League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


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is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
was building shen AD like most people have been saying to do, but now liquid comes out with a guide saying to go AP. what do?

Rylai's lets Vorpal slow but that's effectively the only spell it works on, since his only other damaging spell CCs anyone hit for the slow duration anyway. The only real advantage is that you can slow at ranged but it's limited by your Energy and Vorpal Blade is Shen's worst use of Energy in a late-game teamfight. Frozen Mallet will add more damage on average, gives 200 more Health and has a stronger slow that doesn't require your Energy to stick.

Abyssal Scepter is the only really viable AP item on Shen and it's not because of the AP. I mean he does scale with AP, albeit poorly, but it's the MR reduce aura that really scales your damage if you're building on-hit (or AP for some reason). The aura also benefits the rest of your team and it's a primary source of MR... Gunblade is maybe okay too but it's more the LS/SV and active ability, where again the AP is just a bonus. Deathcap? Don't make me laugh, it's terrible. AP is a small perk on any item Shen might buy that actually has any AP on it.

The only reason AP is any good at all is that his ult's shield scales very well with it but even so, the base is pretty high and the main point of it isn't actually the shield anyway (though it is necessary to ensure it isn't too easy to cancel the teleport by killing his target). Damage-wise, Shen's combined AP ratios are worse than half the AD carries in the game. :/

Eventually we just kept chaining our CC to get free kills on Olaf
The general consensus seems to be that she isn't bad, just not necessarily solo queue oriented. She doesn't have hard CC outside of her ult, so it's not as obvious to randoms when you have an enemy locked down. Rather, similar to Ashe, Sejuani is a very good champion who brings tons of utility to the table, but lacks the damage other champions in her area possess. Therefore, she is best used when you know your team will take full use of your CC.

TL;DR Ok in solo queue, amazing in premade.
Yeah, she has the best ult in the game but only if your team hops on the people you nail with it. Also, I find she's hard to build to carry when you're the only good one on your team.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Her ult is by most accounts a poor man's Depth Charge. Thorns actually made the same statement on IRC yesterday and it brought about that discussion. (The correct answer is actually Endless Rage but I digress.) It also made me consider how eerily similar Sejuani and Nautilus are, which is kind of a poor move on Riot's part considering they're one champion away from having been released consecutively. :/

Passive: autoattack trigger that helps keep the target from escaping
Q: mobility and initiator move
W: shitty AoE; nautilus' is actually a tank move at heart at least but even so it doubles as a shitty AoE
E: low-damage AoE slow
R: long-range AoE stun

They even have the same total AP ratios! Which kinda blew my mind when I figured that Nautilus should probably be built as tanky AP, yet pegged Sejuani for a tanky DPS build due to her low ratios. (That still has some merit: Nautilus has crappy base Attack Speed where Sejuani's is quite high.) If anything, it makes more sense for Sejuani to build AP since her W is a pure damage move where Nautilus' is shield first (which scales off HP), damage second. Either way, their damage is quite sub-par.

I mostly just wanted to point that out. 8) But seriously, Depth Charge stuns for the same duration as Glacial Prison and can also hit multiple targets... deals more damage, has a much shorter cooldown, and can't be blocked by a tanky frontline. The only notable advantage of GP is the longer range but even Depth Charge has a rather long casting range, especially for a point-and-click spell., that it's like complaining Caitlyn's ult doesn't have the same range as Lux's.
Her ult is by most accounts a poor man's Depth Charge. Thorns actually made the same statement on IRC yesterday and it brought about that discussion. (The correct answer is actually Endless Rage but I digress.) It also made me consider how eerily similar Sejuani and Nautilus are, which is kind of a poor move on Riot's part considering they're one champion away from having been released consecutively. :/

Passive: autoattack trigger that helps keep the target from escaping
Q: mobility and initiator move
W: shitty AoE; nautilus' is actually a tank move at heart at least but even so it doubles as a shitty AoE
E: low-damage AoE slow
R: long-range AoE stun

They even have the same total AP ratios! Which kinda blew my mind when I figured that Nautilus should probably be built as tanky AP, yet pegged Sejuani for a tanky DPS build due to her low ratios. (That still has some merit: Nautilus has crappy base Attack Speed where Sejuani's is quite high.) If anything, it makes more sense for Sejuani to build AP since her W is a pure damage move where Nautilus' is shield first (which scales off HP), damage second. Either way, their damage is quite sub-par.

