CAP 11 CAP 11 - Secondary Typing Discussion

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I think the biggest problem here is Togekiss; nothing makes perfect partners for normal/flying like celetran or jirachi/salamence. It's a poor type to begin with, and Kiss' biggest strengths (namely flinching) needs no support beyond T-wave, unless the NP/BP route is taken.

Working with what we have, ice would be a poor secondary type. It sacrifices rock resist (the main draw for the [poor] fighting primary type), and fire and fighting neutrality for zapdos. Cap11 can handle (theoretically) zapdos with an ice move, even lacking stab, but Infernape walks all over this pair with an ice typing.
Firecape covered this as well, but its rather hard to do anything with a 60% flinch chance. It doesn't matter if you don't 2HKO, if only Vaporeon can only move 40% of the time.

It does matter if you 6HKO at best, and therefor Vaporeon has a 95% chance to get something off, be it Wish, Toxic, ect.

Oh, and I'm suggesting to take it to PM's not as an isult or anything, but because we're just going backwards and fowards, threadhogging, and making stupid points. Both sides are guilty at snipeing others, to be honest.

I still think Fighting/Grass is good, but, Fuzznip has spoken, so it's kinda hard to continue.

Sure, the Bulky Waters may not as much of an issue as I thought, Togekiss' Special Bulkyness is better than I thought, but, the point still stands that the Grass type deals with the Electric types, except for Zapdos, very well. And as mentioned, Ice is not that much of an issue. As I mentioned, no type will cover every base. Zapdos is that base for the Grass type.

I also already put my case fowards for Fighting/Ice. Its dreadful. Togekiss cannot take fighting attacks. The last thing CAP11 needs is to be Fighting weak. This is also the reason why the Dark type dosen't work. It's one thing to be an offensive core, and another thing to be a core made of glass.

Anyway, my ideas are exhausted. I'm off. In all honesty, I'm resigned to this CAP failing now, I'd more or less given up hope as it was when it got it's initial type, but now support seems to be leaning to making it weak to a type Togekiss can't take hits from... I've given up.
I don't no where you are getting your calculations. But the Standard NP set does 27% minimum with Air Slash, and it also has the ability to double that with NP.

Grass is a terrible offensive type for the most part, and the massive amount of weaknesses dont really help much.
I'm glad Fuzznip covered this so I don't have to: Fighting/Electric is not that great, and I fully expected people to bring it up.
It's walled by Celebi, Rotom-A, and Gliscor, and probably a couple more that I'm forgetting. While Togekiss can handle Celebi, it's not going to like switching into Gliscor (taunt -> toxic -> roost = dead Kiss) and it's definitely not going to enjoy switching into Rotom-A. It's decent from a defensive synergy perspective though, so I'm not as opposed to it completely, but we have better options. Here my personal favorites:


Advantages: Ghost can hit Rotom-A and Starmie SE, and gets impeccable coverage with Fighting in general. Discourages ghost types from switching in, lures ghost attacks for Togekiss to come in on. Has viable STAB options both specially and physically. Eliminates the core's weakness to strong physical fighting attacks.
Concerns: Switching into Rotom-A becomes much riskier. Faster ghosts can now hit you SE, so this would either need very high speed or very great special bulk.


Advantages: Decent neutral coverage. Makes bulky waters a non-issue. Attracts Celebi, which Togekiss can typically kill/set up on.
Concerns: Greatly exacerbates Electric-type issue. It will almost certainly need a compensatory ability for this. Mild issues with Dragons, although the near-certainty of Ice Beam makes it less so.


Advantages: Excellent neutral coverage. Disposes of Zapdos, has something to hit everything else with at least neutrally. Sandstorm boost to special defense can help in tanking Electric hits.
Concerns: Core will have bulky water issues, physical fighting attacks become extremely dangerous.


Advantages: Extremely good coverage (only walled by Celebi). Lures ghost attacks for Togekiss. Resists Fighting.
Concerns: Dark resistance goes away; no longer a very safe switchin to Tyranitar and now neutral to Pursuit. Faster ghosts can do major damage.

My favorite secondary typing so far is Psychic, followed by Ghost, Water, and Rock. I might change my mind based on other comments, but right now I'll probably vote for either Psychic or Ghost in a poll.

Edit: I'm also cool with Fighting/Dark, although I slightly prefer Fighting/Ghost just because of the Fighting immunity. It's a much bigger deal than people seem to think...but I'd still vote for Fighting/Dark.
Fuzznip, there's not much 'wrong' with Fighting/Ice, but I don't see that it has much going for it either.

