League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


Makin' PK Love
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You never harass with W, only harass with Q. While W does the most damage, Q is mana efficient for the damage it does, W is really mana heavy.

You only use W when you're going for your lvl 6 kill and need the extra burst.

That's the reason 95% of Orianna players whine about mana costs, because they're trying to spam W.


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
You don't Q at every opportunity you have to use it. I usually just last hit until level 5, only Qing to keep my ball out in enemy range. It's when you get blue buff that you can go crazy but she really is mana reliant.

And yea, don't use your W. You may deal less damage but Q's what you need to be using because it's all about your ball positioning and if you can learn that, that's key for a good Ori player.


Banned deucer.
q will probably push your lane if you spam it too much unless you can use it good enough to never hit any minions or you are facing someone who autoattacks
q will probably push your lane if you spam it too much unless you can use it good enough to never hit any minions or you are facing someone who autoattacks
If your harassing with it, doesn't it already behoove you not to be running through waves of minions anyway, as it reduces damage. I assume it's not too hard to position it so it only passes through maybe one minions on its, so I doubt it's really going to be hard to maintain the position of the lane.


property of alex
playing a champion labelled support as a tanky dps never quite works for me, but mostly because of other people's attitudes. if i kill someone it's a ks, if i farm i'm in the wrong, if i don't max my heal first i'm useless, if i don't take cv i get endless qq about wards expiring, the list goes on.. it's more trouble than it's worth in a solo queue :) people will never adapt to it


(* ̄(エ) ̄*)
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Championis a Two-Time Past WCoP Champion
if you hit someone with a q you should w as well. how else do you expect to wear down your opponent...

use mana regen/lvl runes if you aren't already
if you hit someone with a q you should w as well. how else do you expect to wear down your opponent...

use mana regen/lvl runes if you aren't already
Why do you have to? All you need to do with your ball is zone as you farm, if she is anything at all like other mids. wasting all your mana on harass is never an ideal strategy, especially when you are pretty unlikely to get a kill form that in lane as Orianna
Question: are flat mana regen seals ever worth it? Like, seals alone don't even add up to 4mp/5, and there are so many items that could provide better regen.
I don't think anyone "needs" mana regen yellows, but I tend to use a handful along with armor/scaling ap to give a little extra regen for the early levels without wasting potential later game harass as an AP or hurting my survivability as an AD or Support. You definitely don't need any sort of mana regen on Fiddle to successfully jungle if you start with Blue but if you lose at 1 you can't full clear unless you Doran's+Mana Regen of some sort yellows, and even then you can't do Red. I can't imagine a situation where I'd want a full page of Flats or many scaling regens (because usually by the time they're meaningful you can get Philos and that lets you harass a decent bit with most champions), but I'd definitely suggest owning at least 5 or so flats for when you want some breathing room.

In other news with season 2 resetting and changing so much of the game with masteries and summoner spells and so many balance changes and the ladder resets and whatever I've been trying to pick up all the champions I like with some degree of seriousness since this seems like as good of a time as any to break in some new champions. I've been working on Rammus, Ryze, and TF lately, which are all characters I think are really fun but haven't spent much time to get comfortable with. I'm trying to get the pool of champions I feel good about to about 20, which I'd be pretty close to once I'm in better shape with them.
Utility is super top heavy. It's lower levels are generally inferior to the lower levels of offense or defense, but it's final point is by far the best among the trees
Fiddle should get flat mana regen seals because he should be starting at double golems because it helps him get to 6 faster which will help with getting dragons. Also if you start at blue and it gets stolen without the seals you'll have to back repeatedly because you'll keep running oom until you can afford a second doran's ring.

Anivia also greatly benefits from scaling mana regen seals since she can flat out beat pretty much every ap carry except vlad and sometimes kass. The seals help her harass until she can secure a kill, and since I start doran's the seals and regen from the ring along with her egg passive allow her to stay in lane for a long time.
I'm kinda surprised at TSM sweeping Dignitas. Maybe it's the gaming house or maybe Dignitas just wasn't playing as usual, but I was surprised to see TSM take a win over them.
I enjoyed Dignitas saying that they knew how TSM played when interviewed yesterday and that they wanted to get them today. Glad that worked out for them.

Honestly, though, I wonder if that comment isn't more telling than you'd think (beyond Dignitas putting their feet down their throats, I mean)... Dignitas is starting to lose that edge the more they play in big events where they know a bunch about their opponents and their opponents don't know so much about them, I think things will get trickier for them from here. TSM definitely looks better than I remember seeing them in a tournament though, things really clicking for them. Still think their top lane is a weak link compared to the top laners of the other big NA teams, but as a complete unit they're looking up.

