
In this thread you shall perhaps play around a bit with words; rhymes, anagrams, poems, haikus (though you must try to limit these because they get too 'fuzzy' after a while) and for the especially zealous, stories.

Though before you embark on an Epic exodus through the thesaurus, remember not to use profanity. Let's see if you can.

They say that there are no words that rhyme with orange. I'd like to prove them wrong.

I was feeling bored one day
So I pondered over what I should do
I started planning for my holiday
And I played some Pokémon too.
But then I discovered two things that rhyme:
An orange and a trench.

Your turn.
It's ridiculous to outlaw profanity in poetry. If you think it is against the forum rules, it isn't.
Consider it a challenge. If you find yourself unable to portray your thoughts without the use of profanity, you lose.
Re: my thoughts

Fuck poetry.
Wrecked my writers craft mark.
Stupid A for effort bullshit.
I couldn't and can't be bothered to do it.
So now I'm getting a sixty.

Free verse is dumb.
there once was a man who was a ninja
who was a bit of a whinger
see, he was black
they called him duracell behind his back
because he was also a ginger

I call this poem, ginger (BAN ME PLEASE)
tup: k'naan is a true poet. He swears whenever he wants to, and still talks like a god.
Do you see why it’s amazing,
When someone comes out of such a dire situation
And learns the English language,
Just to share his observation!
Probably get a Grammy without a grammar education.
So fuck you school and fuck you immigration!

Now, some of my poetry:

There once was a thread about poetry
Which some people said was worse than pee
It soon became dead
because Cookie said
I like to use profanity
there once was a poet from hibernia
he rhymed himself into a hernia!
he was quite adept
at writing, except
for the occasional non-sequitur. :(
Why is it that people abuse
the limerick and its complete use
just think up 5 lines
with words not unlike crimes
and some how the people are amuse
Instead of allowing marriage for homosexuals, we should just make it illegal for everyone else too. If we ban marriage, then only outlaws will have in-laws.
Being a time traveler is great cos whenever I get hungry I just go back four seconds

badum TISH
To be, or not to be, that is the onion.
Whether 'tis nobler in the rind to suffer
The cryings and bad Shakespeare ripoffs of outrageous odors,
Or to take arms against a field of vile roots,
And by opposing eat them?
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical
But the ones that I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones are so seldom comical
i got chased by a (BAN ME PLEASE) the other day trying to steal my wallet.

halfway through i couldn't help but think to myself, "he's giving me a good run for my money"
In this thread you shall perhaps mistakenly pretentious extraneousword play around a bit with words; rhymes, anagrams, poems, haikus (though you must try to limit these no, I must not because they get too 'fuzzy' after a while) and for the especially zealous mistakenly pretentious again, stories.

Though before you embark on an Epic do I even need to fucking comment exodus through the thesaurus anyone who needs to reference a thesaurus should not be in this thread, remember not to use profanity thanks mommy. Let's see if you can.

They say that there are no words that rhyme with orange. I'd like to prove them wrong.

I was feeling bored one day
So I pondered over what I should do
I started planning for my holiday
And I played some Pokémon too.
But then I discovered two things that rhyme:
An orange and a trench.

Your turn.

Here is some duck metal I invented last year. The vulgarity was extremely necessary to the work.

you have never seen a fucking duck like this
you have never seen a duck so villainous
so take your eyes and open them up
you happen to be dealing with donald the duck
yeah you might have heard of me
I cruise town irascibly
strolling with mickey and goofy too
you heard me right, the fucking disney crew

I qwack in delight
to mask my fright
I know my plan will fail
but what can I do?
my modus operandi
my reason d'etre
is to beat that fucker
once and for all
after all, what kind of bird
eats a rabbits crow?

dangerous bird, cruising the streets
you have never seen another fucking bird like me
pimp in my purple
armed to my beak
with courage, that is
I am the terror that flaps in the night, the headache in the criminal mind
dangerous, dangerous, dangerous, dangerous
see these clothes?
see my mask?
see my smirk?
when my beak comes qwacking in your face
you know things are about to get
and lead us both straight to disgrace
all I care about is danger
looking it straight in the eye
because winning is style
but only when dangerous
w...what makes me dangerous you say?
why not just take my word for it?
did you not hear me yell
"let's get dangerous"
a thousand times?
I spit in the face of danger
I am the scourge that pecks at your nightmares
I am the itch you cannot reach
I am the raspberry seed you can't floss out
I am a dangerous
dangerous duck!