Nuzlocke Challenge


Maize and Blue Badge Set 2014-2017
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
BP, you fail. But will Detroitlolcat? Find out in...
Detroitlolcat's Leafgreen Nuzlocke Challenge!
Part 9: [/b]Cerulean Showdown![/b]

Note before we start: Pi-Face died to a critical hit while training. He will be missed. RIP Bellsprout.

Lolcat steps east of Nugget Bridge towards Bill's Cottage to bury his Wartortle and Bellsprout. Unfortunately, the field is a perfect place for young Trainers to train and battle, which means that Lolcat will have to survive a barrage to reach Bill's place.

The first battle is between Lolcat and Youngster Joey. They match Rattatas, and Lolcat's scores the KO with Hyper Fang (SO broken early game). The second Pokemon is a Spearow. Hyper Fang OHKO brokenness sends Rattata to Level 18.

The Second battle is against a Hiker. With an Onix. No Water attacks. No Grass attacks. The only surviving Pokemon is 4x weak to Rock. In goes Bugsy the Butterfree to Sleep it. Sleep Powder is successful. Confusion for the pain. Onix wakes up and uses

not Rock Throw. Good. Bugsy has to make a choice. Sleep Powder, or Confusion? Confusion is a 2KO, and Sleep Powder has shaky accuracy. Confusion. It confused it. Onix hurt itself!!! Confusion once more for the 3KO, and a near-level up for Bugsy.

Lolcat steps further into the field, where another Youngster meets Pikachu. The Youngster has a Slowpoke. This is good. Bugsy got some EXP too, to level up. The Trainer this time is a Picnicker. A Nidoran(m) steps out to meet Bolt. Thundershock vs. Focus Energy. Thundershock for the 3KO and a level for Bolt. Lolcat crithaxed teh other Nidoran.

Next, a Hiker (crapcrapcrap) to battle Bugsy. Sleep Powder for the Geodude sleep, Confusion for the 2KO. Same with Geodude #2, except I got crithax. Geodude #3 was a different story. Not. I let Pothead take the Machop.

Next, a Camper. Rattata vs. Beedrill. He Quick Attacks for nothing, Pothead Fury Attacks and Poison Stings for the kill (I NEED TWINEDLE). Rattata kills the Ekans with Broken Fang. Seriously, that move kills EVERYTHING in one hit and Rattata gets it at level 13. What was GF thinking?

Lolcat gets a TM for Secret Power...Who should he use it on? Bolt? Bugsy? Pothead? Tough choice. He saves it for later. Then heals, and steps to some guy running around in a field. Wonder if he's on fire or something?

Backwards Snake vs. Beedrill. Fury Attack vs. Bite. Then another Fury attack. Lolcat got a lot of CritHax. Next came Sandshrew. Focus Energy for the Hax, then Fury Attack. After enough hax, Beedrill won.

The last battle was against a Lass. Beedrill kills Oddish. Rattata comes in against the Pidgey after Pothead levels up. Hyper Fang is more broken than Salamence, and Salamence isn't even broken! Oddish dies to HF. Why do the AI Trainers not use this move?

Lolcat, after an arduous journey, steps up to Cerulean Cape, pulls out his 4th Gen Explorer Kit, and digs a hole six feet deep, where he lays Kitteh's body for a long rest.
He then does the same for Pi-Face.
Visit the Nuzlocke Players group->Graveyard for Kitteh's eulogy. I will be typing Pi-Face's later.

Lolcat solemnly steps inside Bill's Cottage for whatever reason.
"Hey! A Clefairy! I WANNA CATCH IT!!!!" Lolcat willingly violates the Nuzlocke Rules and pulls out a Poke Ball.
"Stop! I'm not a Clefairy! I'm Bill!"
"I'm Bill"
"That's not even spelled correctly."
"What the hell?"
"FOR THE LAST TIME, I'M NOT A... Wait. Did you say Bill? Yes, my name is Bill, and I've turned myself into a Clefairy with the Teleporter on accident. Could you please start the Cell Separator on the PC to change me back?"

Bill used Ice Beam!
It's Super Effective!
Foe Lolcat was frozen!
Foe Lolcat is frozen solid!

"Damn...I got freezehax. Well, time to wait for him to thaw."

-Several Hours later-

"Ok, Bill. Time to engage the Separator"
"Thank You, Lolcat. Since you helped me, here's an SS Ticket. If you go to Vermilion city, you can go to the party. There will also be a lot of battling on the ship, so train up!"

Lolcat leaves Bill's Cottage,and heads to Cerulean City, where the Main Event is scheduled.

After healing, Lolcat steps inside Cerulean City Pokemon Gym.
Misty (over loudspeaker): Welcome to Cerulean Gym, puny Trainer. In order to challenge Misty the Great, you must first defeat my two Gym Trainers! Go, Swimmer!"

The Swimmer challenges Lolcat and Rattata takes the stage. Horsea takes Hyper Fang, but falls to a second one. Shellder takes a Hyper Fang and Counters with Supersonic, so Lolcat switches to Pothead. Icicle Spear does one damage per hit, so Beedrill shrugs it off. Supesonic strikes again, so Rattata finishes it.

