and afraid of them? How did you overcome them. Discuss.
To be honest? Ghost/undead children have always scared me. Sure their adult counterparts are scary too, but for some reason the children variety greatly unnerve me. And of course my fear was greatly realized when an influx of Japanese Horror made its way to the U.S. ( Ringu, Ju-On, etc).

So yea...Ringu ( The ring ) especially freaks me out. Probably when the girl comes out of the screen and comes to kill you. As soon as the movie was over in the theatre I bolted to the car. Had nightmares for a week after that I did.

Why? I guess it's because children are usually thought of to be innocent, and when they are undead and..well..scary, the innocence is completely gone, replaced by an unfamiliar evil that could strike out at any moment.


(Virtual Circus Kareoky Act)
I cannot stand sitting with my back to a room, especially if that room is not in my house. I just get really antsy. It wasn't really a "fear" I had as a kid because back then I saw the world through rose glasses. Although I do console myself with the thought that if someone does sneak up and kill me it won't matter in the slightest.
I hate heights! I just freeze up when im high up uhhhhh im afraid of heights
And then the girl from the movie The Ring ( Samara ) used to scare me when i was little lol i thought she would try and kill me or something
I wouldnt call this something afraid of but its scary to me when im walking on like a dark street at night and theres like no cars but then you see 1 coming and i always think there gunna like take me away or something lol
Im still and always will be afraid of heights, but im not afraid of The Ring any more just kinda forgot about it
I hate heights! I just freeze up when im high up uhhhhh im afraid of heights
And then the girl from the movie The Ring ( Samara ) used to scare me when i was little lol i thought she would try and kill me or something
I wouldnt call this something afraid of but its scary to me when im walking on like a dark street at night and theres like no cars but then you see 1 coming and i always think there gunna like take me away or something lol
Im still and always will be afraid of heights, but im not afraid of The Ring any more just kinda forgot about it
Oh? Damn I feel singled out here..guess that movie struck a nerve with me.
Oh? Damn I feel singled out here..guess that movie struck a nerve with me.
Well, Ring was a pretty... Subpar horror film. May I tickle your terror taste buds and suggest any of the Night After Dark Horror Fest films? Particularly "Wicked Little Things". It has many instances of children offering a few good frights.
I remember when I was little that I used to be afraid that aliens would somehow come out from under my bed and kidnap me. Not monsters, aliens, and they didn't live under there. They would just somehow appear.

I was - and still am, although to a lesser extent - afraid of heights and public/unfamiliar toilets (not urinals, though), especially electronic ones. I'm always afraid they're going to flush randomly if I don't sit up as straight as possible... I'm not quite sure why I'm afraid of non-electronic ones, since I'm not a germaphobe, but I guess it probably has something to do with an unfortunate airplane experience I had as a toddler that I can no longer remember...

The last fear I can remember having since childhood days is being afraid of being put to sleep unnaturally. You know, being put to sleep by the dentist or a surgeon before a particularly painful procedure. I still have my wisdom teeth simply because I refuse to be put out; same goes for my being "tongue-tied".
My childhood fear? Being alone in the dark. It'd happen all the time when I would stay up and my parents are sleeping. At night when if I'm not sleeping some sort of light would have to be on (TV, computer, desk lamp et c...,). If I wake up at night while my parents are sleeping to get a drink of water I would have to turn the light on or run to quickly get some water. I'm not afraid of the dark, but what's in the dark when I'm alone. I don't have other fears though.
In the PC game Jedi Knights: Dark Forces II there are two kinds of monsters that TERRIFIED me as a kid. One was the jellyfish that would deal 50% of your health in one hit, destroying all of your armor cells in the process. The other was this huge fucking fish thing. It looked soooo stupid. It was just this fish...not even like, a shark. A FISH.

And it moved faster than you can believe and just rapes you in the asshole.

Ever since playing that game, I'm afraid to go into the water if it isn't clear enough to see in.

I replayed the game at age 19 and still had trouble jumping in to the water levels where you encounter those fucking fish >____<


is a Community Contributoris an Artist Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
The last fear I can remember having since childhood days is being afraid of being put to sleep unnaturally. You know, being put to sleep by the dentist or a surgeon before a particularly painful procedure. I still have my wisdom teeth simply because I refuse to be put out; same goes for my being "tongue-tied".
you know when i had a tooth (or two?) removed due to getting my wisdom teeth really early i wasn't actually put out; the anaesthetic used was local

it was great because for the rest of the day i couldn't feel that side of my mouth and could get away with saying "fuck" instead of "fox" because i couldn't form that solid "ck" sound

my point was, though, if it causes you any discomfort, perhaps you ought to look into having it done without a general anaesthetic

this thread is an interesting read, it reminds me of glen's(?) things you used to do/think as a kid thread in firebot. so many of these things we all seem to think are unique to us, and then there seems to be a million other people that have had the same experience (and the thought that they were alone in doing so)
Spiders spiders spiders.