+ Ice moves let it beat Zapdos.
- Zapdos is the *only* counter of Togekiss which Ice moves help against. That makes Ice one of the worst offensive types.

+ No common weaknesses
- Weakness to fighting, which Togekiss has trouble with
- Neutrality to Rock, when Togekiss is weak to Rock, and resistance to Rock was one of the reasons we chose Fighting in the first place.

- Doesn't lure *any* kind of attack that we want to switch Togekiss into.

So, to sum up, Ice is a good attack in general but not useful for beating Togekiss' counters. Defensively it's known to be poor, and it also doesn't match up well with Togekiss (neutral to Rock and electric, a resist to Ice but a weakness to Fighting). I just don't see why it's as good as... well, the ones you've already ruled out.

I realise there's a lot I have left to learn about this game, but if my reasoning is so obviously flawed I honestly would appreciate it if you just told me where I'd gone wrong. Y'know, carte blanche to make an example of me and give all the other n00bs a scare at the same time.
There are two options that I think should be completely rejected.

Fighting/Dragon: The worst possible choice. Defensively, it could be a liability because of a shared ice weakness and offensively it's just way too good. Perfect neutral coverage against every pokemon? There is no way something like this would even bother to help anything do its job better.

Fighting/Ice: While I'd be okay with this type offensively, it’s just not right defensively. The biggest problem with this type is not its Stealth Rock neutrality or its fighting weakness, but the Fire weakness, especially if you consider that a lot of Rotom and Zapdos run Overheat.

Perhaps we should consider Mono Fighting, Fighting/Poison, Fighting/Electric, or Fighting/Rock simply because they share no weakness with 'Kiss and aren't weak against Ghost or Fire. I can't see much else that's important about them, though.
Fuzznip said:
Also, I would like some responses to the suggestion of Fighting/Ice, because it interests me.

Ok, problems with Fighting/Ice:
1. Weakness to Fire (Infernape, Heatran and Rotom-A are knocking on the door).
2. Weakness to Fighting (not to bad because Dark and Rock have it too).
3. Only 1 reliable STAB (Ice Beam)(another one could be added with hail though(Blizzard)).
4. Netural to Rock (the whole reason we chose Fighting for the resistance to Rock)

Good things about Fighting/Ice:
1. A way to take down Zapdos and Rotom-A

I don't know about Fighting/Ice but that's just my opinion.

Edit: Just read for Fighting/Water. That would be cool and new. That's what I call thinking outside the box.
What about Steel?

Steel/Fighting, while not the best possible typing, offers good resistances, however it cannot cover all of them without an ability to help better take hits Togekiss cannot.

I'm not saying, "Oh, let's make Lucario 2.0!" I'm saying, "We should at least try to come up with some kind of synergy with Togekiss."

-4x Resist to SR + Rock, one of Togekiss' main weaknesses
-Resists Ice which is one of the reasons Fighting was chosen over Ground, due to dual weaknesses between them
-Lures Ground moves that Kiss can switch in on
-Covers all of Kiss' weaknesses bar Electric, which can be possibly remedied by ability

-Weak to Fighting, which has been somewhat of a concern
-Doesn't help much against Rotom-A and pals
-Doesn't do anything against Bulky Waters
OK then. Fighting/Ice:

Ice brings a weakness to Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel and a resistance to Ice. Combined with Ice, a Fighting CAP 11 would be weak to Flying, Psychic, Fire, and Fighting. It would resist Ice, Bug, and Dark.

Bug and Dark resistances are irrelevant, but an Ice resist should help Togekiss deal with Bulky Waters, though once CAP 11 is switched in, they will simply switch to Surf.

The weaknesses to Flying and Psychic are not a big deal, but weakness to Fire and Fighting are not acceptable, as they are some of the most common attacks in OU because of the number of Steels. Weakness to Steel is likely not acceptable either, as unless CAP 11 has enormous bulk along the lines of Gliscor, it will be 2HKO by Bullet Punch from Band Scizor, meaning it cannot switch in on BP.

Also, Ice removes CAP 11's resistance to SR and most likely removes the ability to switch in on Stone Edge without taking heavy damage.

The positive is on the offensive side: Fighting/Ice STAB hits every pokemon in OU for at least neutral damage except for Tentacruel and Starmie. Both of which have the same Electric weakness.