Misty (over loudspeaker): Now, Trainer! Go! Heal your Pokemon, and Prepare for Round Two! My most trusted Trainer will not falter!

Lolcat heals, and returns to Psycho's Gym.

Misty: You're back for more, huh? Go, my Picnicker!

Rattata Rapes a Goldeen, taking no damage.


Misty sends out her Staryu, and Bolt appears to take it down. Let's see: Same level, Bolt's base Speed is higher. Therefore, Bolt doesn't have to paralyze.

Bolt starts the match with Thundershock, and Staryu hardens it's shell to increase durability. A second Shock seals its fate, though.

Part Two: the level 21 Starmie. Thunder Wave. Starmie uses Water Pulse. Shit. Bolt cannot take two Water Pulses. Who can? It seems a sacrifice is in order, but who? FLOPPY! Floppy, you're the best death fodder ever <3.

Ok, now for the free switch. Rattata time.Water pulse OHKOs. Rattata's dead. Pothead time. Focus energy vs. Water Pulse. Starmie Recovers. If I sacrifice Pothead, then Bolt can come in for the kill. And he does. Misty uses SuperPotion, and this Challenge is over.

Misty wins. End of challenge.

I'm trying this again on Emerald later.
IMO, the 'crunch times' are:

Right at the start, due to Weedles.
Rival on Nugget Bridge
Erica [Will kill non-posions]
Sabrina [Will kill poisons... wait, that's what reains of your squad!]
E4 [Obviously]
I've been doing a LeafGreen Nuzlocke challenge on and off and I haven't found it to be so hard and I'm not using any healing items and also not going by the "first non-duplicate pokemon" rule.
In the beginning odds are you're going to catch a pidgey which helps immensely against Weedle as long as you don't get haxxed to an early end.
The rival on Nugget Bridge wasn't a particular problem for me, but I guess I've just been lucky since I haven't lost a pokemon to hax yet, although I have had a few close calls due to poison.
Misty was easily beaten by Ivysaur thanks to sleep powder and razor leaf.
Erica also wasn't a problem since I had a Butterfree and Golbat, although it would have been nice if it were possible to evolve it into a Crobat before you beat the elite four which makes this game pretty hard.
And as for Sabrina, I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to beat her since I'm going to have to face her soon.
My team at this point is as follows:
FailFish the Gyarados level 29
Mothra the Butterfree level 33
Batz the Golbat level 31
Moleman the Dugtrio level 29
Splinter the Rattata level 11
Forrest the Venasaur level 33

I'm currently about to face Team Rocket in the game corner and I think I should start planning for Sabrina. I would evolve Eevee into Umbreon, but LG doesn't have an internal clock so that option is gone. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to take Sabrina down besides hardcore grinding?

tldr; Does anyone have any suggestions on how to beat Sabrina?
Alright, time for my first badge

The grinding went about as well as it sounds. A few close calls from criting Tailows, but I pull through until Psi & Trish are level 13, PCH000 (being awesome, finding me some Proteins & a Nugget), Spike (he evolved!), & Birdy are 12, Neena 9.
God I forgot how slowly Neena leveled up. It's ridiculous.

I went into the Tunnel and got a Whismur (Male) named it Death because there's no way it isn't dieing between now and Brawly.

I uh
I also caught a Skitty :X
It showed up randomly! 2% chance! DON'T JUDGE ME. But then it got critical heart failure and was given a funeral in Box 14. Poor poor Not Used, never had a chance to Not be Used.

Anyway, I prepared a bit. Swapped out Birdy for Death (like hell I'm letting Birdy even POSSIBLY die). Gave Psi, Trish, and PCH0000 Oran Berries just incase, and Trish replaced Absorb with Bullet Seed (Also she learned LEech Seed, yay!) AND HERE I GOOOOO

I lead Trish against her Geodude. Bullet Seed almost killed it (only hit 2 times >:|) but this worked in my favor.
The next turn she uses her Potion and I kill her.

I keep Trish in against Nosepass. By a stroke of luck, it hardens first, so I can seed it safely. Testing my luck, I try stun spore. But it misses and I take a Rock Throw to the face. After the seed does its work I have 21 HP left. I feel good so I stay in and successfully stone spore the Hardened Nosepass.
I decide to switch out to Psi, so as to get some exp on him. Takes a Rock Tomb to the face, I note it does 14 damage.
And then he gets a critical hit D:
So you can imagine my relief when Psi survives with 1 hp and has his berry activates.
Potioned next turn while I Water gun him down.
Not wanting to risk a rerun, I potion up on his paralyzed turn. Thankfully everything goes great and one more Water Gun brings him down!


Phew, I was worried. Should have seen my face as Psi took that crit. I don't want to imagine what would have happened had I not gotten Trish or not leveled up Psi to 13.

After switching out Death for Birdy, I go to take care of the Magma Grunt.


did he just say "keehaul it all"
isn't that something Aqua would say? Anyway, I decide to let Neena give it a go (I taught her Cut, by the way). Leech Life is actually pretty awesome! 3 of them did the job, he only got a Tackle (-4 hp lol) and Howl off. No level up, though.

