Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

I suppose I'll be the first to commend you, Chinese Dood. I'm very impressed that you managed to find a niche for such an unpopular Pokemon. I never would have thought of Mawile as a viable tower Pokemon. Kudos.
I suppose I'll be the first to commend you, Chinese Dood. I'm very impressed that you managed to find a niche for such an unpopular Pokemon. I never would have thought of Mawile as a viable tower Pokemon. Kudos.

Unfortunately I myself have never even got near 100 in a row lol. Someday I'll sit down and really give it thought maybe.
i've been using FastHippo's Uxie/Tran/Chomp team and i just broke 100 with it and it's pretty solid with just Garchomp as the sweeper. no problems as of now but i'm sure there will be one soon.
i recorded battle #102 vs a PI and QC activated 3 times straight while asleep which is ridiculous.
here's the video no.: 38-43201-53665
lost at battle #152. singles is boring anyway ;)

working on a new doubles streak and broke 200 and still going using
Heatran @ Scarf - Heatwave / DPulse / Explosion/ EP
Yanmega @ Sash - BBuzz / Airslash / HP Ice 70 / Detect
Metagross @ Sitrus - Ironhead / BPunch / EQ / Explosion
Latios @ LO - DPulse / Tbolt / Psychic / Protect

very similar to my favorite VGC 09 team (except I use Azumarill on VGC replacing Metagross) and DukeTheDevil's team with minor changes (HP Ice on Yanny and Sitrus and Ironhead (no protect) on Metagross). this team has problems with pokes with the Damp ability and sandstorm teams.

has anyone ever tried the Battle Subway yet? I like how it has a regular line and a super line. you will have access to the super line if you break 21 (beat the head) on the regular line. when you gain access to the super line, you can skip the boring parts (NFE mons). yeah at battle #1 (super line) you get to battle fully evolved mons immediately.
Thanks Head Honchkrow and Zeph.

I'll try to get a higher streak this time around... just started a streak today again and beat my old record of 87 minutes lol:

85 minutes for streaks 1 - 49 for DPPt/HGSS Single Tower with:
Latios / Levitate / Timid @ Life Orb: Dragon Pulse / Surf / Thunderbolt / HP Ground 70
Metagross / Clear Body / Jolly @ Lum Berry: Earthquake / Ice Punch / Bullet Punch / Explosion
Suicune / Pressure / Bold @ Leftovers: Calm Mind / Sub / Surf / Shadow Ball (Yes, the same one as the 290 streak)

Yay, finally a record for that ranking list that didn't involve Expert Belt / LO Starmie lol. Latios does a slightly better job, I'd say.

EDIT: O yeah, HP Ground on Latios was largely useless (only good for Metagross and Magnezone pretty much ... and Heatran at #49, but.. I replaced it with Psychic for poison/fighting coverage instead now).
Yeah I'll go back there eventually!!! I have ideas for a team, but then, I'm just so lazy with the breeding these days and just trying to use what I already have instead lol. I had quite a few, but then I lost my Diamond a few months ago and that was where most of my good bred pokemon were so that was kind of disappointing. Now every new idea I think of means more breeding or catching haha.

I'll try another one or two more runs at Single using this team (possibly minor tweaks... most major is potentially trying out Latios lead (Memento) instead of the current Latias (since I was saying Charm didn't seem all that necessary with Intimidate and Iron Defense) ) to see if I can get higher (I'm pretty sure 300 is possible, so I'll aim for higher than that, but yah whatever I get).
Yea I know breeding is a pain... still I look forward to competition hopefully! I'm trying another doubles run again before school starts, hopefully I can improve my record.
well, I see that there are no records in the Link Castle area, so I decided to hook up with my brother and give it a shot. we're at 28 right now, but I won't bother posting what we're using yet, mostly because we really haven't hammered down a team. If we make it to 50 or so I'll post
Great streaks! Well done CD for using a more original team love it :)

Aint had time to try mine yet but will start next couple days hopefully.

Whats peoples views on a NFE team? On high a streak do you recon is possible?

