New/Creative movesets — Little Cup edition!

run encore instead of bulk up. Use EVs on Mankey, and play it in LC where there are no Slowbro. Seed bomb is pretty awful, just for the record. Meowth does that sort of thing better anyway
Darumaka doesn't get wild bolt or stab bug bite which allow larvesta to damage slowpoke.

Also if you hate getting trolled by hustle and are already using ponyta...? It has a niche as a possible second fire type physical sweeper.

It's not ground weak so that's something right??? Except grasses are good for sun too and grass resists ground.

Those are larvesta's redeeming qualities.
Pokemon Name:
Moveset Name: Acrobatics
Move 1: Acrobatics
Move 2: Sucker Punch
Move 3: Explosion
Move 4: Substitute
Item: Flight Gem
Ability: Unburden
Nature(s): Jolly
EVs: 116HP/196Attack/196 Speed

You reach 32 Speed after Unburden kicks in, allowing you to outspeed anything unboosted under standard conditions. Acrobatics is the most important move, easily destroying the many fighting types that run rampant in this metagame. Sucker Punch is primarily to kill priority users, or revenge something early in the match before you are ready to pull off a sweep. Explosion is a last ditch effort to do damage, and can do major damage to many Pokemon even with Eviolite. Finally Substitute is because of Drifloons lack of a physical movepool, but is useful for dodging Sucker Punch or scouting switch-ins

Moveset Name: Resttalk
Move 1: Scald
Move 2: Hidden Power [Flying]
Move 3: Rest
Move 4: Sleep talk
Item: Eviolite
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature(s): Timid
IVs: 30 SpA / 30 SpD / 30 Spe
EVs: 36 Def / 200 SpA / 40 SpD / 200 Spe

While this set may seem unoriginal (with resttalk being viable on lots of things...), mantyke's typing and stats allow it to be a very effective check/counter to a lot of pokemon--especially the predominant fighting types in this metagame (watch out for tite tpunch though). It shits over so many things it's not funny; scald has a nice burn chance for the aforementioned fighters, and hp flying has near perfect coverage when combined with scald. Timid nature is used so it can get the jump on stuff like meditite and croagunk, although calm/bold with a more defensive spread is also a possibility. Give it spikes/SR support and this set can run through almost anything not carrying an electric- or rock-type move (both of which are baitable and resisted by ferroseed and/or combinations of other mons).
Ohmygosh that Drifloon looks BADASS

There's actually a Resttalk Mantyke set in the analysis. The speed is cool, but I don't see the point. Croagunk Sucker Punches you anyway, and Meditite can tank HP Flying with Eviolite and ZHB, which probably kills with Fake Out or SR damage. And if it DOES have Tpunch, GG.
That Drifloon IS badass

really the perfect counter for almost every fighter in the whole game, seriously a treath to be considered

Moveset Name: Resttalk
Move 1: Scald
Move 2: Hidden Power [Flying]
Move 3: Rest
Move 4: Sleep talk
Item: Eviolite
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature(s): Timid
IVs: 30 SpA / 30 SpD / 30 Spe
EVs: 36 Def / 200 SpA / 40 SpD / 200 Spe

While this set may seem unoriginal (with resttalk being viable on lots of things...), mantyke's typing and stats allow it to be a very effective check/counter to a lot of pokemon--especially the predominant fighting types in this metagame (watch out for tite tpunch though). It shits over so many things it's not funny; scald has a nice burn chance for the aforementioned fighters, and hp flying has near perfect coverage when combined with scald. Timid nature is used so it can get the jump on stuff like meditite and croagunk, although calm/bold with a more defensive spread is also a possibility. Give it spikes/SR support and this set can run through almost anything not carrying an electric- or rock-type move (both of which are baitable and resisted by ferroseed and/or combinations of other mons).

yeah i came with this a while ago, its even in my rmt lol.

and yea that drifloon set looks p cool, might have to test out my own variation.
bestest set

