
DW Breloom will really shake up the meta. With 2 new very good sets (CB and SD) every team should be well prepared to face the lazy mushroom.
I can't wait for it. Damn Troll Freak not releasing it in either of the forest or the mountain area...
I Don't Know how viable a CB set will be because he then can't use spore as effectively and doesn't have U-Turn like Scizor. I Defiantly think the SD set will be by far the most used because I've been trying it out on simulators and it just completely rapes, Any slower Pokemon is just complete set up fodder and I would like to point out you should always go for jolly to catch things like adamant Dragonite and Gyarados.
I Don't Know how viable a CB set will be because he then can't use spore as effectively and doesn't have U-Turn like Scizor. I Defiantly think the SD set will be by far the most used because I've been trying it out on simulators and it just completely rapes, Any slower Pokemon is just complete set up fodder and I would like to point out you should always go for jolly to catch things like adamant Dragonite and Gyarados.
The CB set is going to be in par with the SD set. If you don't believe me go and see Lee's calculations about how it 2hkoes almost anything. They are a few pages behind.
It's just if your not using Spore then your not using Breloom to his full potential, why have 1.5x attack and not be abile to switch moves when you could have 2.3x attack, a sleeping Pokemon and the ability to switch moves?
It's just if your not using Spore then your not using Breloom to his full potential, why have 1.5x attack and not be abile to switch moves when you could have 2.3x attack, a sleeping Pokemon and the ability to switch moves?

SD has Spore and Swords Dance, leaving room for only two moves (hint: Breloom will be walled); the CB set has four moves, will wreck shit AND bluff a Spore on the first turn because no one really likes giving Breloom a free turn.
SD has Spore and Swords Dance, leaving room for only two moves (hint: Breloom will be walled); the CB set has four moves, will wreck shit AND bluff a Spore on the first turn because no one really likes giving Breloom a free turn.

but even a resisted +2 techni-mach/bullet seed will still hurt.

how about a bulkup-techni set? great for late game sweeping.
It's just if your not using Spore then your not using Breloom to his full potential, why have 1.5x attack and not be abile to switch moves when you could have 2.3x attack, a sleeping Pokemon and the ability to switch moves?
Because you have the ability to straight-up 2hko almost the whole meta. Both sets are very good but play very different.
The SD set is a sweeper and the CB set is a wallbreaker.
The first set can sweep after its counters are gone,while the second can destroy everything with good prediction!
For example the CB set can destroy Lati@s,Dragonite,Salamence,Jirachi,Chandelure,Haxorus,Volcarona,Tornadus and Metagross,which all get 2hkoed from the right move, without any setup while the SD set gets walled if Sleep Clause has been activated.

It's a difference of greater initial or potential power rly,and the ability to change moves of 'course.
Warning, big rant here.

I'm seriously thinking this little mushroom is overpowered. The only counters to this thing are Gliscor,Espeon/Xatu, and Celebi. Lum berry works only once, allowing his breloom to switch and react, the newer bulk up version has enough special defense to take common special attacks aimed at it (and if not, just spore it on the switch), and tricking a scarf on to it gives you only one shot at doing it. Maybe Breloom isn't overpowered, but the 100% sleep inducing attack with the new generation 5 mechanics is. Some say sleep clause is Breloom's biggest threat and, well, it is. But having a pokemon asleep is left as set up bait, a crippled pokemon (1/6 of your team!) and adds more luck into the metagame by praying you wake up soon. So what i'm asking you guys here is, does anyone counter this thing besides the 4 pokemon mentioned earlier or one of the awful insomnia users?
Warning, big rant here.

I'm seriously thinking this little mushroom is overpowered. The only counters to this thing are Gliscor,Espeon/Xatu, and Celebi. Lum berry works only once, allowing his breloom to switch and react, the newer bulk up version has enough special defense to take common special attacks aimed at it (and if not, just spore it on the switch), and tricking a scarf on to it gives you only one shot at doing it. Maybe Breloom isn't overpowered, but the 100% sleep inducing attack with the new generation 5 mechanics is. Some say sleep clause is Breloom's biggest threat and, well, it is. But having a pokemon asleep is left as set up bait, a crippled pokemon (1/6 of your team!) and adds more luck into the metagame by praying you wake up soon. So what i'm asking you guys here is, does anyone counter this thing besides the 4 pokemon mentioned earlier or one of the awful insomnia users?

