
High tier UU or BL, Im guessing. Volt Change, Bug Buzz, Hidden Power, Thunder, Energy Ball, and Suck Punch are all the moves this could need. Give it a Scarf or Specs and you yourself an amazing late game sweeper or a scouter. Everyone who calls this NU because of the stats NEEDS to start using it and effing stop arguing without even testing it.
Some of you guys are kind of underestimating this thing. Its SpA is only six points lower than Starmie's, and we all know how powerful Starmie is. Just because a stat is below 100 doesn't make it automatically average and/or unusable.

Actually, I belive Denchura's SpA is actually only 3 points lower than Starmies, so everyone saying Denchrua is weak is saying Starmie is weak too.
Actually, I belive Denchura's SpA is actually only 3 points lower than Starmies, so everyone saying Denchrua is weak is saying Starmie is weak too.

Oddly, Flygon's attack = Starmie's Sp Attack and people whine about how weak his Earthquake is, considering it hits harder than starmie's Surf. My point is, haters gonna hate.
High tier UU or BL, Im guessing. Volt Change, Bug Buzz, Hidden Power, Thunder, Energy Ball, and Suck Punch are all the moves this could need. Give it a Scarf or Specs and you yourself an amazing late game sweeper or a scouter. Everyone who calls this NU because of the stats NEEDS to start using it and effing stop arguing without even testing it.
i do agree but minus bug buzz raiko is a faster (less accuracy) supplement so it has some compitetion in the section of volt change
Oddly, Flygon's attack = Starmie's Sp Attack and people whine about how weak his Earthquake is, considering it hits harder than starmie's Surf. My point is, haters gonna hate.

Well, considering that most Flygon had Choice Scarf and most Starmie had Life Orb, Starmies attacks were stronger usually, but Flygon could be stronger if he wanted.
Base 100 is just enough to abuse LO with 120 base power STAB moves. If you've ever been on the business end of a LO MixGon Outrage you'd know, and remember Starmie 2HKOes most Zapdos with Hydro Pump.

Back on topic, Denchura is really looking to be at least top tier UU with almost all the traits mentioned above: decent SAtk with insanely powerful STAB, with the added bonus of a little trolly speed. One question though, what the hell does Sucker Punch kill?

EDIT: Ludicolo's base SAtk is 90, yet it can 2HKO a boosting Suicune with Grass Knot provided it's holding a Life Orb. Granted, it has the luxury of having it's main STAB double-boosted, but that Suicune...nice.
Actually, I belive Denchura's SpA is actually only 3 points lower than Starmies, so everyone saying Denchrua is weak is saying Starmie is weak too.
well, starmie is faster. Starmie was never purported as a powerhouse when hitting, but it can deal with faster, frailer pokes easily because of its trollish speed
Well, considering that most Flygon had Choice Scarf and most Starmie had Life Orb, Starmies attacks were stronger usually, but Flygon could be stronger if he wanted.

I actually ran band, and that shit raped.

People might mock Flygon, but nothing likes taking a choice banded outrage or earthquake from that thing.
Started using Denchura and after many matches I'll also have to chime in the praise that this guy is definitely top tier UU - at least. I was using Choice Specs and basically ran Thunder/Bug Buzz/Volt Change/HP Ice and not only was he a great scout, critical hits of Volt Change tended to OHKO things, but he was a great revenge killer thanks to his speed against the dragons - save Lati@s for obvious reasons. He basically OHKOed them with HP ice and pretty much almost everything with his Thunder or Volt Change was hit quite hard. His stats hardly make him weak and thanks to his speed you'll be able to fire off attacks before getting killed as he outspeeds many things, which is crucial this metagame thanks to the raise in speed tiers and in UU he'll definitely be one of the fastest pokes there. Denchura is a beast!
Oh lord, it's now dawning on me that this thing has 108 base speed. Say hello to our new key speed tier.

No seriously, what?

Raikou doesnt learn Bug Buzz. Even if it did, accuracy is 99.6 anyways.

I think he means (think) Raikou is a less accurate, faster Volt Changer without Bug Buzz.

And that's true, but Denchura has Bug Buzz. Raikou doesn't. STAB Bug Buzz hits Grass-types substantially harder than HP Ice, and makes up for Raikou's speed and bulk. Also, Thunder is good.

