New and 'creative' moveset/EV spread thread - UU Edition

Flare Blitz hits everything harder than Brave Bird except Hariyama though (besides fire types, which Superpower mops up). Brave Bird could still be filler though on ScarfKen I guess.
I don't see any point to using that if its best selling point is "It's not Blissey/Chansey!" Why would you use this over Chansey or Blissey? What does it do better? What advantages does it have? That's what you need to explain, or else all that post says is "Buy a Ford! Why? Because it's not a Lexus!"
Flare Blitz hits everything harder than Brave Bird except Hariyama though (besides fire types, which Superpower mops up). Brave Bird could still be filler though on ScarfKen I guess.

That's missing the point. Superpower has a defense and attack drop. Hariyama can come in after the first drop and proceed to setup easily.

Gallade @ Leftovers
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
~ Substitute
~ Encore
~ Will-O-Wisp
~ Torment

Annoyer set :L
Has anyone tried this set out??

Wish SD Leafeon
Leafeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Leaf Guard
EVs: 252 HP/28 Atk/228 Spe
Nature: Jolly
-Swords Dance
-Leaf Blade

So basically, the idea behind this Leafeon is to go on a slower but more steady sweep. Steels must be destroyed first obviously, so pairing him up Dugtrio or Magneton is a good idea. This Leafeon can be pulled out whenever you like. In the early game, start off by Wishing and scouting out the opponent's team while giving the impression that Leafeon is using a defensive Wishing set. Locate your opponent's Steel type and dispatch it, then bring Leafeon in for an SD and potentially sweep. The EVs provided allow you to outspeed all non-Scarfed versions of Rotom. Wish is also great for pulling off multiple SDs if you are up against a weaker physical attacker that doesn't pack status.

Interesting concept. Still, seems a bit over-optimistic to depend on lefeon's coverage to pull off a sweep. Why not make this more of a support concept with Baton Pass > Return, giving it the option to support its team with wish or Swords-pass?
I love that machoke lead, but bad news: it can't carry Stone Edge. Only Machamp gets access to it. It does get Rock Slide, though, which does OHKO Moltres. I haven't done the calcs on Alakazam yet.
Hi guys.
I have been trying this anti-metagame set, and it works really cool.


Name: AntiMetaTowl
Noctowl @ Lefties
Nature : Calm
252Hp/48 SpA/208SpD
-Heat Wave
-HP [Rock]

Ok, this set is a pretty good check/counter to some of the most used pokemons, that my team was having problems against. Venusaur is the most used poke in UU, and this set totally shuts it down. You can come in on anything it fires at you, and threaten it with Heat wave or the switch with hypnosis. You can carry toxic if you already have a sleep inducer in your team, or if you find it more useful. Toxic allows you to severely cripple some walls and pokemons, such as non-resting Milo and Slowbro/King. Roost is obvious, since this bird is really durable for such a small thing.
Hp Rock is for moltres, who noctowl can stand up against with its good Hp and SpD.
Raikou plows through it tough.
Toxic is a lot more useful than Hypnosis here imo, but I'm really not sure about this set. Why the unSTABed heat wave over air slash, that hits Venusaur harder and also forces the likes of Hariyama out? There's really nothing Flying doesn't hit better than Fire, that doesn't kill the hell out of Noctowl anyway...not that I can think of.

I'd also feel a lot safer with Substitute on that set, but I can see why it isn't there.
That Noctowl looks nice but if Heaty Wave is only for Venasaur then air slash would do more and you get a stab bonus.
Hi guys.
I have been trying this anti-metagame set, and it works really cool.


Name: AntiMetaTowl
Noctowl @ Lefties
Nature : Calm
252Hp/48 SpA/208SpD
-Heat Wave
-HP [Rock]

Ok, this set is a pretty good check/counter to some of the most used pokemons, that my team was having problems against. Venusaur is the most used poke in UU, and this set totally shuts it down. You can come in on anything it fires at you, and threaten it with Heat wave or the switch with hypnosis. You can carry toxic if you already have a sleep inducer in your team, or if you find it more useful. Toxic allows you to severely cripple some walls and pokemons, such as non-resting Milo and Slowbro/King. Roost is obvious, since this bird is really durable for such a small thing.
Hp Rock is for moltres, who noctowl can stand up against with its good Hp and SpD.
Raikou plows through it tough.