Chinchou (F) @ Eviolite
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 236 HP / 132 Def / 68 SAtk / 68 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Scald
- Heal Bell

gets 3-4hkoed by missy sball, walls fighters not named meditite to no end, paralyzes everything

sub over heal bell might work, if you don't want the status stuff; i use it like once every ten battles but when i have to use it it saves me

ferroseed walls this to no end but w.e

edit: probably should run more special defense to never get 3hkoed by missy shadow ball, though you risk a special defense drop while doing so

adambaldwin (Lileep) (F) @ Eviolite
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 228 HP / 140 Def / 140 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock / Toxic
- Recover
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Actual Stats without Eviolite calculated: 26 HP / x / 16 Def / 12 SpA / 18 SpD / 8 Spe

Here's the Chinchou (totally destroys the above set), Misdreavus, Carvanha, Staryu, and... Gastly counter/check I used for the majority of this round featured on my rmt here:, and I also wrote up this set for the analysis in C&C.

Takes like 38% from Mixed LO Crunch Carvanha, while it takes 48% from Physical Sweeper LO Crunch Carvanha, and ohkos them both back with a LO Energy Ball. Ice Beam from the aforementioned threats are uncommon, but do like 38% without a LO. Misdreavus can't beat Lileep unless it has Nasty Plot or Trick, as even a LO Timid HP Fighting does 38%. It isn't weak to 4x weak to Fire like Ferroseed, it isn't even weak to fire at all, and its immune to Water-Type attacks, even getting a Special Attack boost from them when hit by it.

It's a wonder why Lileep isn't used more over things like Ferroseed. Probably because of the thought that Lileep is a sand only Pokemon or something, sure it loses the Special Defense boost, but its still a fucking amazing Pokemon without it, and better than stupid Ferroseed! Did I mention it gets Recover and 2HKOs Ferroseed, two big things that that spike ball doesn't get.

Also, that extra point in HP I remember I had it like that for a reason, to take some specific hits (since you could scavenge a SpA and Speed point from that one HP point and Recover rounds up), but I forgot what it was.

Edit: I REMEMBERED! It's to take a Blizzard from Scarf or Eviolite Chinchou / Staryu during Hail and recover off the damage without being 2HKOd, on average. It does 12/26 damage on average and Hail does 1, so if i get hit by Blizzard twice it would add up to 25 damage when counting Hail, but with 26 HP I'll survive with 1 HP, then I can just Recover until Blizzard runs out of PP, since it only has 8.
Moveset Name: Broken Egg
Move 1: Sleep Powder
Move 2: Curse
Move 3: Bullet Seed
Move 4: Return
Item: Oran Berry
Ability: Harvest
Nature(s): Careful
EVs: Ordered HP-116/120/36/0/236/0

This set allows exeggcute to harvest heal with oran berry, then curse to boost his attack and defense. Bullet seed is the only stab exeggcute can get thats physical and return is the hardest hitting attack he can get after that. curse and constant oran berry makes him a wall to be feared the only prob he will have is special attackers with fire/ice/dark/ghost attacks. With those evs his Sp.def is max while giving him some offense

Im testing this right now i have no evidence it is good besides theorymoning
It's not good. Harvest only activates 50% of the time, and it's not bulky enough to tank blizzards from snover or fire blasts from houndour or... I could go on but it dies to special attacks. And without eviolite, probably physical attacks too. You don't hit very hard after a curse anyways. To repeat my original point, it's not good.

Moveset Name: Sub Priority
Move 1: Subsitute
Move 2: Hidden Power [Fighting]
Move 3: Shadow Ball
Move 4: Sucker Punch
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Nature(s): Rash
EVs: 76 Atk / 200 SpA / 200 Spe

