dude - game over! viva las vegas!

It's ok Amelia, this game played out like dbz 2.0. Flounder getting conned, crazy strong village, crazy strong village being wolf fucked, one mafia being dominated for ages, the other mafia being suddenly whacked by the wolf, and the wolf winning!

The main difference though, is that instead of winning lvp, billy wins mvp!
It's ok Amelia, this game played out like dbz 2.0. Flounder getting conned, crazy strong village, crazy strong village being wolf fucked, one mafia being dominated for ages, the other mafia being suddenly whacked by the wolf, and the wolf winning!

The main difference though, is that instead of winning lvp, billy wins mvp!

And this time Blueberry is to blame, not Raspberry
I am still angry at Gmax for suggesting to Flounder to assassinate (him although it was me). And flounder for actually believing it. Fortunately i was a villager, otherwise we would both have died for nothing =(

Why wouldn't i believe gmax? he proved "his" alias to me, and so I concluded that there were to outcomes:

A) gmax was mafia and we were both going to die
B) I was going to be sharing an alias with someone I could trust 100%.

Who the hell would've thought "oh well maybe he got someone else to post the requested message for him?"
I was far from happy when you weren't gmax, and honestly didn't expect to make it past night 5 or so. This game was more or less "everything you didn't expect to happen, happens" and I made it to night 14.
I have logs to prove I suspected billy(and billy himself felt that too I think)
But evan was more suspicous, the way he was cleaned, oh well gg billy and lesmisalwayswolf!

I was certain you'd find me out in 1 more day, so I forced lesm to get gmax to steal from you, then lower my priority to kill you at the same time.

Furthermore, I used blackjack on zerowing so on the off chance gmax didn't steal from you (which he really did not want to do), the following lynch would be on whoever zero martyred, and not me.

Also Agape and zero would have been added 2 nights immediately when lightwolf died had I actually been a villager. (Lightwolf tends to get paranoid, but with good reason.) Unclesam would never have been added because he's terrible with night actions, thinking things through, and just mafia in general.
I was certain you'd find me out in 1 more day, so I forced lesm to get gmax to steal from you, then lower my priority to kill you at the same time.

This is false. I told Lesm that I knew there was a BPV in the game, and to ensure that the kill on LW went through, he should be holding the funk++ or if his partner had it, he should prio lower himself him while I stole from him. Our team was never against that plan, we proposed it o_O.
This is false. I told Lesm that I knew there was a BPV in the game, and to ensure that the kill on LW went through, he should be holding the funk++ or if his partner had it, he should prio lower himself him while I stole from him. Our team was never against that plan, we proposed it o_O.

no you wanted to do the same thing on evan not lw, billy is right :avatar2::avatar2::avatar2: