Data Battle Tower (For all your Match-Seeking Needs!)

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I'll ref danmantincan and loudkirbyking, assuming you guys don't mind me reffing despite not knowing much about the game your arena is from

Also, looking for a battle from whoever wants it

1v1 Singles
3 day DQ
2 recovers/3 chills

Arena: A large pond, with a bit of land in the middle. The island isn't big enough to do a lot of battling but it's enough to stand on comfortably. Moves such as Dig, Earthquake, etc are not usable in this arena.

I'm going to be using Poliwhirl because I want to use him in Subway but he's only at 4/5 DC right now. Feel free to use whatever but a fair fight would be nice :toast:
Oh, I didn't look that far up. If you'd rather do the battle with DFrog I can ref that and find another opponent for the 1v1 instead
Looking for a quick beginner battle

1v1 singles
1 day DQ
No recoveries

Arena: Abyssal ruins in Unova (In undella bay)
*Only pokemon who can breath under the water can participate in.

And I would ref Albinoloon and TEA_DEMON battle~~ just pm me your teams
Looking for beginner battle.
3v3 Singles
1 hour DQ (I'd like a fast battle. If I can't have a 1hr DQ, then make it whatever the minimum is.)
2 recoveries, 3 chills per pokemon.

Arena: Pond in Forest Clearing
>Has a pond and a stream flowing out of pond
>Woods borders clearing
>All moves usable
>All pokemon usable
Looking for beginner battle.
3v3 Singles
1 hour DQ (I'd like a fast battle. If I can't have a 1hr DQ, then make it whatever the minimum is.)
2 recoveries, 3 chills per pokemon.

Arena: Pond in Forest Clearing
>Has a pond and a stream flowing out of pond
>Woods borders clearing
>All moves usable
>All pokemon usable

I'll battle you if you change the DQ to 1 Day. With 1 hour there's really no time for the ref and if they battle is goes on long enough we would end up having to stay up and do this at 2 a.m. or something.
Looking for a quick beginner battle

1v1 singles
1 day DQ
No recoveries

Arena: Abyssal ruins in Unova (In undella bay)
*Only pokemon who can breath under the water can participate in.

And I would ref Albinoloon and TEA_DEMON battle~~ just pm me your teams

I'll take this. Now we just need a ref.
Looking for a nice match:
3v3 Doubles
1 day DQ, 2 Days for the Ref
2 recoveries, 5 chills per pokemon.
Arena is a Carnival (I'll let this mean whatever the ref wants it to)
Looking for a battle!

3v3 doubles
3 day DQ
2 recovers/5 chills
Tournament Arena
Special restriction: No fully evolved Pokemon! Middle stages are OK.
4v4 doubles
DQ=2 Days, 3 for the ref i guess
2 recoveries/5 chills
Arena: Valley of Fun

So we're in a nice mountainous region, The arena itself is surrounded by mountains/volcanoes, but the valley is large enough. In the valley, you'll find a rather large field with a lake in the center. The lake itself is plenty deep for water-types to be comfortable diving. Due to the activity of the volcanoes, the arena is pretty hot despite the location. Also, to make it pretty, there's a large waterfall going into the lake n.n
Destiny_Warrior, I'm sorry I ref'd a round of Fire v. Shiny. I had this page open in the background for a while and didn't see your post. If you want to take it from this point you can. Just message me and let me know.
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