On the way back, I go the cut route with little problems. Blah blah blah Great Ball blah blah Deliver this letter! blah blah Have a Pokenav!

Now I'm debating training or going. Granite Cave isn't particularly nice for my Pokemon...but the options now suck.
Here's part 2 of my Emearld Nuzlocke. I doubt I'll catch up to in-game, but I'll see how far I get. Just note, I'm heading back to face my dad in game right now, so I can't really remeber which levels everyone are through this part.
When we last left our hero, he had just defeated his rival, May, in a close battle in which Avian pulled out the win.

After the battle, I headed back into Petalburg Woods. Taking a few short cuts, he arrived back out beside the ocean. Off in the distance I noticed the old man who's Wingull I helped save back in the cave with all those loud Whismur. I go over and tell him that I have to get to Dewford to deliver a letter to some guy named Steven whom I've never even met before. We jump on the boat and speed down to Dewford City/island. I thank the old man for the ride, and he says he will give me a ride back when I need it.

I go through the entire town and talk to everyone I can find, but none of them are Steven. The only clue I had was from one person saying they saw a guy walk into a nearby cave. So I head into the cave, and almost immediatly I can't see due to how dark it was in the cave. It was too late to turn back, so I wondered aimlessly throught the cave. I encountered a Zubat after a few minutes, and I quickly catch it (no nickname due to me being unable to think of one at the time. Will get it one later). I use my new Zubat to help me navigate the cave, and after a short while I ended up back in the room I had entered in, only higher up. I was about to give up hope and leave when I saw a light coming from a nearby cavern. I go in, and some guy is just stareing (sp?) at a wall for no reason. I find out it is Steven and give him his letter. In return I got a TM, and he leaves. I leave the cave now determined to face the gym leader.

After stopping by the pokemon center and resting up, I head over to the Dewford City Gym. I hear that there are alot of fighting type pokemon in here, so I bring Avian to the front of my party (still Taillow now). Within Avian defeating almost all of the trainers in the gym, the lights started to come back on and I could see farther around. I finally made it to the leader's room, but after seeing how strong his pokemon were I decided to go train some more before battling him *insert grind here*

And I returned. This time, Avian (now Swellow) was more than prepared to take down this surfer guy. He goes on a quick rant, and the battle begins. Avian takes out the first 2 pokemon with Wing Attack like they were nothing. Now he sends out his dreaded Makuhita. I've heard horrible things about this pokemon, so I start to worry. I get Avian to Wing Attack it first off, which brought it down to the red zone, while it used Bulk Up. I decided to go for the quick kill and use quick attack, but Brawny uses a potion before I attack, so Makuhita survives. After another Wing Attack, Makuhita falls and I claim my 2nd gym badge. The lights come back on, and I leave for Slateport with that old man to deliver some boat parts.

We arrive on the beach, and I decide it's time to level up Mirror B. some. After a few matches, Mirror B. evolved into an awesome Lombre, which I think will help me out alot soon enough. Anyways, I go into town and head to the ship building place. I find the guy I'm supposed to give it to, but he tells me to take it to the museum and give it to a guy there. I head over there and luckily the line is gone so I just walk in. I go downstairs and deliver the goods, but only to have another run in with team Aqua. My trio of Passat, Mirror B., and Avian make quick work of the grunts and they run off with their tails between their legs. The guy thanks me for the parts and says the next city has a gym, so I heal up and head out.

Entering the route heading to Mauville, I encounter a Poocheyna (I was hoping for an electric type, but I guess I can work with this). I catch it thanks to Mirror B and name it Smokey. To the box it goes. After some time wondering, I come to a wierd house. Curious, I go in and the room is empty, but I see a man hidding under a desk. I talk to him and he says he has a maze in the back of his house. He lets me try it out, and I go through it with little trouble. He's suprised to see me finish, and tells me he'll fix it up and I can try again later. So now I continue on to Mauville City. Walking through the tall grass I spy May, who seems to be looking at her pokedex. I walk up, and she challenges me to a battle. I struggle a little, but in the end I survive without a casualty. She gives me the item finder, then rides of in a bike (lucky).

After surviving my way through that route full of pokemon that like to paralyse me, I arrived in Mauville. Once I heal my pokemon, I go to the bike shop, and the owner was nice enough to give me one for free. NO MORE RUNNING/WALKING!!! Anyways, I hear people talking about how the gym leader is really tough and uses electric pokemon like Magnemite and Electrike. I worry about Magnemite, since they are resistant to all of my attacks, so I decide to go find some trainers to use for leveling up my Grovyle. Infront of the gym I see Wally, who looks like he's gotten alot stronger than when I first met him. He tells me he wants to battle me, and I defeat him fairly quickly since his Ralts is still not the best of pokemon. He says he's ready to start his own adventure then leaves with his uncle. It begins to get dark so I head back to the pokemon center and go to sleep.

Current Pokemon Status(Order of Catching):
Passat the Grovyle.
Mirror B. the Lotad/Lombre.
Minnie the Marill. Boxed.
Kisietai the Cascoon/Dustox.
Avian the Tailow/Swellow.
Stereo the Whismur. Boxed.
______ the Zubat. Boxed.
Smokey the Poocheyna. Boxed.

