Shoddy Sprite packet made of fan made scratch sprites: looking for contributors

Most of these are great.
Anyway, first scratch sprite:


Because I can. And shiny here:


If they need improving, just say. =D


Sprites to be used in the packet need to match the 4th gen art style regarding size. However big the official sprite is, that's how big the new sprite should be. Otherwise, it looks like the sprite was meant for an older game or the pokemon is bigger than it's supposed to be.

And that froslass has frog-mouth and a midget wing.

@pastel: the artists themselves decide how they want their artwork to be used, and I believe Nintendo has the legal copyright on the creatures depicted, and of the names of the creatures.
so your saying, you can't use my Typhlosion?

Isn't the thyplotion big enough since he is bending forward?
that was gonna be my next question to.^^

and actually it was the size, it still is in the width, but i made it little bit shorter (in the length).

answer please. ^^
ok here is a new one: snorlax.
He is hugging the ground! ... or just lying on his belly :p

anyway, he is as big as a normal snorlax, just liek the thyphlotion, lying forward.
Hope it good enough then.​
If you guys finish this whole pack, I think it would be a good idea to submit it as an article in the smog. Whichever month this pack is finished that is.

Brilliant no? ;D
why not put all of the sprites on the OP??so you have the full sprite in images. xD
like that, you dont have to browse through all of the pages for one.
why not put all of the sprites on the OP??so you have the full sprite in images. xD
like that, you dont have to browse through all of the pages for one.
Well I mean an article on the spriting community, what we went through to get the sprites done, steps on how to update the sprites to shoddy, and a link to the ZIP/WIN/7z packed files.
He doesn't need every pokemon (or at least he wants to start with only the common pokemon).
That's why my magnemite was turned down

But where is tvboycanti actually? Haven't seen him for a really long time
don't wanna spam this but here is the next one: qwilfish...
not a fan of this psrite but still... It's a sprite :p
(might be updating alot of my sprites including this one)


hope oyu like it nayways (it like the typical goldeenpose)​
Sorry guys, I've been taking a break from smogon because of school, the flu and a regionals tournament. I'm actually still taking a break, but I'll be back soon to organize all the sprites and show off some new sprites for amethyist.

Dhjona, the typhlosion is fine, but please make it a little bit taller.
glad your back.
I also have 2 new sprites: weezing and shedinja...
also changed some minor things on my previous scratches so I will pm them later (can't really do it now cause I do'nt have my other computer around)

Um, I'm not sure if this is acceptable, but here's Pikachu if you'd like to use it. :)

The idea of this is to use scratch sprites. This is just a revamped Gold Pikachu. Oh and save your sprites as .png, jpg distorts the image and ruins the quality ;)
What will you do if you have two copies of the same pokemon?
As is with Azelf right now...

While you could do a different sprite for different genders, Azelf is genderless...
here is teh new one: vaporeon


I think ,if you got 2 diffrent sprites of a pokemon the most democratic way to handle is, is to make a poll and vote

edit: other revamp for UU battlers: chansey (with soem minor scratching on the outlines)
The Feraligatr's pretty good, but it's also very small. You've got an 80x80 canvas to work with, use it, unless your doing a small pokemon.
here is the next one: heatran :)
Hope you like it
(wow firstly I had 91 width... so smallled it up with 11 pixels and it's hardly notacable :p) (9th worldwonder?)

new one :)
He really has a really really weard outlining...
so I put 2 jirachi's here: with and without the style of the original jirachi sprite
Personaly I like my outlinestyle more (the right one)

hope you liek it :p​

next one is also finished: weavile

and the last one: celebi
Well, I was looking at the Politoed sprite and noticed it was a bit.. lackluster. So I tried a more dynamic approach.


Is it better?