The common SD Venusaur will still walk right over him. If Noctowl comes in on an SD, it's going to lose. +2 Return has a chance of OHKOing after without a Life Orb (Will always OHKO with LO), and even then, Air Slash won't OHKO Venusaur, meaning he can outspeed and kill you with a 2nd one if the first one doesn't. Even +2 Power Whip is guarranteed to 2HKO.
Thats why you should run hypnosis, to shut him down instead of killing him. Heat wave or Air slash comes down to prefenrece, but with Heat Wave you can fight Registeel one on one and come on top. With Air Slash and HP Rock, Steelix and Regi would laugh at you.
You could run Whirlind over toxic, to prevent anyone from setting up on you, and racking up some entry hazard damage. I run screens on my team, so i feel safe agains venu with the set above
I was just scrolling through some unique NU Pokemon on the Smogon movesets, as most of them are just ignored and Smogon doesn't take much time to think of a great moveset.

I think Kecleon is the most unique Pokemon out there, because of its fantastic ability and it even got Recover from HGSS. So, I made a moveset to take advantage of both of them.


- Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk)
- 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SpDef
- Skill Swap, Double-Edge/Sucker Punch, Drain Punch/Brick Break, Recover
- Color Change
- Life Orb/Expert Belt/Big Root

The strategy is to first use Skill Swap, giving the opponent the Color Change ability. Then, use Double-Edge, which should do a lot of damage, with an Adamant nature, 252 Attack EVs, Kecleon's base 90 Attack stat, 30% power increase from Life Orb, and 180 Base Power (since Kecleon's a normal type).

Since the opposing Pokemon now has the "Color Change" ability because of Skill Swap, it becomes a Normal type Pokemon. You can then use Drain Punch (the preferred option, as it recovers a lot of much-needed HP back) or Brick Break (the more powerful option) for Super Effective damage to finish the opponent off. Of course, Double-Edge does more damage then either of them, but why take more recoil damage? After this, use Recover to gain HP back from opponent's attacks as well as Double-Edge and Life Orb recoil.

Of course, the set is far from perfect. It takes three (3) turns to set up, and with only a Base 60 HP and 70 Def stat, Kecleon might not survive long enough. But, it does have a Base 120 SpDef stat, so it can easily take on any pure special attacker not carrying Focus Blast. I'm terrible with EV spreads and Natures, so those might be changed to improve the set. It is also completely walled by Ghosts, which is why Sucker Punch is an option over Double-Edge.

The items can be changed, too, as an Expert Belt would provide more damage on the Fighting attack and a Big Root would allow you to gain more HP back from Drain Punch.
I've been using Noctowl, too. However, with its 50 Base Defense it is advised you add reflect with some defense EVs in there. This lets it wall Venusaur more reliably. Hypnosis can be added, too. Your choice of attack is your choice of attack, but Night Shade seems to be the best, since Noctowl’s special attack stat isn’t going to hurt much. It also keeps it from being set up fodder for sub CM abusers like Mismagius and Raikou.
I was just scrolling through some unique NU Pokemon on the Smogon movesets, as most of them are just ignored and Smogon doesn't take much time to think of a great moveset.

I think Kecleon is the most unique Pokemon out there, because of its fantastic ability and it even got Recover from HGSS. So, I made a moveset to take advantage of both of them.


- Adamant (+Atk, -SpAtk)
- 252 HP/252 Atk/4 SpDef
- Skill Swap, Double-Edge/Sucker Punch, Drain Punch/Brick Break, Recover
- Color Change
- Life Orb/Expert Belt/Big Root

The strategy is to first use Skill Swap, giving the opponent the Color Change ability. Then, use Double-Edge, which should do a lot of damage, with an Adamant nature, 252 Attack EVs, Kecleon's base 90 Attack stat, 30% power increase from Life Orb, and 180 Base Power (since Kecleon's a normal type).

Since the opposing Pokemon now has the "Color Change" ability because of Skill Swap, it becomes a Normal type Pokemon. You can then use Drain Punch (the preferred option, as it recovers a lot of much-needed HP back) or Brick Break (the more powerful option) for Super Effective damage to finish the opponent off. Of course, Double-Edge does more damage then either of them, but why take more recoil damage? After this, use Recover to gain HP back from opponent's attacks as well as Double-Edge and Life Orb recoil.