Fainted Pokemon:

Yeah, let me list why FireRed is hard:

1: You're forced to use Bulbasaur. Use anything else, and you risk dying to Poision from Weedles. If you use Charmander and avoid Weedles until lv 10, you'll struggle at Misty. Squirtle will probobly die against Weedles. Then there's Nidorans as well.
Here's a hint: That first rival battle? Grind to level 9. Charmander gets ember, and if you even have a REMOTE problem with Viridian Forest, then you have absolutely no reason to Nuzlocke, it's obviously to hard for you. Squirtle is a bit harder, but I've used him to great effect: He takes little to no damage from most early attacks, and has a good HP stat.

2: Unless you catch a Pikachu/Geodude, [You're more likly to get a bug/Zubat] Rival's Pigeotto on Nugget Bridge will be an absolute nightmare. His Charmeleon will not be much better either, cosdiering you probobly have Rattata, Pidgey, Bug, Normal, Zubat, Bulbasaur.
This is mostly void by using the other starters, but... no, Pidgey line DESTROYS that thing. I mean, you have it almost evolved-if-not evolved by then, right? And the other rival pokemon, being FULLY UNEVOLVED, is also simplistic if you have enough pokemon to attack.

3: If you manage to get beyond Misty, there's a mostly clear reach until Erica, due to Diggett's cave handleing Surge. Erica, however, is very likly to be the cause of death for any non-poisions in your team at that point, and maybe a few that are Poision.
Then here's a hint: LEAD WITH THE POISONS. Or the almost guarunteed Dodou/Dodrio/Spearow/Fearow right outside. Your choice.

4: So, you have this team of almost all posions. Well you sequence break and go to Koga next. He really will kill anything non-poision, although, thankfully, his gym is near the Pokemon center.
Again, this imply's you're enough of a dumbass not to lead with the poisons. And by the way, you realise that anything with a good special attack stat makes those things break like wet paper?

5: After all that, you've probobly only got Poisions left. Have fun v Sabrina's Alakazam. Or you can Sequence break again, and try to beat Blane, as well as check the sea routes and Seafoam [Probobly resulting in Tentacools and Zubat/Goldbat]
I have a rod. I use it on a route WELL BEFORE a tenta pops up. Your logic fails. And by the by, we've been saving non poisons, and that Alakazam you make out to be a hard problem will almost ALWAYS (I had a low health Beedril, the thing still did this) lead with Future Sight, and has horrid defense. So you can put it to sleep, or just strait up kill it. Your choice.

6: So you've somehow overcame Sabrina's Alakazam. Have fun v Giovanni's Ground Types.
Even using your logic, this fails: You have VENUSAUR and most likely TENTACRUEL. What, do you really think his DUGTRIO of all things will sweep you?

7: Finally, you have what is arguably the hardest E4. The ahrd-hitting Loreli and Bruno will decimate you, especially with a no item rule. Agetha will tank your poision types with hers. Lance... unless you got a Seel/Shellder, leveled the Lapras from Silyph.Co, or, god forbid, were lucky enough to get a Dratini in the Safari Zone, will be an utter nightmare. Than, to top it all off. The Rival with his lv 60 team will decimate anything left standing.

Bruno? His fighters do nothing to poisons, which you claim are all the people will have. And meanwhile you pelt attacks at him.

Agatha is easy. The Gengars fall to a little hitting, Arbok is weak to the Digs/EQs your team likely has represented, and Golbat is GOLBAT.

Lance? YOU HAVE A TENTACRUEL. OR A (insert water type... really, there are fucktons of these). BUY THE ICE BEAM TM AND USE IT. Oh, use that Electric from the Power Plant on Gyarados and have your water type Surf Aero and Zard, that goes without saying.

As for the rival... let's imagine your only poisons/Venusaur starter scenario.

He leads with Pidgeot. You have an Ice Beamer, who may be SLIGHTLY low on PP, but can still kill this thing.

If you are using Tentacruel, Rhydon will be next. The Ice Beamer is running low on health, but Venusaur takes it.

Charizard will come in to capitalize, but you have an Ice Beamer.

Alakazam... your pokemon are low on health, but you should be in the 60s, and even at 55 a pokemon with somewhere around 90+ Base Speed should do it. Golbat has that, you might have him, and Bite is Super Effective with a shot at flinching. And if it dies, you have the Electric pokemon for backup.

Next, in all likelyhood, will be Exeggutor. Use Wing attack, die, send in the Ice Beamer, kill it.

Last is Gyara. The Electric pokemon.

EDIT: And even with items, DPPt is living hell. There is a thread about how much bullshit killed people in those games, everyone agrees that the game is hard... and that Platinum took it well past 11 and into the 20s. If you DON'T have items, I can't imagine what it would be.

EDIT 2: I'm going to PROVE your bullshittery. FIRE RED RUN. RIGHT NOW.


