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I loled so hard when I saw the pokebeach video and realised they were playing Michael Jackson's Black or White in the background. Confirmation of the third being Pokémon Michael Version?
I wonder what type Victini is?
I think I've lost my entire post count too, why was the other thread deleted and not just locked :( it had some good discussions on it! It was fun to read.

Still waiting for Desukan and Denchura over here. Getting bored.
I wonder what type Victini is?
I think I've lost my entire post count too, why was the other thread deleted and not just locked :( it had some good discussions on it! It was fun to read.

Still waiting for Desukan and Denchura over here. Getting bored.

I can't tell what type Victini is at all, it's quite annoying. Guessing fighting (fighting for victory), fire (THE FIRE OF OUR HEARTS LEADS US TO VICTORY!!!!!!!!!) or pure flying (little wings on its back).

Can't wait for new pokemon, want to see what types Desukan and Denchura are too. Guessing ghost/rock (hoping it has levitate so it doesn't get raped by earthquake) and bug/electric.
I'm guessing Victini will get a stat/support or recovery move(or maybe ability?) as its signature move such as Manaphy did with Heart Swap.

I could totally see something like:
Victory Dance: Raises user's Attack/SA when it knocks out the opponent.
I'm guessing Victini will get a stat/support or recovery move(or maybe ability?) as its signature move.

If GameFreak really trolls us, I could expect an ability like
Healing Power: If this Pokemon KO's another pokemon, its health is fully restored.

Or an attack with like, 20-30bp, 90%acc with the same effect.
So do you guys and gals think Victini will be BL/OU with Shaymin, Jirachi and Celebi. Or will it be Uber with Manaphy and Mew?
Honestly depends on how the metagame changes.

Also, who else thinks that the zekrom shiny will be white and the reshiram shiny will be black?

I'd say that's got about a 99% chance of happening. I know I saw a thread on /tr/ where someone said this exact thing, and another user palette swapped them. Looked pretty awesome, actually.
IDK why but i see Zekrom turning blue and Reshiram being red for their shinies.
It´s either this, or black and white like people have said. Also, I think Bikutini's typing is either Fire/Electric, or Normal/Ghost
EDIT: And I just wayched the new video, and Tsutaja's grass mixer did quite a lot to WaterSnowman, considering that if the rumors are true, he's quite bulky

It's tearing us apart and destroying our imaginations! I don't know if I can live like this anymore!!
You know, speaking as a wi-fi person, I've never actually seen Stealth Rocks in the wild.
A few spikes, maybe a Toxic Spike or two, but no rocks.

But it'd still be funny if SR got so nerfed none of you used it.
You know, speaking as a wi-fi person, I've never actually seen Stealth Rocks in the wild.
A few spikes, maybe a Toxic Spike or two, but no rocks.

But it'd still be funny if SR got so nerfed none of you used it.
Same here, I've never seen stealth rock, only toxic spikes and that's it.
EDIT: @Oak, Gary- I wish the same thing too
Before anyone starts, Stealth Rock will still exist in B/W and won't magically disappear from half the existing pokémon's movepools. If anything, you should hope they introduce more way to remove it of the field (Rock-types absorbing it, Safeguard giving full protection to indirect not-self-inflicted damage, Rapid Spin removing hazards regardless of hitting the opponent, Defog cleaning both sides of the field).

And the only pokémon that are truly hampered by Stealth Rock in OU nowadays are Moltres and Yanmega. Do not even think Articuno would have a chance.
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