Overall, I dislike Ice as the second type for its defensive shortfalls, though I can see its offensive potential.
I'm not a big fan of grass/fighting, because it opens up a 4x weakness that Togekiss does not resist. In addition, not only does Zapdos now resists both of our STAB moves, but Heat Wave is common and will roast the CAP, who will probably be physically-based. There is also the shared Ice-type weakness.

I still think that fighting/electric is viable, and is my top choice so far. Jolteon and Electivire are huge threats by outspeeding Kiss, laughing at thunder wave, and hitting hard with STAB. In order to deal with them without a resistance, we need respectable special defense and/or speed along with the good defense and attack requested, which seems like a little much already. So electric helps. We also mitigate fighting's flying weakness and fend off scizor's bullet punch. Zapdos can be hit with neutral STAB, at least, and the ground weakness isn't horrible with togekiss in the wings.

Fighting/Rock could work too, but there are a good deal of common weaknesses created.
Fighting/Dark is my second choice. I just don't see what it helps with besides rotom and starmie offensively, though.
Dragon does have its merits.

Dragon does nicely wall any Zapdos without HP Ice, and you resist Rotom-A's more powerful STAB. Perfect neutral coverage STAB isn't that big of a problem by itself, either. However, there is the slight problem of the type-move requirements. Outrage and Draco Meteor would have to be in CaP11's movepool, and we'd have to neuter its offensive stats to keep it balanced. Not that that's necessarily a horrible thing; CaP stats are always a bit overboard.

I suppose the big problem is that it doesn't really threaten Zapdos and Rotom-A with anything more than STAB Dragon moves.
Let's all not dismiss Dragon as a secondary type.

I know what you're thinking, but I assure you that I want to see another broken Dragon type just as little as you do. But let's take a look at what the Dragon type brings to CAP11.

Fighting/Dragon resists Electric, Rock, Grass, Fire, Water, Dark, and Bug, while it is weak to Dragon, Ice, Flying, and Psychic. Defensively this covers quite a lot and is only hurt by two major types. Yes, a Dragon weakness is a bother and sharing an Ice weakness with Togekiss isn't favorable, but it's going to have to be weak to something no matter what we choose. Besides, as said before, Togekiss doesn't have too much trouble taking special Ice attacks anyway. The main thing here is that it can come in on Togekiss' two main weaknesses easily and handles a few other types well too.

Offensively, Fighting/Dragon hits everything for at least neutral (if I'm not mistaken). It is still handled well by Forretress, Skarmory, Bronzong, and Metagross, but add a Fire attack into the mix and you've got quite a good offense. This obviously depends on how well of an attacker CAP11 is made to be, what side of the attacking spectrum it specializes in, movepool, etc etc.

In my opinion, the secondary typing of Dragon is just what we're looking for in CAP11. It has a good array of resists and has the potential to attack well across the board. If we can resist the ever so strong temptation that most CAPers here have to make it too good when it comes to stats, movepool, ability, etc, then I think we've got ourselves a winner here.
What about Fighting/Water? There aren't any problems with it but it doesn't do much to complement Togekiss.

Someone mentioned it earlier but no one paid much attention. It would be new and it would look awsome.
Next on the list of hate is Psychic. This is isn't the best secondary typing choice at all. It's awful. All it really has going for it is a resistance to Fighting, which Togekiss isn't even weak to. Psychic hits Fighting-types super effectively? That's not even necessary because Togekiss already hits Infernape, Machamp, Breloom, etc, super effectively with STAB Air Slash. Psychic lures Ghost attacks? Of course it does, but who uses them? Rotom-A and Gengar. We've been through this already countless times in the previous thread, but I will say it again. Fighting/Psychic CAP 11 ends up luring in Togekiss's worst nightmare, Rotom-A. That's smart. Best of all, though, Fighting/Psychic doesn't help us with anything against Rotom-A and Zapdos. I'm not getting it.

I'm sorry Fuzz, but with all due respect, I have to disagree with you on the Psychic subtype. For starters, you cannot argue that resisting Fighting for Togekiss isn't useful at all. If that were the case, then Dark / Fighting resisting Dark is a useless argument, as Togekiss doesn't resist Dark. Fighting / Rock resisting Normal or Fire is also null and void. In reality, this simply is not the case. In short, perks are perks. To be honest, I feel that the more "super effective on one, neutral on the other" pairings this duo has, the less likely it is to succeed as a core. The best example is CeleTran, or RegiBro in UU. SkarmBliss is an exception, however, this is because of their superior stats, which have not been made for CAP11 due to poll jumping, making that argument null and void. Fighting / Psychic is limited to Ice, Electric, and Flying. That's it. The other types that hit this pairing are either neutral / neutral or resistant (immune) / neutral. The other prevalent types in this thread, save for Electric, have more than this. For example, Dark has Ice, Electric, Flying, and Fighting. Rock has Ice, Electric, Water, Fighting, and Steel. Resisting Fighting and only having three of these synergy-based pairings seems like a viable choice as a subtype. I'm not seeing defensively why this can't be considered a good type.

