International Wi-Fi Tournament - Autumn Disconnector List

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Daniel from West midlands UK just DCed on me after he failed to get TR off.

And I thought I was finally going to get some actual points rather than the +2 I get from 1400 people using their ingame teams.
Nik From United States (1698).. 3-0 I win, but he disconect.

fuking american :/

Sorry about that, my appartment has a shitty internet connection, I can usually make 3 battles between disconnects but it gave me some 90*** error and kicked me out.
JohnCGI from South East England. He was using Bluecookie's world team (albeit with a few changes that changed the entire dynamic of the team). DCed as soon as I outpredicted him three times.
KAKASHI from el salvador D/C'd after I predicted everything and successfully taunted his whimsicott. He was at a solid 1500. U-turned out with archeops and then vanished.
Daniel from West midlands UK just DCed on me after he failed to get TR off.

And I thought I was finally going to get some actual points rather than the +2 I get from 1400 people using their ingame teams.

That sounds like it might have been my team (though I'm not the 1900+ ranking Daniel - I wish!), but I can assure you it wasn't an intentional disconnect. Thought it was odd someone who was beating me disconnected on me, but it sounds like it was a genuine connection error. I didn't think my internet dropped, though, since it was still on two to three bars... Thought maybe you'd had to leave for a meal or something.

I promise, I've taken all my losses!
Just gonna list the disconnects of the records I'm keeping. I get so many...

IGOR, Portugal, 1604 (3-3 Disconnect after I took managed to activate TR and took down Mienshao.)
PMAN no location, 14?? (4-4 Disconnect upon seeing the Pokemon I sent out.)
Mohamed, Lebanon, 1439 (Disconnect after just seeing my team, before Pokemon were even sent out.)
BANANA, Hamburg, Germany, 1536 (A rematch)(2-2 Disconnect. Funny thing is, they weren't guaranteed the loss here, it would take a lot of good playing by me to bring this one back.)
OTARU, Catalonia, Spain, 1766 (2-0 Disconnect)
Jon, West Midlands, UK 1573 (3-3 Disconnect)

Edit: Next batch.
Angelo, Portugal, 1561 (4-3 Disconnect)
Angelo again. (4-3 Disconnect, big surprise.)
ASH, Andalusia, Spain, 1526 (Disconnected after seeing team, before battle started.)Jun-Jun, no location, 1537 (4-4 Disconnect upon seeing my obvious TR setup and sending out the wrong Pokemon.)
Jun-Jun, no location, 1537 (4-4 Disconnect upon seeing my obvious TR setup and sending out the wrong Pokemon.)
Chrille, No location, 1671 (3-3 Disconnect, had a slight advantage, even. Wat.)
IGOR, Portugal, 1621 (Rematch)(3-3 Disconnect, just like last time look at me I am so surprised.)

SpeeD, Mexico, 1561 (2-0 Disconnect.)
Tony, Massachusetts, 1609 (4-0 Disconnect)
Alfredo, Mexico, 1588 (2-2 Disconnect)
Alfredo again! WASSUP, DOUCHE! Disconnection, of course, once first two Pokemon go down, I predict. Ooooh! Nope, just one this time. A 4-3 disconnect.
Johny, No location, 1543 (3-0 Disconnect)
CJ, Ohio, 1880 (Uh... Disconnected before even seeing my team. Lost connection? Or didn't want to bother with someone of my 'low' ranking? The world will never know.)
Alfredo... Wat. Third rematch. Disconnect inbound. Welp, 2-0 disconnect, at least he stayed around longer, I guess. Disconnected at such a time that it looked like I got the win, too, then kicked me while it was saving. Left me with a +1 to number of battles, but no further points. I'll call that Limbo in a new section in my signature. Disconnect number still goes up, though.
CJ again, this time the battle started. Must have been a lost connection previously. Disconnect anyway upon Vanillux vs. Cryogonal, with Cryogonal in the red. Welp. I pity your 1880, CJ.
Rea Mexico 1683 (4-3 Disconnect. I was even down a Pokemon!)

Dominic, Florida, 1642 (Rematch, likely disconnect. Yep, 4-2.)
NACHIN Chile 1525 (4-2 Disconnect.)
PMAN, no location, 1466 (Rematch)(3-2 Disconnect. Surprised he stayed around this time. Must've gotten tired of disconnecting immediately upon seeing a bad matchup.)
Suzuki, Mexico, 1796 (2-1 Disconnect. Lots of hax this time around, but it was on both sides. Still came through on top before the DC.)
Ah balls, Suzuki again. I can has early DC? I can?! Thank you! 4-4 DC.
3rd PMAN rematch... Am I just online with ONLY the people I've fought before now? Because this is ridiculous. Disconnect in 3... 2... 1... Bam, 3-1.
Gil, Mexico, 1350 (Heeeey, there's a rank low enough to suggest maybe this fellow won't DC on me.) (4-0, easiest match I've had yet. AND HE STILL DISCONNECTS ANYWAY, and even at a bad time, giving me another Limbo.)

I'm beginning to notice that this post is chronicling a slow descent into madness.

Alex, North Carolina, 1537 (2-0 Disconnect)
Disconnect before even seeing a person?
CHRIS, New York, 1500 (Weird... Last day, and a 1500...)(Yep, 3-2 Disconnect.)
… Found CHRIS again. Hope he DC's fa-- Yep, he did so immediately. DAMN RIGHT YOU CAN'T HANDLE ME.
Britany, Ohio, 1466 (Rematch)(3-0 DC)
PAULO, No location, 1560 (3-1 DC) 100th battle, yaaaay!
Sephiro, No location, 1691 (3-0 DC) (Damn, and this was a really good battle, too. Might've gone differently if Draco Meteor hadn't missed Durr. Who knows? Vanilluxe would've still been a threat.)
Mohamed, Lebanon, 1411 (Rematch) (3-0 Disconnect)
SACHA, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, Fance, 1747 (Rough battle and impending disconnect. EEYUP. 4-3, after he realized there were no more non-Ice-weak Pokemon on their team, and Crustle was too asleep to do anything.)
CJ, Ohio, 1900 (Oh goodie, third rematch against this douche. Yep, 3-1 DC, least deserved 1900 in the tourney.)
Jeko Lombardy, Italy, 1808 (Uh. I chose two attacks, then he disconnected before the turn started.)
OTARU, Catalonia, Spain, 1816 (Rematch with another high-rank who couldn't battle his way out of a paper bag! Incoming disconnection. Yep, 3-1. Could've been a 2-0! Maybe even a 1-0, given a Draco Meteor!)
Um. Another disconnect before even seeing a person. Game is trolling me. I'll bet these are people I'd seen before, who saw me on their screen before I saw them, then immediately quit.
CJ. Again. PLEASE JUST QUIT, YOU BOTHER ME. Thank you, disconnected on the select screen.

Names now bolded for easy browsing.
Will edit this list as it goes along.

Suzuki - Mexico - 1768
Josh - Canada - 1573

I was gonna thank this person for not DCing, but he/she is no different from the others :/

Touko - France - 1767

Thanks for wasting my time guys! If you're going to disconnect, at least do it before you waste 10 god damn minutes of my life...
Kyle from Rhode Island with a 1500ish rating D/C'd on me after his Will-o-Wisp missed Conkeldurr lol
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