
...So the NP, lead, and Scarf sets are the only sets Nape has left that aren't outclassed. We've established that already. Let's try to move on and think of other possible moves or sets that Infernape could run.

EDIT: Oh and don't forget that Mach Punch is boosted by Iron Fist.

It should be noted that peope aren't moving on if you continue saying "Blaziken is better Blaziken is better" despite it already being AGREED that Blaziken is a better sweeper and Infernape has other things to do, like lead and wallbreak.
Scarf and Lead are probably the only two sets Ape's going to run better than Blaziken. Even wallbreaking sets step into Blaziken's territory, seeing as he's capable of Flare Blitzing, HJKing or what have you into oblivion with just his SD set. You'd better get all the mileage out of SR, Fake Out, and Uturn you can to justify using him over his stiff competition.
NP and SD really aren't justifiably different on these guys. Blaziken is still a much better sweeper with SD than Ape could ever hope to be with NP. I'd take HJK wirh 120 base att over Focus Blast or a mixed CC any day.
Not to mention that the entire point of GK is to remove bulky waters, all of which Blaziken has little difficulty with by running SD + HJK (with the exception of Burunkeru maybe).
Not to mention that the entire point of GK is to remove bulky waters, all of which Blaziken has little difficulty with by running SD + HJK (with the exception of Burunkeru maybe).

How much would SD + HJK do to a defensive Swampert or Suicune? Would it actually be a OHKO?
Max HP / Max Def Swampert is always OHKOed by HJK from Jolly LO Blaziken at +2 unless it hits for min damage at which point 'pert survives with 1%. Always an OHKO with Entry Hazards or an Adamant Blaziken.

Max HP / Max Def Suicune takes 84.7% - 99.8% from Jolly LO Blaziken and 92.8% - 109.4% from Adamant LO Blaziken.
I think Infernape has something over Blaziken in Iron Fist (sorry for probably starting up the Blaziken debate again).

Infernape @ Expert Belt
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Iron Fist

- Close Combat
- Fire Punch
- Thunderpunch
- Mach Punch
Infernape's Speed tier is no longer unique, being shared by the four legendary quadrupeds, so he has to run max speed now.
One thing I think Nape still has solidly in its favor are its underrated Band and Scarf choice sets (with U-turn). Band especially is liking Iron Fist if it wants to survive a while avoiding Flare Blitz and mess things up better with Mach Punch.
Infernape's best set and probably only reason to be used is the Lead set:

Infernape (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Blaze

- Close Combat
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock
- Overheat

It does excellent against most of the regular leads in Gen 5th, and paired with Shandera it's an excellent suicide lead. SR and U-Turn are excellent for a lead and Infernape also packs some excellent damage in stabbed CC and Overheat. Focus Sash and Blaze just makes Overheat more dangerous.
Best Lead so far that I've tried since PO has BW.
While I've not playtested Blaziken yet, I did try out Infernape's SD set recently. I employed CB Hihidaruma which 2HKOed most switch-ins, giving Infernape an easier time cleaning up. While I can't compare Blaziken and Infernape vis-a-vis I must say that Infernape still works fine as a sweeper. Priority is pretty vital in this metagame and with all the Doryuuzu swarming around, access to a powerful Mach Punch gives Infernape much to boast about.
While I've not playtested Blaziken yet, I did try out Infernape's SD set recently. I employed CB Hihidaruma which 2HKOed most switch-ins, giving Infernape an easier time cleaning up. While I can't compare Blaziken and Infernape vis-a-vis I must say that Infernape still works fine as a sweeper. Priority is pretty vital in this metagame and with all the Doryuuzu swarming around, access to a powerful Mach Punch gives Infernape much to boast about.

Blaziken is much better in the Wi-Fi tier because Shandera is not allowed.Actually, in Wi-fi Blaziken is actually one of the better choices.In Dream World always run 252 speed or protect, otherwise Shandera will be killing Blaziken everytime.What i noticed, it is that Blaziken can sweep at any moment even without an attack boosting move do to his high attacking stats and speed boost.Blaziken is much better as a mixed attacker with Baton Bass whose main goal is to cause damage and pass speed to team mates.In Wi-fi, Blaziken is actually pretty scary...I tried Infernape as a mixed attacker with no boosting moves but it is a little underwhelming in that it it causes so little damage.Kind of got used to higher attacking stats.Also, if you mispredict the Monkey has no way to beat Shandera, which is a HUGE drawback.I kind of hated the monkey in Dream World because of this.
Could somebody please review the set I posted a while ago? Thank you!

its OK

i would use LO or CB over Expert Belt, but Expert Belt can fake a choice item so it isn't a horrible choice.
However i would use Jolly to tie with the new Legendarys, since you have moves that could revenge all of them, expecially Kerudio and Terakion since they are both pretty common.
Mach Punch + Iron Fist is imo one of the main selling points over Blaziken who lacks Priority (though he doesn't need it).
Yeah, let's start THAT argument up again.


Infernape @ Life Orb
Naive / Blaze
29 HP (For a Life Orb number)
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Still the best Nasty Plotter in the game (OK, Darkrai. And possibly Mew).
I like the lead set the most. I tried it for awhile and 108 speed is still fantastic and the benefit of a Focus Sash and Overheat is that you don't have to sacrifice him in the beginning. That Blaze Overheat can easily become very handy later provided to prevent entry hazards, which is why you U-Turn in the beginning to Espeon to reflect them lol.
Yeah, let's start THAT argument up again.


Infernape @ Life Orb
Naive / Blaze
29 HP (For a Life Orb number)
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Still the best Nasty Plotter in the game (OK, Darkrai. And possibly Mew).

And walled by Blissey. Infernape's claim to fame is having STAB CC to break past Blissey, and you've completely ignored that. It can do it, sure, but I think that without CC or Focus Blast you are better off using something else as your special sweeper.
I'm very impressed with Choice Scarf Infernape this gen. U-Turn, CC, Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Overheat, HP Ice is the set I've been using - it's pretty handy as a Scarf user. U-Turn to scout, CC and fire move for STAB and finishing off stuff, HP Ice to kill +1 Salamence and do big damage to non-scarf Garchomp.

In fact, pretty much the same set was posted on the first page, but I really like it.

This particular set has competition from Flygon, which can do similar things (revenge kill some dragons, pick off weakened foes and scout), but I like the ability to know I can kill +1 Salamence without a speed-tie, and it can hurt Skarmory a lot more. On the other hand, resistance/immunity to every entry hazard is still an excellent reason to use Flygon since it will be switching a lot. Really just depends on your team, but I really like this Infernape set.
Infernape's best set and probably only reason to be used is the Lead set:

Infernape (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Blaze

- Close Combat
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock
- Overheat

It does excellent against most of the regular leads in Gen 5th, and paired with Shandera it's an excellent suicide lead. SR and U-Turn are excellent for a lead and Infernape also packs some excellent damage in stabbed CC and Overheat. Focus Sash and Blaze just makes Overheat more dangerous.
Best Lead so far that I've tried since PO has BW.

You forgot Fake Out?
Infernape the best NP user? That are so many better choices it's not even funny.
Other than the mentioned ones, we can add: Zoroark, Voltolos, Azelf, Celebi and other assorted Mischievous Heart pokemon. And then we have Tail Glow Manaphy too.

Wtf are you talking about?Infernape is a much much better Nasty plot sweeper then any of them.Barring manaphy of course.
And you dont necessarily HAVE to run Fake out.
The point of that set is to bluff a mixed set in order to keep Blissey off the field until the rest of their team has been swept. Not to mention both Blissey and Chansey are dropping in usage because of the pace of the 5th gen metagame and the better all-around choices stall teams now have.