STAB Psychic, or at least in my argument, was more or less for neutral coverage on Togekiss' counters. The same kind of coverage you would receive with Dark on Zapdos and such. The only offensive difference between Psychic and Dark is that Rotom is handled better. I'm not saying that Psychic is superior to Dark offensively by any stretch of the imagination, but defensively, Psychic is arguably better. Same with Rock, or any other type in the thread. As of right now, the sub-type's neutrality or effectiveness on counters seems to be what is most important. Is that not why a sub-type is predominantly chosen? To give it more cushion against possible counters resistance-wise and help with STAB? In fact, the concept greatly revolves around this, does it not? While it seems that many are gunning for an offensive duo, the resistance factors of the duos that inspired this entire process have been forgotten. We cannot simply dismiss defensive qualities at the sake of offensive properties. We will need a mix of both, just like every current duo has. It's nothing new, really.

I find it quite ironic how the Rotom-A weakness is somehow escaping the "this duo will have a weakness" rule. As much as Rotom will hurt a Fighting / Psychic 'Kiss pairing, so will other Pokemon with other type pairings. For example, Infernape (who you actually listed as being "tolerable"). Togekiss can't switch into Infernape. CAP11 can't switch into Infernape if it's Fighting / Dark or Fighting / Rock or Fighting / Steel (especially). You cannot really say that Togekiss doesn't mind Close Combat by Infernape, which could potentially OHKO it if SR is in play and it has taken ~8% of damage (Sandstorm would give it a chance to be KO'd). The same goes with Machamp. Machamp comes into CAP11's STAB Dark attack or Pursuit, or a Rock attack. Will you switch in Togekiss? No? Then the duo has been countered. Rotom-A and (to an extent) Gengar are Fighting / Psychic's bane. Fighting types like Infernape are the bane of Fighting / Dark. There will always be a bane here, sorry, and I just don't see why Rotom-A can't be it when plenty of other Pokemon can give Togekiss and CAP11 the same trouble.

To be honest, your description of a Fighting / Psychic type as "narrow minded" is mistaken. If anything, it has just as many perks as the other types being discussed here. Unless there is concrete evidence to support that a Fighting / Psychic type will cripple Togekiss because of its typing alone, why shouldn't it be considered?

@ HD: I expect that a Stone Edge will be more often than not the move of choice against Togekiss by Tyranitar. That's already a fairly safe switch-in point, in which TTar is forced out or OHKO'd by a STAB Fighting move. I see no reason to fear Dark attacks any more than Normal attacks on any CAP that is neutral to it. Should we say that Fighting / Psychic will give Snorlax a chance to hit hard with its STAB Return, thus making it have the superior match-up against CAP11?
At first, I was on the side of Fighting/Dark, because it's one of the few things that hits Rotom for STAB SE damage. However, I also think that we really don't want a Fighting weakness. Unless it had massive defenses, something tells me it'd end up in a heap the second Lucario or Heracross or something turned up.

Let's look at the counters list smallvizier provided:
Blissey, Bronzong, Cresselia, Dragonite, Electivire, Gyrados, Jolteon, Lanturn, Rotom-A, Starmie, Suicine, Swampert, Vaporeon and Zapdos.

Fighting/Dark: Hits Blissey, Cresselia, Rotom, and Starmie effectively. Hits all of them for neutral.
Fighting/Dragon: Well, considering the Ice weakness made everyone vote Fighting, what makes people think they'll vote for an ice weakness again?
Fighting/Electric: Hits... Gyarados, Starmie, Suicune, and Vaporeon for STAB damage. That's basically all the "If you haven't got a true counter" pokemon. Helps you nothing against much, but you do have a requirement to get Signal Beam, which can hit Cresselia. Not very good.
Fighting/Rock: Resists Rock. Can't switch in on anything except Normal moves. Lures Ground, but also lures Water, Psychic, Grass, Fighting moves. Bleh.
Fighting/Poison: Resisted by most of Togekisses real counters.
Fighting/Ice: Kind of like Rock, but without an SR resist.
Fighting/Ghost: I hope we're faster than Rotom.