Just sac a pokemon for sleep (the least useful one that you can tell from teamviewer) and switch in your powerful special attacker (Latios, Reuniclus, Tornadus, Hydreigon, Offensive Heatran) and you can force it out or kill it.
ATM, for some reason, I feel as if breloom has become the most formidable poke in the meta. Sporing=instamomentum+almost better than killing it+setup+repeat in many instances
do you tink techniloom will make exca go back to OU? he'll have the strongest mach punch in the game which is feared by exca...
Just sac a pokemon for sleep (the least useful one that you can tell from teamviewer) and switch in your powerful special attacker (Latios, Reuniclus, Tornadus, Hydreigon, Offensive Heatran) and you can force it out or kill it.

That's what I have been doing, but its like an instant kill. Whoever you sacrifice is basically out of the game, making the score 6-5. It's not like it stops there, as Breloom can set up and do work on top of that as well.
That's what I have been doing, but its like an instant kill. Whoever you sacrifice is basically out of the game, making the score 6-5. It's not like it stops there, as Breloom can set up and do work on top of that as well.

What's even more fun is brelooms status immunity.

Leading with him is even better. Anything slower comes, you are now 6-5 with a setup breloom. Scary

I don't see why breloom died down for a while. He is ridiculously good.

He can even act as a mini stallrein... toxicorb, any kind of status/leech seed/weather and he can sub and protect to oblivion. Can lo stall like that too
I don't see why breloom died down for a while. He is ridiculously good.

given the powerhouses of OU, he just can't keep up even with the bulk he has right now. Dunno though if techniloom will come out, i believe that'll be a beast.

plus a good counter to breloom is fast substitute such as gengar's, that's why i'm not having problems with breloom right now.
given the powerhouses of OU, he just can't keep up even with the bulk he has right now. Dunno though if techniloom will come out, i believe that'll be a beast.

plus a good counter to breloom is fast substitute such as gengar's, that's why i'm not having problems with breloom right now.

Spore+Sub=Powerhouse either sleeps or eats a focus punch before I switch to a priority user to finish the job
what i mean is breloom has hard time switching in in this current meta..i'm wrong probably but i found him easily 2hko'ed by any strong OUs.
what i mean is breloom has hard time switching in in this current meta..i'm wrong probably but i found him easily 2hko'ed by any strong OUs.

of course he is killed easily. the point is that he never has to be vulnerable. Come in on anything slower or unthreatening, spore, sub and you are set to take on the switchin (or if they stay in, rinse and repeat)

i have had many games in which there was a constant breloom rape stream as the only thing my opp had that could take focus punches (like 4 things in the meta...) or seed bombs were dead/died while sleeping anyways.

Hell, seed bomb even does like 30-40% to gengar
+1 or +2 seed bomb should ohko gengar..but the sub+disable set of gengar kills breloom.

5 other pokes and/or by then, loom has caused enough damage as either gengae is sleeping (ie, can't sub or disable cuz its gunna die) or something else is sleeping (and other things are likelydead)
5 other pokes and/or by then, loom has caused enough damage as either gengae is sleeping (ie, can't sub or disable cuz its gunna die) or something else is sleeping (and other things are likelydead)

you forgot gengar is faster than breloom. loom can't spore him behind subs.
what i mean is breloom has hard time switching in in this current meta..i'm wrong probably but i found him easily 2hko'ed by any strong OUs.

I don't think that the idea of SubPunch Breloom is to switch in too often, it's one of those Pokemon where you switch it in only when it's safe, expect it to void one of your opponent's Pokemon (either by sleep or SubPunch) and hope for a second to go as well. Then Breloom's job is done, and you just use it for SubPunch and Seed Bomb spamming (likely Seed Bomb spam just incase you live long enough to fire off an attack after your sub is gone).

I guess the point is Breloom is a Pokemon that thrives on 1 for 1 trades, with the advantage of having Spore to make it a 1 for 1.5 or sometimes 1 for 2 trade depending on who falls asleep. Not really meant to constantly be switching in.

To be fair, I run a U Turn team, so I can often switch in after the opponent's attacked, which is a major boon for Breloom.
you forgot gengar is faster than breloom. loom can't spore him behind subs.

I meant that you have 5 other pokes to deal with gar or breloom spores on the switch or is already behind a sub, seed bomb breakd gar's subs so loom wins.

I use loom in the exact same way: on a momentum team as he most certainly grabs momentum for me