Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

Solar Flares, Gellenduos, Germs, and Bounders can go. Maybe one Lava Golem. You're going to want to get Nurse right away. My old build ran three Nurse, Jar, Marshmallon, Reaper, two Mystic Tomatoes. Actually. Can the stall. Run Two Chain Strikes, Reckless Greeds, Just Desserts, maybe accumulated fortunes... three threatening roars or wabokus.

I like Chain Reverse Burn.
Solar Flares, Gellenduos, Germs, and Bounders can go. Maybe one Lava Golem. You're going to want to get Nurse right away. My old build ran three Nurse, Jar, Marshmallon, Reaper, two Mystic Tomatoes. Actually. Can the stall. Run Two Chain Strikes, Reckless Greeds, Just Desserts, maybe accumulated fortunes... three threatening roars or wabokus.

I like Chain Reverse Burn.

I would only really run either Chain Burn or just Reverse Burn. Mixing them will hurt the consistency/synergy. They play totally differently for burn decks.

Also Cshadow, I would just listen to Glen. Sinister Serpent is stupid. Cards have costs for a reason, and it may lead to a slight rise in decks which can abuse Sinister Serpent.

As for the banlists, I agree and disagree with some things. Just please keep it civil with the debating.

Any suggestions?
I feel like there's something missing, but I'm not sure what and I'm planning on using this deck at a local tournament soon
Trooper, Double Penguin, and one Fautroll need to go. Needs a third Darksoul. And a bunch of other fixes too, but those are the biggest ones I can see.
penguin soldier is a funny side deck card against gladiator beasts but i do not see why you would main or side it this format; it seems like it's been a long time since glads topped anything

triple fautroll actually can work and is awesome, but the only builds i've seen do it are ones that also maxed out on Duality and Gottom's Emergency Call (which by the way I also recommend)

i will freely admit that i do not have much experience piloting x-sabers myself, but i know a lot of people irl who do and based on their builds, and playing both with and against sabers, i would recommend:

-1 swords of revealing light
-1 card trooper
-1 xx-saber fulhelmknight
-2 reinforce truth
-2 compulsory evacuation device
-2 penguin soldier
-2 x-saber airbellum
-3 saber hole in main deck
-3 saber slash

-1 red dragon archfiend in extra
-1 x-saber wayne in extra
-1 scrap archfiend in extra

+1 heavy storm
+1 reinforcement of the army
+1 pot of duality
+1 monster reborn
+1 book of moon
+1 forbidden lance
+1 solemn warning
+1 trap stun
+1 torrential tribute
+1 super-nimble mega hamster
+1 xx-saber darksoul
+2 mystical space typhoon
+2 call of the haunted
+2 effect veiler

+1 x-saber urbellum in extra (rarely a good choice tbh, but it's at least on-theme unlike scrap archfiend meaning boggart knight can be used to make it in a pinch)
+1 naturia beast in extra
+1 of the new x-saber xyz in extra (honestly have not gotten a chance to try him out yet
and wouldn't be surprised if that makes this entire post outdated info)

+2 saber hole in side deck
+2 trap stun in side deck
+1 mst in side deck

side decks should really be the kind of thing the player decided for themselves but i see these as a must tbh

i really hate telling people to take out 10+ cards of their deck, doubly so when talking about irl builds, but in this case i feel it's highly warranted lol

now what i will admit is a few points of contention with other saber pilots:

1) whether reinforce truth is worth running at all, and if so at how many copies; personally i don't like the card at all and think it just takes away space you could be using on better cards

2) how many effect veilers to run, if any: i like two, many people i know say 1 or even 0, but i get the feeling a lot of those people are gonna change their minds on this once inzectors are legal in the tcg

3) double call of the haunted: i like this in x-sabers because it makes gottom's emergency call live more often, plain and simple. you can easily go from having 0 monsters on field to 3 by reviving a mon with call, then flipping emergency call to get out two more

4) mst vs trap stun; i like maining 2 mst and 1 trap stun, going into the sideboard game 2 and swapping depending on the match-up
To any Aussies here who play is there anywhere public that you play at like a card shop or something or do you just play with your mates at their house?
I agree with Phantasia on the Inzektors part haha.

I have actually been contemplating selling a lot of my synchros and stuff recently. I don't travel to play in YCS' and my nearest local shop closed down so it's kinda been a bummer. ;(
@Yuki: wouldn't the classic side of Legendary Jujitsu Master work better against Gladiator Beasts? Penguin Soldier seems better vs decks which use Synchros.
I would only really run either Chain Burn or just Reverse Burn. Mixing them will hurt the consistency/synergy. They play totally differently for burn decks.

Also Cshadow, I would just listen to Glen. Sinister Serpent is stupid. Cards have costs for a reason, and it may lead to a slight rise in decks which can abuse Sinister Serpent.

As for the banlists, I agree and disagree with some things. Just please keep it civil with the debating.

I came in like 30th at a regional with Chain Reverse burn. You run chain strikes, just desserts, secret barrels, reckless greeds, threatening roars, gift cards, paths of destiny, and upstarts. They really work well together. And with One Day's Peace or whatever, you can protect Nurse more easily. The trick is not to try to go for game right away.
I came in like 30th at a regional with Chain Reverse burn. You run chain strikes, just desserts, secret barrels, reckless greeds, threatening roars, gift cards, paths of destiny, and upstarts. They really work well together. And with One Day's Peace or whatever, you can protect Nurse more easily. The trick is not to try to go for game right away.

I see no reason to run that over the best possible build of Chain Strike burn though. It seems more like a Nurse Reficule turbo based deck, which is different. Is that what that is?
Isn't Dimacari bad? I mean, it offers no real advantage. Attacking twice doesn't seem to be big enough of a deal to warrant a couple of slots in your deck.

The Glad Beast deck I'm thinking of running IRL any suggestions would be great.
It's not good but it's not the worst thing ever. First thing don't run Dimacri or whatever, it's not worth it. 2 Hoplomus isn't good, 1 isn't even fantastic, it's a dead draw late game. Test Tiger is only worth it in AHL, so I'd say go Tigerless. 3 Proving isn't necessary. I don't like Prisma, Murmillo or Hoplomus but Thunder Kings and Retiari are good. I don't like Shard of Greed and that E-Con and the thing beside it seem kind of random.

Now for replacements I reccomend Thunder King, Retiaris, Dualities max out Lance and tech a Shrink or two. DPrisons and Starlight Roads are good in GBs too to deal with Kristyas and stuff and so you draw Roads more consistently.

Mirror Force can be dropped for a Safe Zone and I am not a fan of Call in GBs anyways so you could add another Safe Zone in it's place. 3 Laquaris aren't really necessary so I would drop 1 for a Fiendish Chain and drop an Equeste for Neo-Spacian Grand Mole or another Fiendish Chain.

EDIT: You need Heraklinos and Leviair in the extra deck.

Made an Infernity deck a few days ago. It works pretty well in its current state, but any criticisms will be welcomed towards it. (I don't want to get rid of Red Nova though.) Also, while I'm here, I'd like to be added to the DN name list. My name on DN is RenegadeKingShawn.
Ninjas are actually pretty diverse from what I've seen. You can use Dino Ninjas (with Guaiba), Simorgh Ninjas, XYZ Ninjas, or a variant where White Dragon Ninja annoys the crap out of everything with Safe Zone.

I tried out someone's version. It was Dino XyZ White Dragon Ninjas. I really like White Dragon though. Want to make a deck out of him :)
I play competitively whenever I get the chance to. I also topped the last YCS San Jose, though not in spectacular fashion.

Anyone going to YCS Long Beach? I'll probably be there as well.