Final Fantasy XIII

Don't get too excited; after the open area I hear it takes you back into linear corridors.

I'm hearing some great reports on Resonance of Fate for those who finish this and are looking for another RPG. Apparently much better than FFXIII aside from visuals.
Oh yeah, it's that game where the characters are constantly doing their acrobatic shooting. They are always twisting and turning, running, zigzagging back and forth, and every shooting has to be as dramatic and fancy as possible. Hahaha.

The graphic looks so-so and the control is turn-based, but the story could be promising.
Oh yeah, it's that game where the characters are constantly doing their acrobatic shooting. They are always twisting and turning, running, zigzagging back and forth, and every shooting has to be as dramatic and fancy as possible. Hahaha.

The graphic looks so-so and the control is turn-based, but the story could be promising.
The story will probably be terrible. It's a Tri-Ace game. It's all about the battle system.
The story will probably be terrible. It's a Tri-Ace game. It's all about the battle system.
In that case, I might get Mass Effect instead. But the thing with JRPG is that I'll always have a soft spot for them, especially the Final Fantasy. I just hope there'll be great improvement in the FFXIV.

I'm in the near end of the chapter four at the moment. I have also upgraded most of my character's weapons and accessories. Both Lightning and Hope now has the ability to wield two accessories. Isn't that just sweet? Right now I'm in the sequence where Lightning and Hope are trying to infiltrate past the enemy territory to get Hope back to his home, while Lightning wants to battle head-on with the leader or something along that.

When Sazh has finally gotten the access to role of Commando, I have been switching him from RAV to COM when it's just Sazh and Vanille. The chain also lasts much longer, I noticed. Usually I'm always switching him to SYN in the beginning of battle for the Faith, and then switching back to COM to start the chaining. This works noticeably well because the damage increases dramatically.

This was on disc two. Hahaha. I don't mind it that much. I'm just happy they don't make it exclusive to PS3 only. Everyone should be able to get the experience whether they're on Xbox 360 or PS3. But this marketing ploy on the console exclusive is what's preventing many gamers from experiencing the great game play of all the good titles on both consoles--along with the disgusting fanboyism trash talks. I don't want to spend money on both Xbox 360 and PS3, and so I decided to get an Xbox 360 because of 1.) friends and 2.) exclusives. If most of my friends were on PS3, then I would have gotten a PS3 instead. It does break me down a little inside when they released Metal Gear Solid IV and making it a PS3 exclusive. It was one of my favorite game and a great game at that, but getting a PS3 simply for that one title is financially unthinkable of me.
In that case, I might get Mass Effect instead. But the thing with JRPG is that I'll always have a soft spot for them, especially the Final Fantasy. I just hope there'll be great improvement in the FFXIV.

Just to note, XIV is an MMO like XI, so the next one on consoles will be XV.

To be honest I really hope XV goes back to the old FF ways.

Here's an example, I don't know if any of you have played Lost Oddysey, on the 360, produced by Mistwalker, with Hironobu Sakaguchi (who made all the FFs up to X). Now Lost Oddyssey is one of my greatest rated RPGs of all time, not because it has any fancy new control system, new battle system or anything like that. Format wise it's exactly the same as all the FFs up to X, just the usual turn based RPG. It just works. The storyline is amazing and there's good character development. While there isn't a world map, if anything that makes this more of a compliment, because even with it being a bit more linear than I'm used to, it's still great.

In my opinion, to restore my faith (and a fair few other's, judging from some of the reviews of XIII), FFXV needs to go back to it's roots. And bring back the old box art, Jesus.
I'm at chapter seven now! And finally I get to see Snow again. He's been collecting a whopping 14k CP from all those times I've been fighting with other characters too. That's just real nice. I've also been doing so much upgrading on Lightning that her Gladius is up to like Lv. 8 and her Power Bracelet to like Lv. 5. Now every fights are a total breeze, with some exception against the scale-size beasts as those will still take some time.

Does the game get any better after chapter 2?