I really don't know. Dark and Grass seem good, Ice and Rock are the only things that hit Zapdos, but all Fighters are required to have Stone Edge anyway. We could try Grass or Poison if we want to survive on the switch in.
Let's all not dismiss Dragon as a secondary type.

I know what you're thinking, but I assure you that I want to see another broken Dragon type just as little as you do. But let's take a look at what the Dragon type brings to CAP11.

Fighting/Dragon resists Electric, Rock, Grass, Fire, Water, Dark, and Bug, while it is weak to Dragon, Ice, Flying, and Psychic. Defensively this covers quite a lot and is only hurt by two major types. Yes, a Dragon weakness is a bother and sharing an Ice weakness with Togekiss isn't favorable, but it's going to have to be weak to something no matter what we choose. Besides, as said before, Togekiss doesn't have too much trouble taking special Ice attacks anyway. The main thing here is that it can come in on Togekiss' two main weaknesses easily and handles a few other types well too.

Offensively, Fighting/Dragon hits everything for at least neutral (if I'm not mistaken). It is still handled well by Forretress, Skarmory, Bronzong, and Metagross, but add a Fire attack into the mix and you've got quite a good offense. This obviously depends on how well of an attacker CAP11 is made to be, what side of the attacking spectrum it specializes in, movepool, etc etc.

In my opinion, the secondary typing of Dragon is just what we're looking for in CAP11. It has a good array of resists and has the potential to attack well across the board. If we can resist the ever so strong temptation that most CAPers here have to make it too good when it comes to stats, movepool, ability, etc, then I think we've got ourselves a winner here.

While I will admit that defensively those resists are almost perfect for the job, this Cap getting Fire moves like you suggested is exactly what I'm afraid of.

Edit: Whoops now that I've read through yoour post more carefully, I see you didn't say anything about reduced offense. Sorry for putting words into your mouth.

I do, however, think that if we had perfect neutral coverage on this Cap we would need to reduce the offensive stats of this cap or risk being distracted from using it with 'Kiss, and with reduced offensive stats would come a less offensive perfect pair.

Edit2: Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. Dragon/Fighting is gaining support and that was NOT my intension.
What about Fighting/Water? There aren't any problems with it but it doesn't do much to complement Togekiss.

Someone mentioned it earlier but no one paid much attention. It would be new and it would look awsome.

Sorry but this isn't new, see Arghonaut. It wouldn't really fit the concept as it doesn't help Togekiss all too much and adds an Electric weakness. Overall at this point it is pretty much impossible to make a PERFECT Mate for Togekiss as Fighting doesn't give any benefit towards supporting Togekiss outside of defeating Blissey or resisting Rock, which several other types can do as well. Was Blissey really such a threat to Togekiss that we needed to have STAB Fighting attacks to take it down? I think we could have picked any other typing we wanted that complemented Togekiss better and just gave it Close Combat or some other move to deal with Blissey and it would have been fine. I've lost hope on this CAP at this point though as Fighting does nothing significant for Togekiss.

Also as a side note Fighting/Dragon gives perfect coverage normally, though in CAP it is resisted by Kitsunoh.
Sorry but this isn't new, see Arghonaut. It wouldn't really fit the concept as it doesn't help Togekiss all too much and adds an Electric weakness. Overall at this point it is pretty much impossible to make a PERFECT Mate for Togekiss as Fighting doesn't give any benefit towards supporting Togekiss outside of defeating Blissey or resisting Rock, which several other types can do as well. Was Blissey really such a threat to Togekiss that we needed to have STAB Fighting attacks to take it down? I think we could have picked any other typing we wanted that complemented Togekiss better and just gave it Close Combat or some other move to deal with Blissey and it would have been fine. I've lost hope on this CAP at this point though as Fighting does nothing significant for Togekiss.

Also as a side note Fighting/Dragon gives perfect coverage normally, though in CAP it is resisted by Kitsunoh.

Let's just keep the forum on secondary typings before a flame war erupts, and remember the CAP metagame has no effect on how we build our CAPs.

Fighting/Dragon is a Ice weakness, which basically makes it unusable.