Just an idea I had for a challenge lol

Haven't looked into it majorly as yet but guess trick room maybe tail wind be best, trick in singles sounds/looks mega challenging lol.

Also is the deep sea tooth/scale useable in tower due to soul dewl not yet thick club is so was wondering.
In Platinum, I reached a streak of 47 in BF, then got wiped out by some stupid trainer's Garchomp...I never lose the first 3 rounds of BF (I must have milked Thornton 20 times over) but I always seem to die ion the sixth round. My record in the Arcade is a pitiful 38, thanks to landing an Iron Ball on my team via roulette. I never succeed in the Battle Castle, with my win streak at 20 (only once)! The Battle Tower seems to get me during Round 2 or 3, but once I pass Palmer it gets easier to take on full-evos until some luck hax take me down, every time, like crit hits from Blissey or accidentally finger-slipping...The Hall, I have made it to 158, only to be utterly destroyed when my Snorlax ate a DynamicPunch to the face and repeatedly hit itself to death. I was so much more competent in Emerald...
Thanks ashez.

I just lost again (with the same team) at 224. Misplayed, lol o well. I might try this again, or I might try something slightly different which I just thought of (which might just totally fail ... compared to the current team, it's more prone to hax while setting up but less prone to hax after fully set up... so I'll see).

NFEs... are hard, though I thought about using a Porygon2 Trick Lead before and Scyther as a set up sweeper (Swords Dance STAB Technician Aerial Ace is pretty good and Scyther's faster than Garchomp {the other totally common Battle Tower Swords Dancer}). Of course, I mentioned these 2 because P2 is not totally outclassed by PZ (Trace and better bulk) and Scyther is not outclassed by Scizor (different typing, much faster, STAB aerial ace).

But if just using NFEs for the sake of using it (i.e. if its evolution outclasses it, but you still use the NFE)... I'm not sure it's worth it.
Hey there, updated the list.

I´m still around, checking often what´s been going on and I´d like to thank you Chinese Dood for keeping the topic alive.

I work on a very important case since mid september and didn´t have much free time lately (example being eleven days straight at work before christmas). Now that my bar exams are in march 2011, it´s going to be even worse.

But don´t worry, I won´t stop updating.

Good luck to the guys who are still playing.
oops... sorry to bother you lol but where you edited in my streak you listed 139 for both my 139 and my 185 run.

also gl on becoming a lawyer, I don't know if you've ever seen the tv show law and order but it looks really cool... and difficult.
I've been having a horrible time trying to reach the 100+ streak. The thing is, I've used the exact team Jumpman16 did, only instead of mesprit, I've got Cressilia, and Charm replaced with Reflect. My record is 75.
Did you update the entire list or just parts of it? I've got a streak of 39 in the Level 50 HG/SS battle factory that's not up there? I've posted proof in an earlier post on this page, if the picture isn't clear enough let me know and I can get a new one up.
Thanks Peterko!

I'm at 84 in Single Tower with my slightly altered team. It's still Latias + Mawile, but I used something else for my set up sweeper. I think Suicune is actually better, but I'll see how far this one gets me.

EDIT: Meh, actually I think I'm going to switch back to Suicune. My streak is at 105 (still going, but switching back to Suicune anyway). I was using Latias + Mawile + Raikou (Timid 252 SpA 252 Speed 4 HP @ Leftovers: CM / Sub / Thunderbolt / HP Ice 70)...

Raikou just because it only has one weakness and "ok" bulk to set up. On the offensive end, it almost always guarantees 2HKO even the +Sp Def Blissey when at +6, and it also outspeeds every single OHKOer (and almost everything else). That's why I mentioned that after fully set up it was less prone to hax, but then, I quickly realized that that's not quite true. It's just prone to other forms of hax, lol. Even at +6 Def many STAB EQs and some non-STAB EQs will still always break Raikou's sub, and this is even if I chose to have more Def EVs instead of SpA EVs. On the other hand HP Ice does not OHKO stuff like Swampert, so facing those, I'm always going to end up killing it without a sub in tact, so prone to a Crit EQ on the 3rd pokemon if I see something like a Swampert (or a Jolly Dugtrio) as 2nd pokemon. Also it just so happens that almost (or over?) half of the QC users have EQ. Also, almost any crit struggle will break Raikou's sub (whereas very few, if any, will break Suicune's).

