NP: UU - Silent Night

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Cool, nothing changed. I might start UUing again. So what all is good bar Venu, Tres, Milotic, all the other shit that has been good forever and I already know about?
One of the best metagames at the moment in my opinion, i have been running a team of almost none of those "cookie cutter" pokemon (cept offensive Milotic its a beast), of : Alakazam/Blazikin/Mismagius/Hitmontop/Registeel/Milotic. having a ball with this team in this metagame!
One of the best metagames at the moment in my opinion, i have been running a team of almost none of those "cookie cutter" pokemon (cept offensive Milotic its a beast), of : Alakazam/Blazikin/Mismagius/Hitmontop/Registeel/Milotic. having a ball with this team in this metagame!

The only Pokemon you're using that isn't in the top 10 are Hitmontop (number 11) and Blaziken who's kinda far down there. So it's pretty much cookie cutter. >___> Zam > Uxie doesn't make it different. Just saying. xD

Speaking of Blaziken CB is an absolute beast and works nicely with Toxicroak (like most Fire-types do).
I find 'Zam very underwhelming. Most even decent players have spiritomb, chansey, or copious priority.

I sort of think ok 'Zam like Raikou in that if you are not prepared it is likely to sweep. The difference is that Raikou is bulky and is not pursuit weak, meaning it can play a lot more switching games with you. 'Zam is altogether much weaker as a result.
CB Arcanine> CB Blaziken because of Flash Fire and Extreme speed. Come in on Weezing's WoW or Flamethrower, and KO everything in your way.
I find Life Orb to be the best option for Arcanine on any team I've ever used. anytime I've ever tried sticking wall-breaker or SD Blaziken on a team, I tend to find better results using Arcanine with Flare Blitz/Extreme Speed/Thunderfang/"filler", due to string priority and far better speed.
Eh so basically we all laddered for nothing...?
Well I'm glad Milotic and Venusaur didn't get booted out due to banhappy-ness.
This meta is probably the best we've had so I don't see the need to drastically alter it.
Just quoting these two so I dont have to type it myself :P
But yeah sucks that all the laddering was kind of for nothing...
But im also glad nothing got voted out just because it was something to vote for as well...
CB Arcanine isn't walled by Milotic, Thunder Fang 2hkos Max/Max variants and if you grab a Flash Fire boost so does Flare Blitz. However, CB Blaziken does have an advantage in that Rhyperior and Omastar can't just switch in with little issue.
Metagames naturally adjust in such a way as to keep from being static; in some ways I feel that in UU we have become somewhat spoiled in terms of relying on Pokemon dropping from OU to keep the metagame fresh; in most metagames innovation comes from new sets and shifting trends with existing Pokemon. For instance, the model cookie cutter team suggested by Uberiffic would be almost helpless against a Quick Feet Ursaring with Swords Dance and three attacks. If you believe the metagame is becoming stagnant, build an anti-metagame team and shake it up. Eventually, the metagame will adjust to your team and shift.

I'm planning on starting a thread on that ursaring soon. As you have said, he is a threat that a lot of meta teams are very unprepared for.
I'm planning on starting a thread on that ursaring soon. As you have said, he is a threat that a lot of meta teams are very unprepared for.

I went away and tried the Quick Feet set you suggested earlier, thinking it would be a bit of a joke, but on a HO team it is a real force. After one turn setup you get +2 attack +1 Spe and a STAB 140 Base Power attack. Ursaring deserves more appreciation in UU.
Yay Ursaring!! Also, bulky Ursaring is really underrated (Something like Return/Fire Punch/RestTalk). His defenses are similar to Machamps, and his attack is the same.
Been testing a Sneasel it's pretty hilarious when it sweeps. So many teams rely on Sucker Punching threats that stat-up only to realize they can't outspeed an Ice Shard.
Sneasel is only good on a pure Assist team...
Sneasel @ Sash

-Swords Dance
-Ice Punch/ Shard


-Close Combat

CB Hitmonlee


CB/S Primeape




Can people please explain the thought process of "no changes, I ain't playin anymore?"

Do people not want a balance metagame? Do people only play UU just because it changes every once in awhile with drop downs unlike OU? Do people only like abusing broken shit?

I mean... if you want to play with broken stuff and a tier that changes all the time go play NU. You have a handful of shit that are broken as hell and that game is really centralized.
CB Arcanine isn't walled by Milotic, Thunder Fang 2hkos Max/Max variants and if you grab a Flash Fire boost so does Flare Blitz. However, CB Blaziken does have an advantage in that Rhyperior and Omastar can't just switch in with little issue.

And doesn't take 25 percent on every switch in like K9...I'll only use Arcanine if it carries Lefties.

Not to mention everyone expects Blaziken to be they never expect it to hit that hard.
I love CB arcanine, but I absolutely can't have rocks up when using it because it is great to switch in and out constantly to abuse intimidate (I don't like FF most of the time).

The problem with it is whatever it locks itself into can instantly become set up back. ES (ghosts), FB (FF pokes), and TF (ground).

But it is one of my favorite pokes.
Agreeing with dbcb's sentiments. The entire point of the suspect process is to achieve a balanced metagame. Everyone should be rejoicing at this point, not complaining.
On an only somewhat related note, I've been using Noctowl of all things to some effectiveness.

It's a lot more bulky than I expected.

My best team has definately been a Fake Out team I've been using, though. Ambipom abuse is insane...
Can people please explain the thought process of "no changes, I ain't playin anymore?"

Do people not want a balance metagame? Do people only play UU just because it changes every once in awhile with drop downs unlike OU? Do people only like abusing broken shit?

I mean... if you want to play with broken stuff and a tier that changes all the time go play NU. You have a handful of shit that are broken as hell and that game is really centralized.

What the hell are you talking about? NU isn't centralized.

Really liking this meta, glad nothing changed.
Agreeing with dbcb's sentiments. The entire point of the suspect process is to achieve a balanced metagame. Everyone should be rejoicing at this point, not complaining.

I'd rather have a broken metagame than one in which there is no fun. We have "stopped" banning stuff way too early in my opinion with bulky hard hitters like Venusaur and Moltres, and impossible walls such as Milotic around.
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