And yeah, Fighting/Water(Also Poliwrath) is a bad typing for what we're trying.
I'm still siding with Dragon. The main things I have heard against it is the ice weakness and it being "too powerful." Concerning ice, many have noted that few ice users actually get stab from those moves; Mamoswine and Weavile are the only ice types often seen in OU. The fighting primary type handles both of them. Togekiss is not troubled by ice moves too much. I don't like adding the ice weakness, but there is no free lunch here. I might also add that nearly all dragon types (Salamence, Garchomp, Dragonite, Flygon, Altaria) have a horrific ice weakness, but our hypothetical fighting/dragon only has a x2 weakness, which is more manageable. As for the type itself, it's true that its offenses tend to be very high. But there's nothing that says dragons must be inherently powerful. When stat submissions come around, we can tone down the attack stats to whatever we want. We don't need to make a carbon copy of Garchomp, and I hope it doesn't turn into that. I also grant that dragon's coverage borders on broken, but we can deal with that later if it's deemed a problem. If you want to maintain an offensive focus that handles many Togekiss counters with generally unresisted STAB, dragon is great. I might change my stance with more discussion but no one has convinced me that we can't make a tame dragon.
What about Fighting/Water? There aren't any problems with it but it doesn't do much to complement Togekiss.

Someone mentioned it earlier but no one paid much attention. It would be new and it would look awsome.
I don't think many people paid attention to it because one, there's the CAP that was recently made called Arghonaut going off a pun with Jason and the Golden Feece and then there's one of the original 151 called Poliwrath (i think you've heard of it) which both seem to a major weakness to Electric which is this this discussion started in the first place.

For all mentioning Ghost/fighting, we already have that prize; its called Revenankh, which also is very bulky. So if thats your game, try Revenankh out.

As far as Offensive typing for the duo (what the partner is originally to be made for) Dark seems like the first viable opinion [Fighting/dark, very good offensively. Why? Anyone else remembers the terror of Weavile when the Metagame started. Combination of Ice, Fighting, and Dark moves tore through mountains until Scizor got Bullet Punch. Hey guess what?! This mence could be the same as Weavile, but hey, its not steel weak).

Continuing on, Grass, then Poison (And yes, stop laughing at Toxicroak. The ninja-knight frog will murder you, trust me), and then Rock.

Any questions?

Second offensively
Fighting/Ghost : gets great STAB coverage, hits SE Rotom, Gengar and Starmie and hit for neutral every other counter. Defensively, Fighting immunity + Rock resist is nice as faster Fighters can revenge Togekiss and OHKO with either Stone Edge or Close Combat. Ability or special bulk can take care of TBolts. Togekiss and CAP are supposed to paralyze their counters, so it doesn't need to be fast to outspeed other Ghosts.

Fighting/Dragon : I know what you're thinking, but look at the bigger picture : as long as we can work around the Ice weakness (for example, with Thick Fat), it gets the best defensive synergy with Togekiss : Rock, Electric, Grass, Water and Bug resistance are excellents, Fire resistance is a plus against revenging Infernapes. You don't need to hit Togekiss' counters SE if they can only scratch you with neutral, unboosted coverage moves while you can retaliate with a stronger neutral STAB.
Furthermore, it Dragon typing doesn't necessarily make it broken : if we design it to be slow and bulky with bad Atk and only decent SpA, it obviously won't sweep anything by itself. However, it could use paralysis support or nasty passing to abuse its great coverage.

Fighting/Electric : I don't see why it would be so bad : like for Dragon, you don't need to hit SE a pokemon that can only scratch you. Of all of Togekiss' counters, only Rotom-A resists this combination, and Fighting was partly chosen because it let Togekiss use something else than Aura Sphere... like Shadow Ball.

For all mentioning Ghost/fighting, we already have that prize; its called Revenankh, which also is very bulky. So if thats your game, try Revenankh out.

Revenankh has no support option (except Knock Off, which don't really help Togekiss), can't spread paralysis, doesn't really need it with two priority STABs and, with 110 Base Atk and 50 Base SpA, it couldn't care less about being passe Nasty Plots.
Ok...I really don't understand why Fuzznip (and everyone else) dislikes Fighting/Electric, so maybe I will detail why it is a good choice, since no one seems to be doing that?

