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Yes but he also sent a photoshopped image that was clearly fake through his twitter.

Also, have you seen confirmation yourself that he's right, or are you just going off of his past successes?
What is with all these Spanish sites suddenly getting new information out of nowhere...

I love how they give no source at that site though. They just post the picture "oh hey look the monkeys are confirmed". Doesn't look fake, but where exactly did it come from?
Why do all the monkeys have the same stock art and sprite? Unless they are different formes (even then that is weak), I'm calling shenanigans as if it needed to be said.
that looks fake, just look at the battle, its all three vs. just mijumaru, which is the battle that revealed broccochimp in the first place, except with two (basically copied) sprites, and the two new HP bars put under the first. (i think yanappu's name matches the top one, plus in other triple battle pics, it looks like one's against the top of the screen, and there wouldn't be as big of a gap between the top name bar and top of screen)
I wouldn't be surprised it isn't real, I'm just sorta bothered the site didn't mention any source, not even a "hey these images popped on 2ch" or something. Oh well, like the guy above me said, it looks like the same battle we've seen before, not to mention... it's not a triple battle. I'st the three monkeys vs. just Mijumaru. But like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if the monkeys are real then they all have the same art with edits...
If the fire starter is another fire/fighting rehash I will be pretty upset. It will be the first time I won't go with the Fire starter.

Also if the artwork for the final evolutionary forms is real then I won't go with Pokabu even if he ends up not being Fire/Fighting. I'd like to see Mijumaru's final evolution as little as possible. Picking Smugleaf will hopefully ensure that I never have to lay eyes on it.
The monkey thing is fake; the seeds are in the exact same spot and overlap the berry ontop of the blue monkeys head; it does not look right at all d:
I'm starting to feel like a lot of people-- I just want these evos to be proven or disproven sooner rather than later. It's getting weary having my opinion so split. Why would these news sites trust in this source so much as to post them with no evidence to prove it (well, apparently Pokebeach saw some but I mean something for us to see)? It's hard to believe it is fake when they have so much faith in it. And I can't believe they are all getting tricked, yet at the same time I can't believe they would all be trying to fool us. You know, speaking of what Pokebeach said about what he saw, does anyone think it strange that WPM said he specifically saw a "sprite" of an evo? Not a screenshot or image, a sprite specifically? I dunno, maybe I am being overly nitpicky... I just wish we could see this evidence with our own eyes.
-appus: Besides all the other obvious errors, I'd also like to point out that they wouldn't overlap text and screenshots with that stupid white starburst effect. The battle image also has white pixels on the border after being rotated.

As for the starter evolutions fiasco, there isn't any way it's going to end well. If they end up fake, there is going to be a lot of finger pointing and pompous "I told you so"s. On the other hand, if they are real, everyone is going to bemoan the "hideousness" of the Pokemon and how the designs are so poor.

I just sit here and wait for facts.
I'm starting to feel like a lot of people-- I just want these evos to be proven or disproven sooner rather than later. It's getting weary having my opinion so split. Why would these news sites trust in this source so much as to post them with no evidence to prove it (well, apparently Pokebeach saw some but I mean something for us to see)? It's hard to believe it is fake when they have so much faith in it. And I can't believe they are all getting tricked, yet at the same time I can't believe they would all be trying to fool us. You know, speaking of what Pokebeach said about what he saw, does anyone think it strange that WPM said he specifically saw a "sprite" of an evo? Not a screenshot or image, a sprite specifically? I dunno, maybe I am being overly nitpicky...
I know what you mean man.

I'm calling bullshit on all the evo's except for the 1st Smugleaf and Wotter evos and their types until I see them in game myself.


Copy Cat
I am pretty much over the starters. However if they do end up being grass water and fire fighting I will not bother using a damn starter. Quite possibly the worst type combinations that they could come up with. I mean in diamond and pearl they put thought into them. And now what?
I am pretty much over the starters. However if they do end up being grass water and fire fighting I will not bother using a damn starter. Quite possibly the worst type combinations that they could come up with. I mean in diamond and pearl they put thought into them. And now what?
This is exactly why I now hate the second gen starters.
I am pretty much over the starters. However if they do end up being grass water and fire fighting I will not bother using a damn starter. Quite possibly the worst type combinations that they could come up with. I mean in diamond and pearl they put thought into them. And now what?
Yeah, I was hoping after DP that they would make every starter dual-type. I don't even mind Fire/Fighting since Pokabu was shaping up to be more defensive than Infernape and Blaziken, and pure Water, while boring, is not quite THAT common and Water is an inherently decent type, but pure Grass is just unacceptable IMO...


Copy Cat
I know gen 2 starters are banashed to the lower tiers for lack of secondary typing. Be it for defensive or offensive purposes.

However didn't another source say it would be water fighting and fire dark

Edit: Pure water lacks the offensive capabilities that mijamaru was shaping up for. And pure grass sucks even on good pokemon. Sceptile case and point
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