Works like a SubSneak Misdreavus, but with a bit more power at the cost of less bulk and speed. The good part about this set is that few things expect it. When they see gastly, they immediately think "LOL SCARFED", then you can use that to your advantage. By setting a sub on Meditite or Misdreavus (if the foe is smart), you can proceed to hammer the opposing pokemon. LO 20 SpA Shadow Ball 2HKOes almost the whole metagame that don't resist it, while dark/steels, who resist it, will be 2HKOed by HP fighting (even Ferroseed). If the foe tries to revenge you with Misdreavus/Gastly/Abra/etc, you can use sucker punch on them. It does 75% on average to Misdreavus that aren't bulky, so if they're weakened enough, they will be KOed.
While this isn't exactly creative or completely new, this is one of the top sets taking over LC this round:


Scraggy @ Eviolite
Trait: Shed Skin
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 Def / 212 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
- Dragon Dance
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Hi Jump Kick

The reason?:

+1 Scraggy Hi Jump Kick vs Standard Eviolite Mienfoo 18 Def & 21 HP (130 Base Power): 19 - 24 (90.48% - 114.29%) - Average of 21 damage OHKO

It can also 2HKO a Timburr / Wooper trying to switch in during a Dragon Dance:

+0 Scraggy Hi Jump Kick vs Standard Eviolite Timburr / Wooper 17 Atk vs 21 Def & 25 HP (130 Base Power): 12 - 15 (48.00% - 60.00%) - Average of 13 damage 2HKO

Just incase the metagame starts rising in usage with already known checks and counters to this set, such as Eviolite Croagunk, FeatherDance Ducklett, or Acid Armor Shelmet; our friendly Scraggy user could be carrying some of these moves over Hi Jump Kick or Drain Punch, just for them:

+0 Scraggy Zen Headbutt vs Eviolite Croagunk 17 Atk vs 18 Def & 22 HP (80 Base Power): 24 - 32 (109.09% - 145.45%)

+1 Scraggy Head Smash vs Eviolite Ducklett 25 Atk vs 21 Def & 25 HP (150 Base Power): 26 - 32 (104.00% - 128.00%)

+1 Scraggy ThunderPunch vs Eviolite Ducklett 25 Atk vs 21 Def & 25 HP (75 Base Power): 28 - 36 (112.00% - 144.00%)

+1 Scraggy Head Smash vs Defensive Shelmet 25 Atk vs 27 Def & 23 HP (150 Base Power): 22 - 26 (95.65% - 113.04%) - Average of 22 damage, OHKO with SR or any previous light tap during the battle

Also, just to clarify, a STAB Hi Jump Kick does more than a super effective Zen Headbutt (195 BP vs 160 BP).
Deino (F) @ Eviolite
Trait: Hustle
EVs: 100 HP / 236 Atk / 36 Def / 36 SDef / 52 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- Fire Fang
- Crunch
- Thunder Wave / Ice Fang

rawr. that's what deino says. yknow, coz he's a monster. in all seriousness, i used this set before the massive (stupid) bannings of round 4, and it actually worked pretty well. eviolite + deino's good typing allows it to tank a plethora of hits and one of the biggest perks was acting as a full counter to every single carvanha set. it could also act as a semi-reliable missy check with crunch. the biggest thing about this set though, and probably the only reason to even use deino (which also happens to be it's most evident weakness) is the awesome wall breaking ability that hustle provides. the accuracy drop is pretty annoying, but the sheer power that deino has deters a shit ton of things from switching in and ensures that deino wasn't just a sitting log in a meta filled with bulky fighters waiting to destroy it. on the more technical side of things, well uh who am i kidding, there isn't anything technical about this set. switch into a resisted attack, click outrage / coverage move and wreck shit, all while praying you don't miss. fire fang lets you hit steels, namely ferroseed, which in turn makes deino a good partner for waters who need ferro gone (like chinchou and staryu). the last slot is mainly filler: thunder wave helps remedy deino's abysmal speed while ice fang rapes gligar on the switch, possibly ohkoing with a little prior damage.

like i said, this was built for the previous metagame but i forgot to post it then! idk if it'll work in the new meta, as it's main niche of countering vanha is gone, but i'm sure it can at least do something useful. be sure to look out for a lot more of these posts by me though because with the lack of a new suspect round as of yet, i've been testing a lot of crazy shit.