Defensively: The Electric secondary typing "only gives it a resistance to electric type moves". That's true, but maybe it should be put another way: "The Electric secondary typing gives a resistance to electric type moves!" That's better. Why? Firstly, Rotom-A is Togekiss' biggest counter for one reason: STAB Thunderbolt. Togekiss is immune to Shadow Ball, and has the Special Defense to take an Overheat and Roost it off easily. Now, between a Fighting/Electric CAP11 and Togekiss, if predicted correctly, all Rotom-A can do to hurt you is a WoW, which is a problem with any secondary typing at this point. And what's the worst case? CAP11 takes a Shadow Ball, which hits it neutrally! A Fighting/Electric CAP11 can handle Rotom-A better than the vast majority of OU (Pursuiters excepted, of course). Also, Electric STAB hits Zapdos neutrally, which is better than just about any other type mentioned other than Ice, which is horrible for other reasons I will get into. On top of all of this, Electric encourages EQ or Earth Power, which, contrary to what has been stated, is not going to just be used "regardless", particularly with Togekiss in the wings. What about things like Earth Power from Heatran (versus Fire Blast), EQ from Gyara (versus Waterfall), or EQ from TTar (versus Crunch/Stone Edge)? None of those pokemon would take a risk to hit CAP11 with EQ when they know Togekiss will be waiting for it, unless CAP11 has a weakness to it, hopefully tantalizing out EQs, and thus providing switch-in opportunities for Togekiss.

One other major thing that seems to be gleaned over here is that Electric gives a resistance to Bullet Punch Scizor, a huge threat to Togekiss, as well as the most used pokemon in the game. In fact, it is this fact that makes Electric (or any other type that resists Steel) a much better typing for CAP11 than any other, simply because Rotom-A is largely irrelevant if CB Scizor can waltz in and nail both 'Kiss and CAP11 in the kisser.

When you add to this that Electric takes away none of Fighting's defensive gains, it is clear Electric is an excellent choice from a defensive standpoint.

Offensively: Again, everyone here is complaining that Fighting/Electric doesn't scratch Rotom-A. Again, I say...why is Rotom-A such a big ass deal? Maybe people are forgetting that we made Fighting the main type specifically so that 'Kiss can run attacks other than Aura Sphere? What attacks? Maybe....Shadow Ball? Another pokemon that people are complaining about is Gliscor...which is why so many pokemon run HP Ice. CAP11 will not have ridiculous offensive coverage with Fighting/Electric, but it will have plenty to do what it needs to do, which is support Togekiss. Also worth noting is that making it an Electric type will guarantee it gets TWave, with which it can cripple Zapdos or Rotom-A in a pinch if it needs to. No other type guarantee this kind of Offensive support to Togekiss, yet this is also being largely ignored.

Now, to why many of the other types suggested here are not ideal:
Ice: What was the point of making CAP11 a Fighting type if it doesn't end up resisting SR? Apart from this, Fire type attacks will rip the duo to shreds (Togekiss hates eating Heatran Fire Blasts), Scizor Bullet Punch will do the same, and any Fighting type can simply spam it's STAB move of choice and nail either partner in the duo. It even allows Rotom-A to hit it hard with Overheat. Simply put, this is a disaster defensively. Offensively, it' not a bad choice, as it hits Rotom-A neutrally and Zapdos Super Effectively, but other than that, it's not exactly working wonders. It invites all sorts of bulky waters in to wall the duo (I agree that bulky waters are not a huge concern to Togekiss, but it's not like they are easy to waltz by either). Overall Ice is slightly better than Electric offensively, but it also doesn't guarantee (and even probably rules out) TWave, which is huge for Togekiss to get off Nasty Plots and Roosts. Overall, the offensive capabilities of Ice do not make up for it's defensive and supporting shortcomings.
Dark: Defensively not bad, but not great. Gives CAP11 a nasty Fighting weakness while not giving it any notable resists apart from Ghost, although it allows CAP11 to maintain it's SR resist while making CAP11 harder to trap (by giving it a resist to Pursuit). Offensively, allows it to trap Rotom-A, and...not much else. Overall, kinda average in both categories, I would support Dark if it resisted Scizor's Bullet Punch, but seeing as it doesn't, I just can't see how choice "Rotom-A" (which is what it should be labelled) is better than Electric.
Water: Defensively, patches up the Ice weakness in exchange for making the pair weak to Thunderbolts. Rotom-A will walk all over this duo. Offensively, Water is not a great attacking type and never will be. At least it keeps the SR resist, but not much going on here overall.
Rock: Contrary to most concerned with Rock, I don't think the Fighting weakness is a big deal. What is a big deal is the Steel weakness. As I have already explained, CB Scizor gives Togekiss all sorts of problems already, do we really want to make Togekiss' partner further encourage Scizor use? Offensively Rock is decent, except for the fact that there are no good Special Rock moves, making NP Passing much less viable, while the even the best Physical Rock moves have subpar accuracy (Stone Edge, Rock Slide). Overall, the weakness to Bullet Punch just seems too problematic.
Psychic: Nailed by Rotom-A, nailed by Pursuiters, nailed by Scizor, nailed by Heatran, nailed by Jolteon...
Ghost: See above. Seriously, why are these two even being considered? Fighting is NOT a big problem at all for Togekiss, and making it's partner weak to Rotom-A and Pursuiters is just not the answer.

