The World Cup of Pokemon V - Signup Thread [UPDATED With Captains(Post #2)]

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i dont get it why everybody complains about racism against (BAN ME PLEASE)s,
we usually go on vacation to get a suntan right?
Oceania Squad 2010

flag pending

Blue Kirby

Starting 8:
Blue Kirby



I'd like to personally send out my sincerest thanks to everyone who took the time to try out this year - this was the fiercest contest we've ever had for roster formation. I really wish I had more spots, it was painful to have to drop anyone. :/

As I've already told you guys, I hope you'll stick around regardless of whether you made it or not.

It's going to be a hell of a ride. :)

Captains: -mind- & Mekkah

1. mien
2. -mind-
3. Joel
4. B-lulz
5. Binabik
6. Blue_Tornado
7. Nachos
8. jumpluff
9. Megan Fox
10. Mekkah
11. Agamemnon
12. Sparko

Anyone on here who didn't actually want to be here should have replied to their PMs...they're stuck with the winning team now!

edit: lol sorry to keep editing this but apparently zarator hasnt been active...
I always respected you, Zerowing. But lately, your behavior have been erratic of late and my last encounter with you annoyed me the most. You delaying my time when I wanted to host tryouts for new recruits who might have the potential to be better than even the whole USWest team. Kicking Apologies like 10 times in 1 minute was of great annoyance to me when he was trying to get a spot on the USWest roster. He might have made a bad comment about you, but you should have been a bigger man and kicked him once or twice, then leaving it behind instead of kicking him like 10 times. I know that I was a new recruit last year, I worked hard to get on the team. I worked hard to get myself in a position to help USWest garner some wins last year and maybe those new recruits could be like me and help USWest as a team garner some wins. Also speaking of new recruits, there were even noobies who even knew that they most likely would not be on the team, but they dedicated their time and effort to try out for the team.

We had 5 spots guaranteed, you weren't the one. Big Deal. You could have at least show us your OU skills before doing what you have to do. TAY left himself out in the beginning because he felt that he wasn't knowledgeable in OU enough after a long break period to help the team. SoT was not included because we were skeptical that SoT was still good in the game. SoT was pissed, too that he was left out of the roster. But SoT has proved himself by working extremely hard even with his busy schedule and proved to the team that he was still good before going to a 1 week vacation. IPL did not try out, but his OU skill cannot be ignored because of his recent run in Smogon Tour 9. While you Zerowing, I dunno what OU skill and knowledge in 2010 you have to bring to the table. If anything, I only know you the master of VGC, but unknown in OU.

Look, if you got real life to deal with, then ok deal with that. We all got lives, too and I definitely do not dedicate all my time to Pokemon at all. I feel for you taking care of your grandma, but hey you still managed to come into IRC at times. Look, there is still a spot left. If you come for IRC for at least a minimum of 10 minutes and display your skills to us like TAY did for us to assure us and HIMSELF that he was still good and like SoT did to assure us that he was still good, EDIT: then you got a great chance to be in the team. Put your ego aside Zerowing and if you really did have such heart for USWest, then you would put your best effort to be on the team.

I post in behalf that I cannot see Team US West get bashed on like this in public.

Apologies was downright disrespectful of me and he didn't even bother to apologize, if there is one thing you should know, its that I don't take kindly to people bashing me or my friends. And he took it too far.

Guess who worked hard for over 4 years to get to this point. ME. I'm not a noobie, I worked hard for 4+ fucking years, I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt when it comes time to selecting a squad. The time I've been on Smogon should be enough to show you that I'm dedicated, shit comes up and I can't try out, and I'm just tossed to the trash. I shouldn't have to try out in the first place. I would've loved to dedicate time to showing you that I'm still the best ever, but not even giving me the benefit of the doubt is the ultimate sign of disrespect towards me. Just because I don't ladder all day, or join tournaments, I'm out of touch with OU? Did you forget I mod Stark Mountain, where I have to read everything and keep up with the metagame? Not only that I have earned UU AND OU voting checkmarks (my OU check isn't displayed yet), I won't be finished until I'm mentioned with the best ever, I'm going to rock arenas like Def Leppard. Maybe you guys should've thrown me a bone, but no, you threw me out into the dumpster. I don't have the heart for US West anymore, you guys repeatedly disrespected me, why the fuck would I want to be on a team with a bunch of people who don't give me any respect. The ball was in your court, and instead of apologizing and saying you're right makiri, we could use you on the team, you go post how I have to prove myself, not giving a shit about the situation I am currently in or anything. You guys are too self-centered to care about me, you just tossed me out.

