

Why dosen't anyone care for this dude?

Ability: Traunt

- Scratch
- Yawn
- Encore
- Slack Off
7 Encore
13 Slack Off
19 Faint Attack
25 Amneisa
31 Covet
36 Swagger
37 Little By Little
43 Counter
49 Flail
55 Fling
61 Punishment
67 Hammer Arm

Claw Sharpen
Bulk Up
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Ice Beam
Hyper Beam
Rain Dance
Solar Beam
Knock Down
Shadow Ball
Brick Break
Double Team
Fire Blast
Rock Tomb
Aerial Ace
Ancle Sweep
Sing A Round
Focus Blast
Shadow Claw
Giga Impact
Level Ground
Rock Slide
Cheer Up
Rock Smash

Egg Moves
Body Slam
Crush Claw
Sleep Talk
Hammer Arm
Night Slash
You First

Pre-evo Only
1 Focus Energy
1 Uproar
19 Fury Swipes
25 Endure
31 Slash
49 Focus Punch
55 Reversal

Name- Type- PP- BP- Acc.- Category
Little By Little- Normal- 20- 70- 100- Physical
Doesn't change because of stat boosts
Claw Sharpen- Dark- 15- 0- 0- Other
Raises Attack and Accuracy
Knock Down- Rock- 15- 50- 100- Physical
Loses opponent's immunity to ground
Ancle Sweep- Fighting- 20- 60- 100- Physical
Sing A Round- Normal- 15- 60- 100- Special
If used during the same turn as partners, power raises next turn
Incinerate- Fire- 15- 30- 100- Special
Ruins foe's berry
Postpone- Dark- 15- 0- 100- Other
User goes first next turn
Venegeance- Normal- 5- 70- 100- Physical
Power raises the turn after a partner faints
Level Ground- Ground- 20- 60- 100- Physical
Lowers foe's speed
Cheer Up- Normal- 30- 0- 0- Other
Raises attack and special attack

Why would I use him? Well....


Desukan. He has mummy ability, so I switch it in on an enemy, then switch in Slaking, then he loses Traunt and obtains Mummy, that way he can't be intimidated, and Blaziken can't outspeed him.

Slaking @ Leftovers
Evs: 4 HP/ 252 ATK/ 252 SPE
Adamant / Jolly
~Fire Punch/Slack Off

This takes advantage of Mummy by stopping other annoying dream world ability sweepers and not having traunt. Return is the best option, however Facade can be used also. Pursuit catches fleeing jerks when they see this dude. Earthquake nails steels right in the face. Fire Punch is for Bronzong / Skarm, but Slack Off helps keep you up and running.
Wait, how can he not be intimidated? Blaziken not outspeeding, ok, but I'm pretty sure intimidate would happen BEFORE being hit by a move on the switch.

On the other hand, you, sir(or madame?), are a genius of thinking of the mummy idea. If that works, it really warrants some use here.
The Desukan strategy seems a tad risky, if Desukan gets OHKOed then it's almost a waste of a poke, ya gotta make sure Slaking is able to do his sweep so it's not wasted.
Wait, how can he not be intimidated? Blaziken not outspeeding, ok, but I'm pretty sure intimidate would happen BEFORE being hit by a move on the switch.

On the other hand, you, sir(or madame?), are a genius of thinking of the mummy idea. If that works, it really warrants some use here.
I was the first to come up with Mummyking, actually. However, Slaking will need Pursuit to use it effectively.

That said, even I'm having doubts about how well it'll work in the incredibly high-powered metagame. Maybe if Desukan winds up in UU, it'll work there...
What about Slaking with Red Card they switch out on the turn you go truant....might work if Red Card is multiple use....
In addition to the setup required, there might be another problem with this.

According to the research thread, you cannot overwrite Truant using Make Friends. Are we certain it can be bypassed by Mummy?
Okay, so I understand how this would work with Desukan and its Mummy ability. Care to fill me in? I don't quite understand how the Mummy ability works with other Pokemon on your team (and this combo works in singles or doubles?).

~ Aether Nexus

Slappy sent out Desukan and Slaking!
Billy sent out Garchomp and Shanderaa!

Garchomp used Brick Break!
Slaking lost 63% of it's health!
Shanderaa used Substitute.
Slaking used (insert non-normal or fighting move here)
Desukan took (insert dmg) here.
Slaking's ability changed to Mummy!
(Slaking no longer has Truant and can attack every turn.)
Does this explain it?
Due to Slaking's power, I'm thinking that Bull's Eye would be a better option than Red Card, and might even be able to eliminate pursuit for a stronger move. If somebody is trying to switch, they are trying to switch to a counter, meaning pursuit won't even hurt the pokemon coming in. With Bull's Eye, whether the pokemon (ghost I assume) switches or not, lots o' damage is done.