The extra speed and power was really nice though. With a sub intact and at +6 SpA/SpDef, Raikou didn't have that much to look out for other than the above mentioned hax. Oh yeah, the Sp Def Brave Tyranitar @ Focus Band is also potentially problematic as it is not OHKO'd by +6 TBolt, has sand to remove leftovers, its EQ will break Raikou's sub, and of course, if Focus Band activates on 2nd turn, it might be game over on 3rd turn depending on Raikou's health (EQ does 28% - 35% to my +6 Def Raikou if I remember correctly).
Chinese Dood said:
I was originally gonna wait until I either lose or break 300, but then I saw on the record list that 7. EonADS (383) and 8. typhlosion23 (272)

Haha, sorry about that. My streak is kind of a big gap from the previous one, and it's about to get even bigger =P

Congrats on getting that far using Mawile of all things. That's extremely impressive; regardless of what you used, 290 is nothing to sniff at, and you did it with a Mawile.

I miss this place, being so inactive has been a bore. C&C eats all my time online nowadays. Not to mention I was trying another team (TrickScarf Memento Chain, horribly flawed) when I found FastHippo's team and created my own based on it.

Well, for this new team, I found inspiration from FastHippo's newest team, and I've been playing it ever since. It's been in use since September 28th, and it's still going strong. I was originally going to at least pass up garo's record before posting this, but since I go back to school on the 3rd, I'll have a lot less time, and it'll take me a while to ger there. So, I just went to 392 (the end of the 56th set) and decided to stop there.

Platnium Battle Tower Singles Streak: 392


Uxie @ Choice Scarf ** (GameChangr)
Nature: Calm
EVs: 244 Hp / 4 Def / 108 SpD / 148 Spe
IVs: 31 / 19 / 31 / 8 / 31 / 31
Ability: Levitate
- Trick
- Yawn
- Memento
- Thunder Wave

Pretty much exactly the same as FastHippo's Uxie, with roughly the same statbase. As he said, first move is Trick, then switch to Heatran. Yawn is amazingly helpful in the BT, it alleviates worrisome things like OHKO abuse greatly. I've honestly found Thunder Wave to be slightly useless, but it has saved my bacon on ocassion, so I'm keeping it.


Heatran @ Wide Lens ** (Sunburn)
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 Hp / 92 Def / 164 SpD
IVs: 31 / 9 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Ability: Flash Fire
- Torment
- Scary Face
- Stealth Rock
- Flamethrower

This is the exact same Heatran as FastHippo's, with one point more in SpD. I repurposed my old TormenTran for this. This thing is wonderful, I'm surprised the idea never occured to me before. It's perfect for crippling Pokemon that aren't Water, Fighting, or Ground type. SR is great for assuring KO's, Salamence's +6 Outrage's chance to KO any Metagross 98% of the time being a perfect example of this. Flamethrower is just there as filler, but it's perfect for weakening troublesome Pokemon and ensures that I'm not completely helpless if Salamence faints.


Salamence @ Lum Berry ** (Mencemeat)
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
Ability: Imtimidate
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Substitute

Ahh... good old Salamence. He's up to his old tricks here, but IMO he does his job better than Garchomp for a few reasons. First, he resists all of Heatran's weaknesses, meaning that if Heatran can't set up on something, he usually can. Garchomp can't really do this, since he takes neutral damage from all three types Heatran is weak to, especially Water. Second, his Intimidate ability helps to weaken the powerful physical attacks Garchomp has trouble with, like Double-Edge and Brave Bird. Lastly, although he takes longer to set up, Salamence doesn't have to worry about losing if the AI comes in swinging with a Latias and a Starmie in second and third position in a team, since Dragon Dance boosts his speed as well.