1. If a pokemon faints, you must release it as soon as possible. stick it in the box of dead stuff cause I'm a sentimental jackass
2. You can ONLY catch the first pokemon you encounter in an area. If it is a duplicate of another pokemon registered in the dex, you may try again.
3. Nicknames. All day erry day.
4. A rule considered a true rule by Nuzlocke himself: The Fuck Abra/Safari Zone clause. I think you can figure out what it is.

Those are usually the rules I do, but let's add a few.

5. Healing items are not allowed.
6. Battles on Shift because anyone who doesn't do this obviously is an idiot.
7 No legendaries.

I think those are good enough.

Texas Cloverleaf

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Honestly if you choose Charmander you should have no problem whatsoever with poison types. I generally just fuck shitty poke's to the box and go with the decent ones so FRLG is pretty easy. For Poison types you have a decent chance at getting an Abra which isn't too difficult to raise if you've fucked the shitty poke's and have a team of two or three other pokemon. HINT: You don't have to raise every damn pokemon you find. In my LG run I'm sitting in Rock Tunnel with a Lv 30+ Charmeleon, Kadabra and Weepinbell. I haven't grinded at all, just battled every trainer. Admittedly finding an Abra and Bellsprout was somewhat lucky for Misty but unless I get screwed by poisons taking a Squirtle FRLG is really easy to Nuzlocke. Nowhere near the difficulty of a Diamond or Pearl challenge, lost my Machop and my Monferno on the bike path leaving me with just a Luxio and Staravia.


Maize and Blue Badge Set 2014-2017
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Err...the last one was practice! That's right...or something. It was all staged. Time for the REAL Nuzlocke challenge to begin! Introducing...


Definitely my favorite Pokemon game. But will I land flat on my face again in the second gym? NO! (I'll probably die even sooner).





Part 1: Decisions Decisions...II

After losing all of his Pokemon in Kanto at the uhh...tentacles(?) of Misty's Starmie, Lolcat still wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer, but Oak refused to give him another Pokemon. Remembering he had the SS Ticket from Leafgreen, he took the SS Anne to Littleroot, Hoenn, where his REAL mother lives.

After stepping out of the moving truck with his weird Kanto accent, his mother greets Lolcat by showing him the house full of Vigoroth. Lolcat gains a new respect for Vigoroth. After setting the clock, Lolcat runs downstairs again, trying to catch his Dad on TV. Unfortunately, all that was on was some naked chick on HBO. Too bad :)

Lolcat was persuaded by his mother to go visit Prof. Birch and his hot daughter May. After walking into May's room, he spies a Pokeball on the floor, and begins to peer inside...

May walks in and rants about Pokemon friendship and all that crap. Telling Lolcat that she has to go help Birch with "field work", she leaves. Being a stalker that he is, Lolcat goes outside to catch a hot glimpse of May.
"H-Help me!"
"Is that May?" thought Lolcat, "I should go save her and then she'll...never mind"

Nope. It's soem old guy being chased by a 1 foot tall raccoon.
"In my bag! There's a Pokeball!"
"It's a freaking RACCOON! just KILL IT!"

Lolcat picks up a Pokeball and wipes the floor with Ziggy. You'll see his starter soon (if you read my sig, you'll figure it out).

Lolcat meets Birch at the lab later, and Birch has a smug look on his face.

"So I've heard..."
"You know"
"Well, no I don't! Tell me."
"So i herd u liek mudkipz."
"Yeah, what of it?"
"I have a Mudkip right here"
"Oh, now do you? I liek mudkipz"
"So i herd. Would u liek 2 c mai mudkipz?"
Mudkip: Mud! Kip! Mudkip! Obama!
Lolcat: What did he say?
Birch: Nothing.
(lolcat)"Can ai hav teh mudkipz"
"Yeah, heres ur mudkipz 4 savin meh!!!!11"


Mudkip: Obama! Obama!
Lolcat: Did you just say...?
Mudkip: Mudkip!
Lolcat: Good little Mudkip!

Lolcat goes to Route 103 to meet up with May and learn a thing or two about Pokemon and why Mudkip talks funny. Upon reaching Oldale town, Lolcat heals and continues north to meet May.
"Hey Lolcat!"
Damn, she's hot.
"Wanna battle. I'll teach you how to lose"

Lolcat wins with the fearsome Tackle+Tackle combo and takes the 300 pokedollars prize money as a discount on tonight, if you know what I mean.

May gives Lolcat some Pokeballs (insert testicles joke here), and Mom gives him some Running Shoes so walking to Oldale takes less than 48 hours. Lolcat escapes to Route 102, where he can legitimately catch his first Pokemon!

And the winner is...


Hmm. A Water/Grass type. Not bad, but not great. Doesn't learn any water moves by level up, either. Gonna need some TMs!

Lolcat names it Hippie because it's the water WEED pokemon and I'm watching a South Park about hippies :).

More on this when I feel like it.

End of Part 2

Mudkipz and Hippie
Turns out grinding in Granite cave isn't that bad when you actually have a team that can hit things.

Update proper when I take on Brawly.

Or Neena evolves.
Whatever comes first
I'm doing a Nuzlocke Run in Sapphire, but I have a question.

I was lucky enough to encounter an Abra as my first encounter in Granite Cave, and was doublely-lucky enough to catch it with a thrown Ultra Ball (Thank you, Zigzagoon). Now, it's a L16 Kadabra.

Would linking up with another game and trading it be cheating under the Nuzlocke Rules, or would it be okay?

I may do a more thorough write up later, I'm just curious on this point.


P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
I was lucky enough to encounter an Abra as my first encounter in Granite Cave, and was doublely-lucky enough to catch it with a thrown Ultra Ball (Thank you, Zigzagoon). Now, it's a L16 Kadabra.

Would linking up with another game and trading it be cheating under the Nuzlocke Rules, or would it be okay?
Personal preference if you want to allow trading for evolution or not. If you're looking for a challenge, don't evolve it.
Personal preference if you want to allow trading for evolution or not. If you're looking for a challenge, don't evolve it.
Kadabra's special attack and speed are absurdly high as is, for the record, so it's not like you'll be that much worse off.

(I'd evolve it though, because screw you I want an Abra >:|)


Least he'll be a good buffer for Brawly.


P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
Zubat becomes awesome once he gets Confuse Ray, Bite, and Wing Attack, and then evolves into Crobat :P It was one of my best Pokemon until it died during my Nuzlocke.


It's all coming back to me now
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@ Raikaria, I remember Red on the old Gameboy being brutally difficult. I imagine FireRed is the same?

@ ginganinja, you can read my SS run with a Cyndaquil starter. There were a lot of trouble spots; anything water, rock, ground, I had to avoid like the plague with it. Chikorita just has too many weaknesses to really be viable; you'll be swapping it out every other battle practically.

Honestly Totodile is probably the best overall; other than Jasmine's and Rival's Magnemite and Magneton, and the occasional grass type, there aren't too many threats out there, at least nothing a ground type couldn't handle. Plus it learns Ice Fang, which is INSANELY useful late in the game against those pesky dragon types (if you survive the electric attacks they usually carry). Not to mention you can teach it Crunch and Waterfall for some psychotic flinching.

You just want to get past Sprout Tower (grab a flying or normal type, or even a Gastly from Sprout Tower, if you can), and you're home free as Totodile.

Can't speak for post-Elite 4 really. Except for Red and Blue though, the Kanto gym leaders have easily exploited weaknesses and don't use any psycho tricks like the Johto leaders do.

@Sprocket Heh, check out my HG run with a chikorita!
I wanted to make it as much of a challenge asd possiable and its pretty awesome. Reflect saved my ass on many occasions and it was just a really nic defensive pokemon.Stil thanks for the advice. Might start with Quil as a homage to my old Gold (not Heart Gold) game where I got my first pokemon to Level 100 (typlosion and then later Dragonite). Besides, Fire pokemon are tough to come by anyway in HG bar Ho-oh and Enteir but I always set a rule that I cannot use legendaries. Dunno if Ill do a story or not, guess its a "if the mood takes you" kinda thing.

ON a side note I reckon that Platinum was not as hard as HG. Plat had 'better" pokemon available I guess.

And I really hate Zubat. I tried one on HG but it just failed for me.
Zubat becomes awesome once he gets Confuse Ray, Bite, and Wing Attack, and then evolves into Crobat :P It was one of my best Pokemon until it died during my Nuzlocke.
I used one in my Emerald run, it was pretty awesome.

But it takes forever. Even Nincada can at least do something.


P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
Exeggcute, caught at level 2.

You learn real quick how to exploit a Leech Seed + Stun Spore stall to win the day >.<
Zubat becomes awesome once he gets Confuse Ray, Bite, and Wing Attack, and then evolves into Crobat :P It was one of my best Pokemon until it died during my Nuzlocke.
I was honestly hoping for a Zubat, because other that Wattson, Brawly is the trainer I'm most paranoid of fighting.

Anyway, my Nuzlocke Run...
Rules are:
1. You can only catch the first Pokemon you encounter in an area.
1A. Shiny Clause: If you encounter a Shiny Pokemon that is not the first Pokemon you encounter, you may catch it. It is automatically considered dead (See rule 3).
2. If a Pokemon faints in battle, it is dead and can no longer be used in battle.
3. Dead Pokemon are placed in PC Box 14 "Memorium" so that I may keep a record of those that have fallen in battle with me.
4. Every Pokemon is Nicknamed when Caught.

Since I tried a Nuzlocke in Yellow that had Pikachu die on me, I'm not going to do any of the "no items" rules or anything. Call me weaksauce if you want, but I'm unlucky enough as it is.

Anyway, started game, blah blah blah
*Chose Treecko (F). Named her June. We're in for some good times, I hope.
I ran into some Wild Pokemon on 101 and 103 before I had Pokeballs, so I couldn't catch anything there.
After I got Balls (lol), I saved the game in Oldale's Pokemon Center and got a Swablu Egg from Pokemon Box. I figure since HGSS has Primo's Eggs, I can have an extra, too.

I caught Wily the Wurmple(M) on 102. We trained up to L7 and Wily evolved into Silcoon.