Just a theory.
Okay, so I understand how this would work with Desukan and its Mummy ability. Care to fill me in? I don't quite understand how the Mummy ability works with other Pokemon on your team (and this combo works in singles or doubles?).

~ Aether Nexus
The idea is to come in on something with Desukan, change their ability to mummy, then switch to Slaking, making his ability mummy, therefore overwriting traunt.

P.S, I'm a dude.
Due to Slaking's power, I'm thinking that Bull's Eye would be a better option than Red Card, and might even be able to eliminate pursuit for a stronger move. If somebody is trying to switch, they are trying to switch to a counter, meaning pursuit won't even hurt the pokemon coming in. With Bull's Eye, whether the pokemon (ghost I assume) switches or not, lots o' damage is done.

Just a theory.
Bull's Eye doesn't do anything for Slaking.

If it comes to that, Slaking will never shed Truant. He'll be as useless as he was in Gen IV, except without even a Choice Band to do tremendous damage.
Due to Slaking's power, I'm thinking that Bull's Eye would be a better option than Red Card, and might even be able to eliminate pursuit for a stronger move. If somebody is trying to switch, they are trying to switch to a counter, meaning pursuit won't even hurt the pokemon coming in. With Bull's Eye, whether the pokemon (ghost I assume) switches or not, lots o' damage is done.

Just a theory.

Pursuit isn't for coverage. It's to catch your (mummified) opponent before it switches out so Slaking can also gain the Mummy ability even if they switch.

BTW, it's supposed to go:

Enemy does something
Desukan attacks
Enemy now has Mummy

Switch out Desukan, switch in Slaking
Enemy does something

Opponent attempts to switch out
Slaking hits with Pursuit before they switch out to get Mummy

gg... in theory.
Desukan. He has mummy ability, so I switch it in on an enemy, then switch in Slaking, then he loses Traunt and obtains Mummy, that way he can't be intimidated, and Blaziken can't outspeed him.

That is a shitty excuse to use Slaking. You have to rely ENTIRELY on which pokemon your opponent is using AND you need some really good prediction skills to use it to full use.

Of course, slaking is always viable in doubles (and now triples) with new toys his partner can use (no sexual reference), such as simple beam, wide guard, etc.
Desukan. He has mummy ability, so I switch it in on an enemy, then switch in Slaking, then he loses Traunt and obtains Mummy, that way he can't be intimidated, and Blaziken can't outspeed him.

Does anyone have any actual proof that this would work? I would expect truant to be protected from being overwritten with Mummy. Skill swapping truant doesn't work, I don't see why overwriting it with Mummy would. This should be checked before everyone gets carried away with coming up with Mummy Slaking strategies.
That is a shitty excuse to use Slaking. You have to rely ENTIRELY on which pokemon your opponent is using AND you need some really good prediction skills to use it to full use.

Of course, slaking is always viable in doubles (and now triples) with new toys his partner can use (no sexual reference), such as simple beam, wide guard, etc.
You need to predict a single contact move. Nothing more.
Yeah I'm really interested in the possibilities behind Mummy Slaking, but I haven't seen it tested at all yet. We should really make sure it actually works before we keep going.
So basically, you must send Desukan into the opposing Pokemon and predict that it's going to be an attacking move or else your opponent may figure out what you're trying to do, and the Pokemon has to hit Desukan, giving the opposing Pokemon the Mummy ability. Then hopefully the opposing Pokemon stays in (which is tough to count on) and you send in Slaking. Slaking uses Pursuit on said Pokemon, thus giving it the Mummy ability and no Traunt. Does Traunt go away throughout the whole match or if you switch out and switch back in later it'll regain Traunt?

Nonetheless, it seems like fun on paper, but pulling it off would be kind of tough and if you mess up the combo by your opponent switching out the Mummy ability Pokemon to something else and you send in Slaking, then you wont have another chance... unless your opponent does something wrong allowing you to pull it off.

Wouldn't this work with some kind of trapping move? Like a lead Smeargle who Spore's first turn, switches out (I tend to use a fast lead with Scarf due to Smeargles and whoever usually get a Taunt when leading) or uses a trapping move like Mean Look/Spider Web, then switches out to Desukan, gets hit, said Pokemon gains Mummy, you have that item someone mentioned above that sends you back and is a one-time use item. Then, switch in Slaking, use any attack since the Pokemon is trapped, or if said Pokemon has U-Turn or something to escape, use Pursuit to gain Mummy on Slaking and so on from there.