No Healing: The lack of healing moves/items is extremely disconcerting at times with two Pokemon preforming the crippling, and I wish I had a place for it, but unfortunately I don't.

Sticky Hold Leads: Muk is mostly just annoying, but Gastrodon can become extremely dangerous if it has an Ice move. Thankfully, this is only true for one Gastrodon.

OHKO moves: Still annoying, but less so thanks to Yawn on Uxie.

Crithax: Heatran hates crits, particularly from neutral moves like Thunderbolt. So far, crithax has KO'd him eighteen times, but I've been able to work around it, mostly thanks to Yawn / Thunder Wave from Uxie.

Mence's Setup Time Constraints: Much as I love Mence and his Dragon Dance, he takes twice as long to set up as Garchomp does, and thus increases to possibilities for hax to strike. It's been mostly just irritating so far, but I'm betting it will become a full-blown problem in the near future.

I'm still at it, still aiming for at least 500 wins, and this team is still going. So don't count me out yet >:)

Still no pics or stuff. Jesus, I need more money to buy some decent hardware... and I've already got a job, lol.

-Eon Out, for now
Gratz EonADS! I'm sure you'll get that 500 streak soon... if you keep playing more. :)

I'm just wondering if you've considered using Roost > EQ (or maybe Dragon Claw > Outrage, then hold leftovers) for Salamence? I recall garo's Dragonite is DD/Sub/Roost/Outrage @ Lum and it seems totally fine since +6 Outrage KOs pretty much everything anyway. Plus, while roosting, Salamence resists electric so maybe you can consider that?
^ Thanks! GL on your streak too.

Well... I'll try it, but honestly, I find the coverage from EQ extremely helpful. Spamming Outrage just seems to get me into trouble with Steels way too often, and it gives me a weapon against Pokemon like Registeel and Metagross if I'm not fully boosted.

i want your snorlax!

nice team, and congrats on a good streak. it must be fun actually playing with a nice pokemon like suicune :)

all the best for getting further with this team. the first run might have been fun, but now you've got some experience you can prob push further - maybe aim for 500, and then see what happens from there.

Happy 1/1/11 guys :)
Happy New Year Hax tower !

I retried the Platinum Double Battle Tower and had a 238 wins streak before losing.

My team uses the same idea as before (Trick Room) but with three changes :

Leads :
Dusknoir@Lum berry
Trick Room
Shadow Punch
Brick break
Relaxed, 252 HP, 100 Def, 156 Sp.Def

Swinub lvl 1@Focus sash
Ice Shard
Odor Sleuth
Random nature/IV, No EV

Dusknoir is the same as before, I only replaced Pain split with Thunderpunch, and changed the EV spread after seeing that with 252 HP/Atk Adamant, 2 Pokémon (Fling Iron Ball Rampardos and Modest LO Gengar, don't know if there were more but that's because I encountered these two in the tower) were able to OHKO him without using OHKO moves.
I couldn't find a spread where these two can't OHKO me at any time, so Rampardos is unable to OHKO, and Gengar only has 33% chance to OHKO with Shadow ball. But strangely, when I changed the spread Gengar didn't attack Dusknoir so the AI is stupid. Lum berry is to prevent some freeze/sleep turn 1 which would disturb my strategy. So only OHKO moves and Taunt (lol) are able to badly cripple my team in theory.
Swinub replaces Smeargle because it has so much advantages : it isn't crippled by Hail and Sandstorm (say Hi Aboma/Hippow/TTar) with the loss of Focus sash, and Spore isn't a loss because I never used it on Smeargle. Odor Sleuth is always useful but I didn't use it often.

Bench :
Camerupt@Choice specs
Earth power (mainly filler)
Rock slide (mainly filler)
Quiet, 6 HP, 252 Atk/Sp.Atk

Octillery@Life orb
Water spout
Ice beam (mainly filler)
Seed Bomb (mainly filler)
Waterfall (mainly filler)
Brave, 6 HP, 252 Atk/Sp.Atk

Camerupt is the only one who hasn't changed, and is as threatening as always with Specs Stab 112 BP on both opponents if I kill the right Pokes with Swinub. Octillery proved to be very useful too now, with the release of HG/SS which gave him a Stab LO 112 BP move on both opponents.