I mostly just wanted to point that out. 8) But seriously, Depth Charge stuns for the same duration as Glacial Prison and can also hit multiple targets... deals more damage, has a much shorter cooldown, and can't be blocked by a tanky frontline. The only notable advantage of GP is the longer range but even Depth Charge has a rather long casting range, especially for a point-and-click spell., that it's like complaining Caitlyn's ult doesn't have the same range as Lux's.
O.o I've heard the complete opposite; Depth Charge is a poor man's Glacial Prison. Depth Charge isn't that much of an initiation move, primarily because of how close you have to be. Rather, it seems to be most effective when you're already in the fight (no point in knocking everyone up just to have them be down when you reach your target). In addition, Sejuani can apply a huge slow to multiple champs without being close to them. Furthermore, imo a skillshot will always be superior when it comes to initiating than a targeted spell will. This is because you can afford to make blind shots, or catch people in bushes when you know they're there but can't see. Skillshots are usually supposed to be high risk, high reward skills, and in that regard, I'd say Sejuani's ult wins. I still believe that Sejuani will be stronger than Nautilus in a premade; however, Nautilus' CC is a lot more obvious to the random person. Your teammates can more easily register the target Nautilus chose because you can't ignore the giant anchor on your screen.

Sejuani is faster, has more health until they both hit level 18, has higher AD, base AS, AS/level, base armor, armor/level, base hp5, and hp5/level. And while she doesn't possess Nautilus' shield, she can cross walls and slow enemies without being as close as Nautilus. Honestly, Nautilus doesn't possess the CC Sejuani has. If anything, I'd say Nautilus is the more damage-oriented tank (keep in mind that his Q has a high AP ratio, his W has a DoT that adds up if you hit them over the duration, and his E should have a, what, 0.825 AP ratio if hit with all 3 blasts?), similar to Blitzcrank in that regard. Sejuani just won't have his damage, even if you went full AP. That's why she'll always be the better utility tank, imo.

But yet again, permaslows aren't something that randoms seem to pick up on as good CC. So in solo queue, Nautilus will seem superior because of his single-target disruption, his root passive, his non-skillshot ult, and his superior damage. Idk, Sejuani is the better utility tank imo; Nautilus can kind of do what she can, but with less emphasis on utility and more on damage.
I'm THIS CLOSE to cameoing in that thread

Also I recently discovered I have a straight crush on Miss Fortune, really enjoy her place in the meta finally now that so many other ADs have been toned down the past couple of months and her animations are nice(outside of her ult...) and smooth. Bot lane is in a pretty nice place atm, would love a couple more supports but with all the ADs but Twitch usable and more competitively viable supports than I can remember having (Soraka Sona Alistar Taric Janna Nunu Leona Galio are all good and some others are at least usable), enjoying this patch a lot. Finding a lot of times when I'm messing around that characters I don't play are better than I expected rather than worse for once... a nice change.
EU seems to be trying support Fiddlesticks, but I'm not seeing how that's going to work outside the fear.

Double silence when you catch them in a bad position, zone out the sidebrush if you can clear it of wards. Terrify at rank 5 is the longest lasting hard CC(it's pretty damn similar to a stun in function) in the game. He's just an overall helpful support during ganks (both peeling and securing) while as a jungler his passive removes the element of surprise. (If you ask me, his passive should instead affect enemies who are revealing him from any source of vision.)


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Fiddles is a CC bot like Blitz/Leona. (Although only Blitz is literally a bot olololol) That shit doesn't scale so why not? Terrify is the best CC in the game and he gets a silence on top of that. He turns every lane into a kill lane at 6 and he's safer late-game because his CC is ranged. Unlike other supports, he's also very adept at helping with objectives. Synre admits defeat that maybe Soraka isn't the only viable support champion in the game.

When did Galio become a support again? ;[ At least he doesn't need farm to be tanky enough to ult people since it comes with built-in DR.
Malzahar is fun. Played a game with him and went about 11/7/12 in a loss. His combo is nice. His E is one of the best skills in the game.
I've played like 10 fizz games since he's free this week and Fizz is, I mean he's balanced but a well played fizz is just ridiculous. In I think my third game with him I got 26 kills, the most I've ever gotten in like 1600+ games played. Fizz's greatest strength is probably just how much people underestimate him.

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