Does Technician affect moves with variable base power? (e.g. If I had a Hidden Power with a base power of 60, would Technician boost it to 90? What about things like Flamethrower in the rain?)
I don't quite understand what you're trying to describe here. What do you mean by "original"?
Registeel is one of the best Mence counters out there. Use Latias/Dragon pokemon here to bait Draco Meteor (25.3% - 29.7%), switch him into it. Mence is now at -2 sp.Atk and Fire Blast (if he carries it) will be useless. Registeel with survive the Earthquake (40.7% - 48.4%) and can KO with Ice Punch after Stealth Rock damage (76.1% - 90.6%).
You can use a more specially defensive spread to take less Damage from the initial Draco Meteor as well. Latias/Pokemon here running reflect can also help minimize Earthquake's damage.
Hmm... You know, like fake Emerald, after you battle the Elite Four the save gets deleted something like that, I'm not sure if you totally get it but my problem is, I can't use Pal Park. At the start, there should be a "Migrate pokemon from Kanto" selection right? And that doesn't show to me.
Playing Registeel in the OU metagame is pretty risky you know. After Draco Meteor, he/she can predict the incoming Ice Punch and switch out to Magnezone, trapping it. Registeel can't really damage Magnezone(hard enough) while Magnezone can do 20-27%, sorry I'm too lazy to calculate, to 252 HP / 252 SpD Careful Registeel. Or own Registeel with Choice Band Superpower(Scizor) or Close Combat from Lucario.
How can you breed Egg Moves onto Nidoking? They're all male yet Bulbapedia etc. states he has them.
How can you breed Egg Moves onto Nidoking? They're all male yet Bulbapedia etc. states he has them.