Raikou gets CM, though...and it isn't SR weak...
So, resuming:
Denchura has
-Thunder (30% paralysis + 20ish% more BP than thunder)
-Better coverage, with Energy Ball and STAB Bug Buzz to deal with Ground and Grass
-Better resistances (Fighting, Electric, Steel, Grass)

And Raikou,
-Better Stak
-Better speed
-Better bulk
-Better weaknesses (only ground, compared to Rock + Fire)

If both are on the same tier and competing for the same niche, I'll stick with Raikou, thank you.
Obviosly, Raikou does his job better than Denchura, but that DOES NOT MEAN Denchura is weak! Accurate Thunder, Bug Buzz, good resistances and a very sweet Speed put this little spider far ahead of his Gen 2 silk-bottomed sibling.

By Gen 2 sibling I mean Ariados, not Raikou.
Yeah, Denchura is going to be a top-tier UU pokemon, and after thinking about it, I think I'm going to test it and see how it does. :]

@Pombo: I don't think Raikou and Denchura will be competing for the same niche, because Denchura will most likely be UU, and Raikou might be OU or BL. Denchura is more of a Revenge Killer, and Raikou is more of a sweeper. But, I see your point - Raikou can function as a Revenge Killer or a Sweeper, so if they were in the same tier, I would pick Raikou over Denchura.
You could abuse Electra Ball in conjunction with Thunderwave, given that it cuts the opponents speed by 3/4.

Denchura @ Leftovers
~Electra Ball
~Bug Buzz / Hidden Power (Ice)
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

The point of this set is to scare something out, probably a bulky water, and then Sub and T-Wave the switch in. Electra Ball has 150 BP against any paralyzed oponent that originally was slower than Denchura by any margin, and 120 against almost all others that outsped originally. Bug Buzz is a powerful STAB attack but HP Ice trades power for better coverage. Life Orb is a possible option for more power as well I guess, but you'll die pretty quickly alongside the severe entry hazard weakness. Compoundeyes is pretty useles unless you really hate Brightpowder or something..
I can see this guy becoming a great Pokemon in the UU department, but look at those defenses.

70/60/60 is pretty god awful. This guy is weak to SR so assuming they're in play, he comes in with only 75% of his HP.

He has a great movepool, but his frailty makes him harder to use.
...except SR isn't that common anymore.

Not to mention he's not there to be a Garchomp, from observations, he exists to cause as much damage as possible, as long as he can, and to revenge kill things.

Plenty of pokemon have bad defenses, and are very commonly used.
...except SR isn't that common anymore.

could people please stop saying this?

Stealth Rock is as common as it was in Gen 4 almost every good Team has a SR user and for a good reason. There are very few teams that can perform good without SR (and most of these Teams would still love to fit it in somewhere).

Entry Hazards are even more common than in Gen 4 since everybody and their mother uses Nattorei/Skarmory/Forretress.
SubCharge Denchura

Haven't seen this posted yet (though I haven't read the whole board), but I've been having a lot of success with this build:

SubCharge Denchura
Denchura @ Magnet (Don't laugh lol)
4 HP/ 252 Sp.A / 252 Spe
-Bug Buzz
-Charge Beam

His speed lets you get the sub in with good prediction, and with the magnet and STAB, a charge beam or two makes Thunder rip through a heck of a lot. Bug Buzz covers enough of the rest that the loss of coverage isn't that bad.
could people please stop saying this?

Stealth Rock is as common as it was in Gen 4 almost every good Team has a SR user and for a good reason. There are very few teams that can perform good without SR (and most of these Teams would still love to fit it in somewhere).

Entry Hazards are even more common than in Gen 4 since everybody and their mother uses Nattorei/Skarmory/Forretress.
Stealth rock is not as common.

SubCharge Denchura
Denchura @ Magnet (Don't laugh lol)
4 HP/ 252 Sp.A / 252 Spe
-Bug Buzz
-Charge Beam

His speed lets you get the sub in with good prediction, and with the magnet and STAB, a charge beam or two makes Thunder rip through a heck of a lot. Bug Buzz covers enough of the rest that the loss of coverage isn't that bad.
Why not also just have a berry so you can sub until you get into activation range and then get in those extra hits?
Stealth rock really isn't that common anymore. Thanks to espeon and all those annoying anti-leads with encore (erufuun, anyone??).
i agree with the above posters...i think that the use of sr is slightly more limited now than it was in 4th gen...

but it's still a very important move that i see on 75% of the battles i play.