You guys aren't going to win anything now, you're all going to get haxed and fall out of contention, every single one of you. The Makiri Curse.
Shoddybattle Username: 00roca00
Country/State of Residence: UK
Nationality: GUATEMALA,(it`s a country actually :D) and so, latin america
Apologies was downright disrespectful of me and he didn't even bother to apologize, if there is one thing you should know, its that I don't take kindly to people bashing me or my friends. And he took it too far.
yea... tell me how this is "too far". I am not even going to explain this.

[13:08] <@makiri> im the most senior member here
[13:08] <+apologies> u guys should +v shartruce
[13:08] <@makiri> no way i have to try out
[13:08] <+apologies> hes tryin out
03[13:08] * makiri sets mode: -v apologies
[13:09] <@makiri> apologies is off the squad
[13:09] <apologies> ill beat makiri...
[13:09] <@makiri> nah son
[13:09] <apologies> he can only win in vgc
[13:09] <@makiri> im the best ever
03[13:09] * makiri sets mode: +b *!*
03[13:09] * apologies was kicked by makiri (who the fuck is you)
03[13:10] * LoveDestiny sets mode: -b *!*
03[13:10] * apologies ( has joined #uswest
03[13:10] * LoveDestiny sets mode: +v apologies
03[13:10] * makiri sets mode: +b *!*
[13:10] <+apologies> who gave this guy ops....
03[13:10] * apologies was kicked by makiri (makiri)
01[13:10] <@LoveDestiny> yo zwing cmon lol
01[13:10] <@LoveDestiny> we tryin to have tryouts
03[13:10] * LoveDestiny sets mode: -b *!*
03[13:10] * apologies ( has joined #uswest
03[13:10] * LoveDestiny sets mode: +v apologies
01[13:10] <@LoveDestiny> -.-
13[13:10] <@makiri> he insulted me LoveDestiny
03[13:10] * LoveDestiny sets mode: -b *!*
03[13:10] * apologies was kicked by makiri (makiri)
03[13:11] * apologies ( has joined #uswest
03[13:11] * apologies was kicked by makiri (makiri)
03[13:11] * apologies ( has joined #uswest
03[13:11] * apologies was kicked by makiri (makiri)
01[13:11] <@LoveDestiny> dammit
03[13:11] * apologies ( has joined #uswest
03[13:11] * LoveDestiny sets mode: -o makiri
[13:12] <apologies> thanks -.-
01[13:12] <@LoveDestiny> lets be 4real right now

Guess who worked hard for over 4 years to get to this point. ME. I'm not a noobie, I worked hard for 4+ fucking years, I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt when it comes time to selecting a squad. The time I've been on Smogon should be enough to show you that I'm dedicated, shit comes up and I can't try out, and I'm just tossed to the trash. I shouldn't have to try out in the first place. I would've loved to dedicate time to showing you that I'm still the best ever, but not even giving me the benefit of the doubt is the ultimate sign of disrespect towards me. Just because I don't ladder all day, or join tournaments, I'm out of touch with OU? Did you forget I mod Stark Mountain, where I have to read everything and keep up with the metagame? Not only that I have earned UU AND OU voting checkmarks (my OU check isn't displayed yet), I won't be finished until I'm mentioned with the best ever, I'm going to rock arenas like Def Leppard. Maybe you guys should've thrown me a bone, but no, you threw me out into the dumpster. I don't have the heart for US West anymore, you guys repeatedly disrespected me, why the fuck would I want to be on a team with a bunch of people who don't give me any respect. The ball was in your court, and instead of apologizing and saying you're right makiri, we could use you on the team, you go post how I have to prove myself, not giving a shit about the situation I am currently in or anything. You guys are too self-centered to care about me, you just tossed me out.
Cool. 4 years. I worked for 4 years too. After 3 years of being largely ignored and where am I at now? US West starting roster and where are you? Oceania Sub (apparently 1 year of guam qualifies). I've talked to many people around the smogon and no one knows hows good you are in OU, I mean nobody or very litle. Sure, they know you do have enough skill to be good, but they also know that it takes significant time for those skills to be polished up again. Don't even remind me of last year's World Cup when you kept nagging us to "make me a team. I dont have a team. give me a team." Yea, you always think your entitled to something and we don't deserve some respect for helping your ass? Seriously, go make your own teams like everyone else that works hard. I at least hope that you won't be a pain in the ass for Oceania. Let these words be a motivation for you.

