Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I thread of Sega is probably lying to us


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What Was Revealed
- Trailer:
- Interview:
- Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1
- Released this summer on XBLA, PSN, and WiiWare
- Likely coming to iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad later as well judging by the "?" platform on the title screen at the end of the trailer
- Picks up right after Sonic 3 & Knuckles as far as story goes (so falls in Sonic 2 / Sonic 3 / Sonic & Knuckles storyline)
- spin dash, power sneakers, and homing attack are in
- Wii version uses motion control, PS3 version uses Sixaxis
- Wii version runs at 480p, PS3 and 360 version run at 1080p
- A screenshot can be found below

What We Already Knew
  • 2D
  • 2010 Release
  • A strong possibility of the game being a downloadable title
  • It is NOT a remake
  • Of the following characters, only Sonic is in the game:

Trailers and Artwork
Music Sample:
Reveal Trailer:

Concept Art

Well, probably not lying to us anymore! I have faith in Sega... well, except with terrible spin-off games. Those are just evil to the core.

Episodic makes it seem like the older ones. I'm speculating they'll have the same length of each old Genesis game, but get into the point of drawing up a better plot. Episodic price point makes it worth your money game in my opinion.

Short and sweet though: Thank god!
If Sega gets this wrong in any way whatsoever, the franchise is irredeemable.

Funnily enough, though, an episodic game would probably address fears that a Sonic game is "too short".
Honestly? Unless they get their level designers up to speed with how to design a traditional Sonic level, I can't get behind the hype train. At least his speed seems to be moderated.
It seems Sega finally is getting the message fans and critics have been giving them. From what I can see, there's no other characters besides Sonic and Robotnik, no other gameplay modes and all you do is run alot. I have high hopes for this, though I'll wait for more gameplay footage before having hype or dread.
It seems Sega finally is getting the message fans and critics have been giving them. From what I can see, there's no other characters besides Sonic and Robotnik, no other gameplay modes and all you do is run alot. I have high hopes for this, though I'll wait for more gameplay footage before having hype or dread.

Weird, i was thinking about this and from what you said, if there's only Sonic and Robotnik, where's the 2P? I assume Tails will be in as 2P as well. No idea about Knuckles though... (Probably taken out)
They've cocked up already by calling Robotnik Eggman in that description. On a slight tangent, how long has passed between Sonic 3 and 4?

Oh, Crabmeat, how you have been missed.

Interestingly, that Beetlebot concept was artwork by a fan Sega liked so much, it's gonna be in the game.
Honestly? Unless they get their level designers up to speed with how to design a traditional Sonic level, I can't get behind the hype train. At least his speed seems to be moderated.

Not only is the screenshot you posted scenery porn, but not really even GOOD scenery porn. I am not pessimistic about the chance for a good Sonic game, but it seems like all the fun has long since been drained from the series.

Sonic's eyes are also kind of nasty...everyone is pretty dedicated to making him as furfaggy as possible still!
On a slight tangent, how long has passed between Sonic 3 and 4?
Isn't it 16 years now? Unless you mean in-game, read OP.

On another note, unless this becomes seriously fucked up piece of shit, I have a good reason to go and buy Wii or Xbox 360.
As much as I hate it, every time Sonic team looks like they're doing something right, they're doing it wrong...

However, my hopes are higher than usual. Depending on reviews and price, I'll prolly get this though. I hope my expectations don't get smashed, but it seems smart that they're taking the same route that Megaman 9 and 10 are.
honestly does anyone still care about sonic at this point :|

Still hoping to work for Sonic Team some day so...

I know the clip was short but am I the only one that thinks Sonic's running animation is awkward? It's like a fast walk (this is coming off the spiral). In the promo prior to the gameplay footage his jump was awfully heavy too, which has me slightly worried (hated Knuckles in the originals) but again that was just the promo so there's hope that's not the true mechanic. I really think they should take the Megaman approach to this and turn back to the old school graphics (it would definitely increase sales and hype). It's not for nostalgia's sake necessarily, the 3D on a 2D plane just doesn't float too well with Sonic (at least from my perspective), with Sonic Rush being my experience on the matter. Maybe it's just because the game is so fast (or meant to be). I honestly expect this to be more of a Sonic Rush 3 than a Sonic the Hedgehog 4, especially with the inclusion of the Homing Attack. I'll get it anyways because I'm a sucker like that but my expectations aren't that high.

Late edit: Actually the interview covers graphics bit (even mentions megaman) but I don't buy it. Not gonna go over well.
They've cocked up already by calling Robotnik Eggman in that description. On a slight tangent, how long has passed between Sonic 3 and 4?

Oh, Crabmeat, how you have been missed.
Keep in mind that his name in Japan has ALWAYS been Eggman and that that's where the games come from first (note that somewhere in Wing Fortress Zone it says Eggman), and since other places got hold of the "Eggman" name when the Adventure series started everyone knows who "Eggman" is.

Also, that's not a Crabmeat. It looks more like that crab enemy from Metropolis. You know, the one that extends its arm to hit you with its claw?

I'm curious as to how long an episode would be. My only exposure to episode-based games was with Strong Bad, and those were on the short side. I'd say that five zones would be the smallest it could be without being considered too short, but as I said, I really don't know much about games cut up into episodes.

Since I was a Sega kid, I've got some high hopes, but strangely I'm not overly excited yet. Maybe because it's still a fair while until it comes out?

Anyone got the "Pikachu in a Sombrero" pic?
I'm approaching this with a mix of hope and scepticism. While I would love to see Sonic return to 2D in a non-Rush game, we shouldn't forget that Sonic Team can be very incompetent at times and are more than capable of screwing this up. I doubt we have another '06 on our hands here, but it's difficult to get too excited knowing how often fans have been disappointed in the past.

That said though, some of the stuff mentioned in the OP looks promising. The homing attack sounds pretty sweet, and I think it has the potential to make the gameplay a lot more interesting, as well as keep up Sonic's momentum easily. Also, a game without Shadow, Amy or Big? Thank God.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was Sonic 3 Episode 1.
Sonic & Knuckles was Sonic 3 Episode 2.

I expect this game to have 7 zones with 2 acts each.
To be fair to Shadow, Amy, and all the other retarded friends, it is possible to make a not-horrible game with them in it (see: Sonic Adventure 2). That said, the presence of any friend not named Tails almost always coincides with a shitty game and thank God they do not appear to be making an appearance.
What about Knuckles? Sonic 3 and Knuckles was rather good.

But yeah, aside from Tails, Knuckles, Sonic and Eggman, avoid at all costs.
But yeah, aside from Tails, Knuckles, Sonic and Eggman, avoid at all costs.
I think after the Rush series on DS; Blaze deserves a spot in that list aswell. She fitted in pretty well in the Rush series and at the same time provided a pretty good alternative to Sonic. Not to mention the Rush series is the ONLY reason a ton of fans haven't lost all faith in Sonic.
I think after the Rush series on DS; Blaze deserves a spot in that list aswell. She fitted in pretty well in the Rush series and at the same time provided a pretty good alternative to Sonic. Not to mention the Rush series is the ONLY reason a ton of fans haven't lost all faith in Sonic.

An extremely good point.
Having only played Sonic Rush and skipping out on Sonic Adventure whatever, I don't know what to say about the Rush series, but I can definitely say that the first one was a beautiful game.
It's the one reason I'm going to pray that this game doesn't blow chunks...