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Anyone know of a good pokemon to counter for a Water/Ice weakness on a Sandstorm team?

Preferably in a single pokémon, as I've got 5/6 who fit in beautifully.

Swampert/Gastrodon? I wouldn't recommend Quagsire unless you really need Unaware for some reason (Water Absorb is outclassed by Gastrodon's Storm Drain since they both get Recover).
Mmm, Gastrodon looks tasty now. I was considering him but hadn't noticed the changes to Storm Drain. How does Swampert counter for either of those weaknesses, by the way? Gastro also still seems to leave the ice issue up, but I guess my team has to have *some* weaknesses :S
Mmm, Gastrodon looks tasty now. I was considering him but hadn't noticed the changes to Storm Drain. How does Swampert counter for either of those weaknesses, by the way? Gastro also still seems to leave the ice issue up, but I guess my team has to have *some* weaknesses :S

Well, Swampert's just a general bulky Water that works on SS teams IIRC
Yeah, looking more closely at Empoleon, he's pretty much perfect for that last spot on my team. Thanks a lot to all three of you.
On a related note, Empoleon learns Grass Knot. Problem, Water Types?

Edit: Is, and where is, any of his line on the Dream World?
Mm, very much torn by Empoleon. On its own merits, it seems pretty weak as pokemon go, but looking at my resistances table, Empoleon literally covers every weakness my team has, giving me more resistances than weaknesses on literally every single element except fire (1 weakness, 5 neutral). Anyone used it and can give me an opinion on what it plays like?

I see them just as often as Rotom-W's on Random Matchup actually, and for me, they're usually something like Modest with Agility/Grass Knot (an option against Waters that I forgot in my last post)/Ice Beam/Hydro Pump, generally just a bulky sweeper. Haven't seen any defensive ones.

Edit: The Starmie you mentioned will have Thunderbolt. It replies, "Problem?"
The most popular set seems to be SubPeteya, but pinch berries aren't released yet so that won't work. You could just run Calm with max HP and split SpD and SpA EVs. Empoleon has access to Yawn, Featherdance, and Roar along with his pretty wide Special movepool.

I usually run Modest with EVs in HP, SpA, and Spe and he is perfectly fine at tanking hits and hitting back pretty hard or set up SR.
Can Dream World exclusive moves be passed to offspring?

eg. Male DW Magikarp with Bounce, female Magikarp; will the baby inherit Bounce?

I ask because moves learnt from a tutor can't be passed unless they're listed as egg moves, and Bounce isn't. Gonna be a pain resetting for it otherwise.
Since everyone's being helpful today, an unrelated, RNG related question. I've been trying to RNG a specific pokémon for two days now, using the C-Gear method, and have missed by 1 millisecond fourteen times now (only twice in a row at peak though). Are there some specific values of delay that are really unlikely to be hit, or am I just exceedingly unlucky?

Edit: Seventeen times now. Take a look @ This is getting plain ironic.
Can Dream World exclusive moves be passed to offspring?

eg. Male DW Magikarp with Bounce, female Magikarp; will the baby inherit Bounce?

I ask because moves learnt from a tutor can't be passed unless they're listed as egg moves, and Bounce isn't. Gonna be a pain resetting for it otherwise.

Only female DW Pokemon can pass abilities through breeding, but only with a male of its own Egg group (i.e. male Smeargle with female Moody Bidoofs will give a 40% chance of producing Moody Bidoof eggs).
Since everyone's being helpful today, an unrelated, RNG related question. I've been trying to RNG a specific pokémon for two days now, using the C-Gear method, and have missed by 1 millisecond fourteen times now (only twice in a row at peak though). Are there some specific values of delay that are really unlikely to be hit, or am I just exceedingly unlucky?

Edit: Fifteen times now. Take a look @ This is getting plain ironic.
I'm unfamiliar with 5th gen RNG, but delays are basically just luck from what I know. Last gen I spent a good 3 days trying to RNG a Salamence and it only took so long because I would constantly miss my delay. You just have to keep trying, that's really all there is to it at that point.
Fair enough. Just thought I'd check, given that the actual odds of getting this many close misses are very, very low.

Edit: NEW RECORD! 3 1ms off attempts in a row :D
Hello, I'm new to competitive battling in general and I'm working on my first team, which is intended to be a Sunny Day team. I'm currently breeding Exeggcutes like mad for a special sweeper, and it's been four days of breeding with no Modest Eggys hatched. Bad luck I guess, but I did get a Timid and a Mild one. My question is, if I intend Exeggutor to be a stand-alone sunsweeper capable of setting up Sunny Day on his own, is it OK to go with the Timid one? Or would it lack the power to effectively sweep (it's got 31 IVs in Sp. Attk.)

Thanks for bearing with the wall of text.
Hello, I'm new to competitive battling in general and I'm working on my first team, which is intended to be a Sunny Day team. I'm currently breeding Exeggcutes like mad for a special sweeper, and it's been four days of breeding with no Modest Eggys hatched. Bad luck I guess, but I did get a Timid and a Mild one. My question is, if I intend Exeggutor to be a stand-alone sunsweeper capable of setting up Sunny Day on his own, is it OK to go with the Timid one? Or would it lack the power to effectively sweep (it's got 31 IVs in Sp. Attk.)

Thanks for bearing with the wall of text.

You're welcome.

Edit: And I have a flawless modest ditto you can borrow if you'd like :)
Only female DW Pokemon can pass abilities through breeding, but only with a male of its own Egg group (i.e. male Smeargle with female Moody Bidoofs will give a 40% chance of producing Moody Bidoof eggs).

Sure, but that's not what I asked :P

Magikarp found in the Dream World can have Bounce. Will I be able to pass that move to it's offspring?
Sure, but that's not what I asked :P

Magikarp found in the Dream World can have Bounce. Will I be able to pass that move to it's offspring?

if bounce is an egg move for magikarp, then it can be passed on
if it isn't, then it can't
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