After battling through 102, we helped Wally catch a Ralts. Then, we met Lanette the Zigzagoon(F) on Route 104. Her Pick-Up will help immensely.

In Petalburg Woods, I find...another Wurmple(F). Hi, Chad. *box'd*

Before leaving, Wily evolves into Beautifly! Huzzah!

I head to Rustboro and to Route 116 for a Pokemon to help me battle Roxanne. I find Fergus the Zigzagoon(M). Huzzah, more Pick Up. -.-;

My attempt at adding a Whismer to my team fails. Thanks, Lanette. x.x

So with my L12 (I'm not sure, it's been awhile) team, I set out to battle Roxanne. Things start off bad when her Geodude smacks June around with Rock Throw. Absorb didn't do as much damage as I thought it would, and now June is slower, and definately in Geodude's KO range. I have Fergus, and figure that a spare Zigzagoon is as good a death fodder as anything, so I toss it out. Fergus eats a Rock Throw and survives with 3HP.

I use a Potion on June, healing her. Geodude throws a rock at Fergus, but he dodges out of the way.

I blink. I order Fergus to go down fighting and use Growl.

Fergus obeys me only slightly. He Growls, but dodges the Rock Throw again.

I ask myself, outloud, "Does God want me to save this Zigzagoon?"

So I use a Potion on it, and pull it out of the line of fire so June can finish off Geodude. The battle still ends up being a close call (I guess I was underleveled), but I survive with no casualties. I am now really impressed with Fergus, and kinda wish I was using him instead of Lanette.

But then, Team Aqua reappears and steals something. I go beat them up. Cap'n Briney takes us to Dewford Island. I get a nifty new Old Rod and try my hand at catching a Magikarp.

Boy am I surprised when I hook a Tentacool(M) in Dewford Town instead. Rubius joins the party.

I head into Dewford Cave to get the Experience Share (to ease the grinding of L7 Rubius) and my first encounter is a L8 Abra(M). GOGO ULTRA BALL!

Gotcha! Balthasar was caught!

Now I really want that Exp. Share.

I sneak through the cave in the Dark with a map from Bulbapedia and give Steven the Letter. I boat back to Rustboro and get my Experience Share, smacking it on Balthasar for the foreseeable future. On my way through Petalburg, that Swablu Egg finally hatches into Aria(F).

We sit down and eat a huge Grind Sandwich, which eventually takes us back to Dewford.

I'm currently there training for my Gym Match with Brawly.

Current Party:
June the Treecko@Miracle Seed
BOLD nature, Met at Route 101 (Lv5)
-Quick Attack

Wily the Beautifly
QUIRKY nature, Met at Route 102 (Lv4)
Lv 14
-Poison Sting

Lanette the Zigzagoon
QUIET nature, Met at Route 104 (Lv5)
- Tackle
- Growl
- Tail Whip
- Headbutt

Rubius the Tentacool@Silk Scarf
BOLD nature, met at Dewford Town (Lv7)
- Poison Sting
- Supersonic
- Cut
- Constrict

Balthasar the Kadabra
QUIRKY nature, met at Granite Cave (Lv8)
- Teleport
- Confusion

Aria the Swablu
HASTY nature, Egg recieved from "a nice place" (seriously). Hatched at Petalburg City (Lv5)
- Peck
- Sing
- False Swipe
- Astonish.

Chad the Wurmple (Lv5)
Fergus the Zigzagoon (Lv7)

In Memorium:
None so far
At least you've got options. I have a half-accurate confusion enducing attack that will probably wear off by the second turn and The Worst Move that does nothing against any Pokemon in the area.

So anyway, decided to go straight for Dewford.
I got the Old Rod, and decided to go fishing and got a Male Level 5 Magikarp (KARPDEGRAC). I've never actually used one before...a Gyarados could be pretty useful! That's later, though, when I have access to trainers. Then I made my way to Granite Cave. Also got Flash

There's tons of options in this thing. Makuhita isn't terrible. An Abra would be a massive run of luck and immensly useful against Brawly. Aron would be a solid Pokemon later down the line. Intimidate Mawile could be cool.

But I was actually hoping for a Geodude. Rock/Ground is a useful typing; he's immune to and can dish out damage to Wattson, as well as Flannery, plus natural Earthquake.

So naturally I get Zubat, male, level 7. Called him KOROMORI. Joys of Joys, Supersonic & Leech Seed. FANTASTIC
And then...grinding
Lots and lots of grinding.
Prof. Psi evolved, Birdy got Wing Attack, Neena certainly grew some levels (REAL CICADAS LEVEL UP FASTER THEN YOU FFFFF), Trish got Mega Drain in place of Tackle, Spike got Gust and more levels all around. Except PCH0000 who I decided to box temporarily. He's useful but...just not here. He can't hit Mawile & Aron, Makuhita would have a field day with him and I was worried about Brawly.

So after Psi & Birdy got to 17, Trish & Spike to 16, Koromori to 12, and Neena to 13 (she's still pretty awesome though). I decided to take him on.