Chun-Li @ Choice Specs
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 236 SAtk / 240 Spd
Modest / Rash
- Aura Sphere
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Psychic]
- Grass Knot / U-turn

Ever want a Fighting-type Special Attacker with a reliable and strong STAB move? Well, here you go. Mienfoo is the only Pokemon in LC that can legally use Aura Sphere. With 22 Special Attack with Choice Specs, her Kikoken- er, I mean Aura Sphere packs quite a punch. When you need ULTIMATE POWER, use Focus Blast, which will essentially annihilate anything that isn't part Ghost-type... if it hits. Hidden Power deals with Gastly and Croagunk. Grass Knot hits Slowpoke, who otherwise resists this entire set. U-Turn can be used as an alternative to Grass Knot.

And know what's the best part is about using a Special Attacking Fighting-type is?

Switching into Will-O-Wisp and not becoming a dead weight:toast:
Abra @ Focus Sash
Trait: Magic Guard
EVs: 240 SAtk / 196 Spd
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Ground] / Hidden Power [Fighting]
- Encore

Not really that creative but it's new. You basically just guarantee two hard-hitting attacks with Abra, what could go wrong? You can abuse Encore and revenge kill basically anything. Psychic is his main attack, Shadow Ball is for Slowpoke, and HP Ground hits almost every dark type for SE.
I originally had Fighting slashed before ground but I figured that the Dark-types that are going to Pursuit (Stunky included) you are most dangerous than Scraggy who's just going to set up it's predictable DD.
leech seed
stealth rocks
energy ball
item:peteya berry
nature: +sp atk -sp def
252 sp atk 252 def 4hp

my first post.... (by the way im giong through a phase where i like elipsis for some reason...)never told any one about my set ideas before so this is a good chance......
It's nice to see you're taking an interest in Little Cup as you join Smogon! You're not off to a bad start.

I would recommend something defensive over Rash though. You're not using any physical attacks firstly, so it's a good idea to lower Attack to keep all your other stats as high as possible. Secondly, this set doesn't really want Special Attack investment since you're only using one attack. Peteya Berry would be really cool with Substitute and Overgrow honestly, but it's not released. Good idea though! I would probably use Eviolite as the item.

I want to recommend Giga Drain over Energy Ball. It trails EB's power by a mere 5, and it heals upon use, so it would really help with a set that uses Substitute.

Perhaps use Toxic over Stealth Rock? Stealth Rock definitely is a good move to use, but a Pokemon that uses Substitute usually wants as many moveslots as it can get. Dwebble makes a good partner with Turtwig because it can set up hazards for Turtwig and kill Gastly with Rock Blast.

Oh, and one more thing. EVs are different in Little Cup. Pokemon are level 5, so they don't get 1 stat point every 4 EVs. You can see how distribution works in LC all over the internet, and there is a guide on Smogon as well.

So reflecting on what I said above, the set should probably look something like this:

name: Subwig
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Leech Seed
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Giga Drain
item: Eviolite
nature: Calm
ability: Overgrow
evs: 244 Def / 236 SpD / 28 Spe
im glad it could actually be used because when i look over most of the other sets i made they just look pointless so ....
bluenose/diglet@oran berry
arena trap (shiny)
hone claws
sucker punch
rock slide
100 HP / 236 Atk / 36 Def / 36 SDef / 52 Spe

the baby version of revenge killing dugtrio really..... it speaks for itself even without a mouth!
bluenose/diglet@oran berry
arena trap (shiny)
hone claws
sucker punch
rock slide
100 HP / 236 Atk / 36 Def / 36 SDef / 52 Spe

the baby version of revenge killing dugtrio really..... it speaks for itself even without a mouth!

First of all, Diglett should not be using Oran Berry under any circumstance. Life Orb is much much much better and it allows for Diglett to do more damage. Hone Claws + Arena Trap + Choiced Electric-type move allows it to set up to +6 Atk, +6 Acc. A better set would be:

Diglett @ Life Orb
Arena Trap
~hone claws
~sucker punch
~rock slide
36 HP / 236 Atk / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)