~ Aether Nexus
You can give it Spore for all i care.No new ability is all that matters.Still going to be the thing that the most noobiest of noobs are going to use....
Unless you count lol teams.
This just takes too much time and resources to pull off in both doubles and singles.In Doubles ur basicly killing one of your own pokes and wasting a turn for simply making one poke viable....Not to mention the huge number of Fake out'ers we have in Doubles makes you wait till the 3rd turn.
In singles its basicly what Aether said...Too lazy to repeat.
Does anyone have any actual proof that this would work? I would expect truant to be protected from being overwritten with Mummy. Skill swapping truant doesn't work, I don't see why overwriting it with Mummy would. This should be checked before everyone gets carried away with coming up with Mummy Slaking strategies.

I think it could overwrite since Gastro Acid could remove it?
MummyKing SHOULD work
Anyway, if people still doubt how Slaking works, i'll shall explain again(people are not explaining clearly enough)(AND desukan is too bulky to get OHKOed w/o set-up coz of its higher-than-dusknoir physical defense)

Turn 1
Person 1 sent out Desukan @ Escape Button
Person 2 sent out Aggron @ Choice Band
Aggron used Head Smash (63.1% - 74.4%)(using Dusknoir's Tank set EVs)
Desukan's Mummy turned Aggron's ability into Mummy
Desukan's Escape Button returned it to its owner
Person 1 sent out Slaking @ Anything

Now the Aggron will get pwned if Slaking opts for Earthquake. Secone of all, if he chooses to switches to switch out, it may get nailed on the switch with a Pursuit. Either way, Truant will be gone. If Aggron chooses to attack, it will not KO Slaking without Life Orb Recoil(if Slaking uses Pursuit)but it will probably recoil itself to death. Either way, it is GG for Aggron.

Turn 2
Person 2 called Aggron back
Slaking used Puusuit(11.7% - 13.9%) (doesn't matter) (done with no items)
Aggron's Mummy turned Slaking's ability into Mummy

Now, with Slaking's massive 160 Base Attack, it will most likely sweep through the opponent's entire team, also negating potential threats like Technician CB Scizor by changing them to mummy.

However, this may not really be viable in standard gameplay as Meiola-S will be more powerful than this and only uses 1 slot.
Ok, Deskugan is a physical wall, it has a good SpAtt and Calm Mind. Basicly i doubt it will make physical contact with slaking. and a smart opponent will switch knowing what your plan is.
Ok, Deskugan is a physical wall, it has a good SpAtt and Calm Mind. Basicly i doubt it will make physical contact with slaking. and a smart opponent will switch knowing what your plan is.
Your opponent doesn't have the chance to switch until they see Slaking, by which time it can just use Pursuit. And this is with or without the Escape Button.
Did anyone think of MummyGigas too? When I thought of MummyKing, the first thing I thought would also go good with it is MummyGigas. It seemed like a pretty good idea to me...

Also, I just love Mummy in general. Bye bye Technician Bullet Punches from Scizor, bye bye Medicham, bye bye Azumarill, bye bye Rock Head Aggron... Any Pokemon that abuses Overconfidence really. Definitely a wonderful ability for a wall (well, except for enemy Pokemon like Slaking or Regigigas....)
Your opponent doesn't have the chance to switch until they see Slaking, by which time it can just use Pursuit. And this is with or without the Escape Button.

My fault I didn't see pursuit, however with pursuit on slaking you just play the same kind of mind games people do with Tyrannitar. After looking it over though your opponent can either: Switch and thus get hit by pursuit, making Slaking lose truant and Deskucan gets hit with a 160 BP move from a 160 base attack(not pretty), or they can stay in get hit by a 80 BP move from a 160 base attack and Slaking still loses his ability.

Basicly after looking it over this thing can be very scary this gen. Only rampardos gets a higher attack stat, while his bulk is amazing. How is the type coverage? I was suprised to not see the elemental punches as eligable moves.
However, this may not really be viable in standard gameplay as Meiola-S will be more powerful than this and only uses 1 slot.
Kind of off topic but just wanted to say you apprently need to use some non dammagng 100 accuracy move which has a 10% to put the opponent to sleep to get to Step form.Seems kind of like a waste...

Edit:Wowz a slaking discussion went to the 2nd page...CONGRATZ GUYZ.
Postpone- Dark- 15- 0- 100- Other
User goes first next turn

Why has nobody noted this? I mean seriously?
I just want to know if this move negates Truant on the turn it is used, since it says that the USER goes first next turn. If it does, that means that Slaking has "slightly" solved his problem. It also means that every move that Slaking would have would have priority. EVERY move. Please confirm this, because that would make Slaking twice as viable as a sweeper.