I led with Spike against Machop. No problem; Confusion crits, he leers, Super Potions, Confusion crits again, I'm faster so Confusion finishes him off.
Now the hard part...or so I thought.
I switch Trish in for Leech Seed on Makuhita. But he Sand Attacks because he is a prick, and then evolves into a full-on douche when he evades it three times in a row. But whatever, finally get him seeded and I decide to switch into Spike as he Bulks Up. I figure x4 resistence will help combat the Bulk Ups, as does Harden, and Confusion will take care of him combined with Leech Seed.
Which is exactly what happened.
Harden, Bulk Up, Leech. And then after three Bulks he starts using Knock Off XD all his damage is undone by Leech Seed.
Confusion finishes him off. He didn't even use another Potion.

Without a doubt the easiest Brawly fight I've ever had. I didn't lose any Pokemon, no one got even near the yellow, and I used all of two of them!


I think I'll switch Koromori back out for PCH0000 and someone else for KarpDeGrac. I want to get some levels in on him, and the Slateport beach will be great for this.
Platinum is a BITCH. By the 2nd gym the gym leaders and Galactic Admins are happily throwing 2nd stage fully evolved Pokes with triple-digit Atk stats and Spd in your face (curse you Roserade and Mismagius) which will happily crush your poor Grotles/Staravias/god knows what else into the ground.

The trainers you encounter are also shockingly high levelled when compared to the other games; they are mostly on par with your Pokemon's levels, or sometimes even higher. For that reason Cycling Road is a truly terrifying experience. And a word of advice for all of you about to start a challenge on Platinum: if you decide that you want a Garchomp and toodle off to Wayward Cave to catch one, be EXTREMELY careful. Gibles know Dragon Rage, which is massively overpowered at that point in the game IMO.

BTW, all this comes from experience, and after intesive grinding with Cheryl at Eterna Forest. Also, I just lost my Staravia to a battle in the Hearthome Pokemon Center. I decided I didn't need to heal to take on the Cameraman dude, and got caught completely out of the blue on the switch by his Machop's Siesmic Toss. Oh well, least I now get a vacancy to train my lil' Togepi.


It's all coming back to me now
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@ Chomzloh what level were you pokemon sitting at on the Plat run when you were having difficulty?

I did a platinum run and did not find it too tough. I knew that their is a level jump around Eterna City so most of my pokemon were about level 22-25 (I did not realy grind intentionally since Piplup had evolved before I had even beated Roark). Granted, Mismagius gave me trouble in the gym (my Kadabra survived a Shadow Ball with like 3 health) but I was prepared. Even though Nuzlocks are "random" I will attempt to always think ahead and, even though the pokemon are random, I can generally pick up a stratigy. For example I know that a Bronzor (provided I find one) can really screw Fantima since Imprision can screw with many of her tactics. Sure I get caught short on occasions (such as in my HG run when I lost 2-3 pokemon to the Bug Leader's Scyther, but generally having a very rough plan works very well with me.
Hey, I'm probably going to do a no healing item nuzlocke run in saphire, but i was just wondering, does using healing moves count as cheating? I don't think so, but i was wondering ya'lls oppinions.


P(n) = 1 - (1 - P(1))^n
Hey, I'm probably going to do a no healing item nuzlocke run in saphire, but i was just wondering, does using healing moves count as cheating? I don't think so, but i was wondering ya'lls oppinions.
I don't see how it would count as cheating. Technically the Pokemon are healing themselves.
I've scrapped my Platinum run due to the general un-epic feel I got...
So I've decided SS shall be mah new one!
Same rules apply as before, I've started at Night in the hope of getting a Gastly :D.


"So what is your name?" The old man asked.
"Alex..." He responded.
" Ahhh...Alex...I'll be seeing you!" He said with a grin as he dissapeared.
Alex was then engulfed by blackness and a ringing in his ears.
"AH!" He screamed as he awoke..."Aww...Crap." He mumbled as the TV flashed Game Over. He picked up his Gamecube remote, Yes GAMECUBE, And continued to play.

G A M E O V E R.

Alex mumbled and through his controller away before his Mother appeared up the stairs.
"Dear! Can I use the bed?!" She asked, It was here Alex remembered the Idiocy of living in a house with one bed.
Alex mumbled and allowed he to walk up further.
"Oh yes, You're getting a Pokemon today as well." She mentioned.
Alex's face went pale. He didnt want one, He recently discovered that when a Pokemon is defeated in battle, It doesnt just get knocked out, Its brutally and horrificly killed! Video Games had lied!
"Aw, Do I have too?..." He moaned.
His mother glared at him.
"YES! I need the mo - I - Uh - WE Need the money, To share." She told him.
Alex sighed and slowly left the house.

Before he headed to the most life-changing event of his life he decided to lurk moar around the town.
Nothing happened.
Alex's hometown of New Bark was small as heck, and because of this little of interest happened.
Although he did notice a Red-Haired boy lurking behind Elms lab.
"Cant do much harm to talk..." Alex mumbled as he approached the boy.
"LOLGTFONOOB" He told Alex and kicked him away, Litterally.

Alex angrily muttered as he entered the Lab.
This was gonna be life-changing, Weather or not he knew it.

Done an intro :D

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