US West wanted this year to be an open competition for noobs alike. Last year was different because USWest was basically made up of people with upcoming potentials and futures (Me, Phil, scofield, duskie, rem, sot). This year could have been the same. There could have been players who is another me, another phil, scofield, duskie, rem, or whoever. We wanted to give everyone a fucking chance (oh yea, we are self-centered for doing this, but you just cant understand that).Like I said again. You weren't the 5 guaranteed for the spot. Big deal. I was one of those guaranteed myself, but if I needed to prove my skill then I would do it. TAY picked the five he knows he could trust who plays the game consistently. You could have at least displayed your OU skills for a minimum of 10 mins, but did you? No, you didnt. You were always ranting about: "I better get to start on the roster this year or I will be pissed." "I shouldn't have to try out, I'm the best." You were ranting about your entitlement shit even like even before you were busy (ill estimate this to be 2-3 months ago). Zerowing, you don't understand that we know little of your current OU knowledge of skill. If you think your the best, then you should have shown us your skills. Its like real life. You think your the best for the job, but if you don't show up to the interview, how would we know how good you are? Wee just don't know how good you are in OU. You haven't joined OU tournaments and we barely know if you ladder. Hey, I look at me in this past year. Did I join any OU tournaments? Only 3 days worth of Smogon Tour that does little to help me, although the tournament did show I could go far. Do I ladder like fuk? No, I don't. Sure I play an average of 1 battle per day and yea I got have gotten on the leaderboard a couple of times that only took me a days worth. I've got a life and I only have been recently upping my OU activity in the summer.


Man, I can't even argue with you anymore because of your arrogance. All your ranting is about "I should be entitled. I shouldn't have to try out," and you calling us self-centered niggas when we wanted to give everyone a chance? Nigga please, look at yourself. Look at the mirror hard. Enjoy your vacation and have fun in Ocn.
nigga please here's the metro roster


USA Metro:
Captain: JabbaTheGriffin


-Kevin Garrett


yea... tell me how this is "too far". I am not even going to explain this.

Cool. 4 years. I worked for 4 years too. After 3 years of being largely ignored and where am I at now? US West starting roster and where are you? Oceania Sub (apparently 1 year of guam qualifies). I've talked to many people around the smogon and no one knows hows good you are in OU, I mean nobody or very litle. Sure, they know you do have enough skill to be good, but they also know that it takes significant time for those skills to be polished up again. Don't even remind me of last year's World Cup when you kept nagging us to "make me a team. I dont have a team. give me a team." Yea, you always think your entitled to something and we don't deserve some respect for helping your ass? Seriously, go make your own teams like everyone else that works hard. I at least hope that you won't be a pain in the ass for Oceania. Let these words be a motivation for you.

US West wanted this year to be an open competition for noobs alike. Last year was different because USWest was basically made up of people with upcoming potentials and futures (Me, Phil, scofield, duskie, rem, sot). This year could have been the same. There could have been players who is another me, another phil, scofield, duskie, rem, or whoever. We wanted to give everyone a fucking chance (oh yea, we are self-centered for doing this, but you just cant understand that).Like I said again. You weren't the 5 guaranteed for the spot. Big deal. I was one of those guaranteed myself, but if I needed to prove my skill then I would do it. TAY picked the five he knows he could trust who plays the game consistently. You could have at least displayed your OU skills for a minimum of 10 mins, but did you? No, you didnt. You were always ranting about: "I better get to start on the roster this year or I will be pissed." "I shouldn't have to try out, I'm the best." You were ranting about your entitlement shit even like even before you were busy (ill estimate this to be 2-3 months ago). Zerowing, you don't understand that we know little of your current OU knowledge of skill. If you think your the best, then you should have shown us your skills. Its like real life. You think your the best for the job, but if you don't show up to the interview, how would we know how good you are? Wee just don't know how good you are in OU. You haven't joined OU tournaments and we barely know if you ladder. Hey, I look at me in this past year. Did I join any OU tournaments? Only 3 days worth of Smogon Tour that does little to help me, although the tournament did show I could go far. Do I ladder like fuk? No, I don't. Sure I play an average of 1 battle per day and yea I got have gotten on the leaderboard a couple of times that only took me a days worth. I've got a life and I only have been recently upping my OU activity in the summer.


