winter sucks



The way that the school administrators work here in Arkansas, we'll be out of school for the rest of the week :)

Supposedly, we're getting hit with 10 inches at least tonight and/or tomorrow night, but due to the Chicago areas extremely fast snow plow team we'll never get a snow day off from it. We'd need at least 6 inches on the ground and for snow still to be falling for the school district to call a day off, as I've driven to school with 5 inches on the ground.

Might just be enough for a snow day here...
I love the snow.
But in the last storm, the electric went out for 12 hours. No heat is bad. :/

Edit: Yes. Snow day and the electric never went out. :)
I'm hoping for more snow than ice. Ice usually means power outages around here.
We have a huge snow storm coming our way that has actually started tonight, last time we had a storm this big Synre and I had all of the snow from a roof fall on us as we were shoveling a most annoying driveway.
Here is the forecast for the major upcoming storm:



Here in Massachusetts we've been getting snow once every 3-5 days this season. The entire region and the mid west were above their seasonal averages before January even ended. The weather channel is already declaring this storm "Historic." Now there's an adjective you never want put in front of the word "Storm."

The purplish area is the area projected to have over a foot of snow. It's 2100 miles. Pretty sure the storm is so large it could cover the entirety of Europe.

I am in that purple area...and we're supposed to have at least a foot? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
No snow, but a fucking big cyclone is going to hit up north soon. At least I won't be affected to much. It is still hot, I hate winter.
Ok to put this in perspective for you Americans.

It is currently midnight. The temperature is 31C. That converts to 92F.

Really wish I was in the northern hemisphere right now.
No, you don't wish you were in the northern hemisphere. Or the northern half at least. I walked to my cafeteria for breakfast, and there were only a few flakes coming down. When I left for class, it was snowing HARD, like 50% visibility hard. Left class, and an inch had already come down in the span of 50 minutes. Best part? It's 10 am. Second best part: class wasn't cancelled. Welcome to hell, formerly known as Boston.

Will take pretty pictures if it ever stops snowing!
Enjoy the snow days while you can, because once you graduate college and enter the real world snow days cease to exist. Unless there's a foot or more on the ground, you're going to be expected to come to the office anyway. The closest I've come to a snow day this winter was "come in at 10 instead of 9 so you have time to unbury your car".

So therefore kids - don't be a fool, stay in school :)
Lol, or you can just be lazy like me and be like "uhhhh can't come in today, too much snow/ice" *snoooooooooore*
Lol, or you can just be lazy like me and be like "uhhhh can't come in today, too much snow/ice" *snoooooooooore*

That excuse only works with certain employers. Others don't care or expect you to work a full day from home.