
You're... kidding, right? With +5 attack Jolly 252 Atk Daikenki hits like 1400 attack with Torrent activated hits 60BP then factoring in STAB, that's 90BP (correct me if I'm wrong). That should be doing some serious damage...

Daikenki hits 1046 Attack at +5 assuming 252 Attack EVs.
With Torrent boosting Aqua Jet by 1.5x I'm going to assume he used it against something resists water and has a ton of bulk.
That's not how the stat boost works.

I was using adamant by the way, it only did like 60 something percent to Swampert.
That's not how the stat boost works.

I was using adamant by the way, it only did like 60 something percent to Swampert.

What do you mean that's not how the stat boosts work?
I used a damage calc >.>
My only mistake was assuming Jolly.

Even then,that Swampert was super bulky then.
swampert is always physically bulky, you also gotta understand 90 power is not a lot, even when back up by IDK how many SDs. if waterfall dindt had ohkoed then i would understand, but aqua jet wont ohko pokes like skarm or pert, even when at +6 with torrent and CB and shit.
Lucalibur has a point. Stuff like that won't do alot of damage to a bulky poke like Swampert, especially the ever popular mixpert.
Guys I know you are all tired of this Shell Break talk, but I have found out something awesome! I have been checking around Daikenki's egg group to see what kind of new egg moves he could learn in the 3rd game and discovered that if GF does see it, there is a poke Daikenki can breed with to get Shell Break: Torkoal! If not he can slo get agility from Empoleon and a few others.

Like I said before, sorry about this. I just wanted to let you guys know it may actually be possible for daikenki to get it as an egg move.
Guys I know you are all tired of this Shell Break talk, but I have found out something awesome! I have been checking around Daikenki's egg group to see what kind of new egg moves he could learn in the 3rd game and discovered that if GF does see it, there is a poke Daikenki can breed with to get Shell Break: Torkoal! If not he can slo get agility from Empoleon and a few others.

Like I said before, sorry about this. I just wanted to let you guys know it may actually be possible for daikenki to get it as an egg move.

But an Oshawott doesn't have a shell...
But an Oshawott doesn't have a shell...
Yes it does. On its stomach. That's why it can learn Shell Blade.

Anyway, as cool as Daikenki seems, it's outclassed by most other Water Pokemon (as stated a few pages back). Feraligatr outclasses it in physical sweeping and Empoleon outclasses it in special sweeping, but that's just me.
that's why Daikenki will most likely be in the mid to upper UU if Feraligatr is moved up to BL or OU. Daikenki's strengths right now are his semi-bulk, priority, encore, and his ability to destroy other bulky water types like swampert and Blastoise.
So, I have a dilema with my Daikenki: Waterfall or Shell Blade? It can also learn Aqua Tail to make deciding even more painful (Also Dive, lol).
What makes Shell Blade attractive is 50% chance to drop defence. With it I had pleasure smashing Skarmory (Daikenki was banded). However SB has 5 less base power and accuracy, while Waterfall has 20% flinching chance (which is not really used due to poor speed).
So which one is better?
So, I have a dilema with my Daikenki: Waterfall or Shell Blade? It can also learn Aqua Tail to make deciding even more painful (Also Dive, lol).
What makes Shell Blade attractive is 50% chance to drop defence. With it I had pleasure smashing Skarmory (Daikenki was banded). However SB has 5 less base power and accuracy, while Waterfall has 20% flinching chance (which is not really used due to poor speed).
So which one is better?

i would say do a couple of damage calculation and see if what you would k.o with waterfall ,you could do the same with shell blade. if the damage rate is relatively the same i would say go with shell blade as it can help break a few walls that way in theory. Imagine if he had some speed sigh. he could be a good wall breaker with that move.
It all depends. I personally prefer waterfall due to it's power, but a 50% chance of defense falling is seems to good to pass up. If Shell Blade has done well for you, I don't really see why you'd want to drop it.
Imagine if he had some speed sigh. he could be a good wall breaker with that move.

What I don't get is why he doesn't learn agility. EVERYTHING learns agility. Otters are agile, right? I'm not sure this would help him any, but he'd at least be able to run the Subpetaya agility set, like Empoleon. Or else a wall breaker set with Agility, Shell Blade, Megahorn/X-Scissor and . . .gah, he doesn't even learn Earthquake! I suppose Return/Night Slash/Aqua Jet. Can't wait for Grey for this guy.

Also, I just noticed his HP stat is just low enough he can't make 101 subs. This guy got TROLLED.
Assuming Oshawott / Daikenki ever gets a Speed-boosting move, it's fact that he NEEDS a Speed-boosting move to be threatening. That is sad considering things like Uragamoth are still threatening before one turn of set up. Again, I love this guy, but he's got flaws. Flaws.
Flaws that hopefully will be rectified, but until then we have other water types to play with until our favorite sea lion shines!
What I don't get is why he doesn't learn agility. EVERYTHING learns agility. Otters are agile, right? I'm not sure this would help him any, but he'd at least be able to run the Subpetaya agility set, like Empoleon. Or else a wall breaker set with Agility, Shell Blade, Megahorn/X-Scissor and . . .gah, he doesn't even learn Earthquake! I suppose Return/Night Slash/Aqua Jet. Can't wait for Grey for this guy.

Also, I just noticed his HP stat is just low enough he can't make 101 subs. This guy got TROLLED.

Hey at least he isn't as trolled as flar--o wait he doesn't get earthquake or agility. Pokemon less than half his weight learn earthquake. Its sad that one one subpar stat ruins his oppurtunity to bring the has created yet another badass that sucks/has someone do what it can do better. If only he was created in thrid gen...he would have been useful.
I'm trying to build a mixed Daikenki that is meant to be baton passed a Shell Smash and a good poke to have it pass to him. Anybody use this and what sets have you used?
I'm trying to build a mixed Daikenki that is meant to be baton passed a Shell Smash and a good poke to have it pass to him. Anybody use this and what sets have you used?

The only mon I can think of that can pass Shell Break is Smeargle.
Just use the standard Baton Passing Smeargle set and use this Daikenki set:

-Water Fall/Shell Blade
-Ice beam
-Surf? Does he get any other good Sp.Attacks?
I'm trying to build a mixed Daikenki that is meant to be baton passed a Shell Smash and a good poke to have it pass to him. Anybody use this and what sets have you used?

Gorebyss can pass shell smash as well, but both being water types are not ideal.