Man, I can't even argue with you anymore because of your arrogance. All your ranting is about "I should be entitled. I shouldn't have to try out," and you calling us self-centered niggas when we wanted to give everyone a chance? Nigga please, look at yourself. Look at the mirror hard. Enjoy your vacation and have fun in Ocn.

Note: you weren't even in the channel when I had my first interaction with that kid, so maybe you should see the whole story. I would love to show you logs, but I don't exactly have those.

I never nagged last WC, I just wanted SoT's team because it was solid and was something that I would have built for myself and it has served me well for a year now and I've even thanked him multiple times for giving me that team. Say all you want about Oceania, but at least they have won something ;). You could've stashed me on the US West subs, but I didn't even get that, TOTAL disrespect, it wasn't even offered to me. I am quite happy with my position on Oceania, BK said he would put me as a sub and we will see what happens from there, he has faith in my ability and respects me as a person and a battler, something the people on US West can't seem to do. I have nothing but kind words for the Oceania members, they are all class acts, never speak rudely about others, and are just generally great people to talk with, something you West members have a problem with.

US West wanted this year to be an open competition for noobs alike.
Open competition for NOOBS, suddenly I am a noob now, have to work my way onto a team that I've been on for 4 years, that's like telling Michael Jordan when he came out of retirement, "you have to try out again, even after all you have done for our club." You wanted to give people a chance, but apparently couldn't even give me a chance to do anything, no special exception for the player who has been on the team for years now, a veteran, I couldn't try out to show you my skill, so I have to be trash. I ranted about entitlement because I am entitled, when you have done what I have for years now, I think I should get a little leeway when it comes to something like this. The real question is, why are you entitled?

Hey, I look at me in this past year. Did I join any OU tournaments? Only 3 days worth of Smogon Tour that does little to help me, although the tournament did show I could go far. Do I ladder like fuk? No, I don't. Sure I play an average of 1 battle per day and yea I got have gotten on the leaderboard a couple of times that only took me a days worth. I've got a life and I only have been recently upping my OU activity in the summer.
YOU say so YOURSELF that you barely ladder and play in tournaments, why do you get a spot on the team? Tell me and give me a really good reason, because it seems to me you are pretty much in my situation, except you got put on the team, seems like there is some bias here. Tell me to look in the mirror, maybe you should examine what you are saying because it seems I was put off the squad for other selfish reasons.
Hey, it's been quite a while since I've read "pokémon is serious business, I'm mad on the internet!" bullshit. And it's as hilarious as ever. Keep up the good work guys.
I didn't want to post cause this is kinda dumb, but it got outta hand so might as well I guess.

Yo zwang, nobody maliciously tried to get you off the team or anything man, we all still love you, and for you to act like it was a personal attack against you is just irrational =/. Let's be real here, you're the fucking king of VGC, nobody's going to argue that. But c'mon, can you honestly tell me you're at the top of your game in singles OU? If so, then all we wanted was to see one or two matches from you to show it, that's all. If you were truly a US West bro, you would want whatever is best for the team to win. If you're going to be busy tending to your grandma, then all our best wishes go out to her, but how can you support the team? This is a competitive tournament man, we can't just put people on the team cause they're our good friends - we need the best people for the job. If you truly were the best candidate for our starting roster, then you should've just done a match or two to show us, and we would've put you on instantly. Instead, you just got offended that you weren't a shoe-in to begin with and didn't bother trying. I understand that you feel a sense of entitlement to be on the team, and who could blame you? But just try looking at the situation from our side.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck on OCN man, and I'll be rooting for you when we're not matched up. If you're going to let something like this ruin your friendship with everyone on US West then, well, that makes me sad. None of us harbor any hate towards you, and I personally still consider you my bro.
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