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One thing that I would like to see alternative abilities of in the Dream World are for all of the starters. Maybe we could get a little more distance between Charizard and Typhlosion :p

@sarunibi: I swear to god, if seasons go about in relation to an actual year's time I will be pissed. They're making so much stuff related to seasons; I don't want to have to wait 3-9 months or something to get something in a pokemon game.
Too bad there is no pokemon with both Sturdy and Destiny Bond.

Edit: Ninja'd. Twice.

So uh

Remember that coffin pokemon? Desukan? Looks like it's going to be rock/ghost? What's that? stealth rock, destiny bond, custab berry if it has sturdy? fuck yes desukan you are the cheapest pokemon ever

if it gets sturdy anyway
it'll probably get levitate
@sarunibi: I swear to god, if seasons go about in relation to an actual year's time I will be pissed. They're making so much stuff related to seasons; I don't want to have to wait 3-9 months or something to get something in a pokemon game.

Seasons change once a month. Also if you want something ahead of time just change the time on your DS...

Vappy may see ocassional use, but it is simply outclassed on a full-blown Rain team. I could see it working as a Vaporeon-Kingdra duo on a balanced team, maybe, but that's it.

Vappy has higher Sp. Atk than every water type except for Gorebyss, Empoleon and Omastar (bar legendary's), and none of those approach the bulkiness of Vaporeon, nor do they have the ability to restore all of their HP in a single move. Also, anything that wants to taunt it is going to have to accept that, in order to taunt it, they're going to have to take a Hydro Pump TO THE FACE. After which Vaporeon can just... fire off more Hydro Pumps or switch out, he doesn't care, he's freaking Vaporeon.

I think, depending on how the metagame turns out, one of the first things I try will be a toxi-stall/rain team focused on that Vaporeon.

Vappy has higher Sp. Atk than every water type except for Gorebyss, Empoleon and Omastar (bar legendary's), and none of those approach the bulkiness of Vaporeon, nor do they have the ability to restore all of their HP in a single move. Also, anything that wants to taunt it is going to have to accept that, in order to taunt it, they're going to have to take a Hydro Pump TO THE FACE. After which Vaporeon can just... fire off more Hydro Pumps or switch out, he doesn't care, he's freaking Vaporeon.

I think, depending on how the metagame turns out, one of the first things I try will be a toxi-stall/rain team focused on that Vaporeon.
Vaporeon is just freaking beast. And that's why it needs at least one attacking move, and I would put Ice Beam for even better coverage. Plus, I beat you it ;]
Every time I see Miruhoggu, I can't help but think that it looks like a totem pole xD

An ability that stops secondary effects would be great too, it would stop Machamp from causing a thousand switches.
Motor Drive Pikachu would be amazing. Come in on Choiced Electric attack, Nasty Plot on switch, and sweeeeeep.

That would indeed be very awesome, but for Pikachu I wouldn't bother with Nasty plot since it already has a light ball to double its stats. Just pick your four attacks of choice and have fun.

Now for Raichu, I could see substitute and nasty plot together, along with thunderbolt and either grass knot/hidden power ice, or you could drop substitute, immediately nasty plot, and have both grass knot and hp ice.

Vappy has higher Sp. Atk than every water type except for Gorebyss, Empoleon and Omastar (bar legendary's), and none of those approach the bulkiness of Vaporeon, nor do they have the ability to restore all of their HP in a single move.

Well technically they all can restore their HP in a single move seeing as they all possess Rest. But Wish is way better. Oh and Wish only heals half of the max HP by the way. ;)

Vappy has higher Sp. Atk than every water type except for Gorebyss, Empoleon and Omastar (bar legendary's), and none of those approach the bulkiness of Vaporeon, nor do they have the ability to restore all of their HP in a single move. Also, anything that wants to taunt it is going to have to accept that, in order to taunt it, they're going to have to take a Hydro Pump TO THE FACE. After which Vaporeon can just... fire off more Hydro Pumps or switch out, he doesn't care, he's freaking Vaporeon.

I think, depending on how the metagame turns out, one of the first things I try will be a toxi-stall/rain team focused on that Vaporeon.

Like I said, Vappy + Kingdra is more likely than being on a Rain Team. Sure it can restore all of its HP in one move, but you only have 8 turns of rain at a time and you will want to take advantage of those turns by using all the firepower you can get. Gorebyss doesn't need to restore it's HP when it is rocking 406 speed and 425 SpA Hydro Pump. Kabutops is destroying everything in its path with +2 Waterfall and Stone Edge, and if by some miracle you manage to outspeed it, Aqua Jet is more than enough to punish you. Then there are things like Kingdra, with great dual Stabs, and Ludicolo or Qwilfish, who can actually get past opposing bulky waters.

With its base 65 speed, Vaporeon is switching in after rain has been set, hitting something hard on the switch, and then being forced out when Shaymin threatens a Seed Flare, or when Infernape shows up threatening Close Combat. Few, if any, other Rain sweepers have such concerns unless they are up against something like ScarfGengar.
That would indeed be very awesome, but for Pikachu I wouldn't bother with Nasty plot since it already has a light ball to double its stats. Just pick your four attacks of choice and have fun.

Now for Raichu, I could see substitute and nasty plot together, along with thunderbolt and either grass knot/hidden power ice, or you could drop substitute, immediately nasty plot, and have both grass knot and hp ice.
Sash Raichu and give it Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, and HP Ice. Now that would be unstoppable!
Speaking of Abilities, how about a reversion ability ?

Example: Gyarados vs Desukan( My favorite Gen V so far). Gyarados uses DD, but because King Tut's Ability, gyarados lower his own atk and spe instead of raising them.