Now then, before someone says something along the lines of "But just slap Magnezone on your team for Scizor!" or "Just slap Suicune on for Heatran!" Let me remind you that I could just as easily respond "Just slap TTar on for Rotom-A!" You can't take any pokemon into account in this decision other than Togekiss and CAP11.

With all that said, I wish you, Fuzznip, and everyone else writing off Electric as "An electric resist and that's it" would reconsider Electric as a viable secondary typing. It's not exciting, and it is predicable after the last poll, but it is by far the best defensive option with Togekiss, and the best supporter due to TWave. Add in that we picked Fighting specifically to help Togekiss on the offensive spectrum, and it seems clear to me that Electric meshes extremely well with Fighting. Thanks for your time and for reading this (if you did), and please just think through this, it's not like there is a "right" choice here, so no need to flame others.
I don't think many people paid attention to it because one, there's the CAP that was recently made called Arghonaut going off a pun with Jason and the Golden Feece and then there's one of the original 151 called Poliwrath (i think you've heard of it) which both seem to a major weakness to Electric which is this this discussion started in the first place.

For all mentioning Ghost/fighting, we already have that prize; its called Revenankh, which also is very bulky. So if thats your game, try Revenankh out.

As far as Offensive typing for the duo (what the partner is originally to be made for) Dark seems like the first viable opinion [Fighting/dark, very good offensively. Why? Anyone else remembers the terror of Weavile when the Metagame started. Combination of Ice, Fighting, and Dark moves tore through mountains until Scizor got Bullet Punch. Hey guess what?! This mence could be the same as Weavile, but hey, its not steel weak).

Continuing on, Grass, then Poison (And yes, stop laughing at Toxicroak. The ninja-knight frog will murder you, trust me), and then Rock.

Any questions?

Second offensively

First of all, there is no rule saying we can't repeat type combinations. You wouldn't say Octillery and Seaking were basically the same, would you? You wouldn't say Staraptor and Chatot were either.

Weavile didn't "tear through mountains", it doesn't have the attacking power. It died to basically anything, and don't think people forgot Infernape's handy Mach Punch and all. Fighting/Dark might be interesting, yes, but it opens us up for Scarfed/Orbed fighter to come in and start spamming Fighting moves at us.

Grass and Poison have my support, but it seems that a defensive(Uh... *looks at grass* defensives the wrong word) typing is useless at the moment. Rock dies horribly to nearly anything, and even if it's fast there's still Bullet Punch to kill us all.
I can totally get on board with Fighting/Dragon for the reasons Quilph outlined.

No Dragon in OU is used defensively (except for some Dragonite) because their offensive stats outshine their pretty good defenses. No Dragon in OU has defense, special defense, or HP over 100. This is something that needs to change in my opinion.

As for the Ice weakness, Togekiss can already handle most users of Ice Beam through Flinchhax. Also, remember that you carry a 6 pokemon team... a weakness to Ice on two pokemon is not the end of the world. Jirachi, Bronzong, Suicune, Scizor, Empoleon etc etc can all switch in on an Ice attack just fine and start setting up. Not to mention Heatran.

The "perfect mate" cannot actually have perfect type coverage with Normal/Flying, so I would rather let Ice be a weakness than most any other type since Ice is resisted by so much in OU.
I'm going to have to vote for a Fighting / Electric b/c it is probably one of the few types that actually has a chance to draw attacks that Togekiss can in fact dodge ( i.e. ground ). A lot of the other types selected do well to absorb attacks aimed at Togekiss but part of the idea isn't to create a shield for Togekiss but instead a partner to help out . . . i know one of the biggest problems with the Electric idea is lack of Ice resistance . . . but there is always Thick Fat to solve that problem.

While I enjoy the idea of a Fighting / Dragon I think that in the end it will be a huge Offensive force to rival Garchomp ( depending on its stats ) and it would be sad to see a CAP go uber . . .
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