The Close Combat Tournament

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I finally have time to breed my pokemon. I should have it bred and ev trained by the end of the day and can battle my opponent after that. Sorry for taking so long.
About to do my battle with Mighty Metagross. Let's see how well I do.

Awwww.... I lost to Mighty Metagross.

He used Infernape and then used Hidden Power Ice, I used Dragonite and wasn't able to take a move because the Hidden Power killed him before my move.
About to do my battle with Mighty Metagross. Let's see how well I do.

Awwww.... I lost to Mighty Metagross.

He used Infernape and then used Hidden Power Ice, I used Dragonite and wasn't able to take a move because the Hidden Power killed him before my move.

You shouldn't reveal people's teams (or in this case, Pokemon). MM didn't say anything so maybe it doesn't bother him, but in most other cases you shouldn't be doing that.

Just a reference for future battles you may have :)
yoshi. still didnt reply to my available times and the only time for me available to finish this match before the deadline is today an hour before the live tourtament so hopefuly he will show up if no we may need an extention
The request I meant, was that, all deadlines, include a weekend
So at least one day, has to be a weekend day, because I have exams coming up, so I cant play on weekdays
I VMed Alaka and he said he still needed to prepare a pokemon, but I haven't heard from him since
Activity post: LinIsKorean and I scheduled to battle tonight at 7 PM PST, but it is now 7:42 (10:42 in my time zone). I will continue to wait for at least 2 more hours but so far I have not been contacted. (I have sent him/her a PM)

EDIT: I am editting this at 9:11 PM PST (12:11) in my time zone. Still no word from my opponent, signing off for the night
Activity post: LinIsKorean and I scheduled to battle tonight at 7 PM PST, but it is now 7:42 (10:42 in my time zone). I will continue to wait for at least 2 more hours but so far I have not been contacted. (I have sent him/her a PM)

EDIT: I am editting this at 9:11 PM PST (12:11) in my time zone. Still no word from my opponent, signing off for the night

Yeah, this was completely my fault. Something came up tonight so I wasn't able to get back until just now. Hopefully we can reschedule before the deadline. Sorry!
Activity post: LinIsKorean and I scheduled to battle tonight at 7 PM PST, but it is now 7:42 (10:42 in my time zone). I will continue to wait for at least 2 more hours but so far I have not been contacted. (I have sent him/her a PM)

EDIT: I am editting this at 9:11 PM PST (12:11) in my time zone. Still no word from my opponent, signing off for the night

Yeah, this was completely my fault. Something came up tonight so I wasn't able to get back until just now. Hopefully we can reschedule before the deadline. Sorry!

You both seem to be on right now. Maybe you could do it now.
I can not seem to find a time when both me and my opponent are on besides when the tourney first started. I could not battle because I was getting my pokemon ready then. I have to leave for a church camp late tonight and I graduate today. If he will finally reply to my messages then we can hopefully set up a battle. I'm not saying that he has not been active, he has just not been active since about Thrusday last week. I sent him another message and am hoping for the best. Since I leave tonight, if the battle doesn't get done, will it come down to activity, coin flip or what?
bad situation with yoshi. he replyed but we are so far apart in time i dont think that we can get it on time unless we get about 1-2 day extension since thursday is my last school day after which I can stay up until yoshi wakes up
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