Because currently, the game seems braindead to me.
Yeah, it will get better once you get into the later chapters. For now in the beginning it's just mostly tutorials and your character doesn't have too many of other choices yet. There's no access to any more useful or uber weapons and skills just yet. The linearity is also sadly a huge stable in the FFXIII, but at least the graphics and the new battle systems should be enough of distractions. As some others have already mentioned, you will get the chance to roam around freely in the later chapters, but when your party's going into the near end of the story then it will become linear again. I'm enjoying it mostly for the eye-candying, and perhaps some from the story and the battle system.
There are also plenty of sidequests to complete, and of course Achievements/Trophies to gain once you complete the main plot. It's definitely a 100+ hour game to 100%. As for me, still on Chapter 11 and finished maxing out everyone's main 3 Roles at lvl 4. Current party is Fang/Light/Vanille, and new favourite Paradigm is Delta Attack <3 (SEN/CMD/RAV).
I'm at chapter ten with 20 hours of gameplay. I either like to take my sweet little time (I usually fully explore an area for treasure and generally fight every single living thing I see) or I just plain suck at the game >.< So far, I'm liking my party of Lightning/Sazh/Hope with the Paradigm Hero's Charge (COM/SYN/MED)
I just got Sazh's Eidolon.

I like most of the scenes where people get their Eidolons, but I feel like he got his at a much more appropriate time than Lightning or Snow did. Those two didn't come during a particularly emotional emotional time, whereas Sazh's did.

Also, does anyone know if there's a max level on weapons/accessories before you have to turn them into a different weapon/accessory?
My progress has been long, but it was worth it because...

I got Bahumut AND Alexander! Also, does anyone know what kind of rewards you get when you complete a Cie'th side mission?
Can anyone tell me how to beat barthandelus on pulse? I keep getting him near dead and then he uses doom count and I cant beat him in time. And I read that if you summon your eiodoln it will revive you from doom count, but it only suspends it. Anyone got any tips????
Please keep this thread spoiler free by using the spoiler tags. Not trying to mini-mod, but you know how it is for these kind of games...

I kind of suspected that you fight him again, but not on Pulse...Sorry, can't help as I'm not that far yet.
Please keep this thread spoiler free by using the spoiler tags. Not trying to mini-mod, but you know how it is for these kind of games...

I kind of suspected that you fight him again, but not on Pulse...Sorry, can't help as I'm not that far yet.

1. I dont know how to do that.
2. It really not that much of a spoiler, just the name of a boss is all it really is.
1. I dont know how to do that.
2. It really not that much of a spoiler, just the name of a boss is all it really is.
1. Spoiler tag is highlighted in the red circle in the below screen.

2. Some people who view this thread know who and what Barthandelus, and you've revealed more than just his name; you've revealed where you fight him and one of his battle tactics. Again, not trying to mini-mod or anything, but I just want you to understand that some people do not wish to view these kind of info prematurely.
1. Spoiler tag is highlighted in the red circle in the below screen.

2. Some people who view this thread know who and what Barthandelus, and you've revealed more than just his name; you've revealed where you fight him and one of his battle tactics. Again, not trying to mini-mod or anything, but I just want you to understand that some people do not wish to view these kind of info prematurely.

There, I fixed my above post. Now people are warned. So can anyone help me with this boss?
Also, does anyone know if there's a max level on weapons/accessories before you have to turn them into a different weapon/accessory?

Different weapons/accessories different levels, but they all have to reach the * level before you can upgrade them to their next form. I've been reading around, and the best way to go about mass upgrading is to buy 36 sturdy bones from Creature Comforts, and as many Super/Perfect conductors as you can afford from Leona's Garage. Use the sturdy bones to max out the EXP. Bonus (3x EXP), and then mass level with the conductors.
One thing I realized:

Is a bitch to fight. You only fight it with Vanille and Fang, which is IMO the worst combination of characters ever -___-
You know what? This game has around 80% on Metacritic, and it probably deserves that score. But saying that it's worse than any other Final Fantasy game because it's too linear? That I've been calling bullshit on since before it came out. Linearity in games is an illusion, even in all the tabletop RPGs I've played and DM'd. Yes, 13 feels very linear. But it's not more linear than anything else with a beginning and an end.