Of course, the set is far from perfect. It takes three (3) turns to set up, and with only a Base 60 HP and 70 Def stat, Kecleon might not survive long enough. But, it does have a Base 120 SpDef stat, so it can easily take on any pure special attacker not carrying Focus Blast. I'm terrible with EV spreads and Natures, so those might be changed to improve the set. It is also completely walled by Ghosts, which is why Sucker Punch is an option over Double-Edge.

The items can be changed, too, as an Expert Belt would provide more damage on the Fighting attack and a Big Root would allow you to gain more HP back from Drain Punch.

Just use Shadow Claw instead; that way you hit them super-effectively every turn instead of just half.
Just use Shadow Claw instead; that way you hit them super-effectively every turn instead of just half.

You mean Shadow Claw to Sucker Punch, right?

Hm, yeah, that could work.

But the problem is that it would be hard to take down Normal types.

Sucker Punch to Drain Punch might work best...
Hey everybody. I've been trying this Porygon2 set I've made, and I've found it to be amazingly useful. I'm posting it here to see what everyone else thinks of it. It might be a little long, but I'm trying to prove why it's a good set. Plus, I'm also trying to give options for other people that want to try it.
Note: First option is most recommended

Name: Choice Scarf Porygon2
@ Choice Scarf

Timid/ Modest
EV: 134 HP, 154 Spe, 220 Sp.Att
Thunderbolt/ Thunder
Ice Beam
HP Ground/ Signal Beam/ Recover/ Magic Coat

How it came to be: I once tried a choice scarf Gardevoir because I wanted to utilize trace to have a counter for rain dance + sunny day teams while also having a wall crippler with trick and revenge killer. However, Gardevoir was extremely pursuit weak. It became way too common for people to have Drapion and Absol on their team. I decided to try the other Trace user, Porygon2. At least it isn't pursuit weak. Plus, the surprise factor is nice. Trace proves to be a magical ability. I can copy Swift Swim or Chlorophyll to gain an even larger speed boast in rain and sun respectively. Allowing me to outrun even rain dance/ sunny day sweepers.

Moves: Thunderbolt and Ice Beam are his main attacks. Gives him huge coverage. Plus, they both strike the main attackers of rain dance and sunny day. Here are some calcs for some main targets.

Thunderbolt: (possible/sure OHKO with SR/Spike)
(72/0) Kabutops 83.9% - 98.9%
(0/0) Quilfish 104.1% - 122.5%
(4/0) Omastar 83% - 97.9%
(36/0) Gorebyss 85.4% - 100.8%
(0/4) Moltres 62.3% - 73.5%
(252/4) Slowbro 52.8% - 62.4%
(240/0) Azumarill 52.4% - 61.8%

Ice Beam: (Possible/sure OHKO with SR/Spike)
(76/0) Victreebel 81.9% - 96.9%
(0/0) Tangrowth 99.1% - 116.8%
(0/0) Exeggutor 74.9% - 88.2%
(4/0) Vileplume 65.8% - 77.4%
(0/0) Venusaur 57.8% - 68.4%
(132/0) Leafeon 81.6% - 96.1%
(72/0) Altaria 108.7% - 128.2%
(252/56) Altaria 81.4% - 96%

Trick is a huge factor into this. It cripple walls and force away your forced one move. The last move is up for options. Hp Ground is the most recommended for the extra coverage. It 2HKO many frail pokemon with SR damage, including Houndoom, Arcanine, and Drapion. Signal Beam is only recommended for Ludicolo (who bearly takes 50% from signal Beam). Recover is to give extra bulk. Finally, Magic Coat is recommended for a lead position. It reflects sleep powder back to Venusaur. Messing up you opponet's lead. It may also conceal the choice scarf early game.

EV: 154 Speed+Timid+scarf gives Porygon2 a magic speed number of 319. Allowing it to outspeed +natured, base 95 pokemons like Houndoom and Leafeon (plus the ability to outspeed all chlorophyll and swift swim sweepers if it traces their ability, bar Floatzel). 220 Sp.Att puts many common targets into KO range with entry hazard support. The rest is put into HP for bulk. It's an option To move EV from HP to max out Sp.Att. It's also an option to run a modest nature to have more power. You lose bulk and speed respectivly, however.