Scary,isn't ?
It needs to be deleted. Erased. BYEBYEBYEBYEBYE

... actually, has a move ever been flat out removed?

anyways, I'm in love with this new information. Sturdy is bad ass now, and reusable TM's are amazing. now they just need to announce that this game comes out on North America at the same time as the Japanese version, and I'm set.

seriously, I'm going to have so much trouble keeping away from spoilers until I can buy this game.
One thing that I would like to see alternative abilities of in the Dream World are for all of the starters. Maybe we could get a little more distance between Charizard and Typhlosion :p.

I hope that Charizard from Dream World get Pure Power ... finally a reason to use Charizard in OU. And I think Typhlosion needs Aftermath or Flash Fire. Venusaur with Natural Cure would also be good.
Btw it just occurred to me it's possible for all the pseudo-legends to get a second ability. Specially when you take into account that Kibago has two already, and that it's pretty possible it will evolve into B/W's pseudo-legend. Also, considering all of the old-gen ones have only one ability, and that Vaporeon also only had one and got an old-gen ability (Hydration), I *think* it *might* come to *imply* that old-gen, one-ability pokémon will get only old-gen abilities, while old-gen, two-abilities and new-gen pokémon will get whatever ability, new or old.

hope I made sense

My bets are Thick Fat Dragonite, Solid Rock Tyranitar, Steadfast Salamence, Aftermath Metagross and Rough Skin Garchomp.
Speaking of Abilities, how about a reversion ability ?

Example: Gyarados vs Desukan( My favorite Gen V so far). Gyarados uses DD, but because King Tut's Ability, gyarados lower his own atk and spe instead of raising them.

Scary,isn't ?

This seems like it could work for a quick-sand based Pokemon. I like it.

@ Mario With Lasers: Those certainly seem plausible. I think Salamence could also get Anger Point, Reckless, or Rivalry. Download or something like that for Metagross could work, too. Anything would make me happy, though.
Btw it just occurred to me it's possible for all the pseudo-legends to get a second ability. Specially when you take into account that Kibago has two already, and that it's pretty possible it will evolve into B/W's pseudo-legend. Also, considering all of the old-gen ones have only one ability, and that Vaporeon also only had one and got an old-gen ability (Hydration), I *think* it *might* come to *imply* that old-gen, one-ability pokémon will get only old-gen abilities, while old-gen, two-abilities and new-gen pokémon will get whatever ability, new or old.

hope I made sense

My bets are Thick Fat Dragonite, Solid Rock Tyranitar, Steadfast Salamence, Aftermath Metagross and Rough Skin Garchomp.
I think before we going saying old gen One Ability pokemon only getting more old abilities, we need to, like, see what other abilities the Eevees get.

Flareon could get Healing Heart for all we know
Btw it just occurred to me it's possible for all the pseudo-legends to get a second ability. Specially when you take into account that Kibago has two already, and that it's pretty possible it will evolve into B/W's pseudo-legend. Also, considering all of the old-gen ones have only one ability, and that Vaporeon also only had one and got an old-gen ability (Hydration), I *think* it *might* come to *imply* that old-gen, one-ability pokémon will get only old-gen abilities, while old-gen, two-abilities and new-gen pokémon will get whatever ability, new or old.

hope I made sense

My bets are Thick Fat Dragonite, Solid Rock Tyranitar, Steadfast Salamence, Aftermath Metagross and Rough Skin Garchomp.

The only problem with this is that some pokemon would become broken or borderline broken. I mean could you imagine Slaking if it didn't have Truant?
lol just saw it now

Sturdy: Stops ALL moves from knocking it out in one hit if it has max hp. (allthough not new it is different from the last Gen! not just 1-hit-KO moves like before!)

Hahaha, I totally predicted that. I had a more elaborate idea, but who cares, the basic idea was it working as a Focus Sash. I'm awesome.

The only problem with this is that some pokemon would become broken or borderline broken. I mean could you imagine Slaking if it didn't have Truant?

It was not said ALL old pokémon will be found at the Dream World, and Corocoro only said "many" Dream World pokémon will have new abilities.

I think before we going saying old gen One Ability pokemon only getting more old abilities, we need to, like, see what other abilities the Eevees get.

Flareon could get Healing Heart for all we know


At least to me, if they really wanted to give Flareon Healing Heart, they could do it so in Isshu; it's not an old-gen ability and such. Unless, of course, it's like Serebii said in the forums: those abilities are Dream World exclusive but only because you cannot catch these pokémon in Isshu. If it works like that then yeah, Flareon could totally get Healing Heart and I'd look like an idiot.
... actually, has a move ever been flat out removed?

anyways, I'm in love with this new information. Sturdy is bad ass now, and reusable TM's are amazing. now they just need to announce that this game comes out on North America at the same time as the Japanese version, and I'm set.

seriously, I'm going to have so much trouble keeping away from spoilers until I can buy this game.
Not really, but still, make it do less damage and equal to every pokemon.
And same here, I think I'm getting the Japanese version. Now just 2 more weeks for the Master Doc! :D
A lot of great news today. New abilities, new effects, TMS ARE REUSABLE (maybe that means no HMs? After all, being reusable was one of their main things)... Unfortunately, I don't think Illuminate or anything else in the issue got a boost, though, since it apparently doesn't mention if Illuminate had any improvements, whereas it DID mention Sturdy's change. Losing hope again, but seeing full art of Miruhog is so cool. He's so awesome.

Also, I have a gut feeling this morning's Wakoishi is probably fake.
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