Expecting Epik to take it since they have the series edge going in though, tough to get around those (ask CDE!).
Nocturne: bruiser or assassin?
Bruiser is definitely the stronger way to build. It actually lets you initiate team fights by diving onto their squishy - otherwise, you just get bursted down in a matter of seconds. Building Atmog's as opposed to Ghostblade/I-Edge/Phantom Dancer or something lets you deal tons of damage and zone like crazy, as opposed to waiting for someone else to try to initiate and then praying that you don't get focused.
TSM is playing godlike right now :
-Chaox : Incredibly consistant, amazing farm, amazing play with pretty much all AD Carries, godlike placement,... surely one of the strongest assets of TSM
-Reginald : His aggressive playstyle worked very well, getting kills 1 to 1, succesful ganks with Oddone, absolutely decisive in teamfights with his positioning. Not very consistant but he is playing at his best right now.
-TheOddOne : Dat Maokai Jungle.
-The Rain Man : So carrying that late game with Trundle, perfect TPs most of the time, epic in teamfights

Hoping to see some godlike AoE comp from Epik, those matches will be epic.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
blah blah blah wanna talk about fizz blah blah blah actually playing > watching other people do it

Surge is ass for 90% of champions for the same reason Nashor's Tooth is a shitty item. Maokai rape, Trundle top such-and-such continually prove that most champions are Better Than They Think in general and in any lane. And I like my mana regen seals because it means my AP champs can sustain in lane long enough to hold out for the Catalyst or NLR or whatever.

What I do think is interesting is the effective gold value of the masteries, saw an interesting thread on lol.com yesterday I know I linked to MrE and probably more people should read as they figure out their new masteries: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1489938
As I actually made a post in that topic, I think the basic premise of "Offense >> all" is a misguided concept. Just using the gold values of the masteries the topic creator handily provided, Defense is certainly competitive with AD Offense. (AP is harder to gauge because Archmage scales and Havoc isn't as easily evaluated as Vampirism but I imagine it's the same deal.) The Armor/MR talents are reasonable, Durability + Veteran's Scars is very good and by that point, you just need one point to start hitting the bottom half of the tree which may well just go in the Summoner mastery. People have mixed opinions of Initiator but the CDR talent is great regardless, Honor Guard compares favorably with Havoc (e.g. 100 > 100*0.985*1.015) and Juggernaut is far and away better than Executioner. Even just among the evaluated masteries, Defense is already more valuable than Offense at Level 18 (once Durability is maxing out) and has far better unevaluated masteres.

Because of that, I actually find myself going Defense even on "offensive" champions (like Fizz!) that deal hybrid damage, thereby not taking full advantage of the single-minded Offense masteries (ArPen doesn't affect magic damage and vice-versa for MPen, etc.) where everything in Defense, except the tier one Armor/MR, is always working at 100% against everyone. (I wouldn't do it on Kog'maw but shush ye.)

As for Utility, it's essentially the same as before with fluff added: Tier 1 fluff, same movespeed/EXP/gold/CDR on the way up to the 21-pointer which didn't change. Awareness and Swiftness switched places, Swiftness movespeed got nerfed by 1% but Greed gets you an extra gold/10 if you don't care for the mana/regen talents. Same thing as before, so there's no reason to say it's "underpowered" now unless it was always underpowered. It looks less appealing because AP carries actually have the option to go Offense now but I wouldn't specifically say that Utility is underpowered. Increased EXP gain is still boss, considering how many kills in lane come about once people hit Lv6 for their ults, movespeed is still the best stat in the game, and even this nerfed (per-point) Greed is one of the highest gold-value masteries in any game that isn't a 20-minute surrender.

The only things I don't particularly alike, aside some of the masteries just being terrible (Vigor and Evasion in Defense, lolsage who came up with that POS?), is that Mental Force != Brute Force and the AP part of Offense is boring as fuck. Phreak posted this in the linked topic about the Defense tree:

As a tank, cooldown reduction is your single most important offensive/disruptive stat. Every tank wants cooldown reduction. Every tank also knows that their gold isn't coming from minions and farming. Their gold comes from participation in team fights and they're getting bonus gold with every assist. Tanks also fight with their team and spearhead pushes. Tanks would like to make enemy turrets die faster.

I think that's a way more compelling mastery tree than, "Here's some armor. Now here's some more armor. Now here's some armor when X happens."
But then what did they do with the Offense revamp for AP champions? "Here's some AP. Now here's some more AP. Now here's some AP scaling on your AP." Come on, man! Where's the flat MPen analogy to Sunder? How about that Spell Vamp mastery being in Offense instead of Utility? It's like they didn't even try.

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