Team option: Entry hazards are a huge help for Porygon2. A lead utilizing either SR or spikes are great help to it. Mesprit and Uxie are great SR leads, and Froslass is a great spike lead. They also have great type synnergy with Porygon2. They resist Porygon2's fighting weakness, and Porygon2 risist their ghost weakness. Dugtrio also has great synergy with Porygon as he can Trap and kill Chansey and Registeel. Possibly saving Porygon's choice scarf. Also, Toxicroak goes great in beating ludicolo (the only rain dance abuser that Porygon has a problem with). He also removes Toxic Spike, which really helps Porygon2's bulk.

Well that's my Porygon2. I've found it to be a very useful pokemon. What do you think?
You mean Shadow Claw to Sucker Punch, right?

Hm, yeah, that could work.

But the problem is that it would be hard to take down Normal types.

Sucker Punch to Drain Punch might work best...
I ran a Kecleon like this in Emerald. It had Skill Swap-Sub-Punch-Shadow Ball, and easily translates into 4th gen. =\ It's simple, you just have
- Skill Swap
- Shadow Claw / Sneak
- Drain Punch / Brick Break / Fighting-type whatever
- (filler)

I don't think you really even need to bother with STAB. Against a Normal-type opponent, you just Fighting move > repeated Shadow Claws.

Although honestly, I doubt this'll be all that effective, since your opponent will either switch to something better suited to fight Kecleon, making the Shadow Claw thing useless, or just KO Kecleon before it can do so back (which is why Shadow Sneak might be good).

name: Lead Entei
move 1: Eruption
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Hidden Power Grass
move 4: Fire Fang
item: Choice Scarf
nature: Hasty/Naive
evs: 252 Atk/ 252 SpAtk/ 4 HP
(can use help here)

I've been play testing with this as my lead for a while, and it works pretty well. He wins against most leads, unfortunately without Flare Blitz, he has a hard time against Uxie (though he will always win, Eruption getting close to a 2HKO), and he always loses to Hariyama and Ambipom. However, with these shortcomings, he will always dominate Froslass and Moltres, only ever allowing 1 layer of Spikes from the former and destroying Moltres with Stone Edge.

I've been messing around with the EV's a lot, and I've found these to be the most effective. However, without any Speed investment, he's Dugtrio meat if Dugtrio is holding a Scarf itself, and Dugtrio can switch in on Stone Edge and KO Entei, taking minimal damage.

I've found Mismagius, Registeel and Claydol to be good partners for this Entei. Mismagius able to switch into any Fake Out and threaten with Shadow Ball or Thunderbolt, though she doesn't like Shadow Claw or Payback from Ambipom or Hariyama. She can also set-up on nearly any Uxie with ease. Registeel eats any Ambipom without Low Kick alive, and Claydol can spin away any entry hazards your opponent may have gotten down, and threaten Hariyama with Psychic.

Here's a list of how he fares against common leads:

Alakazam: Not much of a problem, Eruption is a 2HKO easily. Entei won't mind anything being Tricked onto it either. Will take a lot of damage from Psychic though.

Ambipom: Unfortunately, without Flare Blitz, Entei doesn't like Ambipom at all. Having a Ghost-type or Registeel waiting in the wings is recommended.

Arcanine: Not really a threat. Without Intimidate, Stone Edge is a OHKO, otherwise an easy 2HKO while taking little damage from Extremespeed or anything else.

Froslass: Dead. Will get up a layer of Spikes with Focus Sash.

Hariyama: Loses. Hariyama is Entei's biggest threat, boasting both Thick Fat to absorb Eruption, and/or Fake Out/Guts to threaten with a OHKO with Close Combat.

Houndoom: OHKO with Stone Edge, though will OHKO with Focus Sash/Counter. Most don't carry one though with the prevalence of Fake Out.

Moltres: OHKO with Stone Edge

Omastar: OHKO from Hidden Power, however Surf is a OHKO right back if it's holding a Focus Sash.

Cloyster: Will OHKO with Hidden Power if no SpDef investment, however Cloyster can OHKO right back with Rock Blast.

Mesprit: Easy 2HKO with Eruption, however it will get something done either rocks, a screen, or rain/sun.

Regirock: Pain, will OHKO Entei with Stone Edge/Earthquake, however Hidden Power has a chance to 2HKO if they decide to just Stealth Rock.

Spiritomb: Will always win with Eruption, though Entei will be limping afterwards.

Uxie: Entei can only muster a 3HKO with Eruption, though Uxie isn't going to be doing much to Entei either besides Thunder-waving or setting up Stealth Rock.
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