Now if I was to complain about 13, I'd say that the intricate combat system gets stale about halfway through, and while wonderfully character driven the overall plot has few thrills. It reminds me alot of the Grandia games. Final Fantasy 13 is everything I wanted from the next FF game after 12. Now I just want 15 to be a better version of what I want.
that's the point; if its an effective illusion then it's not linear. If it doesn't feel linear then it's not linear: what is linearity beyond the appearance of linearity (or anything for that matter)? It's just feels too much like corridor action, unlike all previous iterations, where I had towns to explore, minigames to sidetrack myself, and a world map with hidden goodies if I took the time to explore (even FF 12 had "secret" areas, despite the lack of a world map). Yes there is a plot that acts as the driving force, but it's well hidden and paced wonderfully: ff 13 is just pushing me forward, constantly.

I know people often say that NPCs in towns say mundane things like "the weather is lovely" or that towns can be reduced to buying equipment, but that's not true. Towns flesh out the world: I can explore the houses and find hidden treasures, or stumble upon quirky NPCs. If the NPCs are boring in towns, it's nothing to do with the intrinsic value of towns, but poor writing. NPCs give the world a certain charm, and all the other FFs had this (except for 12, in terms of interesting NPCs). I feel like I'm in a vibrant high fantasy setting with all the other ffs, but in 13 it's just one long corridor.

Not only that, but most ffs ae plot and character heavy, while this one is character heavy, while the characters are not compelling. Sazh is pretty cool, but vanille (terrible), fang (dull), snow (kinda cool in a weird way but WAY too anime style), and hope (just not likable). Lightning is alright as well, but not enough to lift the rest of the cast. The game just leaves me feeling empty. I stopped at chapter 11 (gran pulse kinda sucks to me I'll be honest) and have no motivation to go back. I just want to play ff7 because it made me miss ff.
FF games, like almost all RPGs, are SUPPOSED to be linear. FF12 was in some sense an aberration in that regard. JRPGs are basically interactive storybooks, and everyone knows this. Most FF games are driven entirely by the plot until the final hours, where the final plot event awaits and the sidequests are just there to beef you up or had flavour before the final boss.

To complain that FF is too linear is simply to reveal that you're not choosing the right games for you. I, personally, as an avid reader, like the story (plot or character) driven nature of the games, and I don't mind that the player doesn't have an impact on how the game turns out (cf: Western RPGs like Deus Ex or Bioshock).
Illusion is essential to video games. The problem with Final Fantasy XIII, as noted, is that it doesn't hide that it's one long corridor. I understand the frustrations of people who know that all jRPGs are a linear experience, but I also understand people who are less analytical and want to be tricked.

The first thing I'd recommend to those who want to stay under the illusion is to turn off the mini-map. It is something that serves to continuously remind you that you're on a straight path. You really do have a few spots you can choose between left and right, but the wrong choice is just so short that the mini-map gives it away. Unfortunately, Square Enix also didn't think to put any treasure chests as incentives on the wrong paths. They had a lot of opportunity for branching and intertwining paths but for the most part did not take it.

Another thing that the "linearity" refers to, which isn't really about linearity, is the ability of the player to control the pacing. Something jRPGs traditionally have are towns which the player can either relax and do meaningless sidequests in to take a break from the main story. Unfortunately, Final Fantasy XIII does not have that and forces you to play the game at the pace of the creators instead. I'd personally not have a problem with that if the pacing weren't so terrible. I've played for 17.5 hours and don't feel like I've had the most varied experience in that 17.5 hours nor do I feel the story has advanced 17.5 hours worth (I'm starting Chapter 10 now). Uncharted 2 is a game which was very linear, very controlled with its pacing, but exceptionally well paced with varied game situations. I think this was what Square Enix wanted to achieve, but ultimately failed to do.

That said, I'm still enjoying my time with the game and I feel it's perfect to relax with for an hour or so at night after a hard day at school or work.
Firestorm sounds right. I can't judge FF13 specifically, since I'm yet to play it, but I feel in general my above point stands.

I liken it to people who complain that driving games are too repetitive because you just race cars all the time.
Well, to be fair, ivar complained about linearity and then stopped playing at chapter 11 because "it sucks" even though it's where it opens up in a big way. So I don't think he knows what he wants either =P