My last battle was ironically the first one this year...

Turn 1 : Swinub & Dusknoir vs Dewgong & Golduck

Well, that looks fairly easy even if I don't like two Water Pokemon as leads. I only forgot something.

Swinub uses Protect.
Golduck tries to use Aqua tail on Swinub.
Dewgong uses Sheer Cold on Dusknoir, hit, Dusknoir fainted.

Turn 2 : Swinub & Octillery vs Dewgong & Golduck

Well, this is the third time I have to deal with a Trick Room-less fight in this streak (the first one was against a OHKO-Mammoswine and the second one against a Fling Iron ball Dusknoir which used Trick room Turn 2 to annihilate mine, and killed Dusknoir Turn 3 when I tried to replace it), it seems to be hard here...Well, at least I can try.

Swinub uses Protect, it works.
Golduck tries to use Cross Chop on Swinub.
Dewgong tries to use Horn Drill on Swinub. It apparently hits but my Sash is saved by Protect.
Octillery uses Seed Bomb on Dewgong, lost ~65%.

Turn 3 : Swinub & Octillery (90%) vs Dewgong (35%) & Golduck

It worked. But with only 25% chance of Protect working I can forget about it. It's time to Endeavor !

Golduck uses Cross Chop on Swinub. 1 HP, thx Sash !
Dewgong uses Rest.
Octillery uses Seed bomb on Dewgong, lost ~65%.
Swinub uses Endeavor on Golduck, 1 HP.

Turn 4 : Swinub (1 HP) & Octillery (80%) vs Dewgong (35%, asleep) & Golduck (1 HP)

At this point I thought I have a chance. I was sure Dewgong was a Sleep talker wariant but Golduck will be killed before it can move and I have a 33% chance Dewgong will be harmless this turn, and his other moves have 30% chance to hit so...

Swinub uses Ice Shard, Golduck faints.
Dewgong uses Sleep talk. Sheer Cold. Hit. Swinub faints.
Octillery uses Seed Bomb. Dewgong faints.

Turn 5 : Camerupt & Octillery (70%) vs Absol & Tritosor

Well, I lost. My only hope is to see Camerupt surviving the Water attack Tritosor will use on him...but with stab, even with solid rock it's only a hope.

Absol uses Night slash on Octillery.
Tritosor uses Waterfall on Camerupt. Camerupt faints.
Octillery uses Seed bomb on Tritosor. Tritosor faints.

Turn 6 : Octillery (1 HP) vs Absol

It is really over here. Even if Absol doesn't move and Octillery OHKOes it, thanks to the Hax Tower mechanics, I still lose.

Absol uses Night slash on Octillery. Octillery faints.

Even if Dusknoir fainted turn 1, the Sheer Cold hit on Swinub was an overkill. I would have won without that (maybe I should have used Protect to ensure more security but whatever it's too late) : I would have used Protect next turn, killed Tritosor with Seed bomb, and then even if I sacrified Swinub at this moment, Octillery and Camerupt could easily kill Absol.
At least I've beaten my record so I'm happy.

Proof coming when I'll find the webcam xD

And don't forget to wish an Happy New Year to the Hax Frontier ^^
I've tried out using the record holder's team, the near exact setup they had. But I've run into many issues I didn't think I would... my record is 75, and all I want is the 100 streak.
What should I do? Should I get a team that is great overall, rather than relying on one that relies heavily on a choice-trick strategy? I'd need to be hax-proof, I know.
@PlatinumMage: No such thing as hax-proof. Just keep trying and learn from your mistakes. Even if it's just an all-out attacking "great overall" team, you'll still have to know how to use it (when to switch instead of attacking, etc.). So either way, it's about knowing how to use the team.

That said, if all you want is a 100-streak quickly, my suggestion would be to use stuff like Sash Destiny Bond Gengar and Exploders for fast battles so even if you lose, it won't take long to start another streak (whereas trick-scarf battles take a lot longer).