I am currently sleeping in the living room because I saw one in my bedroom and no one could find it to remove it. Hell, I can't throw things at them to kill them. I can't touch pieces of paper that have a picture of a spider on them or play video games with spiders in them (even awfully animated, like the ones towards the end of Super Mario Land on GB). I don't know why, they just terrify me. It's actually got worse the older I've gotten as well.
my point was, though, if it causes you any discomfort, perhaps you ought to look into having it done without a general anaesthetic
Oh, I've had a few teeth pulled while under anesthetics before (got to skip the whole day of school because I bled for so long :D). It still hurt quite a lot, though, and I've heard having your wisdom teeth pulled even while under anesthetics hurts even more than regular teeth. My wisdom teeth aren't bothering me right now anyways, so I don't see the point in fixing what isn't broken.
When I was young, I was very afraid of being alone in the house. It was because I thought there were ghosts all around (bad influence of TV and movies) and would get me any second I was alone. I have got over it mostly now as I have realized that ghosts can't be real but it still feels slightly creepy to be alone. However others from the childhood still persist very much like darkness, fear of pitch black darkness; and yes heights. And I hate injections, its not exactly a fear but those pointed needles make me quite uncomfortable.


On porpoise
is a Contributor Alumnus
I'm extremely afraid of animals in large numbers, especially chickens for some odd reason.

Daddy long legs invoke in me a paranoia that lasts from mid-June until late Spetember. They are by are my biggest fear.
Dont even get me started on my fear of heights; I cant even be on a ladder without freaking out.

At one point in my life, I couldnt stand being home alone, or even babysitting. Fortunately, that lasted for only about a year.

I suppose I could qualify as afraid of the dark, but it's not nearly as severe as my fear of heights, or my past fear of being home alone.
Well, Ring was a pretty... Subpar horror film. May I tickle your terror taste buds and suggest any of the Night After Dark Horror Fest films? Particularly "Wicked Little Things". It has many instances of children offering a few good frights.

Oh yeah? I think my local videostore carries some of those films, as well as my On Demand. Thanks I'll check it out.
That little blue kid from "The Grudge".I used to be afraid he would climb up on the wall in front of me from under my bed and then his head would twist around and he would kill me.Seeing Scary Movie 4 got rid of this fear as it was just so silly in that movie
I'm not scared of any animals and never have been- I've got a snake, a tarantula, a bunch of roaches and 11 lizards after all. And a cat and a dog lol.

Not keen on heights though. I've been to a Go Ape before and stuff, and wasn't bothered by the heights as such, but rather the nasty inertia you get at places, and especially the high-up ladders and platforms at the higher-up places.

The dark isn't scary, either, but I guess I've hung around the house at night quite a lot, and have a habit of not going to sleep at night for a while and doing random stuff.

Something I would say I'm scared of is chavs/hooligans. They're just horrible. I mean, even while harmlessly walking around the town centre doing some fieldwork last year, some chav kids were kicking a football and hurling abuse at me for no reason in particular. And that was in broad daylight (evidently they were skiving off school) in a small town. Go to London and at night in a run-down area and it'll be knives, not footballs. Then do that in the US and it'll be guns. Plus in the states those gangs of delinquents hanging round street corners at night really do scare me, lol. And yeah I've seen those for myself in Tampa and Orlando. Dunno why I went to Florida but I did, lol.

Anyone else reminded of an evangelion unit?

Also, Oddworld for the Gameboy seemed to freak me out, but I loved it and played it till the end. There was barely any music except strange beeping noises. ANYTHING could kill you and unlike in my other games, I could rarely fight back. Abe was fucking vulnerable to this strange, crazy world and I rarely knew what was truly going on, or what I should do.
I saw some volcano movie and was scared shitless that a volcano might erupt in my back/side yard, even though I live on limestone (Florida is made up of that stuff).
I recently had a movie marathon at a friend's house with the Final Destination movies. One of their breakers was out so the lights in the bathroom weren't working, and so I had to use it in the dark right after having watched the first movie. I was like "oh man oh man I'm going to slip on water and strangle myself on the shower curtain wire and nobody is going to hear me and they'll all think I'll commit suicide!!"

It wasn't an actual fear, but I thought it was rather funny afterwards. Those movies are so cheesy =\
The above picture made me jump! No more surprise scary pictures.

As for me one thing I've always been afraid of is aliens.
It's too dark and late for me to even begin going over my huge -once life consuming fear of them.


One Pixel
is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
To be honest? Ghost/undead children have always scared me. Sure their adult counterparts are scary too, but for some reason the children variety greatly unnerve me. And of course my fear was greatly realized when an influx of Japanese Horror made its way to the U.S. ( Ringu, Ju-On, etc).

So yea...Ringu ( The ring ) especially freaks me out. Probably when the girl comes out of the screen and comes to kill you. As soon as the movie was over in the theatre I bolted to the car. Had nightmares for a week after that I did.

Why? I guess it's because children are usually thought of to be innocent, and when they are undead and..well..scary, the innocence is completely gone, replaced by an unfamiliar evil that could strike out at any moment.
One of the biggest fears of my life. Even til today. Just a really irrational fear. One time in Chicago on vacation, I woke up drenched in sweat because I was literally rewatching the entire movie in my head.

Oh and I watched in gr 4, which definitely wasn't pleasant. I stopped after 30 minutes, because I was close to tears.

Other than that, heights are a big part, and having the war thrown into a nuclear war was another, but the nuke war is gone, after reading about how the possibility of a nuke strike is next to none in my future.


what are birds? we just don't know.
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
the movie that scared me most was american psycho. not particularly because i was scared of the dude (although he was pretty scary) but just the thought that i could go crazy one day for no apparent reason and kill someone, that freaked me out.

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