International Wi-Fi Tournament - Autumn Friendly [OVER - Rankings Released Nov. 1st]

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I'm gonna end it here,tomorrow's the last day,I wonder if I can get at least 1900.
HP ice doesn't KO Krookodile right? It's lived Grass Knot from Thundurus so I assume Hp ice wouldn't kill.

Well, the Close Combat didn't KO after the Chople because the HP Ice never hit.
I believe that the scores are from previous tournament which was Japan-exclusive. It provides us a good idea of scores that we would need to be at top.

We already got a kid say that he's 2000 tier, so we can safely assume the most pro person could have reach 2200 tier already.
Broke 1600 and stopped for a while, don't remember my W-L record though. Last I checked my ranking it was 1597, then I beat somebody and it hasn't updated my ranking on my game. I had some good matches.The Trio is easy to beat.
I was refering to the way they deal with d.cers is all.
Did you cancel participation? Might work with that,not sure.
It's better dont do that. No one knows if after cancel participation you'll be still on the rank.

Just to be sure, but you said JAPANESE PGL, right? Because Japan isn't technically part of this tournament, so those results are for the Japan Cup, NOT the Autumn Friendly (unless you can read that it's the Autumn Friendly.)

Exactly. I was talking about the Japan Cup.
I hope people aren't thinking "We're better than the JP players because they only got to the 1900s," though.

Well its people's view of the tournament. I believe everyones on equal footing no matter the country.

Theres no "best" player.lets say the best american player can beat the best brazil player but the jp player trumps the american because of there teams, and then a england player has a team that beats out the jp player doesn't necessarily mean he's the best. Its just there team. No one has a perfect team, and every team gets beat by someone.
Ending the night with 2036 and 152 battles; don't know if I'll bother trying to get any higher since the only ones that are higher at me at this point that I have battled have DC'd on me countless times we battle. Done bitching about disconnecting though, since it only brings the worst out of us, and almost everyone has probably done it at one point or another.

Fun tournament though regardless, definitely gave me something to do the last few days!
Ending the night with 2036 and 152 battles; don't know if I'll bother trying to get any higher since the only ones that are higher at me at this point that I have battled have DC'd on me countless times we battle. Done bitching about disconnecting though, since it only brings the worst out of us, and almost everyone has probably done it at one point or another.

Fun tournament though regardless, definitely gave me something to do the last few days!

Nice rating Cyber. I just stopped at 2003. Im fine with top 20(even t10 O.o).

EDIT: just realized this thread already got 74 pages. Thats like the quickest and largest I ever saw a thread go up.
Seeing those scores make me thought that perhaps Nintendo/TPC did something about people who D/C's

It's on their website that D/C'ers will be penalized AFTER the tournament is over, meaning that while they may have high ratings now, they'll probably get removed during the tallying period.
Ending the night with 2036 and 152 battles; don't know if I'll bother trying to get any higher since the only ones that are higher at me at this point that I have battled have DC'd on me countless times we battle. Done bitching about disconnecting though, since it only brings the worst out of us, and almost everyone has probably done it at one point or another.

Fun tournament though regardless, definitely gave me something to do the last few days!

I'm thinking about quitting too. Much like cybertron, my name is Aaron and I have completed 152 battles, but my ranking is 1028.

good luck to the rest of my admirers
I had 12 battles today. Two wins, one loss, and NINE FUCKING DISCONNECTS. Screw this, it isn't worth the time or stress.

The worst was the 1400ish noob who ragequit after I oneshotted all of his shitty Pokémon. I mean really, what did he expect?
I had 12 battles today. Two wins, one loss, and NINE FUCKING DISCONNECTS. Screw this, it isn't worth the time or stress.

The worst was the 1400ish noob who ragequit after I oneshotted all of his shitty Pokémon. I mean really, what did he expect?

He'll probably get penalized and stay at the bottom. Got a few ragequits too, but all before the Pokemon selection. Meh.

Damn, ragequit myself twice, first cos my modem crashed, second cos I was called and... DC.
Finally got past 1750, 1751 lol after 70 battles. It got really annoying after I hit 1700, every loss I had meant that I had to get 3 wins to balance it out. Originally I wanted to be in the 1800s, but that seems impossible now.
i quit at somewhere in the 1900s, got bored of playing honestly to have any win i got at that point be d/c'd away and any loss i had to hax counting because i was playing honorably...just really quite irritating

i hope nintendo learns to build some kind of mechanism for d/c's in the future, i dont really believe that 90 second thing much because there's far too many variables involved in that.
@R Inanimate: Yes, it was a lot of fun, and yeah, made some mistakes on my end, but that's why I love these tournaments.

Although this is my first "official" tournament.
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